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SMITEFire Season 7 Guide Contest Winners!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Season 7 Guide Contest Winners! 41 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » March 6, 2020 12:30am | Report

It's finally time to announce the winners of the SMITEFire Season 7 Guide Contest! There were many guides for our judges to review, but we feel we have managed to select the best ones for each category.

The judges have decided this time around to reward a worthy author twice for their amazing guides that deserve all of our praise. We have also decided to prize an outstanding guide that is not part of any category, but couldn't be overlooked due to its tremendous amount of valuable information and great formatting!

Without further ado, let us move on to the winners! :)

Guardian Category Winners

The following winners will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Guardian badge, and the "Protector" forum title.

If you're a fan of versatility and Athena, then you're in for a treat! Setolino's guide offers three different builds that you can follow joined by in-depth information on relics, skill usage, ward placement and even farming! They have also added a few videos to provide additional examples on how to properly execute combos and handle the laning phase.

You might remember them from previously winning the Warrior category, but this time around they have delighted us with a Guardian guide... it is Vini_sds with their guide for Khepri! Solid and diverse information all beautifully formatted for the reader's convenience. If you ever wanted to play Khepri masterfully, this guide is a vital step in reaching that goal!

Hunter Category Winners

The following winners will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Hunter badge, and the "Marksman" forum title.

We can already name this the definitive guide for Ah Muzen Cab, as UPLAR manages to hit the right spots this contest once more. With six different builds that you can pick from, the guide satisfies all play styles and preferences! The author also made sure to include a brief description of each build for the readers to get a main idea on what to be aiming for. If you're looking for more information, the guide also covers detailed reasons for each of the item choices and what to focus on during each stage of the match!

FootFetish has displayed an amazing showing this contest, as they have bestowed us with multiple quality guides. With general tips on every stage of the game with special emphasis on invading, map awareness, rotating and more, this guide for Jing Wei will not only improve your understand of the God, but of SMITE itself. Not to be missed! ;)

Mage Category Winners

The following winners will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Mage badge, and the "Enchanter" forum title.

This Kukulkan guide created by iIIDOOMIIi has always been a reliable source of information on how to play Kukulkan. The guide has been perfected for Season 7 and features information on skills and how they can be combined, advanced tactics, interesting stats and many more. Essential resource for every avid Mage player!

No, it's not a bug and yes, you're seeing correctly. It's FootFetish again, but this time with their one of a kind Eset guide! At this point we can call it an Eset compendium, based on its tremendous amount of reliable and informative content. Not even a single sentence disappoints, as everything has been finely crafted to the smallest detail. Don't miss out!

Warrior Category Winners

The following winners will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Warrior badge, and the "Gladiator" forum title.

It's always a pleasure to see new authors paving their way into our community. SmiteTeemo has recently joined us and they have already impressed us with their Erlang Shen guide! With neat formatting and straightforward information, SmiteTeemo has managed to put together a guide that will turn anyone reading into a solid and commendable Erlang Shen!

They have won the Guardian category in the past and now they're here in the top for the Warrior category. We can confidently say that AtomicPie525 has earned their spot between the best guide authors of our community! Their versatility has proven essential to their ability to write guides for Gods of different roles. This time they have impressed us with their brand new guide for Horus, providing comprehensive information on everything you need to know on how to play The Rightful Heir!

Revival Category Winners

The following winners will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Revival badge, and the "Savior" forum title.

It's time for TangoDownY3k to move to the next level as this contest he is no longer a honorable mention, but a winner! His He Bo guide is a masterpiece and the attention given to little details have made a significant difference in the overall quality of his guide. We believe there is no He Bo related question that TangoDownY3k's guide cannot answer!

Kamouh is also a new member of our community and they have proven to know how Raijin is best played! They have prepared multiple builds suiting different roles and information on all the relevant topics. No matter what you're looking for or how much information you seek, this guide will satisfy all your Raijin needs!

Assassin Category Winner

The following winner will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold Assassin badge, and the "Executioner" forum title.

After two years of Estidien holding the Assassin title, it's time to pass it on to its next bearer, NeoXceptr! Their guide for Susano has been a valuable resource since 2016 when it was first crated. It was continuously updated with useful information on how to reach Susano's maximum potential and it's a must read for any Assassin player!

Special Winner

The following winner will receive $50 USD, a Season 7 gold special badge, and the "Grand Magus" forum title.

The depth and complexity of this guide could simply not be overlooked. Lykoi is a new face around our community and has already managed to create one of the most comprehensive guides ever seen. The guide covers information on what to keep in mind while generally playing as a Mage and also dedicated tips for all the Mages in the game! The information is easy to read and the God you're looking for is quick to find thanks to Lykoi's advanced formatting.

Special Thanks To The Contest Judges!

Selecting the best guides wouldn't have been possible without the assistance of these great judges and guide writers! :)






How To Claim Your Prize

  1. Check the email associated with your SMITFire account and look out for our mail!

  2. Reply to the mail received with the required information.

  3. That's it! You will receive your well deserved prize as soon as possible. :)

We would like to thank everyone for participating and for creating wonderful guides! Please let us know if you have feedback regarding our guide contests and we will do our best to improve our future ones for your best experience. Have a great Season 7! :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UPLAR » March 6, 2020 12:46am | Report
This has made my ****ing day I can't stop smiling! 2 years in a row omfg! Congrats to the winners in the other categories and Footfetish for winning the ADC category with me! Finally thanks to the incredible judges and xmysterionz especially who judged my guide, what a day!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 6, 2020 1:47am | Report
Congratz to all winners, also great to last minute include the category for a general guide that was surprising release. all in all well deserved


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kamouh » March 6, 2020 3:23am | Report
Super happy about making it into the winners category with my favourite god: Raijin! ^^

Congratz to everyone else who did it for their great guides! :D

P.S. and also thanks to the ppl who helped me with suggestion while i was editing the guide (it was my first so at the beginning was just a colorless wall of writing) (you can see them in the credits in the guide as well as in the comments section of my Raijin guide!)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » March 6, 2020 3:40am | Report
Oh yea boi, got that second badge. Congratz to all the other winners :), and thanks to the all the judges for their work.
"Wololol" -Age of Empires


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » March 6, 2020 3:55am | Report
Congrats to all the winners and thank you to Hades for inviting me to judge once again ^^
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 6, 2020 4:24am | Report
Congrats to all winners, you deserved it!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » March 6, 2020 5:44am | Report
Congratulations to all of the winners. You guys are the reason why this site is great

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » March 6, 2020 5:56am | Report
Wow, after 3 years in a row, Nike didn't win the contest this year. It's the end of an era.

I want to thank the Site Admins for hosting the contest, the Judges for their hard work to pick the winners, and to all the contest participants who did their best with their guides.

I'm very happy to win, but also happy that the overall quality of the content we're making is increasing.
Guides with solid information, good formatting and precise item choices are a key asset into making SmiteFire a respectable and reliable source of information.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by AtomicPie525 » March 6, 2020 7:16am | Report
Great contest ladies and gents! Shout out to everybody that helped me in the making of this one. Be it with item choices or helping with coding (or the internal bug I somehow created), you're all great! Congratulations to the other winners and here's to another year of informing the masses!

<Guardian Master>

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