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Thanatos thoughts

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daheri » September 18, 2013 9:15pm | Report
MadDanny wrote:
Oh and i just realized. Think He can really be good at mid. He has 2 wave clears. And can instant kill his opponent if he keeps damaging him enough for his ulti to work. Someone try it out!

I don't know about vs other gods, or in Conquest, but I beat every single Than I ever came across in 1v1 Joust when I played Hel. If you can deny him hitting both Archers and Melee with his 3, his wave-clear is ****. If you're a long-ranged god you can easily keep him out of auto-attack range, making his clear even worse. Maybe if he got proper ganks he could do well, but really, there are better mid-laners than Thanatos.

EDIT: And I've only been playing Hel for like 2 days and had played her a total of 10 times before that, but never in 1v1.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 18, 2013 9:20pm | Report
Thanatos Mid is basically Loki mid or Ne Zha mid. Just high burst assassins who counter the playstyle of squishy mid. It would naturally work but he has low kill potential if they can avoid poke, as he has no gap closer. People like Agni, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Anubis would roll him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 18, 2013 9:34pm | Report
he doesn't have 2 wave clears broski he only has his 3 for wave clearing. his 2 doesnt and his 1 only hits one minion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daheri » September 18, 2013 9:37pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

Thanatos Mid is basically Loki mid or Ne Zha mid. Just high burst assassins who counter the playstyle of squishy mid. It would naturally work but he has low kill potential if they can avoid poke, as he has no gap closer. People like Agni, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Anubis would roll him.

Except Loki has better clear period, and Ne Zha has safer clear. Than has to get up close and personal to use his clear, making him extremely vulnerable to pokes. This is compounded if the opponent has good sustain, (like Hel or Aphro) and can just shrug off his pokes. If he doesn't get the kills in early, he'll be easily pushed out by just about anyone.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » September 18, 2013 11:50pm | Report
Daheri wrote:

Except Loki has better clear period, and Ne Zha has safer clear. Than has to get up close and personal to use his clear, making him extremely vulnerable to pokes. This is compounded if the opponent has good sustain, (like Hel or Aphro) and can just shrug off his pokes. If he doesn't get the kills in early, he'll be easily pushed out by just about anyone.

Latest patch nerfed Loki's Decoy a bit, and Ne Zha's Universe Ring Toss no longer hits the same targets more than once. Ne Zha lost a lot of his solo viability with this patch, though Loki is still good since Decoy still has the power contribution to make it stronger as long you build up a Heartseeker and stack it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Purgatio » September 19, 2013 7:53am | Report
So I've been playing him an awful lot, and will be posting a video likely of a 3's with two friends and myself as Thanatos. Here are some things I've noticed:

His 3 does HUGE damage at early level, almost a third of someone's life easily, not to mention it drops a silence to deter any retaliation save for AA's.

His 1 does pretty good damage/healing, despite it only hitting one thing and not doing splash. This forces you to be incredibly accurate with it to bring it out's true potential.

His 2 is great for trying to escape a poor situation, or to start tearing into someone that was hard CC'd by another player.

He has amazing sustain. If you only use your 3 for poke and the occasional 1, and focus on farming, you'll be just fine. His ultimate is also slightly difficult to land on someone who knows you're coming, as the ground targeter is kinda small. But hey, that 40% health threshold at max rank. Bye tanks.

As far as his itemization, I start him off with Death's Toll (stupidly OP early, since his third AA is a sweep rather than one target, grants 5 HP for every target hit), Phys Damage boots that eventually become Pen. Then I go for Devourer's Gloves for that stacking Phys. Power and Lifesteal (obviously huge stats for him). Next is Bloodforge, and then either Froustbound Hammer if I'm having trouble with running targets, or Voidblade if they have high Phys. Damage team. I haven't been past that point because the enemy team normally surrenders. Lol.

Otherwise, I would say go for Qin's Blades for the much-needed health, AS, and health damage, this mixes very well with Thanatos's kit, as he can shred a tank down quickly with his 2, and then drop down without the tank even being that low. Afterwards I would go for a Rage or Deathbringer (aptly named for him).

I personally LOVE Thanatos, as I mained Arachne before I can't wait to try him in a jungle setting. He brings a truck's worth of damage to the game, with a unique execute a la Freya style, and has a long-range poke that's worth the health cost if you can reliably land it.

EDIT: Here's the Youtube video, we'll be doing more if you enjoyed it. Please refrain from leaving negative or non-constructive comments, as these don't really help anyone. Thanks in advance for watching.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » September 19, 2013 9:21am | Report
Not underpowered or overpowered ,just fine for now .

His ultimate is very good in a team battle when a god tries to get away and it's very good as an escape too .Freya's ultimate is still much much better because it does take 1/3 of a gpd's Hp and you don't land near the enemy god as an easy target as Thanatos does .

Lack of escapes except ultimate , almost the same voice as Hades , boring skills ... definitely not buying him .


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Purgatio » September 19, 2013 10:29am | Report
Romanians wrote:

Not underpowered or overpowered ,just fine for now .

His ultimate is very good in a team battle when a god tries to get away and it's very good as an escape too .Freya's ultimate is still much much better because it does take 1/3 of a gpd's Hp and you don't land near the enemy god as an easy target as Thanatos does .

Lack of escapes except ultimate , almost the same voice as Hades , boring skills ... definitely not buying him .

To be fair, both ultimates have their best-case scenario which makes one better than the other. I would prefer Freya's for the free damage, but when a tank is hanging around with <40% health, I'd rather have Thanatos. He can auto-kill the tank, where as Freya might not be able to do near as much damage.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 19, 2013 11:06am | Report
Anyone notice it seems like the voice for like tyr and thanatos seem like the same person lol.

I don't think thanatos is boring, hes pretty fun but its probably dependent on your playstyle to say what god you like.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kripox » September 19, 2013 3:12pm | Report
Romanians wrote:

Not underpowered or overpowered ,just fine for now .

His ultimate is very good in a team battle when a god tries to get away and it's very good as an escape too .Freya's ultimate is still much much better because it does take 1/3 of a gpd's Hp and you don't land near the enemy god as an easy target as Thanatos does .

Lack of escapes except ultimate , almost the same voice as Hades , boring skills ... definitely not buying him .

Well, he has a slow on his one and a speed boost with slow immunity. Not something to save you in the middle of a teamfight, but good enough for a small skirmish I'd say.

Also, Thanatos's ult has advantages over Freya. He can deal all his damage instantly, whereas you can Aegis as soon as Freya starts blasting you, negating a lot of damage. You can Aegis or Combat Blink Hovering Death too, but in that case you have to see it coming. If you don't, instant death. Then there's also the fact that his ult allows him to see enemies under the threshold through walls. Because of this it's easy to spot good targets, and he can gank over a wall near instantly.

Finally, I don't think his skills are boring, nor his voice that similar to Hades. To each his own.


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