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Trying to learn the game my way...

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Forum » New Player Help » Trying to learn the game my way... 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JunpeiHyuga » June 28, 2017 9:46am | Report
Hey guys. So recently I wrote a post about Amaterasu wich got some great response/advice. When I play her i feel very confident, but the thing is that I learn in a weird way (I've been told) so I was just wondering if you guys have any basic builds for Susano and Izanami?

The thing is that I learn really well when I've got a basic build to work from but if I watch a youtube guide I can't wrap my head around it. I managed to get pretty OK with Kuzenbo by myself but that was just luck. I don't need you to go out of your way but a little help would be nice. I feel like I've got the warrior class down and, almost, the guardian class though.

Also, the reason I'm doing only japanese is that it just makes sense to me. Nothing else.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the best way I'm gonna learn.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes as I'm norwegian and not english :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 28, 2017 10:02am | Report
Hi Junpei,

I've seen so many suggestions on Izanami's best build style. Her basic attack passing through everything in its path gives it some really weird functions and restrictions. That said, one build you might consider is in my Conquest guide, here.

Go down a bit to hunter builds...Iza has her own section and writeup. I don't remember where I got the build might have been from DucksRock (one of our editors and a previous hunter/ADC main)...definitely wasn't my invention, as I don't really play her.

As for Susano, Neo makes continual revisions to his guide, here: It has a ton of info in it that you might find helpful.

Good luck!

*edit* Actually, not really sure about that Iza build. I'm going to ask around on that one...think she could use some more attack speed, and I know some people really prefer Hastened Fatalis on her.

A recent Reddit post has people all over the place with her build.

Some have Trans in it. Some say crit. Because some on-hit functions may only affect the first enemy hit, it makes things like the enhanced damage from Deathbringer, Qin's Sais, and The Executioner a bit weird.

At this point, I might suggest Death's Toll, Warrior Tabi, Devourer's Gauntlet, Rage, Titan's Bane, Malice, replace DT with Wind Demon or Poisoned Star, and then switch Warrior Tabi to Ninja Tabi. Honestly, though, I dunno.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 28, 2017 10:34am | Report
That Iza build is suspect, and actually hinders her early game.

That being said she does really well with high pen builds due to her passive. If I remember right you play Conquest so I'll focus towards that. Death's Toll, *situational Bumba's Mask if you're sure you'll out clear to give you huge invade potential, Warrior Tabi, Ichaival huge boxing potential with your 1, Qin's Sais, Asi/ The Crusher, Titan's Bane, Brawlers Beatstick. You later sell Ich for something I generally go with whatever I didnt get between Asi or Crusher or Ody bow.

You have to play safe as you dont have CC immunity and you escape kinda sucks. However, your 1v1 potential is fairly insane between your 1, your passive, if you have brawlers it procs on your 1 and reduces enemy healing *including lifesteal, and Asi if you have it.

For Susano, Bluestone Pendant + Bumba's Mask start, Warrior Tabi, Shifter's Shield, Jotunn's Wrath, Brawlers Beatstick, Heartseeker/ The Crusher, Titan's Bane is my current go to. With him you need to poke and learn when you have insta kill potential. Also learning when its better to auto cancel the 1 or just burst it and leave is important.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 28, 2017 10:50am | Report
Hey Duo, so Qin's passive doesn't get all jacked up by her basics? I should have included Ichaival in there too.

And I'm guessing between DT and possibly Bumba's, that's all the lifesteal she'll need/want? I see a lot of early Devos in all the various comments, and a strong preference for crit. This is one reason why I don't play her, lol.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 28, 2017 11:11am | Report
Pretty sure it doesnt as its a separate instance of damage. Just doesnt double proc like it used to.

Yeah, DT and Bumbas regen is insane for lane. If you want LS to box/teamfight Asi is the most relevant option due to her recieving the AOE Lifesteal penalty when not using her 1.

Crits workable, but is hurt more if she doesnt hit the backswing. Also she wants Malice over DB in crit as the malice proc isnt affected by her not getting the full damage on the front end of the basic


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 28, 2017 3:35pm | Report
Bumba's Mask in the lanning phase? Maybe I'm missing something here, but that doesn't make much sense... 50 health is, what, one or two auto attacks? I'd rather spend the money on potions.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 28, 2017 3:49pm | Report
Duo can stop me if I'm wrong, but although Izanami is out of the meta right now, at the beginning of S4, she was excelling as a crazy early game Jungler. Even if we're not talking Jungle, in either ADC or mid-lane roles, her early clear is going to beat out almost any other god. This frees her up to roam more, hit nearby jungle camps, etc.

So, getting Bumba's Mask is going to further speed jungle camp clear...added true damage and added sustain to greatly help her keep her health and mana up, with some extra gold to boot.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 28, 2017 3:53pm | Report
That makes more sense, Bran. Thanks.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 28, 2017 4:17pm | Report
Pretty much what Bran said. With iza you have a high chance to outpush and be able to invade on the first wave. The extra damage and heal allows you to take at least 1 whole buff in most cases for free.

As the game goes on you'll get the gold from your jungle camps and other invades. Plus gives you the option to box, leave for a buff, and come back pretty much full health. The extra gold gets you online faster.

You trade potions, a one time use, for a repeatable effect which in the long run is better. When you factor in that you often don't need all those potions anyways this works out a bit better.


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