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was considering trying out duel, but...

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Forum » General Discussion » was considering trying out duel, but... 41 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 17, 2020 6:15am | Report
i didn't realize it was ranked only. lol.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 17, 2020 8:56am | Report
What difference does it make if it's ranked or not? Literally makes no difference. If you wanted to try the mode and saw "ranked" and then decided no, thats nonsensical.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 17, 2020 9:13am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

What difference does it make if it's ranked or not? Literally makes no difference. If you wanted to try the mode and saw "ranked" and then decided no, thats nonsensical.

I can see your viewpoint, but at the same time being given an opportunity to get your feet wet in a casual mode has its merits. I mean, at least for myself, knowing that ranked is the only option I want to be properly prepared instead of just willy nilly going in without putting any thought into it. I mean, right now I am charting different builds for different enemy types and have like only have 10 of how many possible directions i could go.

It's for Bellona, so i'm looking at ability based builds and AA centered builds and it's a process for just the one character. Then i'm going to need at least one other character from each class in case more than one of my preferred picks gets banned. I mean, maybe it's no big deal to you but i have only played one ranked game, in joust, the whole time i have been on smite. I did some prep for that, but probably nothing like i needed.

If I really want to give duel an honest shot, then i need to put the effort into being ready for it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » July 17, 2020 10:05am | Report
Duel is stupid. It's people camping under tower and poking you out of lane.
Samdadude and Rexy have expressed their frustrations with this. Check out their channels if you want to prepare yourself for duel. It's good for practicing and improving your 1v1 skills (aiming, dodging, reaction times, etc).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 17, 2020 10:17am | Report
boogiebass wrote:

Duel is stupid. It's people camping under tower and poking you out of lane.
Samdadude and Rexy have expressed their frustrations with this. Check out their channels if you want to prepare yourself for duel. It's good for practicing and improving your 1v1 skills (aiming, dodging, reaction times, etc).

Thanks for the info. I will have to check it out. Aside from 1v1 skills it sounds like the ultimate patience game, which would be excellent practice if i ever reconsider going joust(or god forbid conquest).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » July 17, 2020 11:05am | Report
You have to start eventually. Arena is fine and all, but you're not getting the full smite experience if that's all you play. If you're afraid of getting BMed by your team for playing bad, then play with friends.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » July 17, 2020 11:50am | Report
You can also play with streamer mode on and they won't see your name.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » July 17, 2020 11:53am | Report
They'll still call him out. "Report Bellona for intentional feeding" etc.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 17, 2020 11:59am | Report
So here are build concepts against different enemy types i have been working on this morning for duel. These are for Bellona, but i am also looking at other Gods like Chaac and/or Herc, Ah Muzen Cab and/or Hou Yi, Vulcan and/or Poseiden/Hades, Ymir and/or Terra.

So, builds are listed in standard order, but because matches can be different i have multiple item choices in some slots, which also potentially changes item choices in later slots. I put these concepts together to allow for that process. Sorry if it gets confusing to anyone but i was trying to keep everything contained as well as i could.

On the Ability based builds some of the secondary item choices kind of lend themselves to making the builds become a bit more hybrid build than full ability based. I also know that emporer's armor is good for pushing objectives with minions but i am not really sure how early or late you would build it and depending on the strength of the opponent/damage type i figured there might not be room for it all.

I would appreciate any feedback anyone might have.

Bellona Duel Build Concepts

Anti CC/Mage-Guardian(Ability Based)

Reinforced Greaves, Blackthorn Hammer, Genji's Guard, Bulwark of Hope, Ancile, Winged Blade/ Oni Hunter's Garb// Magi's Cloak

Anti CC/Mage-Guardian(AA Based)

Ninja Tabi/ Reinforced Greaves, Runic Shield, Berserker's Shield, Bulwark of Hope, The Sledge/ Stone Cutting Sword, Winged Blade/ Oni Hunter's Garb/ Magi's Cloak

Anti CC/Physical(Ability Based}

Reinforced Greaves, Blackthorn Hammer, Breastplate of Valor, Gladiator's Shield, Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor/ The Crusher, The Sledge, Winged Blade/ Magi's Cloak

Anti CC/Physical(AA Based)

Ninja Tabi/ Reinforced Greaves, Berserker's Shield, Void Shield, Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor, The Sledge/ Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor, Stone Cutting Sword/ Atalanta's Bow/ Serrated Edge/ Magi's Cloak

Anti-Heal Magical(Ability Based)

Reinforced Greaves/ Ninja Tabi, Blackthorn Hammer, Pestilence, Shogun's Kusari/ Genji's Guard, Ancile/ Genji's Guard, Brawler's Beat Stick/ The Crusher

Anti-Heal Magical(AA Based)

Ninja Tabi, The Sledge, Pestilence, Shogun's Kusari, Bulwark of Hope/ Ancile, Brawler's Beat Stick/ Stone Cutting Sword/ Serrated Edge

Anti-Heal Physical(Ability Based)
Reinforced Greaves, Breastplate of Valor, Contagion, Gladiator's Shield, The Crusher/ Spectral Armor/ Midgardian Mail, Brawler's Beat Stick/ The Crusher/ Hydra's Lament/ Serrated Edge

Anti-Heal Physical(AA Based)

Ninja Tabi, Berserker's Shield, Contagion, Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor, Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor/ Atalanta's Bow/ Stone Cutting Sword/ Serrated Edge, Brawler's Beat Stick

Magical High Protections(Ability Based)

Ninja Tabi/ Reinforced Greaves, The Crusher/ Runic Shield, Genji's Guard, Shogun's Kusari, Ancile/ Oni Hunter's Garb, Stone Cutting Sword, Atalanta's Bow

Magical High Protections(AA Based)

Ninja Tabi, Runic Shield/ Serrated Edge, Shogun's Kusari, Bulwark of Hope, Frostbound Hammer/ The Sledge/ Ancile, Atalanta's Bow/ Serrated Edge/ Stone Cutting Sword

Physical High Protections(Ability Based)

Ninja Tabi/ Reinforced Greaves, Blackthorn Hammer/ The Crusher/ Void Shield, Breastplate of Valor, Gladiator's Shield, Void Shield/ Stone Cutting Sword/ The Crusher, Hydra's Lament/ The Crusher

Physical High Protections (AA Based)

Ninja Tabi, Berserker's Shield, Void Shield/ Gladiator's Shield, Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor, Stone Cutting Sword/ Serrated Edge/ Midgardian Mail/ Spectral Armor, Atalanta's Bow/ Serrated Edge/ Stone Cutting Sword


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 17, 2020 12:04pm | Report
In most cases against a single opponent, you would avoid items that provide dual protections, since you're mostly only going to take damage from one source. It's very, very easy when the enemy is physical, since minions, towers etc. all do physical damage.

It's a bit different perhaps when facing a magical enemy, since if you're fighting among the minions, or diving under their tower, you could take both types.

But for the most part, I'd say it would be very situational. So where I see one of your builds has Berserker's and Bulwark, you just wouldn't do that. If you're facing physical, Berserker's is fine but instead of Bulwark, get Contagion or Midgardian or Blackthorn or whatever that's not so focused on magical.

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