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New in Smite: Janus Crosses and New Threshold!

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Forum » News » New in Smite: Janus Crosses and New Threshold! 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Alan LaFleur » May 28, 2014 3:01pm | Report

New God: Janus

Passages - Passive
  • Any time Janus transitions through a portal or over a threshold he becomes aged and wizened, gaining +25% magical power scaling on his next ability cast.

  • Janus creates a portal in the world. If placed on a wall, the portal will create a passage through to the other side of the wall that Janus or any Ally may use. The portal may be entered from either side, but closes after 1 use. If placed on the ground, enemies and Janus will fall into the portal, being teleported into the air above it. Enemies take 80/130/180/230/280 +60% magical power as damage upon landing, and are considered banished for 1.5s during the fall. Cooldown 15s. Cost 70.

Unstable Vortex
  • Janus creates two unstable portals, far too small to fit into, and flings them forward dealing 90/150/210/270/330 +80% magical power as damage to enemies in their path. Enemies hit by both portals take 50% damage on the second hit. Cooldown 8s. Cost 70/75/80/85/90.

  • Passive: Janus increases the movement speed of himself and allies 10/15/20/25/30% for 5s when they go through a portal or over a Threshold (max 2 stacks). Active: Janus opens a multi-dimensional rift that lasts for 3/4/5/6/7s. Enemies who pass over the rift are slowed 20/25/30/35/40% and marked with Phase for 3s. Targets in Phase take 20,30,40,50,60% additional magical scaling damage when hit by Janus' next damaging ability. Cooldown 15s. Cost 60/65/70/75/80.

Through Space and Time
  • Janus blasts a slow moving ball of multi-dimensional energy across the battlefield, burning a portal into every surface it encounters within range 500. These portals last 10s, may be used by allies, and do not vanish after the first use. Enemy gods hit by the energy take 200/300/400/500/600 +50% magical power as damage, increasing in magical scaling the further the ball travels. Cooldown 90s. Cost 100.

God Skins

Gatekeeper Janus

Team Solomid Apollo
  • Note: This skin has limited time availability. A portion of all proceeds from the sale of the skin will go toward a Team SoloMid Invitational to be hosted later this year.

Mountain Man Odin

  • has undergone a major overhaul, including new model, new FX, and new loading screen card.
  • Note: Mountain Man Odin now has a unique voicepack.

Golden Agni has an updated loading screen card.

Ward Skins
  • You can now purchase skins for wards. Currently all ward skins are purchased with gems.
  • The god browser now contains a tab to view Ward skin options.
  • You can equip a ward skin in the game lobby, ward skin viewer, or using a new icon located next to the current player icon.
  • Ward skins cannot be changed during a match.
  • The skin applies to both wards and sentry wards. The base of both of these ward types are not changed only the top piece. A new effect has been added to sentry wards to help differentiate.
  • Wards have a new feature in game which allows them to react to players that can see them. Fun!

  • Siege Game Mode is being tested in a 4v4 format (instead of 5v5). The gamemode is still in beta and further changes and/or a reversion of this change may occur.
  • Accolades for killing the Gold Fury and the Fire Giant are now seen team wide.
  • Flying gold fx has been re-enabled when you and your team earn kills.
  • The Character Builder is now accessed from the GOD screen instead of from its own menu selection on the top bar.
  • Fixed an issue with missing visual fx when gaining gold.
  • Mouse support for VGS has been added.
  • The Ra Bot A.I. in Joust Practice has undergone some modifications.
  • Fixed an issue in Assault where re-roll could give you a healer. Only healers can re-roll to another healer.
  • Your new God Rotation is Ao Kuang, Kumbhakarna, Vamana, Cupid, and Fenrir!

Other changes included in the patch are changes to what is considered hard crowd control. Warriors were retuned to be more jack of all trades and a master of none. Nemesis is no longer a warrior and is now considered an assassin. Other Gods that got major changes were Bastet and Zeus, which will affect them at all levels of play.

Alan LaFleur

Remarkable (6)
Posts: 33
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » May 28, 2014 5:17pm | Report
If only Janus sounded like a god rather than a protocol droid...
Chaac and Ah baby! Chaac and Ah...

Reverend Belial

Remarkable (8)
Posts: 474
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » May 28, 2014 5:31pm | Report
what are you talking about? it's quite obvious he IS a protocol droid - his job is to create portals and to increase allies' movement speed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » May 28, 2014 5:53pm | Report
Unstable Vortex is just broken. Give a pure utility god tons of area damage and CC = balanced, according to HiRez.

It deals 495 base with 120% scalings, but with his passive, it has 145-152.5% scalings (passive might occur for both hits). In a decently sized radius, dealing slightly less damage in a bigger radius, with a ****ing 8 second cooldown. Give him max CDR, and you have a FOUR POINT EIGHT SECOND COOLDOWN!

Do you know what else has a 5 second cooldown and hits in a large radius? Crescent Moon Dance! THE POWER CREEP IS REAL.

And that isn't even mentioning the additional damage from Threshold's Phase debuff or Portal! Let's assume Janus pops out of a portal, slows the enemy with Threshold, and throws an Unstable Vortex and hits with both hits. Max damage is 495 + 120% + 60% + 25% of you MP, or 495 + 205% of your magical power.

If Janus slows them with Threshold, and uses his Portal to set up Unstable Vortex, and triggered his passive earlier (the buff doesn't decay), he'll deal 280 + 60% + 25% + 60% + 495 + 120% of your MP, or 775 + 265% of your magical power.

This is stupid. You can't run from this guy, he has some of the best escapes in the game, and he deals so much damage, on top of so much pretty much every god released in the past few months. *sigh*

Edit: His passive seems to proc randomly on the Unstable Vortex. It could proc on the first hit, adding +25% MC, or on the second hit, adding 12.5%, and I think I saw it once proc on both, for a total of +32.5% scaling. It's completely random.

As for threshhold, I couldn't test it reliably, but it seems to proc only once.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 28, 2014 6:40pm | Report
Yeah, it does do a ridiculous amount of damage. I can see hi-rez tried to make it so it was hard to aim, but just keep the target on the right/left side of the path and bam

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » May 28, 2014 9:13pm | Report
Only downside I found for this god is that his early game is meh-ish. It's not terribad, nothing like Chronos, He Bo or something, but it's a little bit off. About 4/10 early game. But if he gets you with Portal > Polynomicon > Unstable Vortex it's pretty much a 100-0. Those two spells do as much damage if not more than Scylla's Sic 'Em > Crush combo.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 29, 2014 1:08am | Report
Yeah I played against him in solo lane, and is pas a nightmare. He deals way to much damage and when he gets you with a portal at level 20, you're dead.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » May 29, 2014 5:15am | Report
Talenhiem wrote:

it's quite obvious he IS a protocol droid

More like a portal-col droid.

Mountain Man looks absolutely awesome.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » May 29, 2014 6:22am | Report
I was honestly surprised how hard that bastard hits. Felt like I was hit by a truck when I was first smacked with his Unstable Vortex.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » May 29, 2014 6:27am | Report
Without a doubt, the damage on Ustable Vortex is WAY much. It either needs a damage nerf, increased cooldown or both.

Other then that I think that he is pretty balanced and I love playing as him, crossing my fingers that Hi-rez don't nerf him in to oblivion.

Nex The Slayer

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