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Let's Make Patch Notes - Eye of Providence/Hand of the Gods

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 5, 2014 11:07am | Report
Sunfall, did you not see the idea of making it a new passive for Watcher's Gift which will make wards cheaper and remove Eye of Providence? It seems like a good solution in my eyes.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 5, 2014 11:36am | Report
@Setolino: I forgot to put that you can't buy multiple gold items. And does this mean you think it's a good idea?

@Sunfall: ;_;

I edited the description to fix the errata.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 5, 2014 12:12pm | Report
Ye, i would buy Mark of Vanguard, because... it would be actually useful again. With Ymir i would buy Watchers Gift so i can buy Blink and still ward.
"Wololol" -Age of Empires


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 5, 2014 3:30pm | Report
We seem to have come to an agreement about Watcher's Gift, Mark of the Vanguard, and Eye of Providence. The only remaining issues are about Hand of the Gods.

Everyone seems to agree about making it single-target, but two questions remain: How much damage should it deal, and how often? Should it be able to nearly kill the big minions in each camp? Maybe a cooldown of 30-45 seconds? (Maybe have rank 2 be 30 seconds, and rank 1 be 45?)

Why it needs to be single target: With an area effect, HoG will ALWAYS have the problem of being the best pushing active. How many times have you seem a support leash the minion wave into a group before instantly killing them all? A long as it is a pushing active, supports will always need it and so will solo laners, but not only for the sake of getting jungle camps.

Jungle camps become less important as even supports begin to take them out quickly. The problem is that pushing is simply way too effective, and because a push active exists, people will get it. Ergo, remove the pushing part.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 5, 2014 3:44pm | Report
It shouldnt be more than 500 dmg... still otherwise it would kill the Titans to fast. Ok if you make it impossible to use it against Titan it would be great.
"Wololol" -Age of Empires


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 5, 2014 3:54pm | Report
540 damage, cannot be used on Titans. Sound good?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 6, 2014 4:09am | Report

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 6, 2014 4:35am | Report
I'd like to offer a draft of a letter to HiRezKelly, since we all seem to have come to an agreement.

To HiRezKelly,

Hi. I'd like to offer the results of a debate concerning Mark of the Vanguard, the forced Active problem on Supports, Watcher's Gift, and Eye of Providence. This was part of an discussion where we tried to think up our own set of patch notes.

What We Changed: Eye of Providence has been removed from the game. Mark of the Vanguard now has the shared last-hit passive of Watcher's Gift. Watcher's Gift now grants a free ward every time you return to base, max one ward. You can't have more than one gold-gain item at one time.

Why We Changed It: Eye of Providence' existence had the noticeable problem of forcing supports to fill both their active slots at level 1. It also encouraged lower-leveled players to rely purely on the support for warding, causing a great deal of frustration all around. Meanwhile, Mark of the Vanguard was practically useless in a meta where supports needed Midas Boots as fast as possible, offering only marginal benefits in return. With this change, we hoped to allow supports a greater deal of freedom while balancing the two support starter items.

Why We Changed It That Way: We decided to simply revoke Eye for the sake of greater active choice on supports. The change to Watcher's and Mark were to increase the viability of Mark while still giving a role to Watcher's.

Potential Hiccups: Watcher's Gift's effect has the problem of being useful all game, and falling off minimally compared to Mark of the Vanguard, but I feel that this is still preferable to the forced Eye of Providence on all supports.

We hope that you will consider these changes. Thank you.

- Subzero008 of Smitefire, and Smitefire's Community


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 6, 2014 4:51am | Report
Approved by me. I like it a lot. Really sums up what we've accomplished here.

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