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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » June 10, 2019 3:07am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Classic. Arena players tend to be "*******", "brainless" or "rambo". Each one more idiot than the other. They just aren't worse than Clash Players

by far the most aggravating ones for me are the '*******.' I don't know how many times I am with my team almost behind me, and as the tank picking spots to initiate(and way more often than not I am a pretty decent judge of when to engage) they either stay exactly where they are or move further back. Big surprise, I get zerged or if I am lucky can barely escape before that happens. The other awesome thing I love is when they are engaged with someone and I come up to help and then they automatically back off as soon as I jump in to help(and their health/mana were not low), same thing happens to me because my team was engaged with 2 or 3 but just decide to leave when their tank jumps in.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » June 10, 2019 3:17am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

I didn't do very well in this particular match (Bellona, sorry Shell), but I blame the Bacchus for going full damage with NO DEFENSE ITEMS! What's really stupid is that the enemy Bacchus did more damage going bruiser. I checked the stats on my teammate and their w/l isn't very good: was like 47.x% for this season while mine's ~ 54%. I think this is another one of those instances where the person had a good match using that particular build and decided that it was what they would build every match.

Doesn't look like your merlin did you any favors either that match but I would guess he pressed more than he needed because of the Bacchus. One of the things I hate about getting in a bad team/bad members is if they see you know what you are doing and are mounting at least a decent singular defense and get too annoying they will make your life miserable as much as possible that match as you frustratingly watch your team unable to take advantage of their whole team focusing on you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » June 10, 2019 6:19am | Report
silentshell wrote:

by far the most aggravating ones for me are the '*******.' I don't know how many times I am with my team almost behind me, and as the tank picking spots to initiate(and way more often than not I am a pretty decent judge of when to engage) they either stay exactly where they are or move further back. Big surprise, I get zerged or if I am lucky can barely escape before that happens. The other awesome thing I love is when they are engaged with someone and I come up to help and then they automatically back off as soon as I jump in to help(and their health/mana were not low), same thing happens to me because my team was engaged with 2 or 3 but just decide to leave when their tank jumps in.

Once I was playing LoL with a friend (who is diamond) and he said: "I don't know what people have in mind, this game is so ****ing easy, it's just jump on a guy and kill, there's nothing to be afraid of", while he was playing as Twitch(.tv). Since that day, I always listen to his voice in my mind when I play Smite, like in this match, it's just kill the enemy there's nothing to be afraid. I've faced a lot of matches this weekend that was extremely easy kill some people but my ***** team wants to retreat. You don't win a game retreating, you win a game fighting for objectives.

Of course some people starts "useless" fights but really, people for some reason has some kind of fear of the enemy or fights. Ironically teammates want to fight when they couldn't fight and want to retreat when they could fight


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » June 10, 2019 7:10am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Once I was playing LoL with a friend (who is diamond) and he said: "I know don't what people have in mind, this game is so ****ing easy, it's just jump on a guy and kill, there's nothing to be afraid of", while he was playing as Twitch(.tv). Since that day, I always listen to his voice in my mind when I play Smite, like in this match, it's just kill the enemy there's nothing to be afraid. I've faced a lot of matches this weekend that was extremely easy kill some people but my ***** team wants to retreat. You don't win a game retreating, you win a game fighting for objectives.

Of course some people starts "useless" fights but really, people for some reason has some kind of fear of the enemy or fights. Ironically teammates want to fight when they couldn't fight and want to retreat when they could fight

I know exactly what you mean, and like I was saying I really get upset about it when I am on guardians/warriors. Part of my job is to initiate so that we can make pushes in that situation and to see my party right behind there and it's like they are just sitting there with a bag of popcorn watching me die, when they could have helped's especially maddening when you burn an ult and they don't do's like why are you even on this damned game if you are going to stand around and die?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FootFetish » June 14, 2019 7:20am | Report
3-21-(?) as Jing Wei.
before starting i'd say i was about to sleep myself in the pc lol, sooo
the problem started while i accidentally took phantom veil as my relic, i was like "oh well, that's cool" but hey! awilix jungle popped out several times on duo lane and my support athena did nothing all the time. i ended getting 20k damage in an hour long game, and i had to buy Spirit Robe and Mantle of Discord

So my final build was Ninja Tabi, The Executioner, Poisoned Star, Deathbringer, Spirit Robe and Mantle of Discord.

A Zeus carried his *** off and he dragged me until we won, but i literally had like 1.50 attack speed holy ****..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 14, 2019 8:47am | Report
Kinda sounds like a warding problem most of the game or you were dived so heavily to degrees i can't understand.

Also yay for supports sometimes (recently had a kappa that was pretty much pushing the enemy in me instead of keeping them at bay)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » June 14, 2019 9:23am | Report

Erlang Shen 0 / 0 / 0 - I got a Zhong Kui jungle who really didn't do anything in the match, didn't help mid lane (who was camped by Thanatos), got behind and built Book of Thoth in a zhong kui jungle. Yes ZK JG with BoT. Sometimes I ask myself if I'm so bad because this game forces me to play with these guys.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » June 14, 2019 9:37am | Report
This Conquest match
Was fine at first but once the Ymir and Neith duo got first blooded it all started to go downhill. Add on me not really trying to stop the Poseidon and failing to get any antiheal until it was too late and falling behind on farm to the Tyr,wasn't much I could do. Could have ended sooner if all the surrenders didn't get denied until they had basically won. Also screw that Poseidon for killing me when I was in base.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 14, 2019 11:06am | Report
Devampi wrote:

Kinda sounds like a warding problem most of the game or you were dived so heavily to degrees i can't understand.

Also yay for supports sometimes (recently had a kappa that was pretty much pushing the enemy in me instead of keeping them at bay)

@FootFetish, do you have a smiteguru match link you could share?

@Dev, yes, this is probably at least part of it. But keep in mind Awilix likely has significantly more MS. A lot of them go for Talaria Boots these days, and they already have great MS with Suku, so that makes it hard even if you see them incoming with wards.

Then you have to be aware of those pings when you DO have wards up, and also know not to push too far (especially when you're behind).

As for Awilix, if Foot's Athena support really wasn't doing anything, that doesn't help. Also, unlucky / bad timing on Confound if Awilix is Feather Stepping when she tries to taunt...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 14, 2019 11:59am | Report
Definitely not a good game for me here.

Boog finally got out of initial Bronze III ranking. I'm still there.

We're continually matched against Gold/Plat players, which is fine, and I felt I wasn't outmatched here, but it's just one of those games.
  • My Support Cerberus DCd a couple of minutes in. All of a sudden he stopped at the entrance to the jungle. Enemy duo noticed and just killed him. I don't know why the game didn't make his character retreat. Guess it hadn't fully registered that he'd DCd yet or something. We were able to pause the game, but he didn't come back for over 5 minutes.

  • He also didn't know what he was doing, I think. Not a Support mindset, or poor awareness or something. At one point, enemy Hachiman was pushing...he had me at under half health, but I also had him at around half health. This is after the Cerb reconnected, mind. Hachi was going to try to steal Purple, I think, and Cerb had just approached that camp. I was like, oh great, let's get him, so I dove with confidence and aggression (which is good because I don't often play that way), figuring he'd just jump right in. Cerb stayed at Purple! Didn't even know a fight was going on right around the corner! That was the first and last time I trusted him, but he pretty much never showed the rest of the game, so whatever.

  • During the time he was DCd, Boog as Fen was able to gank Hachi if I remember correctly. It allowed me to push lane. I had a ward up in the offensive zone, and I went to get some hits on the tower. Hachi was making his way back, and then Ne Zha pinged on the ward. So I was retreating...figured I was dead, so I stuck and fought, believe I nailed both Ne Zha and Hachi with the ult (Hachi turned, but I think I stoned Ne Zha)...ended up killing the Ne Zha, and had Hachi within 2 or 3 basics of death before his banner came off CD and he finished me (1 second left on both my Viper and Lacerate, so sad).

  • At this point, Hachi is 2 levels above me, and I shouldn't have been challenging, but I kept pushing it cuz I was telling myself I was a better player. Hence the deaths. I could have easily kept my deaths in this game to 3 or so.

  • Hachiman's mobility kept surprising me. At one point I finally took down their tower, and he'd been coming back to lane. Saw him in the distance. His ult caught him up to me even with my dash, and being 2-3 levels above me at the later point of the match meant I was dead. Bleh.

  • Our Kuk was absolutely toxic the entire match. Just one of those guys. I don't know why I didn't mute him...he was mostly bashing the Cerb and Sobek, if I remember correctly. Don't remember him directly attacking me. But he also did jack.

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