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Hello Smitefire, I have some time between classes so I'd figure I could wright a guide real quick. Baka is definitely an underrated god, mostly because of his lack of cc and weak ult, however he does shine against certain team comps, specifically tanky teams, and is actually top pick/ban worthy in duel.
Here I will be explaining not only how to build and level him, but when to pick him in ranked, how he goes against certain matchups.
This is the ability you max Last. Its really only there for the mobility, if you ever use this ability for damage, then you just wasted your escape and are more then likely dead. Do NOT use this ability for damage unless to confirm a 1hp kill.
Get this ability at rank 1 to speed up buff clear time, as its his best level 1 ability. From there, max this 2nd as the heal and protections gained are huge when fighting. I'd also suggest you set this to insta cast that way you can grab a minion in the fastest split second time possible.
This is the ability that defines Bakasura. Max this ability 1st as this is what allows baka to absolutely shred through tanks.
I choose to level this of his jump because of the increased slow. Hopefully in the future baka will get buffed as his ult is a little weak, but as it is now I find it more useful than leveling his jump.
Im making huge changes to baka's build, primarily removing mantle as it hurst his dps too much and adding damage via ichaival instead.
Ive argued in the past, but the more I play baka, the more I realize how weak his mid game is going straight into fatalis. Truth be told, you dont have to "stick" to people if you can kill them fast enough. Building Ichaival early improves buff camp clear time, and it will help you box your way out of a fight, since early game you arent wanting to fight, usually not until you have 4-5 items online first.
Ive opted for Warrior Tabi since its gives you better burst heal early game, and also keep you from overcapping attack speed.
Ichaival is an incredible early game item, followed by
Hastened Fatalis for mobility as well as more attack speed for
Butcher Blades. The exectutioner outdamages qins against most gods since it has more attack speed. Then I settle for
Qin's Sais 5th.
I do believe that baka is too easily blown up, so I would not recomment more damage, but instead a Spirit Robe for some protections and mitigations from cc chains. You can go
Stone Cutting Sword last item, if you are snowballed and dont care, however competitively spirit robe is the smarter choice to make.
Fatalis just has a better time to kill. Also most people pick up a sprint against baka, so going a less dps more control item for baka isnt going to help him much if he cant keep up himself.
As said before, executioner does the same job but better.
Lil baka doesnt have much raw power to work off of. Since a good fraction of his damage comes from Butcher Blades, you need attack speed more than anything.
As its been mentioned, baka works well against tanky team comps. If the enemy picks an Athena or
Cabrakan or
Ymir jungle, this will be a good choice. How you tell is they usually have another guardian on the team that doesnt clear well, meaning their 2nd guardian is either solo or jungle, more likely jungle than anything.
His hardest counters god wise would be Bellona and
Hun Batz as hes more mobile and can totally negate your ult with his if timed right. Item wise,
witchbalde midguardian and sprint counter him as well.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Effective health = Health / (100/(100+Protections))
As you can see, effective health is calculated by factoring in your god's health and protections, thus it is easy to understand that getting a balance of each is the best way to increase your effective health. Getting too much health or too much defense will always give diminishing returns, thus we know that only stacking one is inefficient. I would highly recommend you swap either
So how would I remedy this build? I'd probably ditch
I might be temped though to split my protections and opt for
As far as content goes, I will be adding a little more but not much. Sadly its just not his meta in conquest, so I havent really had the chance to try things on him. :(
I realize that, its just that 5 damage items on baka isnt great either.
Ive tried both, and honestly
I dont think
Its not a bad item on him at all, its just not a ranked conquest item. Because
However if the enemy team comp is really tanky for whatever reason, this is where bakasura shines. In which he makes better use of
Its also encouraging people to step out of their comfort zone and give ranked a try. Knowing when to pick gods increase your chance of winning, which in turn will keep them playing ranked, hopefully.
You misunderstand his passive. It procs for on each minion you kill. So kill two minions, eat a third, boom max passive. You can see this happen if you pay attention to your bottom left part of the screen, as well as notice it general.
The difference with
Most of the time I'd say building glass cannon is a bad idea. There are a few exceptions where you are snowball baka and the game doesnt matter much anyway. Ive had this happen quite a bit, but then again these werent against the best players either.
Again, these are in snowball circumstances. In a close match against skilled players, I wouldnt be able to get away with this.
Of course there are niche items, but generally speaking baka takes towers quickly enough with his regular build, and healers arent too much of a problem since baka shreds through
I do think witchblade is sometimes a good pickup, but that really comes down to knowing your enemy and is not something you want core 95% of the time.
Also vise versa. Relying on your teammates to burns actives for you, even in ranked, is often times wishful thinking. But you have to make do with what you get.
The point is, unlike a bruiser, you ARE KILLING THEM when you ult, not just weakening them for your team. They HAVE to aegis or sprint if they want to live, even with those 4 items, and no, healing doesnt save them. If you can kill them in 2.5 seconds and your ult lasts twice that long, healing doesnt matter.
Now because baka is a melee ranged god, he often takes damage while he deals it. Killing them a slight of a second faster isnt as good as killing them quickly while being tanky doing it. Thats the reasoning behind my build.
You are forgetting
I can't argue with your scores at all, and will assume you're just a better player than me. I almost never get scores like that. And yes, if you're just absolutely destroying and snowballing, sure, glass cannon whatever just because you can =P That said, the one comment I have on pretty much every build in your pic would be that, at least normally, when you build
Regarding Baka taking towers...I don't know this, so can you advise? Does
Relying on teammates to burn, I never said that. It's absolutely a possibility though. The thing here that I want to point out is that your arguments on CDR and relics and whatnot are stated in absolutes. No concession for possibility of relics being down, which works in your argument's favor, but is not a static, non-changing aspect of a match. I absolutely did not say you're relying on your teammates to make enemies burn actives...I just said that you can't JUST use an example of a single enemy with their relic CDs making at least one always available, and have the statement be very representative of a normal match...right?
Back to the idea of
Yes, you're trying to kill them when you ult, and if you do that in a 1 v 1 or 2 v 2, you might be able to get those kills. But in more of a full teamfight, you might get a couple of initial hits on multiple enemies (say
It's the consistent lack of variables, both in the build, and the comments, where I think there could be improvement.
That said, I myself likely wouldn't max attack speed through items to any further extent than your currently suggested offensive items.
He said "building damage is bad because if you ult they'll counter ult or use sprint/puri/aegis".
Read that 15 times and then tell me again that I'm wrong in saying that's wrong. With that statement he's literally saying that damage won't do anything because of a counterult/ sprint/puri. That's wrong, since puri, sprint and most ults do NOT prevent you from taking damage. and THAT was my original point.
But of course, didn't even read/understand it correctly and immediately jumps on the way to defensive ways and even starts telling me stuff that I allready know such as that leveling the ult before your leap is a better idea because of the utility, etc... I didn't even ask for that nor was my original point indicating that I needed any of those explanations.
I will include a separate build to this if you do chose to go class cannon.
I have done it myself, Ive posted the those games above. And speaking from experience, its not a good idea to do unless you have snowballed. Glass cannon is > risky for only a .5 second dps payoff.
This is almost completely false.
Not every ult makes you immune to damage, only CC.
CC is stuff like slows, roots, stuns, etc...
Sprint also doesn't make them immune to any of this. The only thing that does make them immune is ults that make them unhitable (for example
Because you also lack defense and cooldown, its hard to put your ult to use when they dont aegis and still outtrade, ESPECIALLY in teamfight situations. Without cooldown, they will just be able to aegis again soon after you ult.
There is such as thing as diminishing returns, and building more power than that will only change your time to kill by a fraction of a second. Meanwhile being a HELL of a lot squishier yourself. At high level play, its wise to take the half second difference in dps and be able to survive your attack in the first place, that way you dont bait yourself with your ult.
Next, originally you were talking about how building damage is a bad idea. Damage, my friend, is the key here. We weren't talking about the cripple or slow to start with anyway. Plus,
Furthermore, there's a thing known as Cooldowns in this game. Relics have a way longer cooldown than Ults. (Relics are at 160s CD, ults at average 90s) So if they use sanctuary to escape, or beads, you'll have your Ulti back before they have their relic.
Now, you talk about high level play
If you're a high level assassin player, you should be wise enough to never attempt to fight more than 1 enemy at a time and you'll be able to estimate your chances of winning ganks a lot better. So if you are at "high ranked play" there should be no reason you are fighting an entire team, unless they're actively hunting you in which case your 2 defense items over damage won't do you much good either. During teamfights it's your job to pick them off one by one, not the entire group at once.
Why are you saying this? I know that, and that was never my point to begin with.
I'm going to assume you simply didn't read my comment right or took it the completely wrong way.
You said that more damage is useless due to them using relics when you use your ult. That has nothing to do with eachother. Furthermore, you can still damage while not using your ult, remember?
Oh, and power + CD is possible. First item that comes to mind would be
Next, originally you were talking about how building damage is a bad idea. Damage, my friend, is the key here. We weren't talking about the cripple or slow to start with anyway. Plus, Rage and Stone Cutting Sword provide 80 power total. 80, that's sure to cut TTK more than just half a second, unless you cannot land your attacks.
The difference is I actually test my builds, not just guess that
This is why I say I dont think you understand the concept of diminishing returns. Instead of that .5 fraction of a second difference, why not have cooldown and defense isntead, since you already do a **** ton of damage with 4 items?
I think you forgot people can have 2 relics? Im somebody sprints the first time you ult, it will have a 150 sec cooldown. If they sanctuary the next time you ult, their sanctuary is on cooldown for 160. If you have a 90 second ult, that means even if you ult the second you get it.
150-90= 60 seconds on sprint
160-90= 70 seconds on sanctuary and -30 seconds on sprint
Do you see now that by not building cooldown you are simply trading for actives every time you ult? If you ult more often, you might actually be able to kill more. Since building more damage doesnt do much for us anyway,
If you are a high level player, you will find that support starts grouping with mid at the 10 min mark. The chances of you picking somebody off that is out of position late game is a misplay on their part, and doesnt happen often.
If you do find somebody out of position, my 2.5 second time to kill is powerful enough to do the job.
And to dismiss 100 of each protections, 25% cdr, and both items passives as "not doing much good" is childish and uninformed.
In case you dont know, baka's ultamite slow scales the more you level it. Making it a better skill to level over
You said that more damage is useless due to them using relics when you use your ult. That has nothing to do with eachother. Furthermore, you can still damage while not using your ult, remember?
Oh, and power + CD is possible. First item that comes to mind would be Jotunn's Wrath. May not be the most ideal item for baka, but it exists.
It barely changes your time to kill outside of
As far as
Building boots turns a 14 second time to kill down to a 8.5 seconds.
Fatalis down to 6.5 seconds.
executioner down to 4.5 seconds.
Qins down to 2.5 seconds.
At that point Qin's is his peak because he hits max attack speed. The point of spirit robe and mantle isnt just for cooldown, but also defense for teamfighting, tower diving, backdooring phoenix etc.
But you have a lot to learn...
I always prefer peace, and I'll give my two cents, so if you guys don't like it, you can take it out on me instead of each other. Does that work?
CC immune ults make you immune to the criple, allowing you to escape it. The reason you dont build extra damage, is because if your ult forces their sanctuary, sprint, or ult, and their team collapses, youre now dead.
Like Zero, I'll also agree that building more damage isn't necessarily "a bad idea." Yes, it can be partially situational, and is going to depend a bit on your team's and enemy team's comp. For example, I'd consider
Also, if your ult forces their relic use and their team collapses...what about your
The other side to that is that you argue it's important to build protections. I agree, and I'd almost always build at least 1 good protection item unless I was
CDR and defense are nice. CDR isn't necessarily hugely important, but as I stated above, defense is good. What I think we're losing sight of here is that other items have other utility I'm not talking about building
Waaaaaaitwaitwait. Yes, people can have 2 relics...but are you only talking about going after the same enemy over and over? And that the enemy is never attacked by your teammates? That's what it's sounding like, and that example is then very situational. Because your
@Zero: I think you're talking specifically about ganks only, in which case, yes, you shouldn't take on 2 enemies by yourself, but that's a pretty narrow aspect of a full match. However, if it's an even fight (2 v 2), adding
@masterricu: I think you're taking Zero's statement a bit out of context. You should consider the whole statement..."unless they're actively hunting you in which case your 2 defense items over damage won't do you much good either." I don't think this is childish or uninformed...he may be talking about a very specific situation, but that's likely to be pretty accurate. Building almost full tank as Support, I've gotten absolutely DEMOLISHED even with ~200 protections each when 3+ enemies are on me (e.g. me going in and disrupting so a teammate can escape...or me just being completely out of position).
At that point Qin's is his peak because he hits max attack speed. The point of spirit robe and mantle isnt just for cooldown, but also defense for teamfighting, tower diving, backdooring phoenix etc.
Agreed about diminishing DPS based on increased power (at least potentially). However, again, what about a teamfight? It starts (you're not in the middle of it of course), a couple of CC abilities are used, and you jump in. Let's say your last 2 items are
Regarding your 4 attack speed items...well, you're close, but if I'm looking at it correctly, you're at 2.2 attack speed, and max is 2.5. I do agree, of course, that protections can help you take a couple more hits from objectives when diving, help you survive longer in teamfights, etc. I will never argue about building at least 1 protection item (2 situationally, or, I don't know, even maybe always...but again, doesn't have to only be
We all do, yeah?
He said "building damage is bad because if you ult they'll counter ult or use sprint/puri/aegis".
Read that 15 times and then tell me again that I'm wrong in saying that's wrong. With that statement he's literally saying that damage won't do anything because of a counterult/ sprint/puri. That's wrong, since puri, sprint and most ults do NOT prevent you from taking damage. and THAT was my original point.
But of course, didn't even read/understand it correctly and immediately jumps on the way to defensive ways and even starts telling me stuff that I allready know such as that leveling the ult before your leap is a better idea because of the utility, etc... I didn't even ask for that nor was my original point indicating that I needed any of those explanations.