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New mid hero.

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Forum » General Discussion » New mid hero. 87 posts - page 1 of 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by runza3 » October 8, 2014 2:52pm | Report
So, lately I have been playing vamana mid.Thoughts/ comments/question /insults?ALSO:Bring back anhur mid.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 8, 2014 3:06pm | Report
I knew you was a failure once you said hero.
Anhur mid never died.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by runza3 » October 8, 2014 3:30pm | Report
whats wrong with hero? he is a hero among the gods as a mid(as in it woudnt make sense to say he is a god... evryone knows he is a god.... he is GOD among mids) sorry english is main language and i suck


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » October 9, 2014 1:46am | Report
ICEN wrote:

I knew you was a failure once you said hero.
Anhur mid never died.

Failure is a bit harsh.

The fact that he supposedly has more experience in DotA already shows better taste than his in Smite.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » October 9, 2014 3:19am | Report
Than can do mid, Psiyo did it a fair amount when he played mid.

As long as you hit your 1 you win, but it is very hard to pull of in high lvl play.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 9, 2014 5:38am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

Failure is a bit harsh.

The fact that he supposedly has more experience in DotA already shows better taste than his in Smite.
Ewww other Moba's are quite scrub in compared to Smite...

I haven't played Dota much but league is just plain scrub XD

I literally just uninstalled it last night, I haven't been on smite in like 2 weeks because someone has my computer and is borrowing it so I was trying to play other Mobas.... but they are all failures compared to Smite.

Seriously... the only reason League probably even has so many people is a very simple reason, it should not even take a genius to figure it out, most ****py computers even the ****tiest ones can run league, that means more people can play it then Smite, also don't forget people grew up with those look down games before 3rd person, still though the fact that league can run on almost any computer is why it has so many downloads.

The SAME is true for team fortress 2, obvious that game is not the "BEST" yet it has so many people playing it people are forced to call it the best. TF2 can also be played on most **** computers, thats why so many people play it because they CAN play it.

When you CAN'T play something aka Smite then you don't have as much people on it. Smite can't be run on almost any **** computer like League or TF2 can.

I literally am not even bias, I tried my best to like League, I guess everyone has their own opinion but if your one of those people with a horrible computer your opinion doesn't matter when you can only play league or TF2 and not Smite.

League is not even fun..... Like literally I had no fun at all even when playing with people.

Here is why :

#1 - Basic attacks hit with 100% Accuracy and can never miss, what is fun about that? If both players are clicking on each other the person with more range automatically wins in a basic attack fight without using abilities. You cannot counter it. You cannot dodge the attacks, you are forced to get hit, even if you run or dodge once the attack is fire it follows you, just like towers in smite that hit you with 100% accuracy once you come in range of the tower.

The difference is this, tell me which is better. In smite if you are facing a 1v3, you can literally fight a 1v3, you can literally dodge the basic attacks no matter how close they are, you always have a chance of out boxing someone because THEY have to actually hit you and not rely on 100% click accuracy that gives you no skill basic attacks.

In League you cannot 1v3 basic attack box someone, its impossible, if 3 people are clicking on you they hit you with 100% accurcy once you come in range and you can't do anything about it.

#2 Camera unlock takes more skill then the actual game, what takes more skill, me trying to use Shen's shield or his abilities, or me trying to move my stupid camera around everywhere trying to get the perfect angle and if I don't like the angle I have to hurry up and move the camera the click around all to move one single Champion.... Like I said, the camera takes more skill to use then the actual abilities in the game.

What is faster, simply moving backwards, or in league you can't move backwards UNTIL you move the camera then click once you have room to click there. If you don't move your camera you can't move that way if you have no where to click. 1 step always beats 2 steps.

#3 - The graphics get obliterated, nobody can deny this, I know graphics are not everything but I am just saying everything I can think of, comparing smite to league is like comparing a ps1 game to a ps3 game. League just looks worst, its not even modern in terms of graphics, this goes back to letting more people play it because of how derp it looks.

If I had to choose ONE reason why League is dumb it is the 100% accuracy no skill click basic attacks. Nobody can argue saying clicking on someone to do a 100% hit basic attack takes skill. If anyone dares to tell me Smite's basic attacks take less skill then League that is a joke and lie.

There is a difference between opinions and facts, its my opinion that league is a horrible game compared to smite, but its a fact that league takes no skill in terms of basic attack fights, the person who has more range and clicks on you wins once you come in range. In Smite I can have 5v1 and if the other team can't land ONE attack at all I can actually win if they are that bad, in League 5v1 you will get pwned because any noob who sucks bawls at League can click on you and let the game auto attack for them with 100% hit rate.

Camera takes more skill then the actual game.

Anyone who can play with camera unlock will most likely **** on someone who doesn't. BTW I can play with camera unlock, I still find it annoying and stupid, and I find it dumb that if I am Shen and someone has a ranged Champion they can always hit me with 100% accuracy as long as they click on me and I get in range.

That is the def of no skill.

Hell someone can say they like league, I am fine with that, just don't tell me that the auto attack takes skill or clicking on someone takes more skill then Smite where you have to do all the landing of your basics.

Camera takes more skill then the actual abilities in League.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 9, 2014 5:38am | Report
BTW I was joking when I said failure..... I ment failure for saying Hero...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » October 9, 2014 6:52am | Report
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Smite, as a basically FPS (TPS? Is that actually a phrase?) requires aiming and juking more, but League of Legends absolutely and unarguably has more strategic and mechanical skill to it.

In the end, they're two vastly different mobas, and I enjoy them both equally. I don't know why each individual MOBA has their fanbase feel the necessity to smack talk other mobas. It's weird to me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » October 9, 2014 7:37am | Report
I would argue that LoL requires less mechanical skill than Smite every day of the week and maybe twice on Sunday.

I'm far from a experienced LoL player. But give me time to learn the champs (by reading) and I'll do a million times better than my brother does on Smite :p

LoL is miles ahead of Smite when it comes to content. So there is a insane amount of stuff you have to learn before you can play the game well. But most of it you can do on you phone :p

You need way more playtime to get good in Smite than in LoL, that's my experience at least. Ofc you need more "study" time to get good at LoL. Smite you can pretty much just jump right into :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » October 9, 2014 7:46am | Report
Nah LoL absolutely has more mechanical skill because it's much more fidgetty on positioning and exact aiming than smite. Everything is so nitpicky and specific. I wish I could describe what I think in better words but I'm drawing a blank.

I think your 2nd point is a slightly different topic but I wouldn't disagree with that. But I wouldn't say you need more playtime to get good in smite than LoL, because it honestly comes straight down to how well you can juke or aim a lot of the time.

Nonetheless this is soooo off-topic just because someone said "hero" instead of "god" xD

On-Topic, vamana I've heard about being a countermid, but if he falls behind somehow, he can easily be harassed and abused out of lane every time he returns by a punishing mage like Isis or Scylla or Agni. So it's dangerous, but if vamana is the one that snowballs, he has a slow and a really really fast dash, as well as a cone-area nuke, to make the mage's life a living hell. So you're risking a ton because it's all or nothing, but it can work.


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