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Ah Puch the Immortal

5 4 15,980
by CristiSmite updated August 2, 2020

Smite God: Ah Puch

Build Guide Discussion 10 More Guides
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Ah Puch Build

Starting items 1

Notes Starting off with Talon Trinket and double mana pot will guarantee wave clear with Ability 3 Fleeting Breath , Ability 1 Undead Surge , Ability 2 Corpse Explosion combo.

To be able to do this you either have to group the minions up with basic attacks and use your 3, or use your 3 on the melee( as they have the most health) and your 1 in the middle


Starting off with Talon Trinket and double mana pot will guarantee wave clear with Ability 3 Fleeting Breath , Ability 1 Undead Surge , Ability 2 Corpse Explosion combo.

To be able to do this you either have to group the minions up with basic attacks and use your 3, or use your 3 on the melee( as they have the most health) and your 1 in the middle

Build Item Talon Trinket Talon Trinket
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Final build 1 (Anything But Conq)

Notes Sell boots for mantle.


Sell boots for mantle.

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Starting items 2

Build Item Book of Souls Book of Souls
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Final Items 2 (Conquest Focused)

Notes Sell boots for mantle and make sure to buy CDR pot.


Sell boots for mantle and make sure to buy CDR pot.

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Book of the Dead Book of the Dead
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Ah Puch's Skill Order Notes For conquest as you can only start 1 ability, starting with your 1 gives you enough pressure to poke from distance if needed but also at level 2 you can more efficiently clear.

For any other game mode you can instantly clear with your 1 3 2 combo, but make sure the minions are grouped up.
(In joust once cleared the blue buff, clear the wave instantly and ask your team to meed at their blue to invade.)
(In clash, wait till the mid buff is 50% hp if you want to steal it and just do your full combo)
(In assault make sure to use your 1 and 2 the most. If they have a healer have yourself and the support sustaining the frontline and you poking)


For conquest as you can only start 1 ability, starting with your 1 gives you enough pressure to poke from distance if needed but also at level 2 you can more efficiently clear.

For any other game mode you can instantly clear with your 1 3 2 combo, but make sure the minions are grouped up.
(In joust once cleared the blue buff, clear the wave instantly and ask your team to meed at their blue to invade.)
(In clash, wait till the mid buff is 50% hp if you want to steal it and just do your full combo)
(In assault make sure to use your 1 and 2 the most. If they have a healer have yourself and the support sustaining the frontline and you poking)

Undead Surge

1 X Y
Undead Surge
1 8 11 12 14

Corpse Explosion

2 A B
Corpse Explosion
2 4 6 7 10

Fleeting Breath

3 B A
Fleeting Breath
3 15 16 18 19

Empty the Crypts

4 Y X
Empty the Crypts
5 9 13 17 20
Undead Surge
1 8 11 12 14

Undead Surge

1 X
Ah Puch raises two decaying corpses from the underworld that surge forward exploding on anything they touch, when they reach max distance, or when Ah Puch reactivates Undead Surge dealing damage and slowing targets hit. Enemies hit also have their healing received lowered by 40% for 5s. The corpses collapse after exploding, remaining behind.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 / 170 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 2s
Range: 60
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 11s
Corpse Explosion
2 4 6 7 10

Corpse Explosion

2 A
Ah Puch causes the target area to explode dealing damage. Corpse Explosion also causes any decaying corpses in the area to explode.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Initial Damage: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Corpse: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Radius/Corpse Radius: 20/25
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 8s
Fleeting Breath
3 15 16 18 19

Fleeting Breath

3 B
Ah Puch throws a charm from the underworld which awakens a decaying corpse that applies miasma to targets in an area and falls to the ground, remaining behind. Targets take damage every 1s. After the duration, targets take additional damage and are stunned if they were healed by an ability during the initial duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Additional Damage: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1.5s
Duration: 4s
Radius: 13
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
Empty the Crypts
5 9 13 17 20

Empty the Crypts

4 Y
Ah Puch unleashes an army of Wraiths from the Ninth Hell that swarm forward, damaging enemies and reducing their Healing and Damage Dealt.

Ability Type: Area, Damage
Damage Per Wraith: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Duration: 6s
Damage Reduction: 3% per Stack
Healing Reduction: 20% per Stack
Max Stacks: 3
Range: 75
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Ah Puch Threats

Tap each threat level to view Ah Puch’s threats



The purpose of the Immortal Ah Puch is a different one than you'd expect.

This is specifically for players, such as myself, that hold a very aggressive gameplay strategy and when playing gods without escapes being in the front line can be proven fatal.

    In turn I've tried multiple builds to see which has the highest success rate in most situations.

    The first build has the highest success rate in any other gamemode except conquest comparatively the second has the highest success rate in quest compared to other gamemodes.


What each item does and what it's used for, usual situation.

1st Build

Bancroft's Talon
You start off with Bancroft's because of your strong early clear. At just level 3 and T2 Bancroft's you can full clear a wave.
At lvl 5 you can survive all engagements if you ult inside a wave and your Bancroft's Talon is bought.

Shoes of Focus
It's for CDR, you can go lifesteal boots but you'll have to sub Spear of Desolation for Chronos' Pendant but you'll have to live with 50% CDR or don't buy Chronos' Pendant and live with 30% CDR until you finish Mantle of Discord

Typhon's Fang
Supplementing Bancroft's life steal and gaining a little more power.

This item is for survival, once you ult the shield immediately takes heart and if you were low hp now it's time for you to heal. If you were full, it's good to push forward with your shield(as it slows) and keep them inside your ult.

Spear of Desolation
This item is a filler, can be subbed for Soul Gem or Gem of Isolation or Divine Ruin however keeping it would result in FULL %CDR once getting Mantle of Discord. Experimenting with Staff of Myrddin it's only for those who feel comfortable with Ah Puch, having 4 corpses right after ult or 2 Fleeting Breathticking can be massive.

Soul Reaver
This item is close to must this late in the game. Especially with Staff of Myrddin. Ulting and starting to cast abilities will get out maybe 300-400 dmg per god.

Mantle of Discord
When you get this item, you are close to unkillable in 1v5 and invincible with a good team. This is to reinforce Pridwen but also have the 40% completed with a incorporated beads and stun.

2nd Build

Book of Thot
Book in conquest, for Ah puch has immeasurable value. Once stacked (happens about lvl 12-13), he can insta-kill someone with full combo.

Shoes of Focus
Again for CDR, but also the mana works in synchrony with Book of Thot giving just that little more power (22.5 power)

Book of the Dead
By the time you able to actually build this item, whoever the jungler is will be close enough to 3 items himself if not already building a 4th. You need survivability untill you get Pridwen and Bancroft's Talon. HOWEVER if you don't feel comfortable building this (your lane is pressured), going into Bancroft's Talon will be the play, swapping the items in the build.

Self explanatory, getting 2 shields and 20% CDR and defence is more than enough to save you from nemesis. If they have 1 sunder, they will need another for book of the dead.

Bancroft's Talon
This item will complete your survival build. The 15% (+20% situational) life steal will be massive in every ult.

Soul Reaver
This late into the game, you will have some tanks this being a good item for that,if it's not enough, swap it out with Obsidian Shard

Mantle of Discord
Once selling boots, mantle of discord will be the 3rd layer of defense (in reality 4th if you add life steal)


Undead Surge Corpse Explosion Fleeting Breath Empty the Crypts

The way you play this Ah Puch is different...

Think of it like this, you are the mage and warrior at the same time. With this build you have to be the frontline, waiting to engage with Empty the Crypts and poke at the same time with your other 3 abilities. Whenever you have the chance to bait the enemy team into a team fight, go up to them, don't wait for them to come to you because you want to have as many enemies as possible around you and focused on you including minions. To help with life steal.

IF put in the situation to 1v1 at close combat, don't pop your corpses if you know they have an escape, instead hit them with your Undead Surge and Fleeting Breath and pick up the corpses, lowering the cooldown and hitting them again.

Finally, if caught without ult or abilities don't forget about the shields. First one that happens is Book of the Dead at 40%HP, giving you more survival time, after which is will be Mantle of Discord stun at 30%. If they chase you, keep running until the first shield pops, once that's done, take a backs step and let them hit you, stunning them for 1s, by this time lets hope your abilities are up cause you have 30% hp left.


To make it brief, once fully built, you can theoretically sustain and fight in a 1v5 but not for long.Enough for your team to come close and help you. Don't think you are invincible forever, every god has a weakness and his is cooldowns and no escape. Make sure to use your 1 with the anti-heal on healers before they heal and try to keep that up.

If you liked this guide and want to see more please let me know :D. I plan on doing more guides for less favored gods as they hide massive potential.(No not Loki. Play Morrigan instead, she's more Loki than Loki ;)

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Kriega1 (143) | August 3, 2020 8:50am
Bancrofts on Burst mages scales poorly lategame so I don’t understand the late pickup, builds only have 10% pen from Soul Reaver, and a lack of mention of divine and flat pen in the example builds.

Also Nemean works better against Nemesis than Pridwen does.
CristiSmite | August 3, 2020 10:08pm
Thank you for telling me. Well I did mention in my itemization description and reason that there can be changes made. Such as Bancroft's being third if comfortable and Soul Reaver being subbed for Obsidian Shard. It's not the lack of mentioning divine ruin. Considering Ah Puch already has 40% antiheal on his Undead Surge as well as 60% antiheal on his ult, do you really need 140% antiheal?.
Flat pen items can't really be an option that late into the game. They either very tanky(in which obs will do the job) or they are not (around 50-60 prots for squishies) which Ah Puch can blow up a big chunk of their HP instantly.

Spear as I said is a filler. You can go without 10% cdr until you manage to finish mantle and be able to buy Potion of Power ( as i said) therefore being able to buy any item you might need.

And yes you are right, Nemean is perfect against Nemesis, but what about the 4 other people? And how would you complete the CDR need? If they have 5 physicals, there will be a lot of changes in the build of course.

Finally you have to consider Ah Puch's inability to run and the purpose of the build. He needs to be a front line while still being a viable mid. Him going Nemean instead of Pridwen will give him a lot of physical defense and the 2 absorbs but lose magical defense and the shield which you might need a lot more if you going against mages.

I was thinking in the current ADC mid meta and ADC mage will require Nemean, but it's just as a bubble, it can be popped and you lose value if you just farm and not use the Nemean to effectively poke.

P.S. What suggestions would you consider to be made to the build and why?
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 4, 2020 1:05am
You're almost never going to look at 140% equivalence in anti-heal by picking up Divine Ruin. More commonly due to regular ability CD, you'll use Undead Surge + Divine to get 80% anti-heal. In an ult situation, you'll have the ability to completely shut down ALL healing on multiple enemies depending on their locations. That's quite worth picking up Divine, IF the enemy comp is asking to be countered.

If I were considering anti-heal, I'd personally consider Soul Gem first, and possibly Pythag's otherwise, before I consider Bancroft. In either case, SG gives you some of that CDR you want, and Pythag's is an option for more % pen.

That said, I also wouldn't 1) dedicate 2 lifesteal items when he's got an interesting form of self healing in his kit, and 2) think Bancroft as an early item for him is only so-so. He's got amazing poke at range, and you're always hoping to stay at a distance. At least in regular gameplay styles, not counting the concept you wrote in your guide.

Situationally, Gem of Isolation should be a consideration. It used to be stronger and an almost core item for him, but he can still get use from it in his ult to help him get some separation and survive, and can get a long-lasting slow if you hit enemies with Fleeting Breath.

I just don't think I can support the choice of Pridwen in a build that has no other protections (at least until shoes replacement). It really is meant for tanks, as the shield gained is equal to your current prots. I get the concept here with the lifesteal and BotD, and I get that you've had some really good success here. It's just really tough when the enemy dedicates any attention to the gods they're playing against, and the builds they have, and build any anti-heal. And it's not like Prid has enough's mediocre at best. With no escape, to me you're just asking to get ganked by going toward the enemy rather than away, and relying on potentially unreliable teammates to jump in and kill enemies that "took the bait" with perfect timing.

Add to that that Prid doesn't really add anything to your power or pen, which honestly hurts your damage potential quite a bit.

So, in a case where you're going for your Conq build, I personally would do something perhaps more traditional. Thoth, Focus, Divine/Deso (depending on if you want anti-heal), Reaver, BotD, Obsidian or SG or Pythag's, replace shoes w/ Mantle maybe. I don't think you need to rush BotD 3rd, which frees your build up to get at least some pen earlier.

Alternatively, you could still consider rushing Chronos. Chronos, Magi/Focus, Divine/Deso, SG/Pythag's, Reaver, Ob Shard/situational.
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Ah Puch the Immortal
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