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Olorun - Kit Discussion And Build-Crafting

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Olorun - Kit Discussion And Build-Crafting 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 12, 2019 4:34pm | Report

Reposting the kit features that I posted in the patch notes in a spoiler here for easy reference:

Olorun's Kit

Let's consider a few things about this guy. First, some general basic attack info. Physical basic attack scaling is 100%, but tower damage is 85%. Magical basic attack scaling is 20%, but tower damage is 120%.

I'm going to assume this means that Olorun's scaling is 25%, but I'm not sure if tower damage scaling is affected as well.

Now, let's look at a somewhat typical magical carry build, based on Freya. Shoes of the Magi, Bancroft's Talon, Demonic Grip, Hastened Ring, Telkhines Ring, Rod of Tahuti. Would this type of build work well for him?

First, we need to find out what his base and level increase is for his AS. For comparison, Freya is 0.95 base + 1.95% per level. His per level increase might be a bit lower, say 1.7% (similar to AMC), since he has an AS steroid and she doesn't. I'm going to base things on that concept.

At level 20, his AS will be 1.29.

With the 3 rings contributing AS, his base AS will be 2.00. With the steroid active, it's 2.38. That is about as optimal as it gets. Doesn't quite hit the AS cap of 2.5. Could hit it, though, with a Fafnir buff or a Shogun's Kusari. But that's not a big deal.

However, have to also think about the buff he gets inside his ult. That's much more situational due to the CD, but then, I'm going to venture a guess that we might see only 2 rings being built, with some consideration to getting some CDR, protections, etc. Mantle of Discord could be a very solid item for him. I think it's probably unlikely that he'll spec into Chronos' Pendant, though. Maybe Spear of Desolation if they want to go offensive instead of Mantle.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » June 12, 2019 6:50pm | Report
I think there could be some potential with Polynomicon. Gambling for the Critical Strike on the Poly passive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 12, 2019 8:28pm | Report
Late game poly then, when crits are higher? Cuz I feel Bancroft's is gonna be core, and double-lifesteal is only really appealing to me with Bancroft's + Typhon's.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » June 12, 2019 8:41pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Late game poly then, when crits are higher? Cuz I feel Bancroft's is gonna be core, and double-lifesteal is only really appealing to me with Bancroft's + Typhon's.
It's going to take me a bit of tinkering in jungle practice to decide how I will be building him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 12, 2019 9:54pm | Report
Regarding building, DM has stated that, while his Carry is good, he's definitely more focused on being a mage then a carry. In the gameplay he posted on youtube he's playing him Carry, and went Demonic Grip Bancroft's Talon, Telkhines Ring, Rod of Tahuti Shaman's Ring and I think he was going for Soul Gem last item (game finished before he could finish his 6th).

I'll go and see what other build paths he uses but from DM's and Rexsi's gameplay I think I'm inclined into using something like Shoes of Focus, Bancroft's Talon, Demonic Grip, Chronos' Pendant, Spear of Desolation/ Spear of the Magus/ Obsidian Shard/ Divine Ruin, Shaman's Ring, Rod of Tahuti or something amongst those lines

EDIT: Yeah Polynomicon could be a great shoes replacer.

EDIT2: I'm mostly going with item's that help DoT damage because his 2's fully stacked ammo thing is actually insane and just deletes people. Like I'd rather get his 2 at level 1 than his 1 cuz it's just stupid.

EDIT3: Also @Bran, his Level 1 AS is 1.07, Level 2 is 1.08, Level 3 is 1.1, Level 4 is 1.11 and his Level 5 is 1.13. Giving you the numbers so you can work your math
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 12, 2019 11:48pm | Report
So I can agree in part, or at least understand where DM is coming from (I also watched that vid, and Duke's, and Rexsi's). That said, I think he'll be able to function in both Carry and Mid. Sort of a hybrid hunter-type, like Neith, Medusa, Chiron, etc.

Now stop me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the HR people said he was absolutely intended to be a magical hunter. If he ends up functioning better as a Mid than a Carry, then I'd expect adjustments to his kit to direct him toward being more of a Carry.

Now, the reason I don't agree with your build path is that he's not reliant on his 2 for the overall damage against enemy gods. He's got the great poke in his 1, but hard to hit at distance, as we saw Rexsi miss it multiple times and it seems the hitbox width is less than you'd expect. His 3 is only hit at close range, and he has no escape. This means he needs to be able to blow people up at somewhat closer range, which also goes back to his basics and the ability to crit.

So right now, I don't think Chronos' Pendant should be built as you're stating. I can see Shaman's Ring, but I'm quite confident he'll want at least 2 attack speed items. He might not need all 3...perhaps he can drop Telkhines Ring for a different item that has more hybrid function...but solid MS and AS are things it seems he'll need to be able to both avoid damage and output well.

Obviously first time playing, but Rexsi wasn't using the combo I'd expect. For the most part, they were showing that the 2 is hard to hit. People can just walk right out of the small AOE. This also means that unless you have good CC from other teammates that are very reliable, Spear of the Magus is a head scratcher. Instead, here's how his abilities should probably be used:
  • Quickly charging his 2/Sun stacks: Need minion wave. Activate 2, activate 1 on wave, then follow up with further basics.

  • Basic poke: Just the 1.

  • Boxing: Engage close to get off the 3 knockup + slow. You can activate the 2 before the 3 or immediately after, to follow up the 3 with a pre-charged 2...the slow and knockup will help you target them and hit them more times. Ult can also obviously be used as setup here.

  • Strongest use of the 2: Inside his ult. From hard CC from teammates. For quick clear on buff camps/GF/FG/Titan. NOT for random distance poke.
So let's see...perhaps a different build direction than my original. Still feel he needs early Shoes to help his mobility, and Bancroft's and Demonic are what I'd consider core.

Conquest Start: Hunter's Blessing, T1 Bancroft's, potions.

Shoes of Focus (CDR IS nice)
Celestial Legion Helm / Dynasty Plate Helm (as needed against hunter)
Bancroft's Talon
Demonic Grip
Hastened Ring (can be delayed)

After that, as needed: Shaman's Ring, Mantle of Discord, Magi's Cloak, Divine Ruin, Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 13, 2019 6:53am | Report
I wouldn't use Hastened Ring but I agree with your reasoning Bran. I'd also get Celestial Legion Helm (Silly me forgot that it's one of my favorite items atm lol) and I think I'd get Pen instead of Hastened Ring, and then I would go Shaman's Ring -> Rod of Tahuti.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 1, 2019 4:41pm | Report
Alright, so I've only had one Olorun match, and I used him as ADC. After that, I had this strong impression that he might be better as a Mid. Why? Lack of escape means it helps if he's close to his tower early. Also, although he takes reasonable advantage of his ult, it's much more effective in a teamfight, and a mid is likely to be mixing it up along with their teammates earlier than an ADC.

Not saying he can't work as an ADC, but I think a basic attacking mid that can take down towers quickly and provide good overall objective damage might be a better calling.

What's everyone else's thoughts on him so far?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 1, 2019 5:35pm | Report
Biggest problem with his ADC is his 1 can be body blocked, which is especially bad for his level 1.


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