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Patch 5.5, "Time to Party" - Bran's Thoughts

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Forum » General Discussion » Patch 5.5, "Time to Party" - Bran's Thoughts 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 21, 2018 2:32pm | Report
Until SF gets patch notes up, the official ones are found here:

Item changes:
  • Malice (shift): passive has been tweaked. Now, on a successful crit, your abilities deal 35% more damage for the next 3 seconds. This is, to me, MUCH better than the previously adjusted passive. Seems more functional for ability-based hunters and assassins now.

    Midgardian Mail (buff): passive has been tweaked. Instead of providing a 30% chance to slow MS and AS by 30% for 2 seconds, it provides a guaranteed slow to MS and AS for 2 seconds, stacking twice to reach that same 30%. This, to me, is a buff, and a more compelling reason to pick up an already solid item that was just buffed in patch 5.2.

  • Witchblade (buff): health increased from 100 to 200. This is a solid buff, and a great combo item with Midgardian Mail.

  • Ichaival (buff): power per stack increased from 7 to 10. This is a revert from a previous nerf that dropped the power. It hasn't been picked up much lately, and this is probably a good buff.

  • Silverbranch Bow (shift): passive has been longer stacks attack speed slows on the enemy, but the attack speed buff has been increased, providing double the AS at double the total stacks. I can probably see this being used in a hunter's Transcendence build as a 3rd item in some unique situations, where your team is stomping. The increased attack speed can maybe help you burst down towers more quickly. I don't like the loss of the counter-effect to other basic attackers, but we'll see how this one works out (if people actually pick it up). Just seems weird though.

  • Asi (buff): increased attack speed from 20% to 25%. This is fine...they're probably trying to balance from the previous patch's pen nerf.

  • Spiked Gauntlet (buff): power increased from 0 to 5. This is just for hunters starting Devourer's Gauntlet builds, to provide them just a bit more damage at the start of their game.

God changes:
  • Aphrodite (buff): Undying Love can now be cast even if she is in the air from a knockup ability. Nice quality of life adjustment.

  • Chang'e: quality of life adjustment to Moonflower Dance to create a slightly longer persist time, so it truly hits everything in a full 360 degrees). This is nice.

  • Sobek (nerf): Charge Prey no longer makes him untargetable during his pluck. Now prone to getting hit.

  • Ao Kuang (nerf): Dragon Call gets a minor nerf to its power scaling in its ranged form. Not really enough to have a big effect in my opinion.

  • Da Ji (nerfs): Torture Blades and Horrible Burns get some reduced power scaling, since she's been on the very powerful side of things. This, combined with the nerf to Heartseeker in the previous patch, should help balance her current dominance.

  • Cu Chulainn (nerf): when he goes Berzerk, he no longer gains access to abilities he hasn't put a point into. This is intended to drop his very strong early game dominance, and is a very appropriate adjustment.

  • Discordia (nerf): Erratic Behavior gets a 2 second CD increase, which will drop her ability to continually burst with abilities a bit, and will make her more selective in when she chooses to use it for engage/escape. I think this is fair.

  • Eset (buffs): gets a movespeed buff to match most other mages. Dispel Magic, as a pure utility ability, gets a 2 second decreased CD, and her ult, Circle Of Protection, gets better early scaling for both damage and healing in case she needs to detonate early. Also got a slight increase to damage reduction at higher ranks while in the circle. These are all good adjustments without making anything OP.

  • Sun Wukong (buffs): slight damage increase at all ranks for The Magic Cudgel, with decreased mana costs as it ranks up. This is nice.

  • Vulcan (buffs): Backfire gets some increased damage at all ranks along with Inferno Cannon's marked targets. Inferno Cannon itself gets a slight scaling buff. These are fairly minor overall, and I think it's fair.

  • Erlang Shen (buffs): progression scaling on basic attack damage now matches attack speed scaling, which is nice. Spot Weakness increases CDR per basic from 0.75 to 1 second. Pin gets a bump to power scaling. All nice adjustments.

Yet another series of adjustments that I think are pretty solid overall.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 21, 2018 3:48pm | Report
Don't think Vulcan or Erlang needed buffs tbh.

But it's a fine patch I think. Da Ji needed a nerf :p
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » March 22, 2018 4:43pm | Report

Don't think Vulcan or Erlang needed buffs tbh.

But it's a fine patch I think. Da Ji needed a nerf :p

So marki, what's the goto crit item for be zha? DB or the new malice? Or both?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 23, 2018 12:43am | Report
Malice with CDR and pen I'd guess.

You could also go both and go AS and LS for fun.
IGN: Marki

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