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God similar to Gangplank?

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Forum » New Player Help » God similar to Gangplank? 33 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by userpay » March 25, 2015 5:32am | Report
So I've only played Smite a bit which was awhile ago, got fairly decent with the old Kukulkan (ie before he became Kukulkan), and now I've decided to come back for a little bit. I seem to be having an issue however where it seems the moment I get stunned, boom wreaked. One in enemy deity in particular I have issues with is Thor. Can't seem to juke that ult and then he follows up with that other stun he's got.

As such was curious if there was a god that played similarly to Gangplank from League. I love his poke and ability to break out of cc and he was one of the few heros over there that I was good at. Alternatively I suppose I could try to play an actual tank I suppose...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 3:08pm | Report
Nope. This game wears thin on your after a while. Higher levels of play are all about wombo combo CC stun chains to death. My advice is to stick with LoL, or try...

Actually, my advice is to just stick to LoL.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » March 25, 2015 3:36pm | Report
Don't listen to Subzero. Please. He's only on this website to turn people away from Smite.

Hou Yi is a similar character to Gankplank.

As for Thor's ultimate, it's something that isn't terribly hard to juke. But the key to it, in my opinion, is noticing when he is in the air. If there's a Thor in the air, there is a droning sound you can hear. If you can hear it, just look up. When you spot him, look for a specific animation he does in the air as he is about to come down. You'll see what I'm saying. When you see it, that gives you the time to either manually juke it, or use other abilities to dodge it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 5:23pm | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Don't listen to Subzero. Please. He's only on this website to turn people away from Smite.

Hou Yi is a similar character to Gankplank.

As for Thor's ultimate, it's something that isn't terribly hard to juke. But the key to it, in my opinion, is noticing when he is in the air. If there's a Thor in the air, there is a droning sound you can hear. If you can hear it, just look up. When you spot him, look for a specific animation he does in the air as he is about to come down. You'll see what I'm saying. When you see it, that gives you the time to either manually juke it, or use other abilities to dodge it.


Dacoqrs is nearly completely wrong, as usual.

Gangplank has a global slow ult with minor damage, an autoattack enchancer that adds range, a instaheal/cleanse, and an attack/movespeed buff thingy, as well as a DoT passive.

Hou Yi has an anticrit passive, a ranged "skillshot," a weird leap thing that's closer to Fizz's troll pole than anything else, especially considering Gangplank doesn't even have an escape, a debuff that acts as an execute + free pen, and a big damage AoE over time ult.

Aside from the ults, they could not be more unalike.

One's a ranged carry, the other's a melee bruiser. Do the math. #rekt

As for Thor's ultimate, it is impossible to juke unless you see it coming, and the warning signs are few. One more reason why this game lacks counterplay. "Terribly hard to juke" is only if the Thor in question is terrible.

Also, you should know that I played Smite ranked and reached gold. Dacoqrs is unranked, and I have a 100% win rate in ranked right now, and you can look it up on SmiteGuru if you don't believe me. When I make judgements on games, I make sure to KNOW the games. (IGN PotatoSquad vs Alpha985)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by userpay » March 25, 2015 5:25pm | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Don't listen to Subzero. Please. He's only on this website to turn people away from Smite.

Hou Yi is a similar character to Gankplank.

As for Thor's ultimate, it's something that isn't terribly hard to juke. But the key to it, in my opinion, is noticing when he is in the air. If there's a Thor in the air, there is a droning sound you can hear. If you can hear it, just look up. When you spot him, look for a specific animation he does in the air as he is about to come down. You'll see what I'm saying. When you see it, that gives you the time to either manually juke it, or use other abilities to dodge it.

Hmm... Well I've always known it was coming from seeing him spin up. Following him up might not be a bad idea.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » March 25, 2015 5:40pm | Report
Sub you don't play and are a complete pain in the ***. A good amount of people agree. Honestly you should just leave. You are useless in stimulating actual debate relative to in game subject matter and are therefore a useless member of the site.


Subzero has not played consistently in ages...

All Sub seems to do is either go out of his way to BM Dacoqrs or post useless **** about completely subjective topics.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 5:44pm | Report
_angrytoast wrote:

Sub you don't play and are a complete pain in the ***. A good amount of people agree. Honestly you should just leave. You are useless in stimulating actual debate relative to in game subject matter and are therefore a useless member of the site.


Subzero has not played consistently in ages...

I don't play consistently because I don't like the game. However, that doesn't change how I'm good at it and can logically argue almost anyone in this site under the table, to mix metaphors.

So, errors:

- I do, in fact, play.

- I am probably not a pain in the ***. In my own opinion, of course. Unless influencing a ton of members to leave this site qualifies, in which case I will cheerfully accept the title of "pain in the ***."

- Agree? You mean, just you and Dacoqrs when it suits you?

- Pfft, I've stimulated more debate in one thread than you have in your entire life on this site. Unlike some people, I don't flinch from presenting unpopular opinions, nor do I warp logic to suit my views. (*cough*Freyabanishwasastepintherightdirection*cough*)

- I notice you didn't say "did not play." In fact, the best you can do is "can't play consistently." lol

- How cute, you're trying to slander me. Look at my second-most recent post and tell me if that's subjective*.

Like I said, you people warp logic to suit your views. Please, try not to commit ad hominem so often. Maybe if you didn't, people would take your opinion more seriously.

Oh, and as a "thank you" for your charming attitude:

*slow clap*



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » March 25, 2015 6:29pm | Report

I consider myself one of the more cordial members of this site, I like to help people out, give positive feedback on guides, have reasonable debates over topics, etc. But yo. DUDE. Going on Smitefire to tell people that
Subzero008 wrote:

This game wears thin on your after a while.

and to
Subzero008 wrote:

just stick to LoL.

(and yes I'm taking snippets of your speech but that is what you were saying after all)
isn't leaving helpful advice, it's basically just telling people that Smite sucks, play LoL instead. If all you want to do is bash on Smite, go to the mobafire or DOTA forums, there are plenty of people there to agree with you. People on smitefire are supposed to be here because they're fans of Smite, and wish to talk about it amongst fellow smite fans, regardless of what other games they like as well.


In regards to Thor, anyone with an escape can use Purification Beads or Magi's Blessing if they get hit to not get CC chained to death. If you don't have an escape, you may wish to invest in some counter items like Spirit Robe, Reinforced Shoes / Reinforced Greaves, or something like Purification Beads + Combat Blink or Sprint if you're really suffering from it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » March 25, 2015 6:36pm | Report
Oh boy, you sure got me there Sub. Wait, did you bother looking at the scores of all my games? Guess not, because all but maybe two have me with a positive K/D. Also, my teammates generally went around 2-9 so excuse me for having a ****ty win ratio when the other team is fed into oblivion. Next off I have 16 games played including qualifiers so you can't base my relative skill off of this data pool. If you would like to know how good I am ask people who actually are active in-game, you giant ****ing numbskull.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 7:03pm | Report
Zilby wrote:


I can understand where you're coming from, but do you really expect me to say something that isn't my opinion? Or say nothing at all?

A guy, from LoL, came here, to Smite. I have played both games, extensively, and no matter how uncouth it may be, I think I am obliged to share my experience with both games. Even if that experience leads me to state say, "don't do it."

Sure, "don't play Smite" isn't helpful, but the OP's complaining about the same problems I have - you get CC'd and die. As someone who has spent over a hundred thousand words on the subject, I'd feel worse if I said nothing than saying this. Can you understand, even if you don't agree?

I'll make a comparison. Let's say there are two recipes for a chocolate chip cookie. I've baked both, and have extensive baking experience, and I prefer the Serious Eats recipe over the Cook's Illustrated one. Now, I hear someone talking about those two recipes, with some complaints about the Cook's Illustrated recipe, but is uncertain whether to swap recipes or not. Would it be right if I let the guy continue baking a recipe I feel to be inferior? To leave him to waste time and other resources and baking said cookies?


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