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The meaning of "Rank X"

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Rank I means...
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Means nothing to me. He can do his job.
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » September 7, 2014 5:10pm | Report
Means NOTHING. Ok, hear me out on this.

I entered a game, playing support because I got thrown out of my jungle calling by someone faster than me. No problem, I like support.

Some people told me that Support Wukong is dead and now everything is about Athena or Geb. Those guys you know, so I stopped playing support wukong for a while. I tried him this game again because why not. I'm rank VII on him.

Well, loading screen kicks up. And I see the tryhardest team I faced in quite some time:

Rank X diamond skin Neith, Rank IX Legendary Athena, Rank X No skin Tyr, Rank (VIII or so) Hades, rank II Vulcan (ignore the vulcan).

We were... well, I was the highest ranker. I can't remember our ranks, but it was my VII, then one or two III and no rankers, or rank I. I told my team to "Go **** up those try hards" but in my heart I knew that they would stomp us and I'd have a boring *** game being destroyed.


We DESTROYED THEM. I played almost flawlessly, and so did every member of my team (although Hel was kinda laggish around Hades and Kuang was a little bit more passive than he should).

So, here's my question: Does Rank mean something to you? Have you mirror faced some low rank dude that destroyed you? Is your highest-rank god your best god?

And, last but not least, did you ever have a game like this, or the other way around?

PS: After the match I said in the aftermatch lobby "WHO LET WUKONG OUT WHO, WHO WHO WHO" and Vulcan reported me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 5:59pm | Report
"Is your highest Rank god your best god"


Well being that I have 3 Rank X.... I don't think that question can be answered.

Rank X does and doesn't mean anything.

It does mean something, in the way that, it at least shows that player has played that god a lot. I guess you could try to base how good someone is based on the stats on the loading card but that really doesn't mean much half the time.

Some people just boost in arena, for example, take a god I never play and don't have a ****ed up record with. Probably someone like Freya.

Right now, if I want to look better than I am I can just play arena all day and get my stats up. How hard is it in arena to just get kills and go positive, if your goal is to get kills and not to win arena? If all I want is my loading card to look good, I would take a god that I rarely play, go into arena and boost their stats until I have a **** ton of kills.

So ya, that's why half the time stats don't mean much, Rank 10 at least gives you the idea that the player plays that god a lot in the past or present, so you would assume they at least know how to play that god better than another god.

Keep in mind if you are playing a roll like support a lot you will probably have more ***it then kills. For example when I play support league I play Hercules. Being that I am playing support I HAVE to give the kills to my lane partner, other wise your ADC will ***** at you for not giving them the kill.

So, picture this, if I am playing support Hercules and give my ADC the kill every match, where does that leave me? Basically support means you get ****ed over, if you are really playing support than you are literally giving every kill to your ADC meaning that any time you die, you just went negative.

Because if your giving all your kills away to the ADC any time you die your automatically negative unless you got a kill without giving it to your ADC, but most of the time in SUPP ADC will cry if you don't give them the kill, so in League I just let them have the kill.

That is why I hate playing Support, but if you are someone who plays that role, then your loading card should actually look WORST then how you actually play, because you give your kills away means you will probably have more assist and lower amount of kills because of it, so to someone else, they might think you suck "He doesn't have many kills", but if your playing Support your not suppose to take the kills.

In theory seeing rank 10 SHOULD make you think that person is good with the god at some degree, although not always true I am just saying in theory it should mean most of those players are going to be good.

Also get this

I barely play Anhur anymore, only sometimes I play him. When I first started playing smite I spammed Anhur every single match. Guess what? Anhur still has the most ****ing worshipers at rank 10 then any other god I have and I haven't touched Anhur that much!!!!

This literally means that when I first started playing Anhur like 2 years ago, that I played him so much, that even though I am not even playing him much he still is not under any other god I have in worshipers. I gave up on trying to fix his K/d. That **** is not happening, I would have to get like 700 kills with Anhur just to make up for all the deaths I put on his record from when I spammed him without being that good with him.

So to answer the question.

Does Rank 10 mean anything, yes and no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 7, 2014 6:07pm | Report
Actually I know how to explain it better.

Say you had Rank 10 Athena for 1 year strait and played her for an entire year non stop.

the first 5 months of rank 10 Athena you may have not been that good.
the next 5 months of rank 10 Athena you may be better than 5 months ago, still rank 10 though.

What rank 10 doesn't tell you, is are they at the same skill level as when they first got the god at rank 10. All it tells you is they are rank 10 and you assume what they are from there.

Like the players that push you to your tower, keep taunting because they think they are winning, then mid game comes and they are pushed to their tower not laughing anymore.

XD Hahhaha


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mlyn148 » September 7, 2014 6:10pm | Report
Well. I've no masteries in Chaac but I've beaten a mastery eight Chaac in the same lane as me, so my answer is no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 7, 2014 6:18pm | Report
Rank X doesn't mean skill, but it does mean experience. While their mechanical skills may be sub-par, their knowledge of the champion is usually very high. Equate this to a coach vs a player: the coach may not be able to pull off the plays anymore, but his continued experience in one single field yields knowledge of the game.

Thus, yes, many rank 10's can absolutely suck. They can feed out their ***. But at the very core, they DO know their god and they DO know what to build. Notice the Neith: her build is actually very decent! She just doesn't have aiming down, or general game mechanics down. What she does have, is knowledge of neith down.

So don't be scared of rank 10's. You CAN outplay them. But don't think they don't know HOW to play. You're not going to get cheese plays off on a rank 10 because they do know what their god does. What you can do, is weave, is bait, is straight up 1v1 them. That's up to you.

That's my two cents :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » September 7, 2014 6:21pm | Report
Well, there's some diferences between a full-on wall support and Wukong. With the full- on wall I won't be able to chase the same way as I can with wukong and, even if in laning phase I give the kills to my adc, I do not do so when I roam. I end up being able to hold my ground to whoever I'm fighting and even beating them.

You see, the thing about Geb and Athena and stuff is that they have a ****ton of CC to pull off. More Geb than Athena, but that's not the point. Wukong, and some other warriors, have (most of the time) a "targeted CC", which is (mostly) some narrow CC (like Hercules's pull or Wukong's tiger) so they won't be ****ing up a whole team via CC the same way a Guardian would.

So, my warrior support ends up fighting guys 1v1 and beating them, chasing kills, covering up retreats, towerdiving. Less teamfight-ish and more picky. In a teamfight I will dive in like with a guardian, but instead of trying to slap all my CC everywhere I'll try to actively kill one or two of them, focus the fight on me and hope people follows.

Conquest is not all the "laning phase". Yeah, you give kills to your adc, but you can get a ton of kills afterwards on your own.

And that's why I like warrior support two million times better than guardian supports. That game I made Neith and Athena run away from me. We were all at full health and I slapped their ***es. I cannot ****ing do that with Geb.

PS: I almost forgot the point. I meant with this that the "stats" you get while maining support are not that bad. You can still have a good K/D ratio if you dodge blows as well as tanking them.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » September 7, 2014 6:48pm | Report
Ranks mean nothing. I once saw a rank 8 Tyr with 26 wins.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 7, 2014 6:49pm | Report
I once saw a rank X guy with 1 win. It was a riot.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » September 7, 2014 7:02pm | Report
MadDanny wrote:

I once saw a rank X guy with 1 win. It was a riot.

lmao no ****ing way

what if there was actually a diamond god with 500 losses and like 2 wins lmao

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » September 7, 2014 8:56pm | Report
Rank X doesn't automatically mean you're going to stomp on the other team, or get stomped on by the Rank X on the other side. It just means they've spent a lot of time playing that particular character. They might not even be great at that particular character. I've gone against countless teams with Diamond characters (I'm assuming that's going to be the new title for Rank Xs, rather than legendaries now?) that ended up not doing that well. Hell, sometimes I still have bad games on my diamond rank Isis.

But also, you have to remember that most of us are cursed to have a bad game on even our best characters. I think my best statted character is Ah Muzen Cab as far as kills and deaths go (which is what I assume are some of the more important stats on a Hunter), and I still have bad games with him at times. Again, same thing with my diamond Isis. Hell, the first game I played after reaching diamond with her, I didn't do very well and lost the match.

I think I answered all the questions in that.
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