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God similar to Gangplank?

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Forum » New Player Help » God similar to Gangplank? 33 posts - page 2 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 7:08pm | Report
_angrytoast wrote:

Oh boy, you sure got me there Sub. Wait, did you bother looking at the scores of all my games? Guess not, because all but maybe two have me with a positive K/D. Also, my teammates generally went around 2-9 so excuse me for having a ****ty win ratio when the other team is fed into oblivion. Next off I have 16 games played including qualifiers so you can't base my relative skill off of this data pool. If you would like to know how good I am ask people who actually are active in-game, you giant ****ing numbskull.

Insults aside, this post truly exposes your ignorance for all to see.

You see, a good K:D ratio isn't all there is to winning. I wouldn't expect you, a fervent Smite player, to understand.

If KD ratios were all there was to winning, you wouldn't have a 38% win rate, would you? Fun fact: I had a negative KD ratio average while playing S1 ranked. And I made it to Gold.

So maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be so focused on preserving that oh-so-precious K:D ratio and take some risks. Group with your team, help out, maybe don't KS from the carry. Maybe even sacrifice yourself for the sake of the team, at times. Little factors like that add up to influence your win rate more than your K:D ratio ever will, and that's the truth. Like I said, I wouldn't expect you to understand...Mr. Thirty-Eight.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by userpay » March 25, 2015 7:17pm | Report
Well I seem to have sparked some interesting happenings...

Anyway I knew that there probably wasn't going to be any one god that matched super closely to Gangplank considering he's kinda an odd mishmash as is. Was mostly looking to see what gods had similar things to at least parts of him so I could start back in with a god that I would already be somewhat familiar with in a sense.

Hou Yi was someone I was considering if I wanted to stick to Chinese characters exclusively like I was wanting to when I originally started playing but seeing that several gods were redone as other pantheons guess that won't be quite as viable as I was thinking if such a thing may happen in the future.

As to non-Gangplanks related gods had someone elsewhere suggest Chaak who actually appeals to me in part because I did play Olaf from LoL for awhile. Axes are always fun. Also saw Sylvanus had a pull like Blitzcrank while browsing the guardians. Geb is another consideration, Rammus...

Zilby: Those items are good to know about. Most of the guides I was looking at focused more on the actual equipment rather than the supplemental items so wasn't really getting much info about those before that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 7:26pm | Report
userpay wrote:

Well I seem to have sparked some interesting happenings...

Anyway I knew that there probably wasn't going to be any one god that matched super closely to Gangplank considering he's kinda an odd mishmash as is. Was mostly looking to see what gods had similar things to at least parts of him so I could start back in with a god that I would already be somewhat familiar with in a sense.

Hou Yi was someone I was considering if I wanted to stick to Chinese characters exclusively like I was wanting to when I originally started playing but seeing that several gods were redone as other pantheons guess that won't be quite as viable as I was thinking if such a thing may happen in the future.

As to non-Gangplanks related gods had someone elsewhere suggest Chaak who actually appeals to me in part because I did play Olaf from LoL for awhile. Axes are always fun. Also saw Sylvanus had a pull like Blitzcrank while browsing the guardians. Geb is another consideration, Rammus...

Zilby: Those items are good to know about. Most of the guides I was looking at focused more on the actual equipment rather than the supplemental items so wasn't really getting much info about those before that.

Note that those items do not solve the lack of counterplay.

The entire point of using Beads or whatever is if you are hit by a CC you cannot otherwise mitigate. That means you can't juke it, block it, outrange it, or predict/mitigate it. It's like using a Bandaid for a gaping stab wound because it's the only kind of bandage nearby - it's not the kind of help you should seek, or want, but you take it because it's the only option.

And believe me, beads is a must-buy. Oh, right, forgot to mention - it costs gold. So in other words, when you're behind, you have to pick between making yourself even more ineffective due to sinking gold into an item you need to not die, making the "just died" problem even worse, or you can not buy it, and die to the next wombo combo you take. Morton's fork.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » March 25, 2015 7:56pm | Report
You have to know when a Thor is ulting to be able to avoid it. As a mid laner, I would decorate the sides around my lane with wards if I know I'm going to have trouble against a Thor jungle. As (someone) said, there's a distinct noise to his ultimate. When Thor is ulting, you usually have to predict a second or two in advance since there's a slight cast time from him up in the air to dunking.

So Thor generally benefits from ulting from afar from the team fight/lane so the players he is ulting on don't notice him. However you kind of need to keep asking yourself questions like: where did you/your team last see Thor?, could he be close by if he just got his back right furies?, should I look up more now to watch out for his ult?, and will he initiate with his ult or just pop in lane behind me? Thor has some insane early game presence and general game sense can help to play "around him".

Common places a Thor will ult from is near the fire giant pit or gold fury to dunk on either duo/solo lane. The mid lane is a bit trickier since he has better places that aren't usually warded (if it's a good thor).

Beads is a must generally, yes. Especially against a Thor who has 2 stuns. A cc chain with Thor and Poseidon isn't too pretty!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » March 25, 2015 9:33pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:


I'll concede that sharing your experience is fine, even if it is "don't do it" -it being smite- . I'll even concede that you've made some very valid points about the CC chain problems of smite and pointing out the holes in others' arguments, I understand why you thought this was important to state. My main problem is the other stuff you're throwing in there. Saying stuff like "Dacoqrs is nearly completely wrong, as usual." and mouthing off to _angrytoast isn't helpful to the thread or the forum in general.

But my main problem is **** like this:
Subzero008 wrote:

Also, you should know that I played Smite ranked and reached gold. Dacoqrs is unranked, and I have a 100% win rate in ranked right now, and you can look it up on SmiteGuru if you don't believe me. When I make judgements on games, I make sure to KNOW the games. (IGN PotatoSquad vs Alpha985)

Playing ranked doesn't make your opinion more valid. Having high win rates and all the rest don't make your opinion more valid. Telling people to play LoL instead of Smite and discounting others' opinions because they're a lower tier than you is pretentious and unrealistic. People play Smite because they have fun doing it.

Games like this aren't defined by their mechanics or which one has better high ranked play. Games like this are defined by the players' experience and the communities that evolve around them. From my experience, Smite's third person perspective and skillshots make the game much more immersive and exciting than other MOBAs. Clearly you disagree that this makes it a more worthwhile game, but playing ranked doesn't make your opinion better than mine, Dacoqrs, or anyone else.

However, my favorite part about smite is its community. It's been far friendlier than what I've seen from other MOBAs and more welcoming. But what you're doing by holding yourself above others and posting in a forum for a game you no longer like is adding toxicity to that community. That's why I have a problem with you posting stuff in this manner. If you just want to post an opinion that's fine. BMing people is not. (Even if _angrytoast BM's you first, saying you're better than him is not an appropriate response).

--My apologies for going off the original forum topic
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2015 11:12pm | Report
Zilby wrote:

Playing ranked doesn't make your opinion more valid. Having high win rates and all the rest don't make your opinion more valid. Telling people to play LoL instead of Smite and discounting others' opinions because they're a lower tier than you is pretentious and unrealistic. People play Smite because they have fun doing it.

Games like this aren't defined by their mechanics or which one has better high ranked play. Games like this are defined by the players' experience and the communities that evolve around them. From my experience, Smite's third person perspective and skillshots make the game much more immersive and exciting than other MOBAs. Clearly you disagree that this makes it a more worthwhile game, but playing ranked doesn't make your opinion better than mine, Dacoqrs, or anyone else.

However, my favorite part about smite is its community. It's been far friendlier than what I've seen from other MOBAs and more welcoming. But what you're doing by holding yourself above others and posting in a forum for a game you no longer like is adding toxicity to that community. That's why I have a problem with you posting stuff in this manner. If you just want to post an opinion that's fine. BMing people is not. (Even if _angrytoast BM's you first, saying you're better than him is not an appropriate response).

--My apologies for going off the original forum topic

I'd like to agree with your sentiment, but I can't.

Normally, sure, it would be gauche to mention stuff like win rates and things like that. However, in this case, it's actually relevant.

I mean, sure, a game's community can be one reason to enter a gaming community, but you don't get into games from one reason. And my area of expertise is in the other reason - the quality of the game itself, from a competitive, balanced standpoint.

Subjective topic, yeah, but what I'm trying to say is that I'm simply more experienced than these people. And to support my point, I show my credentials. So I'll have to disagree with you on that point: ranked play does make my opinion more valid, simply because ranked gameplay is closer to the game's fundamental attributes - you understand balance issues more keenly, for example, if you're fighting against a consistently semi-competent and quasi-coordinated team, rather than the varied chaos of SoloQ casual.

Also, in a much, much more broad sense, it's a reasonable way of showing one's skill level at the game, which is important when talking about game issues - a complaint about a god/mechanic/item/whatever is harder to dismiss when you can remove competence from the equation. (Example: "OMG, Thanatos is so OP!" "No, you're just in lower elo." "Xbalanque is trash tier, I don't know why he's banned every game!" "You just aren't good with him.")

And when Toast keeps mentioning how I don't play Smite to invalidate my opinions, or Dacoqrs says I'm only here to spew hate on Smite, it's more important than ever to show that I'm not bluffing, and there is reasoning behind my words, not the mindless trolling that they would have you believe.

Sure, Smite can be a fun non-serious game. I'm not doubting that. But I will point out what is, to me, a fundamental flaw(s) with the game that sucks all enjoyment of it from me. Don't take it as me saying that "Smite is always boring," because I used to be a fan of Smite, and I understand the draw of it.

As for why I showed and emphasized Dacoqrs's and Toast's lack of credentials? Because I enjoy taking them down a peg. You know, they show up, full of bluster, insults, strawmanning, and accusations, and I point out how I'm more qualified - by the game's own ranking system - in a game I hate, than a game they love. It's funny, and makes a very clear point - if they want to play the game of trying to discrediting people, I'm not going to lose that game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 26, 2015 1:28am | Report
Holy **** this made me laugh and cry a little on the inside.

I have not been active on Smitefire for quite some time but I just started to pop in from time to time last week. So hello people.

@ Sub, please don't bash on people for being unexperienced or playing at low skill tier. When they are 100 elo below you, and what you said about ranked giving you more knowledge than casual is just plain wrong. It's all about elo/guru score (all of you got 1600 guru score, just saying). And we get that you don't like the game, but you crying about it is getting a bit old (think it's gone on for over a year now).

I've played in gold and I'm now in D5 with 1800 elo. My ranked games are still worse than my casual games because my guru score (and that of my friends) is matching me/us against better players with more game knowledge than my elo does. Ranked does not get good before 2k- 2,5 elo.

So yes that was my contribution to this meaningful discussion. Because I have no knowledge of lol.

Oh and Thor ult; ward, juke (it got a looong landing time, so just turning 90° will juke it by more than a jump), positioning and beads as mentioned.

So please try to be nice everyone and stop arguing like a bunch kids.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by _angrytoast » March 26, 2015 4:06am | Report
They honestly made a big mistake when they unbanned Sub.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » March 26, 2015 4:11am | Report
Stay on topic guys.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » March 26, 2015 5:29am | Report
Damn, reading this thing is so........ stressful

ANYWAY, i think there is no god that is actually similar to GP, the best you can get is possibly Chaac, a good poke, a slow, AoE ultimate. But actually not really the same, much difference. Second might be Sun Wukong, but once again kinda differs a lot


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