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Let's Make Patch Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:14am | Report
Jordenito wrote:


Maybe change her passive:

Old passive idea: Buff it for a max of 4 stacks?

New idea:Make it a swing chain of 1/.5/1.5 swing time and power, where as the last swing, the 1.5, fires a triple arrow, that the three arrows affect minions and only the middle arrow affects gods.

Maybe make enemies take more damage from her when they are trapped, or get their protections reduced. Regardless, if they don't buff her 1, I'd like to see the wards back. It just made her less vulnerable to ganks.


Reduce the range on the ******** ultimate or make the charge time longer.

Maybe reduce the ground target range of Made You Look, or make his special deliver apply to minions as well, like charge prey.

I like the buffed old passive, the new one sounds too weird, not to mention situation.

I like the idea of more punishing traps. The buff to her crit chance also prompts the purchase of Golden Bow, which also sounds cool.

Honestly, I kind of liked the removal of wards on her traps, as now your supports don't expect you to ward for them. But they did provide a layer of protection, I suppose.

As for the Merc change, I think a reduction in radius and overall maximum distance of Made You Look is needed. It is completely ridiculous, a melee god hitting you outside the range of your basic attacks.

As for Special Delivery, its already counterable and very easily punishable, IMO. It seems fine, relatively speaking.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:15am | Report
M4XiiMUS wrote:

What if we made arachne's trap cripple at max rank? Increasing her late game, utility wise.

Oh god no, I remember when Arachne's web used to cripple. Even if it is only at level 19, NO NO NO NO NO OH GODS NO!

A 50% slow and a cripple on a 30-foot radius is way too powerful. If anything, Arachne needs a nerf.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » January 29, 2014 7:17am | Report
We need to reduce the width Arachne's Cocoon. Remember the old days, where it actually hard to land the snipe pulls, and they were ****ing satisfying? i miss them. I liked the new 'through walls' pull, but the width is ridicoules. It's like a Searing Pain only easier to hit and when you actually hit an enemy that is not Ymir it's a 100% guaranteed kill.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:20am | Report
Ghraf: Honestly, I think Xbal's ult is fine as is. The blind is certainly NOT a joke, while difficult to use, I have used it to great effect many times.

Alright, it may not be insanly strong, but it completely destroys other gods with skillshots, like Anubis, other hunters, Thanatos, Loki, etc etc. I think Xbal is the best balanced of all hunters, actually, and I see no reason to change him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » January 29, 2014 7:20am | Report
Athena No more damage on her ultimate, increase the dmg reduction to 60-70% and after she succesful teleported to her target, she gain 20% cooldown reduction for 10 secounds.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:22am | Report
Jordenito wrote:

We need to reduce the width Arachne's Cocoon. Remember the old days, where it actually hard to land the snipe pulls, and they were ****ing satisfying? i miss them. I liked the new 'through walls' pull, but the width is ridicoules. It's like a Searing Pain only easier to hit and when you actually hit an enemy that is not Ymir it's a 100% guaranteed kill.

Er, I'm not sure if this is a good change. The problem isn't if she can hit with it or if you can juke it; skill floors don't really matter. The problem is what happens after you get hit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:23am | Report
Setolino wrote:

Athena No more damage on her ultimate, increase the dmg reduction to 60-70% and after she succesful teleported to her target, she gain 20% cooldown reduction for 10 secounds.

Nope nope nope! Oh my god, no!

60-70% damage reduction for 4.2 seconds is ****ing terrifying. 1200 damage from Ao's ult becomes 360 damage. No, just no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » January 29, 2014 7:25am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Nope nope nope! Oh my god, no!

60-70% damage reduction for 4.2 seconds is ****ing terrifying. 1200 damage from Ao's ult becomes 360 damage. No, just no.

I would like if they changed that like this thehehe.
"Wololol" -Age of Empires


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » January 29, 2014 7:25am | Report
posedion Tidal Surge reowrk.

Poseidon sends a wave in front of him, doing damage and knocking up enemies.
The wave starts at 50% damage and increases its width, damage and speed as it travels forwards, up to 2x (damage, width & speed).

Let's make it actually possible to hit enemies with the wave when they are not in front of your face.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 7:35am | Report
Number Crunching and Stats!

Lists of Goals, etc

This time, it is Artemis.

This concerns the early game, so her traps will be at rank 1.

The first idea is increasing damage dealt to the trapped target. I am fine with this, actually. It makes her traps a real risk to step on. I suggest a 20% damage increase, to mirror Shifting Sands. Suppress The Insolent would have 392 base and 60% contributions.

The second idea is increasing the trap's radius of effect. I'm also fine with this, as they are too easy to avoid - they are in no way traps. (Ghraf, this should give the desired effect making making traps consequential. I don't agree with your idea of making targets CC'd for longer because her ult combo already holds them in place for about 4 seconds, any more would be a bit too much.)

The third idea is to make her traps ward again, providing another layer of protection for her laning phase and some utility. A good idea all around.

The last has Suppress The Insolent have an automatic damage radius around the trapped enemy, while preventing double hits.

These four ideas are focused around general survivability involving transgressors fate. Which of these changes would be best? All? Some? One?


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