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In Need of Some Help.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 3, 2018 4:48pm | Report
So I recently got back from a two year break of playing Smite, since I played a ton in my early days, when I logged back on I was a relatively high level after the level update. Unfortunately, this means that I have to play with other people who are high leveled, and most of them have not just gotten back from not playing for two years.

I have been having a lot of fun queuing with a party full of my friends and playing solely to have fun rather than to win. However, I still want to win and would love to solo queue a lot like I used to.
I've just been having a very hard time getting back into my groove and playing as well as I used to. I mainly play conquest and know how to play every role, however I despise ADC, and I would rather never have to play ADC in my entire life.

If you're looking to help me out with this, feel free to treat my like a beginner, just any helpful tips or gods that you love to play and/or think are easy enough to learn the game with. Before you start linking me to the overarching conquest guide, I already know the meta and have read over the guide a few times.
Right now I'm taking an interest in the solo lane, support, or jungle, and would love some tips and tricks on these roles and the best way to (re)learn them.

Sorry for the essay and how many times I repeated myself.

tl;dr I haven't played in two years; having trouble getting my skills back; mainly play conquest; looking for help specifically with solo, supp, or jung.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 3, 2018 5:23pm | Report
so hey you should check out that overarching Conquest guide. XD

But in all seriousness I would love your feedback as a generally experienced player. if you don't mind let me know what information was helpful and what feels like it's missing. As for tips you know how to play the game so I'm wondering if maybe your biggest issue is familiarity with all the gods along with maybe build stuff.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 3, 2018 5:30pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

so hey you should check out that overarching Conquest guide. XD

But in all seriousness I would love your feedback as a generally experienced player. if you don't mind let me know what information was helpful and what feels like it's missing. As for tips you know how to play the game so I'm wondering if maybe your biggest issue is familiarity with all the gods along with maybe build stuff.

The guide helped me learn the map and new meta quite well. It's just that I entered season 5 with knowledge on how to win in season 2 and 3, which is mostly inapplicable to this season. Playing jungle has become a lot different than I used to know, since the giant map makes most assassins obsolete, as well as the (good) item pool for assassins being relatively small. I've also noticed that mages are seemingly broken (from my experience) as of right now, even the low tier mages are still outputting huge damage, more than they did in the previous seasons I played in.

I keep resorting to my old knowledge rather than learning the new stuff, old habits die hard?

I mainly just need assistance on the gods, I guess.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 3, 2018 5:47pm | Report
Give me an example of a specific Habit in a specific situation. I'm really curious.

Regarding assassins, they're actually considered very strong right now. They usually have good Mobility, and there are some key items that are helping early game, like heartseeker and the crusher.

In some cases they're even being used as supports where they just go off into the jungle more quickly than the traditional support.

Mages are definitely very strong right now, as they have better protections and a variety of ways they can build. ADC are considered somewhat weak right now but I'm sure you're happy about that LOL.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 3, 2018 5:56pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Give me an example of a specific Habit in a specific situation. I'm really curious.

Hmmm, It's kinda hard to name an example off the top of my head, but if you were to watch me play you would probably notice. My playstyle is different from everyone else I play with and its pretty visible. In terms of actual habits, I'll try to pay attention to how I play and see if I can get back to you on specific things.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

Regarding assassins, they're actually considered very strong right now. They usually have good Mobility, and there are some key items that are helping early game, like heartseeker and the crusher.

I'm probably just building wrong, then. Though I do get the crusher a lot.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » April 3, 2018 5:59pm | Report
Hey Wolfman dunno if you remember me much :). Can't say much about supp & solo other than it being pretty much intuitive aside from rotations & builds. Jungle though, the most popular beginning rotation is to start from speed w/ mid -> solo harpies -> solo blue -> mids/gank, then your red/invade red.

Getting a feel for the rotations will just come from playing a bit more. The big difference is that this season, you don't want to split waves (and camps to an extent) as much. Jungle farm spawns more frequently, and mids aren't all that important (back harpies give more). If there's a lot of jungle up, you probably shouldn't be looking to split waves.

Ever wanna hop in a game w/ me, I've been playing a bit of casual con lately. IGN - Regen!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 3, 2018 6:06pm | Report
Of course I remember you, green!

I may or may not already have you added.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » April 4, 2018 1:09am | Report
When you jungle now a days farming is a lot more important. And as Regen said you do most of your jungle camps solo at the moment (so junglers with good clear are good to play). You get help on the first speed buff and the red buff by your mid laner. From then on you should look go invade the enemy small harpy camp as often as possible (the one that is closest to the mid lane) and do your buffs on spawn (also try and invade red and speed if you got the timer and got vision around it).

AA gods in the jungle (and in general) are pretty meh right now with Midgardian Mail.
Your job as jungle now is to kill the mage, as you mentioned they are pretty OP at the moment.

Mages are strong now, and build Warlocks every game.

Support is a lot more focused on lane right now and getting pressure in lane. So that you can invade the enemy buffs red and purple. You want to try and invade red before the enemy mid/jungle gets there. So a support with good wave clear is good.

Physical ADCs are pretty bad at the moment, magic ADC is a lot better. Even when pressure is very important in duo lane. The pressure is mainly up to the Support.

In solo lane you want to look for somethimg with decent peal, supports are pretty decent in the solo lane. Pretty much the same as allways really, the main difference is probably that you normally get a ton more farm now (because you dont split waves with the jungle). So when you start turning up to fights you should be a beast.
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 4, 2018 4:43pm | Report

Mages are strong now, and build Warlocks every game.

I have a question about this in particular... does this mean that double stacking is considered "good" now? From my experience when I used to play, getting more than one stacking item was considered a bad idea, but for gods like Kukulkan who benefit a lot from getting Book of Thoth, would it be viable to build warlocks AND thoth?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 4, 2018 4:49pm | Report
Some have been building particular, Warlock's Staff (previously sash) is valued very highly for the added survivability...and with the nerf to Tahuti (specifically to make it less core for all mages) they buffed the power of most other items, including Staff. It's why the item is getting another nerf this upcoming patch (previously got a power drop a patch or two ago too).

But some just build Warlock's and don't get Book of Thoth also.

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