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Camazotz Solo Lane?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Camazotz Solo Lane? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 2:02pm | Report
Not sure if this is the right section of the forums but is Camazotz solo lane a thing? The reason I ask is because I saw a video where dmbrandon used him solo lane but the video was from a while ago (still season 5 though I think) and didn't know if it was still possible to use him solo lane. If I remember correctly (which I might not be), dmbrandon built a mostly tank build. If Camazotz is solo lane viable is a full tank build the way to go or is bruiser an option too?


Posts: 60
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 3, 2018 2:44pm | Report
Camazotz has decent poke and power buff in his 1, self sustain in his passive (6% base + pool of essence from kills), an additional poke and heal in his Vampire Bats which he can also use on jungle monsters (e.g. large Mana Buff monster) to gain additional lifesteal and healing, and a short escape/initiation leap + heal. So his sustain is pretty great, and he is sometimes played in Solo.

Soloers will build fairly tanky, so you're going to concentrate on countering the enemy laner, get CDR cuz he's an ability user, and maybe build in a bit of offense here and there if it makes sense.

Probably start Warrior's Blessing, rush Gladiator's Shield if against a physical solo, or go Genji's Guard against a magical. You'll get Warrior Tabi as your boots of choice, and consider other items like Breastplate of Valor, Pestilence, Masamune, Void Shield, Ancile, Spirit Robe / Mantle of Discord, and Brawler's Beat Stick. This is my guess at least.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 3, 2018 3:13pm | Report
Okay thanks, just wasn't sure if there was an update that changed something and made him less viable for solo lane. I'll test out some of those items then because Camazotz solo sounds appealing to me.


Posts: 60

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