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This is where I will list changes i have made to the guide, or changes to Bastet made in any future patches.
October 14, 2013: Guide published.
October 15, 2013: Fixed some errors, added a link to my previous guide in the conclusion
Meta mid-laners in SMITE, in my opinion, are not fun at all. Most of them you just sit in lane and farm with your generic AoE waveclear (I'm looking at you Ao Kuang,
Poseidon, and
Anubis). I always dreaded playing mid lane because all the mid-laners are not my style, and always bored me to death. This is why I, as I have done in the past, decided to experiment with other characters mid. I decided to play with the meta a bit, and using the meta from other games as inspiration (specifically LoL) I decided to try what just might be one of the best counters to meta mid-laners right now:
Bastet mid. Since Bastet doesn't really have a meta right now, being one of my favorite assassins I decided to try and make one for her. An idea similar to this one has been going around lately,
Loki mid, because of his ability to practically one shot squishy AP mages. I feel that Bastet is just as good, if not better than Loki mid because of her ability to burst down the enemy and jump back to where she started to basically avoid all damage. This is why Bastet is such a good mid-laner right now. If you don't believe me, just stick around and read a bit longer, maybe I can change your mind, and if you're feeling courageous, play a game or two. I promise you, you won't regret it.
A good item build for Bastet revolves around mostly pure AD with some survivability thrown in. Here is an average build for Bastet mid against an APC
Item starts you can go for would be two points into Tabi and a few
Healing Potion and
Mana Potion, or one point into
Tabi, a
Death's Toll, and a couple
Healing Potion. Either start is valid, depending on whether or not you like
Death's Toll. Build the
Tabi into
Warrior Tabi, as the armor pen is more important for an assassin character than CDR is.
The first major item I build on Bastet is Runic Shield. This item is very useful on Bastet because it will provide you a decent amount of survivability in lane. Even though it doesn't provide too much AD, the base damage on your abilities is enough until after you build this item. If you are going against a mage I HIGHLY recommend you buy this first, because you are so squishy a lot of AP casters like
He Bo,
Agni, and
Poseidon can burst you down quickly if you make a wrong move. If you are sure the person you are laning against is not too big of a threat, you can skip this item until second.
The next item I reccomend would be a Bloodforge. This is a great item for assassins as it provides lifesteal for in-lane sustain, AD, and a passive that increases your lifesteal and AD for every basic attack. This is useful for extended trades where you are mostly basic attacking.
After that I highly reccomend buying a Rage. This is one of my favorite items for ADs because it provides attack speed, crit, and AD all in one. This is one of the best items for assassins and ADCs, and I would reccomend getting it on anyone with high priority on basic attack damage. That being said, the crit and passive on this item gets you one step closer to pure late game destruction, as crits will give you the edge in any basic attack trades.
The last two items are really up to you, but the two items I get most commonly are Deathbringer and focused voidblade. If you need more health/survivability, then you can buy a
Bulwark of Hope,
Frostbound Hammer, or
Soul Eater. If you want more damage go for a
Titan's Bane, or focused voidblade.
My average end game build looks something like this:
Bastet's kit is great for bursting down enemy AP carries in mid lane, and she has much more poke than most assassins, making her a great counter to many common mid laners.
open wound
This is a section where I will display lane match-ups, and will most likely be a WIP for quite some time. For right now I will only write about common lane match-ups or hard counters, but eventually I will expand this list to include (hopefully) everyone who you could think of going mid. If you are experienced with a lane match-up as Bastet mid and you would like to change/add to this list, feel free to leave a comment.
Please keep in mind that for right now, this list based on my opinions and experiences against these lane match-ups.
Bastet is a great mid, with plenty of poke, burst, mobility, and surprisingly decent waveclear for an assassin, all while being an amazing counter to many mid laners.
This is my second guide in my "Breaking the Meta" series, and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I still plan on doing some more guides in this series, but I need to do some more testing for a few of my ideas. If you enjoyed this guide, I would highly appreciate an upvote and a comment telling me why you liked it/your thoughts. If you didn't like it, leave a comment and tell me why. I plan on doing some more work on this guide in the future (mostly in the Lane Match-ups section) so if you have any suggestions about how to make this guide better please leave a comment.
If you enjoyed this guide, here is a link to my previous guide about Athena Jungle
Thanks, and have fun breaking the meta!
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If you want another Assassin midlaner, try him out.
Jungle as Artemis, and then and then only will I respect you.
I have, works quite well actually, I don't like it enough to write a guide on it but I do acknowledge the fact that it works