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SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest! 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » January 29, 2021 6:48am | Report

Hello and welcome to the Season 8 Guide Contest! Check out the details below to learn how to join and compete for the $1300 prize pool!

Season 8 Guide Contest (12 Winners & 1 Bonus Award & Free Prime)

The guide contest features a total of (6) categories. There are (5) categories for each SMITE class and (1) remaining category that will feature Gods that need fresh quality guides the most. Each category will have (2) winners that will receive the prize of $100 each. We will also have a bonus award and prize of $100 for the most mobile-friendly guide (info)!

In addition to the prizes above, all eligible participants will receive 1 free month of our Prime benefits!

How to participate?
  • Simply create or update a Season 8 guide before the end of the contest (March 12th) and you're entered!

  • To qualify for the guide contest, your guide must have at least 2.000 characters (characters, not words, including BBCode) and a properly filled out build - skill order and items in the item purchase order (starting items and full build are a must). Guides and item builds must be competitive in the current meta.

  • If you want feedback for your guide, don't forget to make use of the forums and our Discord server! The SMITEFire community will be happy to help by giving your guide feedback.
Sounds good so far? Break the ice and be the first to update or create a guide! :)

Contest Categories (2 Winners per Category)

Here are the categories of this guide contest. You may create multiple guides for each of these categories, but you will only be able to win one of them. Creating more guides means more chances though! Also, don't forget about the bonus mobile-friendly award!


Assassins are often melee gods who can commonly be found in the jungle area of the map. With their mobility and ability to deal huge amounts of damage in a short period of time, their main purpose is to reach key targets in the back line of the enemy team before assassinating them. Authors who write a guide in this category should make sure they do their best to explain how to do this without being stopped by the enemy Guardian or dying to damage dealt by the enemy team.

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Assassin badge and a special forum title.


Guardians are usually gods who provide a large amount of crowd control and can soak some damage for their team. Their main job is protect their carries from dying to sneaky enemy Assassins and to disrupt the enemy team as much as possible. Authors who write a guide in this category should focus on explaining how to quickly locate and eliminate the main source(s) of danger on the enemy team while keeping their own carries safe.

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Guardian badge and a special forum title.


Hunters are gods who primarily use their basic attacks to deal damage from a distance. Due to their heavy dependence on items, one of their main priorities throughout the game is to secure kills and make sure they are farming a lot of minions & monsters. Authors who write a guide in this category should focus on explaining how to itemize once they've acquired a lot of gold by doing so and talk about how best to position in teamfights.

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Hunter badge and a special forum title.


Mages are commonly found in the middle lane and can deal a large amount of magical damage from afar by chaining their abilities. In teamfights, they're usually looking to unleash their deadly combo on prime enemy targets. Authors who write a guide in this category should focus on explaining how their abilities should be chained to get the most damage out of them and talk about how to best position themselves in order to do this without being at risk of getting caught.

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Mage badge and a special forum title.


Warriors are melee fighters who can take a bit of a beating but dish out damage as well. In teamfights, Warriors should generally be found on the front lines and focus on disrupting and damaging the enemy team's damage dealers. Authors who write a guide in this category should focus on explaining how to best itemize to achieve this goal and on how to determine which enemy god should be their main priority.

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Warrior badge and a special forum title.


The Revival category is returning for this contest! All guides for the 10 Gods shown on the left are eligible to win this category. Each of these Gods is in need of some fresh new guides, so this category is designed to reward those authors who help fill that need by creating new guide content for the Gods listed.

The full list of Gods that count towards this category:
The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Revival badge and a special forum title.

What Will The Guides Be Judged On?

Build Quality - a good guide needs a good build

What would a good guide be without a good build? If you don't buy any items you probably aren't going to do very well! So first things first, tell us what to buy (under the Items tab) of your guide!

Guide purchase orders exist to tell your readers what to buy as well as the order in which they should buy their items, so make sure to make good use of them.

Depth of Information - now tell us how to play!

What order do you level your skills in? Do you wait for a certain moment to use a skill? How do you play against this god or that god? All these little details should not only teach beginners the basics, but teach experienced players little tips and tricks they may not have known before. We've jotted down a list of common topics to touch on in a guide below.
  • Skill order
  • How to use your skills effectively
  • First purchase
  • Build order and how to counterbuild
  • Tips and tricks
  • Matchups and synergy
  • Other game concepts such as team fighting, jungling, pushing, map objectives, etc.

Formatting and Readability - add some polish

If your guide has typos everywhere and all the text is in bright blue it might be a little hard to read. We're not saying that a single typo will disqualify your guide, but take some time to proofread and add some formatting to your guide to help readers quickly find important information. Below are a few resources to help set you on your way; if you want any more help, feel free to ask for it on the forums or in our Discord server!

What Are The Rules?

  • You must create or update your guide by the end of March 12th.

  • Your guide must fulfill these material requirements:
    • At least 2.000 characters
    • At least one build with a filled out skill order and items
    • Starting Items and Full Build added and marked

  • You're allowed to make changes to your guide at any time.

  • Guides must be crafted to reflect the current state of the game.

  • Guides for any of SMITE's game modes are eligible to win.

  • Participants cannot win more than one contest category (excluding the mobile-friendle award).
    • Exceptions may be made based on the number of quality guides at the discretion of the judges

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will automatically disqualify your guide.
    • NOTE: God builds and BBCode do not belong to any one writer and do not fall under plagiarism rules

Contest Judges

We have a hand-picked team of judges this year, including some prolific guide authors. Since judges can't win any category of the contest, now's your best chance to secure a spot in the standings while these guide giants are out of the running!






Big Damage

The Fine Print

  • Open to registered SMITEFire members only. Not a member? Register now and craft your guide!

  • Contest is worldwide.

  • Contest will be closed on March 12th, 2021 at 11:59pm PST.

  • After contest is closed there will be a 2 weeks judging period.

  • We reserve the right to adjust the number of winners per category based on the number of quality entries.

  • Winners may choose to receive their prize by bank transfer, Steam Wallets or Amazon Gift Cards.

  • Winners will be notified by email after the judging period and will have 7 days to claim their prize.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fraeduu » January 29, 2021 6:54am | Report
Looking forward to crafting some guide(s) alongside everyone.

Good luck!


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Notable (2)
Posts: 35
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by AtomicPie525 » February 10, 2021 9:37am | Report
For the purposes of this contest is Tiamat going to be in the mage pool seeing as she is, in fact, a mage?

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 10, 2021 10:10am | Report
Hi Atomic,

Yes, Tiamat will have been released for about 3 weeks or so by the time the contest closes, so that's plenty of time to get experience with her and write a guide. And yes, since she's a Mage, she'll compete in the Mage pool, and not the Warrior pool =)

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BananaHammer33 » February 14, 2021 10:37pm | Report
For the role specific awards, does the guide need to be done on the entire role in general, or simply on a god from that role? Like would I be able to create a Bakasura guide and be eligible for the assassin award?


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Notable (4)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » February 14, 2021 11:31pm | Report

For the role specific awards, does the guide need to be done on the entire role in general, or simply on a god from that role? Like would I be able to create a Bakasura guide and be eligible for the assassin award?

Correct. Conquest roles don't come into it so assassins will win the assassin award even if they're being built solo. A warrior wont win the assassin award if they're being built for jungle like an assassin.

The only other award you can win from any role is revival. If you make a good hun batz build it could be the assassin winner or the revival winner.

Big Damage

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » February 15, 2021 8:29am | Report
even better conquest doesn;t even come into it. you can even make an arena, assault build and it wont receive won;t work in conquest points as long as it is mentioned clearly it is for arena.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UberHaxorBuscus » February 28, 2021 10:29am | Report
Might actually come back to get some cash


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » February 28, 2021 1:30pm | Report

Might actually come back to get some cash

Sir, this is a Wendy's, not an ATM.

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IceColdPappsi » March 10, 2021 7:20pm | Report
So can only 2 people win the Revival category? Or can there be more as there are multiple gods from whom to create guides for?

<Master Wizard>

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