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Items and Terms - Questioning

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 20, 2019 3:21am | Report
good to know. what taking a break from a game can do to you XD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 3:51am | Report
thanks for further answers.
i'd appreciate it, if Hi-Rez would write it in the Tooltip like in Contagieon or Pest. But hey... ^^


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 20, 2019 5:31am | Report
Devampi wrote:

I don't know for sure if Myst intended it, however sadly his description of peeling is wrong. And the same goes for 1 of his anti heal combo item stacking.

Just because I did the simplest possible description it doesn't mean I'm wrong. I might agree that I should have wrote some extra details or a better description, but I disagree it is wrong.

Also, everything I said on Anti Healing is right, just because Divine and BBS Visual effects don't stack that doesn't mean the debuffs don't stack too.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 6:24am | Report
well one could say, peel is basically CC.
either you Peel away an Enemy from your friend to protect said friend
or you Peel an Enemy away from his Group so he has no Protection anymore and can be killed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 6:28am | Report
okay i have another Question and i ask it here then ^^
yesterday i think it was, i was sololaning with Bellona, and hat a Chaac as Counter.
We did quit well now...
normally, after a while when i think it's safe i start to roam, gank the Midlane, Ward Firegiant, help with Objectives etc.
But with this Chaac, it was kinda a Standoff. He couldn't kill me, but neither could i kill him and if one of us would leave the Lane, the other could have pushed into the Tower immediatley.

now it's kinda a lose-Situation since i can't help my Team, but i also lose my Lande when i go, right?
Ganking from Jungler wasn't that effective. Once, we managed to kill chaac, next their Jungler killed me.
it was SO even.

In the End we lost the Game but that was due to Lategame i guess, cause until level 17 we where both equal and in our lanes. What would you do then, since it's a lose-lose Situation there.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 20, 2019 6:36am | Report
Go help your team. And sometimes return to your lane just to defend it. Usually, a extra teammate on the teamfight is good and can really help your team get a kill and get ahead.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 20, 2019 7:05am | Report
You probably should have proxied the wave and then rotated to other lanes


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 7:14am | Report
we we're so even, he would have stopped me or proxied me by the time i proxied him.
so i wouldn't have had a Timegain.
And when i leave, i lose the tower. Yeah.
so better lose tower then and try to help, okay.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FootFetish » August 20, 2019 7:26am | Report
CafPow wrote:

yesterday i think it was, i was sololaning with Bellona, and hat a Chaac as Counter.
But with this Chaac, it was kinda a Standoff. He couldn't kill me, but neither could i kill him and if one of us would leave the Lane, the other could have pushed into the Tower immediatley.
now it's kinda a lose-Situation since i can't help my Team, but i also lose my Lande when i go, right?
Ganking from Jungler wasn't that effective. Once, we managed to kill chaac, next their Jungler killed me.
In the End we lost the Game but that was due to Lategame i guess, cause until level 17 we where both equal and in our lanes. What would you do then, since it's a lose-lose Situation there.

Analize the situation before any gank happens. Assassins in the jungler are generally meant to kill squishies, which means that in the solo lane there isn't a lot that they can do without CC.

If you had a high DPS assassin as jungler ( Arachne, Bakasura, Mercury, Nemesis, Kali) the problem might be that you, as Bellona, having low CC aside from Eagle's Rally didn't have a lot of CC to peel for them (Which comes to the term you asked earlier; separating an enemy (or a group of enemies, but mostly refered to one only) with your crowd control or displacement to set it up for your teammates).

Now, if you had an ability based assassin as jungle ( Da Ji, Bastet, Thor, Awilix, etc), the problem might be lack of penetration. Items like Brawler's Beat Stick or The Crusher are almost essential for these assassins, to kill tanky (or squishy too) character, just like the Chaac you were facing.

As a solo laner, and mostly as Bellona, you lack penetration, since your build should have a strategic order and, of course, defense. Yes you can get Brawler's Beat Stick but Contagion is better in any term. Bellona's standart build is something like Berserker's Shield, Ninja Tabi, Shogun's Kusari, Breastplate of Valor, Pestilence/ Contagion and Mantle of Discord (Correct me if i'm wrong).

This whole build, as you see, has 0 penetration, but a lot of utility. This allows you to have a decent laning phase as you said, being able to apply pressure on your opponent (but also receiving a lot).

After all this has been said, i think the main problem was your jungler. Maybe you and him/her should have waited for Chaac to be more aggressive / out of position.

Now, all you did aside from that (Rotating, Warding, ETC) was fine.

And now:

> Healing reduction applies to every item/ability/relic/effect that can heal. It applies to consumables, it applies to abilities like Love Birds, Harvest, Decay / Restoration, Venomous Bite, etc), it applies to items such as Bancroft's Talon or Gladiator's Shield, and relics (Bracer of undoing and Meditation cloak ONLY, it doesn't reduces Magic Shell.

Its the most efficient counter to healing characters, such as Terra, Sylvanus, Chang'e... and all the others.

> Peeling is locking an enemy with your kit of abilities for your teammates that lack crowd control to kill him. This is mostly done with high CC characters, which can be supports ( Khepri, Ymir, Artio), solo laners with good CC ( Nike, Aphrodite, Hercules), or even high CC mages ( Discordia, Nox). Is the most efficient way to kill an enemy in any stage (laning phase or teamfight).

> Zoning refers to setting enemies away by your presence or (mostly) with a damaging / high crowd control ability. This can be done by (almost) any character when is snowballed, but it can be done only by some of them when using only abilities. Good zoning abilities are, for example, Circle Of Protection, Web, Crushing Earth, Siphon Darkness).

You can also zone with abilities that need to be used twice to have effect. This will scare the enemy. Some examples are Deadly Aspects, Monolith, Spirit Ball.

I hope you understand me lol, i don't speak (or write XD) very good in english...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 20, 2019 7:27am | Report
CafPow wrote:

we we're so even, he would have stopped me or proxied me by the time i proxied him.

He can't stop you that easily when it gets to the later stages of the game, and if he proxies you as well, thats fine.


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