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Items and Terms - Questioning

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FootFetish » August 20, 2019 5:03pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Bellona counters AA-asassins fairly decently. You're only really in trouble if you're very low in lane.

Yes, but i'm not talking about the enemy jungler, i'm talking about your jungler.

Kriega1 wrote:

Void Shield and Stone Cutting say hi.

Void shield is okay, and well, i don't like damage items on solo laners to be honest. but i'm no good at bellona and i don't know how to build her, so there you go.

Kriega1 wrote:

Eh, it depends. But Brawler's isn't the best on Bellona, you're better off with toxic blade. You can double down on anti-heal if you need to, but the lone pesti or contagion should suffice.

Yes, I agree. But if they don't have any healing your build still has no penetration!

Contagion or Pestilence alone is perfect, that's what i get as a solo laner generally. But with a healer mage you might want Toxic Blade / Brawler's Beat Stick + Contagion / Pestilence.

Kriega1 wrote:

It's not necessarily only for killing enemies targeting the backline (or other teammates), but is also referred to simply keeping them from touching/killing your teammates, usually with CC.

Well yes, sorry. i did skipped that part. I wanted to give a general concept, like locking an enemy down for a moment so your teammates can catch up, but it's also a way of protecting teammates, yes.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

As for zoning, Foot, it's not just threat of damage. As I said in my original response, it's a threat OR obstacle. Ymir's wall or Odin's ring count as zoning tools.

Yes, it is. I don't know why I ignored that part, actually. I guess obstacles are just mostly known as blocking paths, or whatever... but yes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 21, 2019 2:10am | Report
Gotta love it when a developer ninja's a change in. Good find Myst.

Yeah knowing the terms is part of the knowledge you need to have, however it's very easy to gain the wrong meaning if you're not careful. Mostly because in another type of game it can mean something else.

I can see where you're coming from Bran as in an RPG it is and the term came from there, however in mobas it took a slightly different form over time as protecting your allies (so peel the adc is actually protect the adc).
You can pretty much divide peel in hard peel (CC, bodyblocking, any way damage is prevented) and soft peel (any way damage does come in but is reduced to gain those extra seconds for the target to die) nowadays. Somewhere in there cleanses are also a form of peel.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 23, 2019 8:36am | Report
hi guys, i have a new Question concerning "Rotation", and since it's also a Term, i stay in this Thread.

So Rotating is really hard for me. I like to Play support and as such, i stay in Duo Lane during Early Game. That's not the Issue.

After a while, when i'm around level 10 i begin to rotate towards Mid. Try to Ward Goldfury, later maybe Firegiant and around Midlane or Duo Lane as good as i can.

I rotate when:
-there are Ganks / Group fights going on. (since i have a lot of Aura-Items like Sovereignity or Pestilence or Hearthstone etc and CC of course)
-somebody crys for Help

My "first Rule" is: never be alone. As a Guardian, i can't kill a lot with a defensive Build. Also, my Auras are all almost wasted when i'm alone.

But do you have other Tipps when to rotate, or where to go? Cause sometimes i think "go Mid", then i see that Duo has Pressure and i return, which makes me run around in the Jungle which is of no use.
The Main Problem i have in Midgame. (cause Lategame is mostly Grouped up anyway - or it should!).

PS: in Solo i have the same Problem. In a different situation but still.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 23, 2019 5:06pm | Report
So...I have a lot of information in my Conquest guide which does talk to some extent on when (and where) to rotate. There's a ton of info in the guide, so it can be difficult to find unless you've read the whole thing and know. If you want to read, you'll look under the specific chapter for the role (e.g. Support), and scroll down to the "gameplay stages" section. The tip is down in the "Starting Process & Early Game Considerations" spoiler, and you have to scroll down further to find it...when you DO find it, it'll look like this:
  • When to Rotate: With regard to the previous 2 points, you can start rotating whenever the right situation presents itself. Rotating away from the Duo lane serves 2 purposes: 1) if the ADC is strong enough to clear waves on their own, it helps max their farming, while 2) moving to support the general jungle allows the Support to continue gathering resources while also being a second roaming threat for ganks.

  • Where to Rotate: When you leave your ADC, your primary focus will shift to clearing jungle camps, protecting/controlling objectives, and attending other teammates to assist in protection, ganking, and pressuring lanes. You'll still need to be aware of your ADC's situation, so you'll usually stay somewhat close in case they need assistance. As such, unless there's a dire situation in your Solo lane that calls for your immediate assistance, you usually won't venture to the other side of the map. (One exception to this is Athena, who can ult at a moment's notice to support her ADC)

Anyway, you might not want to go searching, so besides what's above, I'll give some main pointers:
  • As Support, it can be tough to decide when to rotate. You can do it when your ADC can easily clear wave by themselves and know that when they're outnumbered, to just stay close to tower and continue clearing there if needed. In these cases, even if the enemy Support stays, your ADC gets more farm while you get to tip the balance in another lane, roaming with Jungle to look for ganks, or supporting Mid to try to push tower, etc. That's a proactive decision.

  • A reactive decision would be if the enemy Support may want to rotate out also. You may need to try to keep track of the enemy Support a bit more, make sure you're warding more at that point to help prevent ganks from them, etc. You also will often leave lane when the enemy does because, conversely to above, if you stay with your ADC and the enemy ADC is alone, they're going to start getting a larger farm advantage and gain levels/gold more quickly (thus putting more pressure on your ADC) unless you can get a kill due to the numbers advantage (2 v 1). may also need to stay in lane, especially if the enemy Support does, because your ADC needs protection...and if the enemy is smart, they can freeze waves and zone you out from farm if they have a clear advantage/pressure.

  • Basically you have 3 options. Leave before the enemy Support. Leave when the enemy Support does. Stay with your ADC even when the enemy Support leaves. You just have to make a decision based on the situation.

  • And as to where to go, you usually will want to stay somewhat close to the ADC. This doesn't mean you can't venture into the opposite jungle ever...but you usually won't go to the Solo lane as Support in the early/mid game. You might roam the near jungle, try to gank or support mid, maybe grab a camp in the opposite jungle (especially if you're going with the jungler), and support objective efforts if you need to protect Pyro/Fire from being taken or you have a clear opportunity for an early Pyro/Fire kill.

  • As Solo, you'll probably want to protect your tower and try to get the 1st enemy tower. Once that's down, you can consider rotating. You can also rotate before the tower is down if you're crazy losing mid, etc.

  • Alternatively, if you're winning your lane and have an advantage in level, clear, etc., you might even go as far as to proxy a wave (kill a minion wave in between the T1 ant T2 towers) to give yourself some time, then you can back as needed or try to gank the mid-lane.

  • If you're losing Solo, you mostly want to keep farming. You should probably ward more in those cases, because if you decide to stay in lane and the enemy Solo leaves, you want to know where they're going, and warn teammates accordingly. As long as they're smart and they listen to you warning of incoming enemies (or that they've left lane and should be careful), this allows you to stay in lane and farm up.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 23, 2019 10:31pm | Report
i will read it again carefully and try to look out again, you're right. Thanks!

You mention to clear jungle camps alone too. I imagine that rough at some point for a God like Khepri or Ganesh when they're not in lategame. It takes so long. :<


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 23, 2019 10:52pm | Report
Keep in mind those points are generalizations, and may not apply to the one you're playing. Some Supports have significantly better clear. Those that don't, well you probably wouldn't clear alone. Your best bet at that point is just to leech off of others.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 24, 2019 12:49am | Report
makes sense. I read it again carefully, now with the knowledge i have and try to apply it on the next matches to see if it goes better. :)

PS: how to gain more Account-Level? I think it takes ages!
don't plan to go into ranked anyways and just stay casual but i kinda ask myself how much it takes. I guess just play Matches (and Botmatches don't really count) huh?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 24, 2019 3:29am | Report
Account level doesn’t mean anything past level 30. Also as we said before, bot matches won’t help you improve.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 24, 2019 3:35am | Report
yeah that's why i don't do them a lot. So, Matchmaking is not connected in any way with it, nor does a certain Mode "count more" then?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 24, 2019 5:44am | Report
Once you’re past level 30, matchmaking is based on your MatchMaking Rating (MMR) / Elo. Normally you get matched with players close to your MMR but there are exceptions like low player population, e.g for ranked Joust during low population times a Masters player can get matched against Gold/Silver players and such.


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