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Alycia Fear's Guide to Scylla [S6]

23 1 71,041
by AlyciaFear updated December 31, 2019

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 18 More Guides
Choose a Build: Arena: Standard
Arena: Standard Arena: Anti-Tank Arena: Survivability Conquest: Standard
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Scylla Build


Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb


If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or suggestions about this build please feel free to post a comment or send me a message! I'm always looking for constructive criticisms and ways that I can improve this build. Anything to help you become the best Scylla that you can be!


Salutations fellow Smiters! My name is AlyciaFear and this is my comprehensive guide to playing Scylla.

As I have mentioned in past versions, while I do have a lot of experience with Scylla, I do not, in any way, claim to be the greatest Scylla player. I am always open to suggestions and constructive criticisms, so please feel free to offer me any feedback you may have!

For those of you curious about my experience with her, feel free to check the About Me chapter towards the end of this guide, otherwise, trust me when I say that I have a lot of time with her.


Please note that this guide is not perfect and will not cover every possible situation, but I will try and give you as much information as possible to get the most out of it. There is A LOT of information in this guide, and if you are legitimately considering using my strategies to their fullest potential, I strongly recommend that you read through everything. It will not only give you insight into HOW to use my build and tactics but also some insight into WHY I built it this why and WHEN you should use this build.

Skill Leveling

For this build, I typically run the most common skill sequence for Scylla. Due to SmiteFire not being able to allow for Point Skipping (something crucial for Scylla), I will instead note it here to avoid confusion.




















Why This Skill Order?


I will start this section by just giving you a general table of the conventional builds. Then I will provide some further in-depth explanations as well as some possible variations for those who are interested.

Remember, these builds are general guidelines, so you may need to make changes to them depending on the situation of your current game. Experience will be your best guide, so be sure to keep practicing, and you'll get better over time!

Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Item #4 Item #5 Item #6
Arena: Standard
Arena: Anti-Tank
Arena: Survivability
Conquest: Standard

*Note: The builds listed in the table above are only the average builds that I use against any given team comp. However, you should always be flexible with your builds and make adaptions as needed. Whether you change the order in which you build or replace the items of the build, it is ultimately up to your best judgment.

I have only listed one Conquest build, but the Arena builds can generally carry over to Conquest, but item order may differ slightly.

Item Breakdowns

I typically only build this item in Arena, Clash, and sometimes Joust. It can work in Conquest, but you risk having an extremely rough early game (which is already Scylla's biggest weakness). If you build this in Conquest, I'd almost recommend doing so in the mid-game when it's a bit safer, but then that means you could potentially miss some critical team fights while farming stacks.

I know many people don't care for stacking items in Arena, but since Scylla is a late-game god and has to farm in the early game to become viable, I find that you might as well get a stacking item due to their late-game potential.

I prefer Shoes of the Magi over the Shoes of Focus for the extra Pen you get from it. However, Shoes of Focus is an acceptable alternative if you prefer Cooldown Reduction or if you don't need the extra Pen.

I typically do not build this item in favor of maximizing my Power and Pen on Scylla. However, if you prefer the CDR, then, by all means, feel free to build this item.

I almost always build Polynomicon third in most builds. The primary reason for this has to do with timing. By the time you get to your third item, you should be close to Level 12 and should have most of your stacks on Book of Thoth. By this point, Scylla is coming online, and it is time to start getting more offensive.
However, if you feel you are too far behind or are not ready to get more offensive, then do not be afraid to tweak the order and build this item later. You should always be flexible with your build based on the situation of your current game.
Regardless of when you build this item, it is almost a must for Scylla. Polynomicon scales off a percentage of Magical Power, and Scylla has some of the highest MP in the game thanks to her passive. Not to mention, Sic 'Em is a root and cripple, so you are already able to get a free basic attack off after landing this ability. Late game, a basic attacked procced with Polynomicon, can chunk 700+ damage off squishy targets.

This is my go-to pen item against most standard comps. It provides excellent Magical Power, CDR, and Flat Pen. Unless you need Percent Pen or anti-healing, you'll almost always build this item. The reason you do not want to build Spear of the Magus as your pen item on Scylla, is because you will never be able to maximize the passive potential with her kit.

This item is a must-build against tanky comps or comps that have annoying front-liners. If a team is mostly squishy targets or has low CC tanks, you usually do not need to build this item.

You will typically only build this item in place of Spear of Desolation if you are up against a team with healing, or high life-steal.

I usually build this item if the team has high-burst assassin's such as Loki, or assassins that could get the jump on you such as Da Ji, Thanatos, or Thor. The stun is exceptionally well against close-range enemies. It can also be good if the enemy team is mostly squishy targets or if you have a weak front-line as you will usually still have more than enough damage late game.

I don't build this item as much as I used to and have since usually replaced it with Doom Orb, but this item can still be good against tanky teams in my opinion. On Scylla, the passive doesn't have much use (in my opinion) because, if a target is below half-health, you'll most likely kill them with a single ability anyway. Tanks, however, typically can't be killed as easily, and so the extra 25% power against them can make the difference.

This is usually my high-power item choice thanks to its passive. The extra movement speed it provides allows for you to be more aggressive, and escape if being aggressed-on. Just make sure to pay attention to the stacks and keep them built as much as possible.

I usually build this item when I need some extra health and usually combine it with Mantle of Discord. It still provides excellent power, on top of the health it provides. You will usually want to build this against high-damage teams, or if your team has a weak front line.

This item is an excellent choice if you need just a little bit of defense, without sacrificing power. It can also work well with the Survivability build as it still gives you good power to stay viable damage wise.

I usually only build this item against tanky teams since the passive is most effective at bringing down high-health targets. It is still an excellent choice for the power it provides, but I usually prefer Doom Orb when possible.

I am only mentioning this item since it is common among Scylla players. However, I rarely build this item. I usually gear my builds to maximize Power and Pen as opposed to CDR. However, if you do want CDR, this item is a must.

Rarely Used Items
Celestial Legion Helm is an item that can be good against high-burst assassin's such as Loki, however, I typically prefer to just build Mantle of Discord due to the stun it provides which can allow you to turn the fight around and kill your would-be assassin.

Stone of Binding is a fun item as it gives you Protections, Power, and its passive can proc off Sic 'Em. However, there is a big disclaimer for this item. You shouldn't build it alongside Obsidian Shard. Protection reduction calculates before Penetration, so this item would lower the Percent scaling Obsidian Shard provides. Another reason you may want to avoid this item is because it will conflict with Crush's 25% Penetration.

Magi's Cloak I only build this item against comps with extremely high CC (where 4 or 5 gods have hard CC abilities. In my personal opinion, you should focus more on your positioning and not get in a bad situation in the first place, so I rarely build this item in favor of damage and penetration.

Relics & Consumables


I will almost always get Purification Beads as my first relic. I find that this relic is much more useful on Scylla as opposed to Aegis Amulet. The main reason for this has to do with her being a mage who has an escape. If you're in a bad situation and you use Aegis, then you are no longer able to use Sentinel to get to safety and end up being a sitting duck. Use this item when stunned, crippled, or are otherwise unable to use your dash ability (note this item is ineffective against knock-ups, so try not to waste it if you do get knocked-up). It is also effective against abilities such as Ares/Da Ji ult, but you should also keep in mind I'm a Monster gives you CC Immunity and has a lower cooldown. Use your best judgment on which to use.

The next relic I usually build is Blink Rune. This item makes it extremely easy to close the distance on an enemy as well as take them by surprise while preserving your Sentinel. However, if you do find yourself in a game where you don't think you'll get many benefits from it, then, by all means, go for Aegis Amulet or another relic you're comfortable using.

Consumables will ultimately vary depending on what gamemode you're playing and your preferences so I will just list out some possible recommendations.

Conquest / Joust / Seige / Clash
Early Game

If you are in a game where you feel you might take significant poke, then go for Chalice of Healing instead of Healing Potion's.
Mid Game

, ,
Warding is crucial for Scylla on Conquest and is also useful for other modes such as Joust, Clash, and Seige.
After 6-Item Build

Don't forget that you can sell your boots and get this item to make room for a 6th damage/defensive item!
Late Game

Once you reach end game, get anything to boost your power. I will typically get Elixir of Defense first simply because, at this stage in the game, Scylla can already basically kill anyone, but it's really up to you as to which one you get.

Early Game

Early Game consumables aren't typically necessary for Arena.
Mid Game

Mid Game consumables aren't typically necessary for Arena.
Late Game

If you're able to afford these items before the match ends, then feel free to pick them up as they are always useful.

Gameplay Techniques

Assassinating with Scylla

Use Mantle of Discord

*Note: These videos are just of past recorded kills with this build and were mostly to just show off to my friends. As such, you do not necessarily need to watch them. I will, however, post them to serve as examples of what this build is capable of (specifically Polynomicon on Scylla) for any who are interested.

End of Arena Match

Build Used Defensively

The Old Switcharoo

An Unexpected Assassination

Another Unexpected Assassination

Why you shouldn't lazy back

3 Examples of Polynomicon at Work

School of Scylla

Scylla 101 will cover the basics of what type of god Scylla is, her abilities, and some tips on how to play her. I wouldn't consider this a 'comprehensive' guide of her but should be enough information for beginning players to get started with practicing her.

Scylla 101

Scylla 201 is for players who are relatively familiar with Scylla (at least having played against her, but maybe not played her themselves) and will primarily cover all the effects her passive Quick Learner has to offer.

Scylla 201

About Me

Do You Actually Care About Me?



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Kriega1 (143) | December 31, 2019 3:04pm
Where's obsidian shard in the conquest build
AlyciaFear | December 31, 2019 5:02pm
I mentioned that some of the Arena builds can transfer over into Conquest and that the only difference would be item order (so Anti-Tank would be viable, which has Ob-shard).
I restructured the guide, so I just mentioned a list of the usual items and noted when you could potentially use each item. There's a lot of variations, so I didn't want to spam it with just a bunch of different builds, so I just kind of took the top 3 common ones. And of course, I mentioned that none of the builds are perfect and can vary depending on comps and match-ups (another reason I restructured the Items section to cover each item instead of each build). But yes, I agree that Obs-shard does have a place in conquest when necessary.
AlyciaFear | December 31, 2019 5:04pm
I can see how it could be a bit confusing, though, so I do plan on doing a full rewrite of the guide to help clarify stuff like this. However, I planned on waiting until sometime after Season 7 started since it's around the corner.
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tokarev | July 24, 2018 9:35am

Just wanted to say great guide, it was very intriguing to read, I even read the "About me" section believe it or not :D I loved the videos you included with regard to combos and the different build breakdowns. Will definitely have this guide pinned!


AlyciaFear | July 24, 2018 1:21pm
<3 glad you liked it. I'll be sure to keep updated if I ever do come across ways to improve it!
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 23, 2018 12:01pm

Looks like you archived your old guide and made a new one? (why didn't you just update the old one?)
  • General builds still look good without the mask. (RIP mask's < 1 week lifespan, lol)

  • Awesome that you added the skill leveling detail with point-skipping. Looks great there.

  • For the anti-tank build, I agree with the other comments that Obsidian Shard should be built late, due to how the passive works.

  • Great, great info in the rest of your guide. Her Sentinel's name is Zoey? LOL never knew that.

  • (spell check on "quite" in the first sentence in Scylla 201)

  • One thing you might consider emphasizing just a bit more is the CC immunity of her ult. You DO mention it, but talking about using it as an alt to blowing your Purification Beads and how you can use that to your advantage in some situations (like Ares' ult, where he becomes an easy target) would be nice.

  • That is a great autobiography. Very entertaining, and great info. Very solid stats. But you can tell that you're very familiar with her, even without the stats. Holy lots of stars, BTW.
AlyciaFear | July 23, 2018 1:34pm
Much appreciated for your help! I'll probably be updating the guide later today with everyone's feedback and will of course provide credit where credit is due <3
Kriega1 (143) | July 23, 2018 3:02am
Im not 100% sure about new Soul Reaver on Scylla but you can keep it I guess. (Though I would think seeing it on someone like Thoth or Agni with high CDR would be better).

For the first build I would get Spear of Desolation and then Polynomicon as getting it third is not worth it.

For the second build get Soul Reaver third then Polynomicon fourth then Obsidian Shard fifth.
AlyciaFear | July 23, 2018 1:36pm
I'll bear that stuff in mind. I only ever build new Soul Reaver against tanky comps because of its passive, synergy with Book of Thoth and massive Power, but against standard comps I probably won't build it. And yeah, I've been getting some good feedback on when Pen items should be built so I'll keep those suggestions in mind as I do some further testing <3
Kriega1 (143) | July 24, 2018 9:37am
Book of the Dead isn't too bad either. Could try it out on Scylla in place of Soul Reaver.
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Gary169 (7) | July 21, 2018 1:29pm
Hey Alycia.
Guide is looking good. Good use of coding and examples.

Just some feedback on items:
I know you've given plenty of examples in your "Hybridization of builds" under "Items". However, consider moving those examples to the top of your guide, in the purchase orders.
I'm under the impression people will just look at the builds without bothering to read the guide.

I definitely see the appeal of Polynomicon, and you've given some good examples to defend it on Scylla. I know this is an assassin Scylla build rather than a standard build. However, if I'm using my ult on grouped up enemies, I think I'd benefit from more penetration than Polynomicon, in that particular instance. So for optional items, explicitly say that more penetration can be a substitution for Polynomicon.

For the anti tank example build, your Obsidian Shard is in there way too early. Enemies, even tanks, simply haven't built up enough magical defense for Obsidian Shard to be of use. I'd move it to 5th or 6th item. This is also what I was talking about earlier - Move your item hybridizations to your examples build so people can see them when they open this guide.

But other than that, guide is looking nice and clean. Good effort.
AlyciaFear | July 21, 2018 2:20pm
Much appreciated! This guide is basically centered around using Polynomicon but I do see the validity in mentioning the potential drawbacks to it in terms of lost pen, as well as some alternatives that could be used. I will for sure make mention that this build is geared more around empowering Scylla outside of her ultimate as opposed to maximizing her ult potential.

I'll also be sure to note some of the Hybrids towards the top as well. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

As for the Anti-Tank build I wasn't entirely sure whether or not to have Obsidian Shard that soon but I can definitely see your point in building it later.

I'll be sure to update the guide with these changes at a later point when I have time to sit down with it again and really think them through. I really appreciate it! :3
Gary169 (7) | July 21, 2018 2:24pm
Any time!
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