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Everyday life thread

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 30, 2017 12:02am | Report
Just curious about what you people do on a normal day. Do you work/study? How old you are? Do you live by yourself or with someone? Do you got kids/pets (lol)? Any other time consuming hobbies?
Basically I just want to know how your day is/was.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 30, 2017 12:41am | Report
I am 25 years old (7th of April is my birthday) and I live in Oslo with my girlfriend and her/our 3 dogs (chihuahuas). I finished my bachelor's degree as a bioengineer (the best way to explain it is probably to say that it is a mix of lab technician and a nurse) in the spring 2015. I started working at a small hospital in Oslo, drawing bloodsamples then analyzing them and sending the checked out results to the doctor.
Now I'm working as a special bioengineer together with maybe 15 other people, kind of as tech support for the four hospitals in Oslo and the lab computer systems, instruments etc. going to meetings and stuff. Unfortunately I'm only employed in this position out the year (with the possibility of renewal).
Work takes up a lot of my time, but I also love to cook. Normally got friends over for dinner at least 2-3 times a week. Some times just one and normally not more than two (only got four chairs at the dinner table).
I bought my own apartment a bit outside of Oslo (30 min with the tube) in March, and got some minor details that I want to fix during the summer.
I want to start working out again, think I've put on like 10kg the last year :/ does not help that my girlfriend has started making me wafles every other day (which I'm eating right now).
Other than that I watch some series, listen to music, play some PS4 and care for the dogs and hang out with the girlfriend of course.
And I love to get drunk and play videogames..

Today I have been slacking at home, just reading mail and chilling not really working. Because I was up late last night playing Destiny on PS4 for the first time. But I am now going to head off to work and take some waffles with me on the road (i love waffles).
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 30, 2017 11:36am | Report
Well, I'll first point to my bio.

I finished my bachelor's in pure biological sciences (biology) through the University of CA Irvine (UCI), not specifically bioengineering, biochem, etc. I work for a nutraceutical contract manufacturer as a product development manager, but do a variety of things in the position. Not going to bore you with details.

It takes me about an hour to get to work, and an hour to get home. When I get home on a workday, I'm basically immediately spending time with my kids, which I do through dinner and bathtime/showers, playing, reading books, etc. I do a lot of reading with them, already read some classics like Charlotte's Web and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory...I do a lot of different voices to make it more fun to listen to...also read through 1st Harry Potter, and we're more than 1/2 way through the 2nd...will read through the 3rd, but will stop after that since the first true HP death (of a student, Mr. pretty-boy Sparkly vampire guy in the movie version) is in book 4. We also do a lot of the funny snapchat filters...they love those.

Friends these days are spread out...don't see people all that often now, everyone has kids, busy with other stuff, etc.

Been playing hockey since early 20s...started roller, switched around 4-5 years ago to move ever. I play in a beer league once a week, and have no plans on stopping until I can't physically skate anymore, lol. But I am probably in the worst shape I've ever been in...I'm 5'9" and around 185 lbs right now...I want to be around 160, but that's not too bad for around 40 years old, I guess.

Uh...what else. I listen to music pretty often during work transit. I drive a stick shift in SoCal traffic...but I love my S2000 CR. I never want to drive automatic, but I'd consider trading it for a full electric...I once had this on order before the company tanked:

At night when the kids are asleep, I game, sometimes watch movies and stuff with my wife (we're currently working our way through Black Mirror, holy ****). On the gaming front, haven't been playing Smite all that much (actually I've never been an everyday SMITE player)...splitting time right now between Rise of the Tomb Raider/SMITE (PC), Horizon/NHL17/MLB The Show 16/SMITE/Uncharted 4 (PS4). Just bought Nier: Automata from the Steam sale, but I promised myself not to touch it until I finish Horizon, lol.

I guess that's it for now, eh?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » June 30, 2017 12:10pm | Report
I'm 28 almost 29. Have a degree in Archaeology with minor in Biology and also a Master's degree in Palaeopathology....I don't do anything with my degrees and it is kind of sad but as I finished up my Master's I realized it wasn't the right fit for me but I went that far I might as well have finished it.

I work security. It is boring as hell but easy and it pays my bills. To pass time, I am always on here as I am always on a dual monitor computer making things easier.

Bought a house New Year's Eve in 2015 with my now wife of almost 1 year (September anniversary) so after work and on the weekends I work on it. I recently just finished residing it by myself with some help from the wife. Also put in a retaining wall the summer before also by myself.

Hobbies- Not much really. I never really gamed until a couple years ago. I hadn't bought a video game console since the N64.. so now I play quite a bit when not busy with projects. I want to get into more woodworking, but can't find it in myself to spend the money for the equipment.. would really like to start woodturning..maybe some day.

*Edit- No kids, but one 1.5 year old lab/shepherd mix named Heimdall

That's about it

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » June 30, 2017 12:48pm | Report
Heya. I'm 20, currently attending Northeastern University where I'm majoring in Computer Science and Game Design (ie: I'm well on track to become a game developer). Last two semesters I've been living in singles, not because I'm antisocial and don't have friends (quite the opposite really) I just like having a nice spot to retire to at the end of the day.

Just got back on campus where I'll be starting a Co-op (basically a 6-month internship) in about a week at a company called NeuroScouting. They create interactive experiences using the game development engine Unity to help athletes train their reflexes (eg: a professional baseball player reacting to a pitch in a split second), and people with reduced brain function (eg: ADHD, multiple concussions, other brain disorders) to train their ability to concentrate and hold attention, as well as training their reflexes to be close to those of a normal person. TL;DR: I'll be making games to help people.

Right now I've also been developing a game that I'm the only developer for called Refraction (I posted an earlier build of it here a couple months ago, some of you guys playtested it and did a great job giving feedback), so that's been consuming a fair amount of my free time.

Gaming-wise I was home without my PC for the last two months so I was mostly playing on my Switch and honing my SSBM skills. Now that I'm back though I'll definitely be playing some Overwatch and probably some Smite as well :]
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I am the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you've ever set eyes upon!.. Oh, her? Yes, well... she's with me.

Feel free to PM me with any questions or comments. I can offer feedback on gameplay and BBcoding tips, as well as moderation help if needed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 30, 2017 1:22pm | Report
Oh wow this thread is gonna be deep.

Hey, I'm 17, almost 18 (November 8th), and I study at a school called Giusto Zonzini. It's quite small and maybe around 400, 450 people attending the morning classes (from pre-school to high school). I mostly identify with English, Portuguese, History, Biology and Algebra (Don't ask how I'm this messy, it's just how my life is). Right now I have no clue what I want to do for my degree, but I'm clinging more to Computer Science/Languages/Biological Science, but more to Computer Science.
Right now I'm a junior, for two factors :

1. In Brazil, when you're born after August, you're moved to the next year's class, so I pretty much started school "1 Year Later"
2. I failed my first sophomore year, due mostly to rebeldy and an ex-boyfriend I've never mention, but that's how life goes.

I'm only studying at the moment, but I do plan to take a internship somewhere. Here in Brazil we have this social program called "Jovem Aprendiz" (Young Apprentice) in which you can work a part-time job, being payed at least 1 minimun salary, and the company has to give you all the benefits of a full-time worker. Why and How this works? Simple. Brazilian law obligates all companies with at least 7 workers have to accept Young Apprentices.

I live with my mom, my grandmother and my grandfather. My dad cheated on my mom from 2007 to 2011/2012 (can't quite place it) and so they broke up. My mom brings in most of our income (R$ 12.000), which still isn't enough to live comfortably during the economic crisis Brazil is living in.

My family has this genetic desease called Ankylosing Spondylitis, in which the "basic" form of this deseases causes a heavy inflamation on the muscles in the spine, bringing intense and chronic pain. Well, my family is (un)LUCKY enough to have the worst type of this desease, in which it causes the bones in the vertebrae to consume the muscles, and replace them with bone, fusing the back in a fixed, immovable position. Of course this takes years to happen, but my grandfather (who is 75 years old) alerady has his entire back solidified, and my mom (who is 48) has 38% of it solidified (due to modern medicine). I haven't checked in the doctor to see how mine is doing, but last time I saw it (back in february last year) I had 3% of it solidified.

I have 2 cats (Babouska and Pandora) and 2 dogs (Johnny and Cacau). While the cats live indoors (cuz I live in a house), the dogs live outside (but not outside the perimeter of the house).

I LOVE to read, it's my favorite thing ever. I take blame that I failed in teaching my cousin to appreciate reading (he hates it and he's only 9, what a shame), so I've decided to instruct my other cousin, who is 4, in the amazing world of reading, and it's going really well so far!

I also LOVE music, it's something I can't live without. My favorite artists are Adele and Halsey. Two REALLY different genres, but their songs just speak to my soul.

I have been a loner for 15 years of my life, with everyone who came in it trashed and squashed me like I was a cockroach, until I went to Giusto Zonzini, in which I met my great friend, Giovanna, and other amazing ppl. I became a true social being then.

This year I've met the greastest person to ever enter my life, Samara, who is probably my best friend at the moment. We talk to each other daily, and about all sorts of topics, in a really intimate way, and I love that about our friendship.

I also play video games (wow this is kinda all over the place huh), and atm I'm replaying XCOM 2 for the 4th time already, I'm doing Dragon's Dogma : Dark Arisen's New Game +, occasionally I play Rocket League, Paladins and SMITE! However, tomorrow I'm buying some steam games cuz SUMMER SALE so I'll probably disappear while I beat Bayonetta, XCOM : Enemy Within, Dragon Age : Origins and Binary Domain. BTW if you have any good recommendation for games that run well on Low-Spec Games, please feel free to PM them to me <3

That's about it. This is me.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 30, 2017 1:38pm | Report
Oh yeah...I read a lot too...mostly fantasy (e.g. Brandon Sanderson and others), though I also like sci fi, thrillers (e.g. Michael Crichton), post-apocalyptic (e.g. Stephen King's The Stand, Max Brooks' World War Z), etc.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » June 30, 2017 1:51pm | Report
I live in Brazil, in a state called Teocu, and here I study at a school called Faustão Pentelho, where I study from Tuesday to Friday (why? Because here in Brazil monday is the Maçaneta day).

I believe in Ednaldo Pereira, a magical being that came from space to teach us how to live. There are a ton of YouTube videos about him.

I play a lot of games, but mostly Smite, RPGs and Para de Traduzir.
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 30, 2017 1:53pm | Report

I live in Brazil, in a state called Teocu, and here I study at a school called Faustão Pentelho, where I study from Tuesday to Friday (why? Because here in Brazil monday is the Maçaneta day).

I believe in Ednaldo Pereira, a magical being that came from space to teach us how to live. There are a ton of YouTube videos about him.

I play a lot of games, but mostly Smite, RPGs and Para de Traduzir.

He's being a dork btw. Don't translate this ;)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 30, 2017 1:54pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Oh yeah...I read a lot too...mostly fantasy (e.g. Brandon Sanderson and others), though I also like sci fi, thrillers (e.g. Michael Crichton), post-apocalyptic (e.g. Stephen King's The Stand, Max Brooks' World War Z), etc.

Wow looking through that thread made me realize that I have some better taste nowadays.

Still love J.K Rowling and Clarice Lispector tho
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