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4.25 Patch Notes | Warden of the Underworld

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Forum » News » 4.25 Patch Notes | Warden of the Underworld 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » January 4, 2018 3:05pm | Report

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You can now find Cerberus in the Guide Builder!
Passive - Spirit of Death
Any time an Enemy God within 40 of Cerberus is healed, that healing is Cerberus receives 40% of the heal, and the Enemy's heal is reduced by 20%.
Paralyzing Spit

Cerberus's snake tail spits venom that passes through and damages Enemies. If Cerberus's dog heads are Alert, they then also spit venom when the ability is fired. Each head is alerted upon hitting an Enemy with a Basic Attack, and all are alerted after Ghastly Breath. Each projectile that hits the same target deals 20% less damage, but hitting an Enemy with all 4 Stuns them.

Ghastly Breath

Each of Cerberus's 3 heads releases a cone of noxious breath in front of them, damaging all enemies in range 7 times over 2.4s and reducing their Protections up to three times. Enemies in the center of his breath are also Slowed up to three times. This attack immediately puts all three of Cerberus's heads on Alert for Paralyzing Spit.

Soul Expulsion

Cerberus leaps a short distance forward, dealing damage on impact and severing the souls of enemies. These souls will not block Cerberus's attacks, and killing the souls heals Cerberus.

Stygian Torment

Cerberus's haunting wail summons below him the souls of the damned, which then lift all Enemy Gods into the air while stretching the link between their bodies and souls, Damaging them. A short time later, Cerberus uses this link to pull the Enemies to him.


Hellwatch Cerberus
Sweet Tooth Sol
Brimstone Demon Thor

Grove Keeper Xing Tian
Brimstone Beast Camazotz


  • The Battle Begins
    • Deal 20,000 Damage

  • Surtr's Wrath
    • Slay 1 Jungle Boss

  • The Bloody Battle
    • Get 30 kills/assists

  • (Reward Awesome Chest)


  • Ragnarok Loading Frame


  • Lava Recall Skin


  • Xing Tian VXG
  • Sol (Bubble gum) VXG



"Anhur has struggled to lane against other hunters due to opponents absorbing his entire waveclear. Targets impaled will now deal damage to targets they pass through, allowing Anhur to have more consistent wave clear. Highly skilled Anhur players can also try for more damage on enemy gods with a well places Impale."

  • Targets who are impaled will now deal Impales damage to targets they pass through.


"Chaac is a Warrior that does ok in a few areas, but often doesn't bring enough to the table to justify picking him over other gods A while back, Rain Dance used to slow Attack Speed on targets caught in this rain which helped him box and gave him better ability to dive the enemy team. We are bringing this back so that he has a specific benefit to picking him against team comps that are reliant on basic attackers."

Rain Dance
  • Now provides an Attack Speed slow of 5/10/15/20/25%

Hun Batz

"Hun Batz started off Season 4 as a quite popular god, but has dropped off heavily throughout the year. Hun Batz still has many tools to make him a worthwhile pick, like his huge crowd controlling ultimate, but we are looking to increase his strength in a more consistent way. Increasing the damage of his poke ability will achieve this."

Sacred Monkey
  • Increased Damage from 80/125/170/215/260 to 80/135/190/245/300


"Terra was an unstoppable force when initially released, providing massive healing, damage, and control to her team. Through many patches we have toned down her strengths to bring her more in line, but this resulted in her feeling underwhelming. We are increasing the potency of the Monolith shatter slow, giving Terra more impact when she aggressively fights into an enemy team."

  • Increased slow from Shattering Monolith from 30% to 40%
  • Increased slow duration from Shattering Monolith from 1.5s to 2s

Zhong Kui

"Zhong Kui's basic attack buddy will now always stay by him, even when this skill is on cooldown. Zhong Kui got a large buff this year and now sits in a much better spot than he did before, but time has shown he could use a little more. With a reduced cost and the bonus damage from Book of Demons, Zhong Kui will be a more formidable opponent."

Book of Demons
  • Decreased Mana Cost from 75/80/85/90/95 to 60/65/70/75/80
  • This ability no longer takes away Zhong Kui's book basic attacks while on cooldown.

*Source: The Official Patch Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 4, 2018 4:08pm | Report
(edited due to correction in Cerb's ability descriptions) Just gonna comment here instead of a separate thread...

That Cerberus passive looks freaking broken, lol. Slightly less range than Pestilence but gets 40% of the heal? Enemy Hel steer clear, geez.

For Paralyzing Spit, I take it they mean to say that "one head is alerted each time an enemy is hit with a basic attack." Ghastly Breath looks like a mix between Nemesis' Slice and Dice and Guan Yu's Taolu Assault. Soul Expulsion...a short jump that creates souls that can be hit and will heal him, so nice sustain for Solo lane. Stygian Torment is a nice AOE knockup/banish with damage, followed by a pull to him like Ares' ult.

  • Anti-heal
  • Line Damage, Situational Stun
  • Protection reduction + Slow
  • Short initiation/escape leap with potential self healing
  • Damage + Pull
Combo #1 (Basic): Ghastly Breath -> Paralyzing Spit
Combo #2 (Initiation): Soul Expulsion -> Ghastly Breath -> Paralyzing Spit
Combo #3 (Teamfight Pull): Stygian Torment -> Ghastly Breath -> Paralyzing Spit

Solo-Laner role most likely, with smaller possibility of aggressive Support. Bruiser build (all abilities deal some damage) with key items being Void Stone and Blink Rune. CDR, health, protection reduction (e.g. Void), a lot of potential for counter-building. He looks pretty awesome, and should be fun to play.

Anhur gets a nice buff to his Impale...but question it passes through minions, but pushes back gods...can it now push back multiple gods if he gets a well-placed hit?

Chaac gets a re-buff of Rain Dance that brings back his anti-hunter appeal. MS Slow + AS Slow...didn't they get rid of it a long time ago because it was a bit OP?

Hun Batz gets a minor top-end damage buff to Sacred Monkey, this seems fair.

Terra's Monolith slow control gets stronger, which I think is fair given the nerf it received.

Zhong Kui gets a little love with his Book of Demons, which no longer disappears for a short time when he uses the ability, which is great for his basic attacks. Happy, Tech?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » January 4, 2018 5:10pm | Report
Incon seems to think Cerberus' kit is very balanced :^)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » January 4, 2018 6:31pm | Report
Cerberus looks mega fun, probably a solo though so rip my new guardian :(

Based on the wording it should work more like Kuzenbo push Bran. Dealing the damage but not pushing them as well. Pretty cool buff which should lead to hot plays.

Chaac buff <3

Terra buff is definitely needed and can't wait to try it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » January 5, 2018 12:13pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Zhong Kui gets a little love with his Book of Demons, which no longer disappears for a short time when he uses the ability, which is great for his basic attacks. Happy, Tech?

Yes, very.
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
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#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 5, 2018 4:41pm | Report
Cerberus got a correction on his 3 and ult...I've edited in the OP and my comment. This is a more reasonable kit.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 5, 2018 4:53pm | Report

Solo build (against physical w/ heal): Starter of choice ( Soul Stone for aggression or Vampiric Shroud for sustain), Shoes of the Magi, Dynasty Plate Helm (bridge, optional) or Breastplate of Valor, Void Stone, Spirit Robe, Pestilence, Situational, replace Dynasty w/ Breastplate of Valor if you got Dynasty.

Solo build (against magical): Starter of choice ( Soul Stone for aggression or Sands of Time for sustain), Shoes of the Magi, Void Stone or Pestilence as needed, Spirit Robe, Breastplate of Valor, Situational, Situational.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » January 7, 2018 4:11pm | Report
For anyone who couldn't wait to get started on a guide for him: Cerberus has been added to the SMITEFire database! :)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Axel_Got_It_Memo » January 16, 2018 3:21pm | Report
Hey, so there aren't any notes on any of Hachimans abilities changing but it seems that in all the games that I play in with him since the new update his square ability or Eagle Eye no longer piercers thru minions or gods but stops at the first god or minion hit, is this permanent or is this a bug and will hopefully be fixed soon as it wasn't listed in new patch notes? Ty


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 16, 2018 3:28pm | Report
Hi Axel,

If you're talking Eagle Eye, as far as I recall, there was never a point at which the ability pierced through enemies. It's a long range poke ability and is meant for single target hits. If it pierced, it would be extremely OP for his early wave clear, especially combined with Heavenly Banner.

So yeah...not a bug, it's never been able to hit more than 1 enemy when activated.

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