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Read the below information on buying order.
Key reasons to choose each starter:
Physical Solo? - Warrior's Axe
Healing Comp or gods such as Sylvanus or
Anubis? -
Tainted Steel
Magical Solo? - Warding Sigil
Not limited to, but often these items can be used. Very situational.
At level two, you can choose either Preemptive Strike or
Confound. If your jungler is looking for an early gank,
Confound is typically a good option assuming the enemy solo laner is being aggressive on the wave.
Preemptive Strike can provide some safety to clear wave in unfavourable match ups. Caution is to be taken, as your dash may be cancelled by the enemy.
You will max out Confound first still.
Preemptive Strike is better to level last as majority of the time the ability will be used for getting close enough to taunt.
Tap each threat level to view Athena’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Athena’s synergies
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Starter Items:
Key reasons to choose each starter:
Physical Solo? - Warrior's Axe
Healing Comp or gods such as Sylvanus or
Anubis? -
Tainted Steel
Magical Solo? - Warding Sigil
Build 1 Stats:
Assuming starter item is upgraded to Hero's Axe (change depending on against CC heavy comp)
Power: 95
Physical Defence: 309
Magical Defence: 203
Health: 3150
CCR: 30%
CDR: 40%
Breastplate of Valor, always an easy go to item for physical protection, mana and CDR.
Void Stone, in my opinion, is always a nice option as it acts as a safety net for mages who seem to be unaware what penetration is.
Spectral Armor, depending on how fast a game is going this can be delayed to after
Mantle of Discord, this is more ideal to make fights with the mid laner easier.
Mantle of Discord can come in use when using your ultimate when low health or in a risky situation.
Spirit Robe is a healthy alternative that should be picked against heavy CC comps, as no doubt you will ult straight into stuns quite often.
Replacing boots, you may of noticed Spear of the Magus as an option, now this is something you can choose when you are absolutely confident in your team following up on attempts to blow up a single target. It is a riskier option when an item such as
Winged Blade is on the table which provdes: extra magical defence, movement speed and health.
Of course your current build should be taken into account, you don't want to be overcapping any stats. This is why for this specific build Stone of Binding is not a replacement option as physical defence will overcap.
Don't be afraid to use Defender of Olympus on team mates dis-engaging a fight, it provides them with useful damage mitigations and can help scare them away.
Don't over use Confound.
Damage isn't a requirement, setup your main damage dealers with kills.
Remember your Preemptive Strike can be cancelled and has a wind up, keep it ready when moving around the jungle.
05/06/2021 - Start guide, wip
05/06/2021 - First combo and build with video clip
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Also trying to work
My go to build for Athena solo if you want to try it is:
If the game goes late enough to finish the whole build you can sell Binding for another item, either defence or damage whatever you feel.