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graceful windssquall slithertornadoes spirit's tempest |
warlock's sash |
WARLOCK'S SASH: The second item of the Conquest build, and a must-have. The health and mana it gives it absolutely necessary for any lane, be it solo, mid, or dual-lane. The AP is great too, but for the most part this item is built for sustain, and a bit of tankiness. The stacks are also easy to get, because by the time the item is done being built any non-cyclops minion that passes through Tornadoes will die by it, and is considered a last-hit kill. NOT USABLE IN ASSAULT! |
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FOCUSED VOID STONE: This is the tank item that I always build if the majority of the enemy team and/or a fed enemy is dealing magical damage. This item gives AP as well as magical defense, and the magical penetration from the passive is much preferrable to the passive of ![]() ARENA/DOMINATION: Pretty much the same thing here. Build it as is necessary. |
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BREASTPLATE OF VALOR: The tanky item if the majority of the enemy team and/or a fed enemy is dealing physical damage. This item is perfect for Ao Kuang. Physical protections are always a great touch to protect oneself against ADs, but the real worth lies in the passive, the cooldown reduction, as well as the fat mana boost which also gets converted into AP! If you have ![]() ARENA/DOMINATION: One of the situational items. Build this if you want the max amount of CDR, which in the 8/13 patch has been reduced to 30% (which is still significant). The mana and physical protections are still excellent. Swap with ![]() |
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OBSIDIAN SHARD:Build this if ![]() |
meditation | MEDITATION: I must specify this: If you use this ability, ONLY BUY LEVEL ONE! That is all you will ever need, because you will need it in early game. While you should have blue buff whenever possible, there will be times when you will not have it, and Tornadoes will take a toll on your mana pool. As such, if you do not have this as a back-up mana filler, you will lose sustain and could even be a sitting duck. Do not go without this and buy it as soon as possible. |
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PURIFICATION BEADS: The ability you would build if you want CC immunity but don't care about taking damage. Very helpful in a variety of situations. Swap it out ![]() |
teleport | TELEPORT: In Conquest, this is a preferrable method of travel. If you can, especially if enemies are close to your tower and/or are attacking it, or if there is a team fight going on near a tower, do not hesitate to use one of these. It will bring you right to a tower of your choice after a small charge period, which can save your tower and maybe change the outcome of a fight. Don't use them for ganks, though... your enemy can see when someone is teleporting to a tower. Thankfully, you can do the same. |
In your time as Ao, as with any other God, you will encounter Gods that are easy to counter and Gods that counter you with ease. This is a list of those who are the most difficult to counter, and some tips on what you can do to stay alive.
DIFFICULTY: HIGH REASON: She is by far the most overpowered God in the game. She has the AD of a carry, the AP of a mage, and the utility of a support. Don't even get me started on her Backflip either, which is one of the biggest problems that an Ao has on her. Her flip will allow her to avoid most, if not all, of your abilities. The other problem is that the root from her ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: Stay as far away from her as possible, and focus on taking out minions before you even consider contending with her. Knowing a Neith, any time you try to attack her she will either deal a lot of damage to you or she will flip out before she can take considerable damage. If you are truly set on attacking her, having someone with you is the best choice. If by yourself, get her flip out of her first, then you can drop a Tornadoes or use a Squall to poke her. Do not expect to do much damage, but you can certainly do enough to push her back or even cause her to recall. If with an ally, one of you should get her flip out, then both of you rush her. With two or more people taking her on at once, she can usually be burst down rather easily. Whatever you do, always try to prevent her from using her Ultimate. Whenever she begins loading it, drop a Tornadoes on her, and if she is using it on you... you better start running. |
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DIFFICULTY: HIGH REASON: Agni is one of the best poking mages to date, and is one of the most nimble. He can cover a lot of area with his abilities and can burst quite well. His maneuverability, as well as ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: Agni can be tough, but like all Gods he can be taken down. If you can get Path of Flame out, then he is usually a sitting duck, although you have to avoid his ![]() ![]() |
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DIFFICULTY: HIGH-MODERATE REASON: Anubis is a glass cannon. If he stuns you with his ![]() ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: If you are against an Anubis, you MUST be able to avoid his stun. In order to do that, you must be unpredictable. Move around in a way that will not give him a definite shot. If he does manage to use a skill on you, you have one of two choices: Either slap the hell out of him and hope to kill him first, or activate Slither and get to a safer area and then drop a Tornadoes on him. If he Ults you, circle him and drop your Ult and maybe even a Tornadoes on his face, and you will probably kill him. |
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DIFFICULTY:HIGH-MODERATE REASON:Apollo is one of the AD Gods that can poke well against Ao, and his ttility can allow him to get a lot of hits on you. His pokes will hurt, and his Ultimate will allow him to drop in on you with little to no notice. His Ult also allows him to escape from sticky situations. ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: You must out-push an Apollo, which in all honesty is not hard to do. If you can get him to tower range, you have the chance to use Tornadoes on both him and the minions. Do not try to engage him without minions, for minions will chunk away at his health and he can only focus on one thing: The minions, or you. Always try to get ![]() |
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DIFFICULTY: HIGH-MODERATE REASON: Ra is difficult because of his counter-push ability, as well as his ability to spam his abilities in a small amount of time, dealing a large amount of damage to you. His ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: For starters, always be sure that you are focusing the minions and not Ra. While he can heal his minions, you can still take them out rather easily and it is better than Ra healing himself due to being poked. Get ![]() ![]() Other than that, his beams are easy to dodge. With skill, Ra can be taken down. With allies around you a Ra will usually attempt to spam his abilities, giving you the chance to deal a lot of damage. Any hard CC possible is your best friend here, such as the slow from Squall. |
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DIFFICULTY: MODERATE REASON: Isis is a very high utility mage, which is the bane of Ao's existence. Having ![]() ![]() ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: You must learn to dodge her combo. Unless you do this, you are going to have a lot of problems with Isis. If you can learn to, then you will usually be able to hit her without problem, assuming she hasn't used ![]() |
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DIFFICULTY: MODERATE-LOW REASON: Poseidon is only difficult if he can get close to you, which if you are smart you can avoid. If he does get close, however, he will easily be able to burst the hell out of you with a ![]() WHAT YOU CAN DO: Avoid his ![]() |
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Ao Kuang is one of the Gods where passive playing should be incorporated into aggressive pushing, since his skills are mostly long-ranged AoE and has little CC. If an enemy God gets close to you, you might have the damage to fend them off, but they can also do a lot of damage to you. As such, here are a few tips that will help you to keep yourself alive.
1. When soloing, you should always assume that an enemy can and will gank you from the jungle. As such, after dropping a Tornadoes on a minion wave, always check each jungle entrance. Stay back toward your tower, so that if something goes wrong you can get to a safer area.
2. If the enemy is pushing well, and are at your tower, you can take a Defensive Position. It goes as follows:
A. Build
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B. Build ![]() |
I plan on working on:
Expanding the Arena/Domination section
Adding an Assault section
Adding a 1v1/3v3 Joust section
Anything else I can think of that will be helpful
Thank you for reading my guide on Ao Kuang! I hope it proved beneficial to you.
If you found the guide helpful, please +Rep and upvote. I would really appreciate it.
If you have any suggestions for the guide or any critiques, leave a comment. I'll usually respond to them all.
See you guys around,
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I play Ao alot myself (picked up my 6th rank with him recently), and I play him the squishy assassin style. I build CDR Boots all the way, everytime. After this I rush Polynomicon which gives me a decent amount of early game burst - magical power + mana (=more magical power) by far the best item to go IMHO. Since I don't build too much HP, I skip Bancrofts Talon - Polynomicon serves this purpose as well and has equal stats.
After this I build Book of Thoth, Meditation and Combat Blink. With this you'll be able to stay in lane like forever and can escape like a boss.
The Gem of Isolation along with Rod of Tahuti and the Obsidian Shard do the rest.
If facing Ares (and only then) I go for purification beads. If there's no Ares, there's only combat blink for me. You can dodge Thanatos Ults, Escape a Loki or simply get back to a safe position.
There is a lot that I can do with this, but I've been really lazy with the guide-making ever since the whole thing with the Merc guide.
I will work on this soon, I assure you.
A very good, solid and simple, yet flexible build. I have no problems with this. (Even though I wish Polynomicon was here O.- )
Excellent. You do a good job of explaining why these items are good on Ao, and how they synergize with one another. You don't ramble, either.
Excellent, but I think you should put a little more emphasis on the inportance of Squall. It's lower cooldown and deceptively long range makes it extremely useful as a way to snipe and finish off enemies.
Everything else is golden.
Amazing. simply amazing. You do a great job of helping the players go through each stage of the game, except for one small thing:
Your section on teamfights is not very clear. I know you put a matchups and synergy bit, but I think you should also focus on using Ao's MIGHTY STORMS as a zoning tool. You won't always have the luxury of a teammate setting it up, and since hits aren't guaranteed, using it to hinder and heavily damage enemy melee attacks can be very fruitful. (Also, Polynomicon can help, since Tornadoes has a fairly long cooldown).
Nice BBC coding, good organized info, and intuitive layout. Very good.
Some of the info is outdated, however, like the middle grabbing the blue buff, and some bits are simply unneeded, like the copy pasta'd skill descriptions.
I love your matchups sections.
This guide is easily accessible and easy to read, while still containing a wealth of information useful for advanced and beginner noodles alike.
It still has a few problems, and certainly isn't perfect, but this is my go-to example for what a good guide is. Nice work.
I'd upvote this again if I can. I hope this will be updated soon.
Worry not, I'll update soon.
If you take out Thoth for the arena/domination builds, with it providing 27.5 MP, that's 2.5 deficit for 25% CDR. Instant take imo, PLUS extra physical protection. Sure wall has the passive, but against AD casters it's useless, so I'd pretty much take breastplate 100% of the time, even in dom or arena.
(This wasn't a slight on you, Jararo, more like a question to Xanth as to why wall would ever be interchangeable ever)
Anyway, solid info. Still waiting on polynomicon as at least an alternative ;P
Only criticism guide wise is the item section icon sizes are GIGANTIC. Like, big enough to start pixelating the actual pictures. But otherwise it's incredibly aesthetically pleasing. A+. Love the counters section, by the way.
Very Nice Guide! The only criticism I have is: Breastplate of Valor and Wall of Absolution are usually interchangeable based on the preference of the player. However, with AK's passive and in this build (Mainly because of Book of Thoth) makes Breastplate of Valor the clear choice over Wall of Absolution. The main reason why other mages may use Wall of Absolution over BP of Valor is the boost in magical power. Ao's passive adds .05 x 550 = 27.50, with Book of Thoth .08 x 550 = 49.00 magical power.
Umm... that's why I use Breastplate of Valor? I am going to guess that that you didn't read the sections clearly. Wall of Absolution is in the Arena/Domination build only.
Thank you for telling me what I have already made clear.