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DV-8's Smite Tier List

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Forum » General Discussion » DV-8's Smite Tier List 90 posts - page 1 of 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » March 26, 2018 8:41pm | Report
Hi, and welcome to my Smite Tier List for Ranked Conquest. I made this out of boredom just for fun, but I welcome opinions and feedback that anyone has to offer. Just realize that I am by no means a pro player, so I advise you to take this list with a grain of salt.

Thanks for stopping by!


SS - Broken, overpowered, thrive in any team composition.

S+ - Strong meta picks.

S - Popular meta picks. May be banned on occasion.

A - Balanced. No overpowered strengths or glaring weaknesses.

B - Less strong. Individual talent may still allow the god to thrive.

C - Weak. Only viable in the hands of masters.

D - Not viable under any circumstances.






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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 27, 2018 2:04am | Report
This is just a list that I'm doodling down while at work and it is just out of how I feel if someone picks the god in ranked

Marki's tier list

Feel free to ask me to elaborate on my scores :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » March 27, 2018 5:36am | Report
Hmm. You have far more ranked experience than I do, but I'd put Thor a bit higher due to his global ult.

I wouldn't put Odin in s (still salty about 4.17).

Also isn't Athena a/s due to her global ult and the larger map?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » March 27, 2018 11:24am | Report
@Marki: It appears we generally agree on most things, with no glaring differences in opinion. There are a few small differences here and there, but that's to be expected with so many gods.

Nice list, btw.

boogiebass wrote:

Hmm. You have far more ranked experience than I do, but I'd put Thor a bit higher due to his global ult.

I wouldn't put Odin in s (still salty about 4.17).

Also isn't Athena a/s due to her global ult and the larger map?

Thor: For whatever reason, Thor isn't holding up in this meta as well as he has in past ones. While his ult will always make him relevant and give him nice gank potential, the fact of the matter is that he is being outperformed by other stronger Assassins right now. Additionally, he currently has the third lowest win rate of all the gods in ranked play.

Odin: He actually makes a strong case for S Tier in my opinion, but at the end of the day, I decided to place him in A, as I think he is rather balanced right now. He performs well in Bronze-Platinum ranks, but falls off a bit at Diamond and beyond. His ult is very nice against certain comps, and can influence opponents to waste a relic slot on building Phantom Veil.

Athena: I think A or S is a good spot for her. I feel she is S personally.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » March 27, 2018 11:55am | Report
Zhong Kui, Hel are not S tier, more like B tier, though maybe Zhong is A tier. Kukulkan is B tier not A. Fenrir is A tier not B. Osiris and Wukong in B tier? What? (I think you meant A tier, unless you are referring to midgardian mail buff as to which... why would you place Erlang above Osiris), also Thor and Vamana should be A tier.Im not sure Cu Chullain is still S+ since the nerf, more like S. I would put Da Ji in S+.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 27, 2018 12:45pm | Report
That list DOES look pretty nice =)

I think the buffs to Witchblade and Midgardian Mail make a lot of warriors more viable in solo, whether or not they have to counter more than 1 basic attacker.

I have no direct experience right now on Osiris, but would also expect he'd be at least A...probably Tyr too.

Isn't Thanatos pretty strong right now?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » March 27, 2018 1:05pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Zhong Kui, Hel are not S tier, more like B tier, though maybe Zhong is A tier. Kukulkan is B tier not A. Fenrir is A tier not B. Osiris and Wukong in B tier? What? (I think you meant A tier, unless you are referring to midgardian mail buff as to which... why would you place Erlang above Osiris), also Thor and Vamana should be A tier.Im not sure Cu Chullain is still S+ since the nerf, more like S. I would put Da Ji in S+.

These are all fair points. I kind of wanted to just get all the gods up there to get this list started so I may have rushed a little. I'll address these, though.

Zhong Kui: I think A tier is fair. I put him in S because I personally think that he is performing quite well right now, especially in higher levels of play. He may be a bit underrated due to other more popular mage picks being prevalent.

Hel: I wouldn't completely agree that she is B, and upon reconsidering, I think A would be a better place for her on this list.

Kukulkan: I feel he is fairly balanced. Although, I agree that B is probably more suitable.

Fenrir: I slipped up on this one. I definitely agree that he should be A Tier.

Osiris and Erlang Shen: I really think this Midgardian Mail buff will hurt these two. Of course, this is just my speculation, and hasn't been played out yet. I can agree that moving Osiris down to B was perhaps too drastic, so I will move him back to A. Erlang I feel may drop down to B though.

Sun Wukong: I don't feel he is all that impactful, but his buff could influence this. For now, I like him in B.

Thor and Vamana: I can see where you would think this, but I currently like them at B. Would you care to elaborate on your thoughts?

Cu Chulainn: I don't feel his nerf was all that significant, but I am going to wait to see how it plays out. I don't think moving him back to regular S Tier would be a stretch though. Like I said, I want to wait and see before I commit to moving him.

Da Ji: I was strongly considering putting her in S+. I wouldn't be opposed to this now that you have mentioned it.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

That list DOES look pretty nice =)

I think the buffs to Witchblade and Midgardian Mail make a lot of warriors more viable in solo, whether or not they have to counter more than 1 basic attacker.

I have no direct experience right now on Osiris, but would also expect he'd be at least A...probably Tyr too.

Isn't Thanatos pretty strong right now?

Thanks :)

Osiris: As I mentioned to Kriega1, I agree I may have placed him too low. I will move him up to A.

Tyr: I feel that he is strong in the right hands, but currently I like him in B Tier, although I will see how this plays out with the new patch.

Thanatos: I feel that he is balanced, but not necessarily a power-house pick. Especially compared to other options.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 27, 2018 1:53pm | Report
Actually, mind chatting more on Osiris (and similar gods), and nerfs/buffs to specific items?

So in my statement above, I said I expected the Witchblade and Midgardian Mail buffs to make warriors more viable in solo...actually, I should have said tanky gods in general, which would include Guardians like Ymir, Sobek, etc. Those two items add a ton of health combined, and now they stack attack speed slows, which is big.

At a not so distant past, Osiris was top tier. This was earlier in S4 when Death's Toll was still strong for cleave basics, and Gladiator's Shield had better stats, if I'm not mistaken.

These days, he's either got to go Hunter's Blessing or Warrior's Blessing, and I'd expect Warrior's is the better choice, though I honestly don't know as I haven't played him. Glad Shield might still be okay, but the nerf, combined with lesser healing potential from the blessing, make his sustain in lane a lot weaker, with overall less clear potential.

On top of that, the Witch/Midgard buffs could definitely hurt his damage output. I'd say his damage output wasn't the biggest part of his was more the control he could provide with some nice damage mitigation, and being able to just stick to his enemies. Midgardian, though, really cuts into both his damage potential and his speed in sticking, if he's focusing a god building it...which is important for early laning, but less so late-game.

I'm more curious though...Midgard and Witchblade, to me, are later-game counter items...I never pick them up early. With these buffs, think they might be grabbed earlier? Early enough to the extent that they would screw with his laning phase?

In any case, putting all this together, and...okay, now I start thinking that he struggles, and might be better in B...but you, Duo, Kriega and others might have better opinions.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 27, 2018 1:58pm | Report
@boogiebass and DV-8 (Thor, Odin and Athena points)

ZK: A or S he just does really well with the tanky builds going on atm.

Hel: definitely A I could see her being S as well. As long as she survives the enemy assassin diving her she basically wins the fight after that.

KKK: B/A is fine

Fenrir: I feel he suffers the same way as Thor, but less than Thor so I can deal with him being A. But I feel he should be B.

Osiris: Agree with him being A, do not think Midgardian will make him B.

Erlang: Should be A I feel just for the pure pressure he gives as support, he is also totally fine in solo

Tyr: I feel he is just solid A. I would not be sad to see him in my game. But he does not make me hyped :P

But now back to SPL
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 27, 2018 2:07pm | Report
Looking forward to try Midgardian Mail and Frostbound Hammer build xD

IGN: Marki

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