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Why no Phy lifesteal on skills?

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Forum » General Discussion » Why no Phy lifesteal on skills? 12 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 3, 2014 6:44am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

Well. You can say her passive to be like, she's the only mage with AA life steal.

Eh...I'm rather fond of lifesteal on Nu Wa, I wouldn't want to completely remove lifesteal from autoattack mages. Why not just accept it as a quirk of MOBAs?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » February 3, 2014 10:36am | Report
I'd prefer they keep lifesteal on both.

Physicals shouldn't, because they already lifesteal ridiculously when building auto attack. An Auto-Attack (by the way, I will literally never say Basic Attack because I don't have the attention span to swap from LoL and Smite all the time)Mage will never do, on a basic level, as much damage as a hunter, save SOLELY Freya, and that's ONLY because she gets TWO buffs to auto attacks.

As such, physical lifesteal auto attackers will, by their very nature, lifesteal a helluva lot more than auto attack based mages, such as Chronos, Freya (even with passive), Nu Wa, or Zeus.

Now the reason I say we keep it on both sides of mages, is for a few reasons.
A) Aforementioned, auto attacks don't do as much for mages, so they won't lifesteal as much there.

B) If you build full auto attack, your spells lack, and vice versa. A Poly, Demonic Grip, Gem of Binding, Telkhine's, Fatalis, Shoes Freya/Zeus/Whoever will never do as much spell damage
as someone with things like Bancrofts, Rod of Tahuti, Warlock's Sash, etc.

C) They don't have as much time to lifesteal. First of all, they're usually using spells in the beginning of combat, when they aren't injured. So it's wasted to begin with. Second, if you're an auto attack based mage, no one is buffed 100% of the time save Nu Wa if she spams her fire off CD. Freya has a period without enhanced auto attacks, as does Chronos, and Zeus's autos aren't *as* deadly all the time, so there are period where they can't auto attack efficiently for lifesteal. Mage-based-mages (don't hurt me) have CD's, and can only lifesteal if those CD's are used when they're injured.

Compare these to hunters, who can rot a target with autoattacks 100% of the time, always lifestealing. There's simply more POTENTIAL to lifesteal on physical users, so the mages need multiple outlets for lifesteal, since it's hard enough to utilize as is. If they want to go full lifesteal (opening them up for less damage AND survivablity in exchange for slightly more situationally-timed healing), let them. They'll get rolled over.

It's a quirk to help them out a very slight way.


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