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I am now blocking all non-respectable players

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Forum » General Discussion » I am now blocking all non-respectable players 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 30, 2014 8:24pm | Report
My Rant

Maybe some of you are in the same boat as me, normally in video games I never block anyone, usually I will let them curse their brains out and say what ever they want to say.

Today I just got sick of hearing peoples **** online and having to deal with groups of people whispering me when I'm playing a match as if I am suppose to talk to 3 people at once, accept what they are saying and enjoy it, all it does is piss me off because I have to reply to them while I am in game.

So now I am just doing what has always been told to do, just block everyone who is non-respectable as a player. This means if I hear anyone on my team or the other team start talking **** I am blocking them right away. Its gotten that annoying to me, I've put up with it for a while but I think now I can't deal with these players. I'm not going to quit but I am blocking all of these people now.

This is why I am officially annoyed at these players.

Earlier I was playing conquest, now imagine I am come home from working in the heat for hours and I am trying to relax and play smite. I go into a normal conquest because I don't feel like being a try hard today.

So I have this guy on my team, who does not even know how to ward, has no wards and keeps tower diving and pushing their towers and dying because of it. After he dies he keeps talking **** to me saying "You don't know how to follow up" and "You suck blah blah Noob".

I don't get these players that push so far with no wards and expect the outcome to be good when they die or get ganked since they have no vision, so their only excuse is to blame in on the ADC for not following up for their death that would still happen either way, basically these are the players that are mad that your alive while they are dead.

Now if this wasn't bad enough, the guy then starts talking more **** about me sucking to where it was starting to irate me and get on my nerves. I asked the guy to 1v1 Joust if he thinks I really suck that bad, he thinks I'm bluffing so he accepts and thinks hes going to merk me.

*1v1 Joust against the random **** talker*

So he bans Anhur because I was playing Anhur the last game, thus he wanted to be a D-Bag and ban a god he though I was going to play him with. So he chooses Ne Zha, and its quite obvious why. He chooses Ne Zha because Ne Zha has a very cheap ultimate which basically 1 shots all mages, hunters, ect. (Most of them) I choose Agni just because its Agni.

So, we are playing 1v1 Joust and hes pushing me early game since I didn't hit level 5 yet.
After he realizes that I am not a idiot and going to let him kill me easily he types "*****" to me. At this point I am ignoring everything and thinking to myself "Keep talking **** so I can win this match and talk **** back".

So, I buy Beads/Aegis to make his Ult useless and he is clearly butthurt about it which is why he keeps whispering and typing to me "*****" because he can't accept that I am not dumb.

The entire match I even fought him over and over and he ran on low HP because he kept getting away with blink or wasting his ult to escape me. He did this at least 8 times literally. I took his tower, then he started to camp his phoenix making it impossible for me to kill him, so I played his own game and went back to the middle of the joust map forcing him to fight me or else I would not even come to him.

He soon found out that I kept almost killing him until I finally killed him, basically I went 5-0 against him even though all he did all match was call me a "*****" and camp behind his titan/phoenix making it near impossible to kill him or the tower even though I still did both.

This is why I am blocking non-respectable players now

After the match is done, he calls me a try hard (as if he wasn't trying hard when he clearly was) and then I just ignore him after that because I figured I shouldn't talk to someone who talks **** then loses.

So I join another conquest match and OMFG what happens next is annoying as ****. I am just trying to play a game of Smite and I get stuck in a room with this D-Bag on the other team. Oh no!!! It gets worst!!! Then 2 of his team mates message me and say "Noob" "You ****ing suck" "Your a tryhard scrub", basically they are all talking **** along with this guy still.

So now I am playing a match with 3 people talking **** and my team is feeding and I have to hear these kids talk more **** because of my team doing bad. I didn't even feed and the funny part is the other guys talking ****, 1 of them wasn't even doing good and still was talking ****. So I lose the match because my team fed too much but I didn't do bad at all.

Yea this done it for me, Having to put up with 3 D-Bags talking trash for no reason and thinking they are good because they are facing a team that is feeding and I am the only one not feeding. I'm trying to play a game of Smite and I have to deal with little idiots who can't play the game without crying over everything and talking **** 24/7 once they have some sort of unfair advantage.

* My new way of playing smite is this - If I run across anyone on this game who is not respectable as a player they are getting blocked, I don't want to hear anyone from my team or the others who are blaming for their own mistake, cursing at their own team, whispering me for spam, act as if they are better than everyone else, ect.

I am only allowing people with respect and actual competitive players or casual players to not get blocked. Real competitive players don't act that way, no competitive team talks **** to their own team mates unless they are stupid as hell.

So yea, I have joined the block club, I suggest you all do the same before you end up like me, insane!!!

In a nutshell I am blocking now because I am tired of random ruining my game by being ****ing random and talking about random ****. I came here to play smite not to hear you ***** and complain about your failure *** mistakes on smite.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 30, 2014 9:46pm | Report
Been doing this kinda thing for a while. I get where you're coming from. I never mute them in game but if they annoyed me I end up blocking them after the match.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 30, 2014 10:26pm | Report
Nothing new for Smite, unfortunately.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 31, 2014 12:15am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Nothing new for Smite, unfortunately.
If you get a new ******* in normal matches imagine what kind of *** you will have in league.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » August 31, 2014 12:25am | Report
This is one of the downsides for new players in the 3rd person perspective moba. They can play any moba except this one. They get to focused on what's in front of them because of tunnel vision. Unlike birds eye view they can easily see what's around them. But they don't think "Oh I can't see behind myself. Better be careful!"

They're just stupid dota2/LoL/Hon players.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 31, 2014 12:32am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

This is one of the downsides for new players in the 3rd person perspective moba. They can play any moba except this one. They get to focused on what's in front of them because of tunnel vision. Unlike birds eye view they can easily see what's around them. But they don't think "Oh I can't see behind myself. Better be careful!"

They're just stupid dota2/LoL/Hon players.

^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^ ^This^

Any of my friends who have played LoL for a while and then try smite are generally pretty stupid and push and seem to have little foresight. If they aren't in front of you then that ***** might just be behind you and many people don't ****in realize that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 31, 2014 1:54am | Report
ICEN wrote:

If you get a new ******* in normal matches imagine what kind of *** you will have in league.

Well what I understand is that in league this happens a lot less. But here I have seen you can suspect 9out of 10 matches to get on one of the teams report this player. Why? because that player is a noob ("trolling").

I still refuse to join the mute club etc. I don't bother me with whisper players when I'm in game unless friends or clan chat. but still only when I'm dead or not in battle moment I'm in lane I'm "gone")
Also I don't see this players much myself.

But now I mostly play smite with friends (It gets me boring really fast with these players).
For solo queue I'm more tempted to play dawngate. be toxic there and it's sort of punishing for the toxic player. (the reward you get is from t1-t5 t5 being impossible to get almost and holding denstiny a spiritstone and a shaper/passive spiritstone (and maybe more). But to get to tier 5 you need to have a high roll (this is random so not based on performance you can have gone 22-2-30 and still get a roll of only 100) around 550. have won the game. first win of the day bonus helps a lot (otherwise your roll needs to be 750 and that's not possible I think) and then you have the karma part. if you have been toxic you won't get a lot of karma losing the t5. and if you have been nice you will get karma from most players (some players don't give it idk why)).

now don't think it's like the LoL helpful, teamwork etc stuff no the karma screen is a screen that up before the reward screen comes and can't be skipped (it's up for a certain amount of seconds 20 I believe). so karma is normally hand out.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 31, 2014 2:45am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

They're just stupid dota2/LoL/Hon players.

Shots fired.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 31, 2014 4:40am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Nothing new for online competitive games, unfortunately.

You made me smile thanks :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » August 31, 2014 8:12am | Report
*******s will be *******s, and really the only thing is to ignore them, but yeah there will always be people like that, i've dealt with them for sure. Just think "Hey im better than them" and when you kill their stupid faces just smile.


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