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Cupid too stronk

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Cupid too stronk 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 2, 2013 8:50pm | Report
This is probably going to sound ridiculous, but I don't think there's a single god out there that I can say I honestly dread seeing in the enemy lineup as much as Cupid. He has fairly high basic attack damage + being ranged, he has an incredibly good escape skill, he has a delayed damage skill that ALSO stuns whoever it's on and whoever's around you (plus damaging everyone too), his ult has a ridiculously huge area on it and can cause pretty much any combination of gods to wipe if they all get caught in it, etc, etc.

Could we expect any sort of minor nerf to him in the future? Anything? Say, reduce the area on his ult by about 1/4th and make some sort of fall off on Heart Bomb, like less range or less damage on the area hit?

I'm just saying, because I've rarely ever seen a bad Cupid. It's hard to play him wrong because of the sheer amount of CC he has. You can play a lot of other "OP" gods wrong (see: Mercury, Zeus, Thor, and the like), but Cupid is just in a class all to his own.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » December 2, 2013 9:21pm | Report
Cupid never made it to the competitive plays, so i think he actually needs a buff


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 2, 2013 10:34pm | Report
I don't see why not, besides the fact that he looks ridiculous, he's an incredibly strong carry. I will give it that he's not a strong damage carry, compared to others, but he has an unbelievable amount of utility. He's a strong counter to most other carries solo as well. His CCs are so good in teamfights.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » December 2, 2013 10:47pm | Report
While his stun from passive is great, it is very hard to get in teamfight because once you miss, getting another one is hard. The only thing that makes cupid very great is his ult. But it only mesmerized if you haven't get the passive and it isn't very good. Lastly, his steroid (3) is very hard to use and weird because it will take away his only escape


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 2, 2013 10:59pm | Report
Well, I think Cupid is actually underpowered, mainly because he lacks a clear role. Is he a support, or a hunter?

First, let's address your concerns:
  • Basic Attack Damage: I'm afraid this is untrue. His basic attacks are rather underwhelming. Apollo, Ah Muzen Cab, and Artemis have their self-buffs, Neith and Xbalanque cast instead, and Anhur has his damage multiplier. Yes, Cupid has the highest base attack speed, but that's only because he has no other way to increase his basic attack damage.
  • Escape: Well, here's the thing. Cupid has a dash, but it's not stupidly fast, doesn't go as far as backflip, nor makes him immune to CC. (*cough*****agni*cough*) I mean, it's a generic dash. It doesn't seem especially dangerous, especially compared to other dashes out there.
  • His Heart Bomb: This, I admit, is quite dangerous, especially at early levels, but it stops becoming a significant threat once laning phase ends. The biggest problem with it is that you cannot choose where your opponent would be stunned, the fact that anyone with a leap or Aegis/Beads could counter it, and if you miss, you're done.
  • His ultimate: Isn't too threatening. I mean, in teamfights, it's awesome, but it's easy enough to counter if you keep a cool head, as well as a Aegis or Beads.

I think he's weak for two reasons:

A. His damage is lackluster compared to other physical hunters, due to the lack of any kind of self-buff (outside his dash which is way too risky to use that way), which combined with his ****py waveclear and easily blocked Heart Bomb (doesn't pierce minions), he's not too much of a threat, damage-wise.

B. His healing and dash are worthless as a hunter. This is why I think he should have upgraded support-ness. His healing is an easy way to get mana starved, since he needs his one to farm. Unlike Neith, who can sustain and farm with careful use, Cupid must choose between clearing or healing, which sucks for him.

I have a suggested fix:

1. Make his hearts slow and damage enemies, to act as a zoning tool and be more multipurpose.

2. Make his Heart Bomb deal extra damage to minions or pierce minions.

3. Fix the bug that sometimes causes enemies to leap out of his ultimate despite being crippled.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 3, 2013 4:28pm | Report
I can agree with him being a bit underpowered as far as sheer damage is concerned, compared to all the other hunters ( Xbalanque lolz amount of damage on basics). But he makes up for it a lot in utility. I think people play him more in a supportive role rather than ADC to begin with, because they know his the amount of teamwrecking ability he has. A gank against a Cupid can turn into a train wreck in seconds if he drops his ult or Heart Bomb in the right place. You say just use beads, but you're essentially wasting your only escape on something pointless if they have a tank that can initiate. The cooldown on beads isn't short enough to use more than once in most teamfights. His ult also disables most gods will mobility skills and dashes because it's a cripple, so GG if you're caught close to the middle of it. In just mean the amount of CC he can lay down, not including their other players.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » December 3, 2013 4:54pm | Report
Cupid is underpowered for a few reasons. He is viable, just outclassed.

1) His heal sucks. It is very minimal and *cannot* be used effectively in a large scale teamfight without sacrificing positioning, or basically revealing to the enemy exactly where you're traveling. At least Ra's heal is a large area that allows some flexibility. Cupid's heal is basically *Target one of these three areas and you're pretty much GOING to land a skillshot*

2) Again, his base damages are lackluster. His only steroid exists on his dash which, for obvious reasons, breeds complications. It means his steroid is ONLY effective when chasing an already fleeing opponent, or initiating on a surefire 1v1 situation. If he tries to use it in a teamfight, he has not only positioned himself rather unwisely, but also removed his only reliable source of escape.

3) His heart bomb // passive is....complicated. It requires, iirc, 10 auto attacks to charge the passive. It then is used upon a skill activation. This means with 10 stacks, you cannot toss down your heal or you forfeit the passive for an underwhelming healing bonus. Now if we assume you do hold onto the passive, it does not stay if you miss your ability. Several items or abilities, such as Aimed Strike, Polynomicon, etc are not expended until contact is made. While these are understandable auto attack enhancers and not skill modifiers, that does not bar it from making a rather unfortunate circumstance for Cupid. In a teamfight environment, it can be VERY hard, if not impossible, to stack up 10 straight auto attacks to charge up another stun before it's too late. 10 AA's are easy enough to accumulate, but the damage has already been done by missing.

4) His ult isn't...bad. It's actually very good. It's just not that huge nuke that you're looking for. You basically got a slightly damaging, very delayed version of mesmerize in place of an ult. Mesmerize is very hard to avoid. Cupid's Ult is not. It's also very heavily countered by spreading out. The most effective way to use the ult is zoning mid-fight, but that just encourages switching focus to an assasssin or mage, and doesn't pack the impact the ult requires.

Sure, in a straight-up 1v1, if a cupid manages to land a successful heart bomb, you can be straight up SCREWED. But there's a lot of gods like that. A stacked freya who lands a banish will rot you. A neith who lands a root can most likely rot you. Agni caught you in a stun with his charges ready? Dead. Want to take a look at a more underpowered god who's similar? Arachne landing her ult is pretty much death. Being anywhere remotely along against a Bakasura will end poorly. Loki doesn't even need to use an ult on a squishy target to kill them. 1v1 potential is won by who lands their good CC first. The problem? While Cupid very easily has the dash to disengage following a failed heart bomb, it is NOT ON A COOLDOWN LIKE OTHERS. If an Arachne misses her ult, it's literally an 18 second CD. A Freya or Loki missing banish is less than a 10 second wait. Cupid has to stack up 10 auto attacks to land a stun, and in a 1v1 situation, that can very well be impossible, since you now have the upper hand with your cooldowns.

So there's my two cents. I didn't necessarily list counterarguments, but they simply don't patch up his shortcomings. His biggest problem is his steroid and CC being unreliable at best, whereas a neith root will always root upon landing, or artemis's steroid being guaranteed. Cupid doesn't have that leisure, sadly.

oh, and P.S. Fenrir omnoms cupid all day errday. Brutalize goes through dash. Have fun with that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 3, 2013 4:56pm | Report
Ghraf wrote:

I can agree with him being a bit underpowered as far as sheer damage is concerned, compared to all the other hunters ( Xbalanque lolz amount of damage on basics). But he makes up for it a lot in utility. I think people play him more in a supportive role rather than ADC to begin with, because they know his the amount of teamwrecking ability he has. A gank against a Cupid can turn into a train wreck in seconds if he drops his ult or Heart Bomb in the right place. You say just use beads, but you're essentially wasting your only escape on something pointless if they have a tank that can initiate. The cooldown on beads isn't short enough to use more than once in most teamfights. His ult also disables most gods will mobility skills and dashes because it's a cripple, so GG if you're caught close to the middle of it. In just mean the amount of CC he can lay down, not including their other players.

I agree about his ultimate, which is one of the more amazing things about him.

But I don't see the point about his stun. Even if you get hit, it is unlikely Cupid will be able to stun you again in the length of one teamfight. If you are a squishy, then your tank isn't doing a good job. If you are a tank, you should be able to take some damage. The most dangerous part, IMO, is multiple people being hit by it, which is extremely damaging to a team.

And it is never worthless to use beads against a stun, unless its for something truly stupid like a 1v1 Ymir vs Agni fight, especially when it could save your life.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » December 5, 2013 11:43pm | Report
Since I haven't played in a long while take the with a grain of salt. I would say he needs a buff, make his heal more effective, and (I don't know if thy did this already) make it so his passive isn't lost even if it isn't fully stacked. Because that annoyed me so much, having to get all before I could become relatively useful. I would have like 4 stacks then do something and loose them. I would want that to be changed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 6, 2013 12:12am | Report
I've been seeing more and more bad Cupids lately, so maybe it's really just up to the specific players. And it's more likely that someone good with Cupid would play him over someone who sucks with him, so maybe it's just more likely to run into a more skilled Cupid player.


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