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New "meta" builds for physical Solo laners?

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Forum » General Discussion » New "meta" builds for physical Solo laners? 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 10, 2019 9:00am | Report
So, I guess you guys already know that I look up for Deathwalker (PK's Solo laner in the SPL) when it comes to builds and strategies for Solo. Very well, this week he started streaming again after he moved to the US, and someone asked him about builds for physical Solo laners, and this was his resposnse: Twitch Clip

I couldn't get his whole train of thought in the clip due to time limitations, but you get the main idea. You can also watch the VOD if you really want to.

For those who can't watch for any reason, DW stated that THE build for physical Solo laners in this meta is:

Warrior's Blessing
Gladiator's Shield/ Berserker's Shield (Depends if ability or aa based)
Warrior Tabi
Blackthorn Hammer
Void Shield
Runic Shield/ Oni Hunter's Garb/ Genji's Guard/ Shogun's Kusari/ Bulwark of Hope (Any of these works)
Hide of the Urchin/ Mantle of Discord

Now, if we take a look at the Solo builds that are being used in the SPL, we'll see that, excluding counter items, the build structure is very similar or even the same that DW listed on his stream.

With this in mind, I want to open the discussion with you, my favorite theory crafters when it comes to Smite builds :p. Will we start to see more "cookie cutter" builds for physical Solo laners, like we do with Mages and Hunters?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 10, 2019 9:07am | Report
I want to know about Asi and Ichaival. When this items should be built? Transcendence, tabi, Asi is worth? Ichaival is better early (until 4th item) or later?

EDIT: I'm not talking about Solo I was asking on ADCs :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Supportable » April 10, 2019 9:58am | Report
Until we see a reduction in stats for the super strong meta items right now ( Gladiator's Shield and Blackthorn Hammer) or an increase in stats of alternatives, cookie cutter builds are going to be common. I'd rarely if ever get Ichaival or Asi on anyone, but Chaac could use Ichaival with his 3 and it would synergize


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » April 10, 2019 10:21am | Report
I think Chaac would do better with Witchblade than Ich.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 10, 2019 10:23am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I want to know about Asi and Ichaival. When this items should be built? Transcendence, tabi, Asi is worth? Ichaival is better early (until 4th item) or later?

Wait, Asi and Ichaival on physical Solo laners? I don't see it being used at all, honestly.

Well, maybe Ichaival by some AA Warriors or to counter those. It's a possibility.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 10, 2019 10:26am | Report
I'd say Deathwalker was being very general (had to be, unless he wanted to go incredibly in-depth with individual gods and specific matchups and team comps). Overall, that definitely is a solid cookie-cutter go-to for most physical solos. He didn't give exact direction for the Boots replacement, seems like he basically said "whatever else you need" in that last slot.

Obviously, if magical solo / more magical threat, you'd likely build magical D before Void Shield. He also didn't mention Pestilence, and that is still a functional item you can consider against a healing magical solo, and especially if the enemy comp contains multiple self/group healers.

If you look at his build direction, you'll note he's not following that exact pattern. Many times, he's skipped Blackthorn Hammer and rushed Void Shield. Sometimes he's gotten Hide of the Urchin significantly before his cookie-cutter build. He's added in Spirit Robe, Magi's Cloak, and Hastened Katana depending on god.

So I'd say it's a good direction, but like anything, you're better off if you can mold a build to the needs of the specific match / matchup / god.

Stuke has been offering cookie-cutter solo builds for forever. It's never one-size-fits-all, but you can generally have success with this itemization.

For very specific gods, more CDR is obviously a thing. For example, Guan, I think, doesn't fit into this build direction. He can make it work, but he'll struggle a lot more. While Blackthorn is definitely a core item, he also wants much more early CDR, so I'd think Breastplate of Valor would be prioritized over Void Shield, for example (also because he has protection shred in his 3). He also might not want Gladiator's Shield, because he has his own healing, and he won't be getting the Glad passive often enough to be that worthwhile.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 10, 2019 10:56am | Report
Vini_sds wrote:

Wait, Asi and Ichaival on physical Solo laners? I don't see it being used at all, honestly.

Well, maybe Ichaival by some AA Warriors or to counter those. It's a possibility.

Of course not, I'm talking on ADCs :p. Who da hell builds Asi on a solo laner? Erlang?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 10, 2019 1:10pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Obviously, if magical solo / more magical threat, you'd likely build magical D before Void Shield. He also didn't mention Pestilence, and that is still a functional item you can consider against a healing magical solo, and especially if the enemy comp contains multiple self/group healers.

Well, yes, I know that he meant that the example build is for a scenario with 3 physicals and 2 magicals, and I also said that this build din't took counter items into consideration.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

For very specific gods, more CDR is obviously a thing. For example, Guan, I think, doesn't fit into this build direction. He can make it work, but he'll struggle a lot more. While Blackthorn is definitely a core item, he also wants much more early CDR, so I'd think Breastplate of Valor would be prioritized over Void Shield, for example (also because he has protection shred in his 3). He also might not want Gladiator's Shield, because he has his own healing, and he won't be getting the Glad passive often enough to be that worthwhile.

Yes, he mentioned Guan when explaining about these items. He said that he needs more CDR somewhere else.

xmysterionz wrote:
Of course not, I'm talking on ADCs :p. Who da hell builds Asi on a solo laner? Erlang?

Goddammit, Myst. I'm talking about Solo and you start talking about ADC builds??


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 10, 2019 2:38pm | Report
Sorry :p, Nobody cares about Solo :v


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 10, 2019 2:41pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Sorry :p, Nobody cares about Solo :v

Well, nobody cares about Cupid either, but here we are :v


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