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Tap each threat level to view Xing Tian’s threats
Buy the guardian's blessing, make assists on them minions and level it up to the max
I suggest leveling up the boots to tier 2 and starting on the third item
Now, depending on the enemy, either buy the staff or the gaia, watch for the passive as they will affect the way you will respond to the enemy's attacks
As for the defense, again go with how the enemies approach you, i really like the mantle as it gives a lot of resistance but the hide of urchin has a usefull passive
Then, you sell the boots and buy the speed potion so you can buy the mail of renewal.
At that point you are just a chunk of health and HP5, you can then sell the guardian item and buy an adaptive item, either go for more health or chunk up you magical power for more devastating attacks, i put three items i recommend as a replacement
Relics are a touchy subject, some like to get the cloak and others like the invulnerability. I recommend the Meditation Cloak as one of the relics, this will help you heal your team, it can be the little extra your carry will need to save himself, as the other relic, i like the beads if there are a lot of stuns on the other team, otherwise the blink rune can get you where you need to be at that crucial instant!
Starting off with the roar can give you that extra damage over time you need to finish off or kill off an enemy. As mentioned plenty of time, this is a guardian, try to go for the assist, it will advantage you and your carry.
The best technique for easy kills at the beginning is using your ult. The best way is to wait for the enemy to be close and then you jump on them with sky-cutting, ult them into the tower and then you stun them with the slam. Its a guaranteed kill if your carry is with you (as i recommend you should wait for him to be there)
Make sure you stick with your carry as much as possible(do not leave tower unattended though), follow your carry and try to get as many assists as possible, this will boost your items and take full advantage of your position. You are a support!
As you approach the late game, your HP5 should be through the roof, you get extra for being attacked from three sources, everytime you take damage, your healing goes up and your max health increases for a short period of time. You can tank the hell out of the fights. This is not a solo build, you can take a good amount of hit but make sure you jump away if you are not backed up by a damaging god. Of course you can hurt them but this build is for a support, be a bro and don't feed by thinking you can tank 5 ults (even though 4 is a doable lol)
Do not hesitate to jump the giant, you can take a beating, hulk up the fight and it might just be what your team needs for the final blow! Most important, have fun
SIIIKEE! Laugh it up as the enemy team just gets annoyed at how much you can take, this build is ridiculous, be careful and you will never die. A headless warrior cannot be killed
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Example Build:
Example Build 2:
Alternative/Situational items:
Build needs fixing too, Gaia and Mail of Renewal are not necessary and completely selfish item options.
If you want to avoid dieing you want prots and damage mitigation, not just health.
And Meditation is useless lategame. Shell performs the same function as Meditation early game to save teammates, while also being a much better relic when upgraded lategame compared to Meditation.
To explain perhaps a bit more, although the items you've chosen on perhaps a surface level are not bad and provide you with stats you want, they're also not really optimal for a Support role.
Meditation Cloak is actually not a bad relic for a Support in the early game. In some cases, it could be a lifesaver, or help you and your ADC to continue the pressure if you're running out of mana. The thing is, it helps a lot more in the early game, and not much in the late game. Why? Early, no one's built anti-heal, for example, and with a lower health/mana pool due to lower levels and few items, the amount of health/mana it provides is more significant. But as you get to the late game, anti-heal can really decrease whatever heal you're getting from it, and most players have enough mana that they're not really running out in most situations. The upgrade IS nice in a way for the 1s CDR, but the other part of that (30% less mana cost for ability use) is again probably not that important.
This is why
As for
Both of these items provide absolutely nothing else (outside of Renewal's 10% CDR for maybe more ability use that helps set up or peel) to your teammates. You might argue "more health means I can stay in the fight and tank longer." Sure, but there are other items that provide you with extra tankiness (health, protections/mitigations, or both) while also providing some other stats that help your teammates. You at least have
Other standard Support aura items include
And if we're going with the anti-selfish concept,
So in essence, your build is really lacking in functional items that help you define the role of Support. Almost none of the items I listed are present as options here. Hope this helps.
Also your skill order isn;t that good it's better to max 1 ability first picking the ult when possible. you gain higher protection from 3 per lvl, longer root on 2 and on his one a bit more damage for wave clear
yes I still don't really care for the added new item or remember most of them except for