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Greetings! I'm DecimusBrutalis, and have been a MOBA player (namely League of Legends) for quite some time. I've found a nice fit in with Smite, a purely skillshot based game, which I find more fun and skill-requiring to play. With a past in these kinds of games, and a guide (Glass Cannon Ra) on the homepage for quite some time (with many views but few votes >:c) I seek to construct the perfect guide on Chronos. He's an amazing mage, albeit he can't 100-0 people as easily as mages like He Bo, Poseidon, or Ao Kuang, he has arguable the best instant burst in the game. His second ability also yields an interesting auto-attack style mage, especially with the time clock on IV, yielding a freya-type mage. This guide will build his burst, take advantage of his basic attacks, and minimize his cooldowns while maxing his magical lifesteal.
High instant burst
Very fast with 2 ranked up
Ultimate is a free life if used correctly
3 is an incredibly easy to hit stun at close range, yielding a good escape
3 yields amazing utility in team fights
Amazing laner due to ability to trade and run circles around enemies
Auto-attacks with 2 allow bypassing through magic defense, making it hard to itemize around
Versatile with Passive
Very very squishy early game
Mana hungry until mid game
Fenrir, and
Bakasura will have no problem diving you early on with nearly no way to avoid it
Ultimate is incredibly hard to position in mobile teamfighting comps
Ultimate is hard to remember 8 seconds ago - can put you in a worse position than the current one (similar to using aegis while trying to escape and them just waiting it out with fresh CD's)
No 100-0 instant burst may make him hard to place in some comps - you need a team that can mop up kills
Passive is annoying to handle the timing of
1 takes a bit to actually activate after casted, making it hard to aim sometimes
As you can see, there ARE more cons than pros. BUT DO NOT FRET. If you paid attention, most of these are simply skill or patience type of things. You can easily learn how to handle the passive, the 1, the burst, the ultimate placement. The only REAL cons in here are the squishiness and the mana issues. However, if you are not good at placement in team fights, DO NOT PLAY THIS GOD. His ultimate will not be a good fit for you, and you will end up in a bad position with your 2. Use this god if you are not a beginner, but you do not have to be that good past that. He's just not a good starting champ.
Wheel of Time
So this is your passive. Mousing over, you can see it buffs your Accelerate to have an additional buff when activated. This is what makes Chronos so versatile. Do you want health regen? (Yes if early game, no if full build!) Is your meditation on CD and you're trying to conserve mana? Do you want to just trade and burst a bit then get out? Or are you going all in and you want your auto attacks to wreck people with Polynomicon/Demonic Grip after your abilities are on CD? This passive lets you do ANYTHING. Sustain, Farm, Trade, or Fight. AND REMEMBER. Magic-power enhanced attacks now benefit from magical lifesteal Note that as of the most recent patch, section I is 1.5% health per second of acceleration.
Time Rift
I max this skill first because it is your most damaging ability. A giant 85% magic power scaling on a basic abiliy, plus 45 base per rank. I'll go more in depth as to why I max this over Stop Time in that ability's section, but for now I'll describe this. The downside is, After placing it, it takes about a half second to a second to actually 'trigger'. You'll see the ring on the ground, THEN it will activate, so it's a tad hard to land on a moving target. The CD is really short though, so this is what you use to trade after landing your stun. And the bonus: when it kills minions it launches them like 30 feet in the air. :D
This ability is honestly the best I've ever seen for supporters of Polynomicon. It gives Movement Speed (To catch or run), Attack Speed, and removes the movement speed penalty for auto attacking. Note, however, that this does not remove the backpeddling movement speed penalty. Finally, this is what activates your passive. My suggestion with full build is this: go through your 3-1 combo, with autoattacks, then activate accelerate in IV section of Wheel of Time. You now move at 150% speed, with no movement speed penalty for autoattacking, while they proc Polynomicon, and gain 35% magic power. You can do what every ranged physical power carry wants to do: run fast while shooting. Finally, this is how you can escape: stun them with Stop Time, and then pop this and run away. Don't underestimate this ability, the ability to move so fast with autoattacks is ridiculous, especially with auto attack enhancing items. I stagger this ability's leveling with stop time, because while burst is necessary, the movement speed buff becomes increasingly important to chase someone down once your abilities start to set up kills when items are gained. Note that as of the most recent patch, it now gives a flat 20% speed (equal to rank 2 previously) and slowly ramps up in movement speed, so it literally Accelerates you instead of giving a flat amount. (Smitefire, as of 7/13/2013, has not updated, so ignore the tooltips if it conflicts with this info).
Stop Time
This ability is amazing! I had a major internal conflict over which ability to max first: stop time, or time rift. Basically it came down to this: Time rift is 85% magic power, +45 base per level. Stop time, counting its double hits, is 80% magic power, +40 base per level, -1 second CD per level. But, considering it's already at a 16 second CD, the CD reduction won't work in a trade compared to the 5 second CD on time rift, so that's my ideology. You may get Time Rift twice in a trade, but whether it's 16 seconds or 12 seconds, you're only getting one Stop Time.
ANYWAY. I get this ability first because this is your only CC. It's your exceptionally easy to hit stun, so it's the best way to trade at level 1. It's also amazing at clearing minion waves. This means I suggest in conquest you push just a tad, despite being more squishy than most, so you hit level 2 first. The level 2 3-1 combo will wreck anyone still level 1. Stop Time is your bread and butter in teamfights too, going through any walls, going for a helluva long distance, a really big hit radius, that will slow then stun anyone it touches. A teamfight in the jungle should be an instant win with Chronos. This should also be what you use to escape a gank.
This ability is a double edged sword. I love it and I hate it. Teamfight where they focus you and you drop to 10% health in a second? BAM, full health. But at the same time, you're running in a line and a teamfight breaks out, where will you end up? 8 seconds back the other way. It's incredibly hard to position, but at the same time, it makes their efforts wasted. It's what makes chronos the squishiest, yet most survivable mage in the game. You have 150% speed steroid, a second life, probably an aegis, so much time will be wasted on you, that if your team hasn't killed anyone yet, the game was over before it began. You will be the target all the time just because of how much this ability will royally piss off the other team.
I'll go into depth what you should do in teamfights in the Team Work section, but for a trade, this is your rotation
Early Game - Accelerate during III (Magic Power Bonus), Stop time, and Rift under where they stop. Back off - successful trade. Only pursue in a certain kill, as you don't have much left to offer.
Mid Game - Land a Stop Time, and Time Rift under where they stop. Activate 2 on the IV section, and autoattack them down as much as possible.
Late game - Same as mid game, but stagger autoattacks in between for Polynomicon bonuses. Realize that in late game you'll very rarely find a sole target anymore; laning phase is over.
Before I start items, let me summarize: The boots are for cooldown, the rod, talon, and book are for mana, high magic power (for III passive), and lifesteal. The Polynomicon and Demonic Grip are to utilize his no penalty, increased speed, fast attacking 2 to it's fullest while still utilizing his magic power. (And yes, a good bit of text is copied from the Ra guide)
I'm going to update this in a little bit to make it more aesthetically pleasing, but let me break down the actives
Restoration Shard - GET THIS ITEM. It replaces Meditation, it heals 40%, mana 40%, same's perfect. It's now AMAZING sustain in assault, lane, anything.
Aegis Amulet - Get if they have someone like a Freya or Loki whose ult will burst you. Useful in any ult situation not solvable through beads
Beads of Purification - Useful with ults like Ares, Hades, or any ult that has a detonation time. It's better than amulet, even if you still take a tad bit of damage, in the sense that you become immune to CC after activation for a few seconds, and it has a shorter cooldown. Do NOT prioritize over aegis if they have someone like freya or loki. You can't cleanse death.
Meditation - Imo, now outclassed by shard of restoration. Just my personal opinion, but it's good for mana (no health sustain though). If you can rely on such little poke that your section I passive will sustain health, though, it may be better.
Sprint - good to chase, retreat, hit and run, anything. It's like Flash vs Ghost in League of Legends - longer, more distance, or instant blink? Which brings me to
Combat Blink - Useful for repositioning and getting out of a situation. It needs to be combat, because regular blink can't be used as an escape. Useful for getting out of
Hades ult easily, or getting over walls.
Girdle of Might - If you're so fed that you don't need sustain, don't need to worry about a nuke, and just want to kill people easier, pick this up. If you are a team player and teamfights happen often, get the regular girdle. If you want to be a one-man show, get the
Girdle of Inner Power. It's better stats, but only for you.
As a teamfighter, Chronos isn't like Poseidon or Ao Kuang. You aren't looking for your ultimate to oneshot their team. You're about doing your damage, but focusing on your utility. If a teamfight is stationary, your ult can allow for a second burst instantly, and THAT is how you 100-0. Otherwise, if it's mobile, focus on landing your Stop Time to keep them in place long enough for your assassin or bruiser to wail on them. Stop time is easily one of the most useful mage CCs in the game. It's like an anubis coccoon that slows them, then stops them, dealing ridiculous damage, but it hits everyone. If you land a good Stop Time on their mage and ranged, you should have won the teamfight. While everything is on cooldown, utilize your Demonic Grip to bring down magic resist and prepare your next Accelerate assault.
All in all, Chronos is an amazing, S tier mage (Going by the list of Titan/S/A/B/C/Trash)
He has the utility, the versatility, the survivability, and the be a terror in a teamfight or in a lane. You can run circles around your enemies with your speed, and laugh as they try to kill you. He is straight up FUN to play. His only poor spot in the game is early, when Loki or
Fenrir or such can gib you in an instant. Play safe, then absolutely dominate the rest of the game. His amazing scaling makes him one of the biggest late game threats, with no fall off.
As this is a very brand new god, PLEASE provide comments with any questions I can answer, suggestions, suggested videos, etc. I am NOT high and mighty and infallible. I want the community to rate, comment, anything at all, so I can provide reasonings and help this guide be the best it can be.
(Just want to add in something TydisCloud sent me using this guide)
"1st arena game using this build and just had to link it (solo queue).
Just starting this, so going from the first update
7/13/2013: Updated for Chronos Patch on section I of Wheel of Time and Accelerate
7/14/2013: Updated builds to move Rod of Tahuti back. Also stretched Safe Build out to show the full on build order since rank 1 rod is recommended for mp5
7/18/2013: Updated for big rework. Included Gem of Binding, an actives section (with Restoration Shard), and more items to the alternatives section. Updated opinion on new Doom Orb
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Is it outdated, or still viable?
And he's my #1 favorite mage, too, and yes you can definitely burst someone, he just doesn't have the ult of, say, Poseidon or Ao Kuang, as examples
Not many were saying you have to be fed...but in any case, yes I'm working on situational builds. The 'Safe Build' provides some defense and an ethereal staff but I'm going to add in a build if you are just getting absolutely demolished
As far as the god himself is concerned, I agree he's lacking in damage, but he's more of a utility mage than a burst mage, as stated in pros/cons. It's hard for him to 100-0 anyone, but the utility he offers is ridiculous. His Stop Time has a very large hitbox and isn't that easy to dodge unless casting from full range, and in jungle fights it's near impossible to dodge; and Time Rift after Stop Time is a guaranteed hit. But I would like to see the buffs you implemented - it'll make him much stronger laning phase.
As far as Anubis is concerned, you outrange him. As soon as he moves in, you can blast a stop time in his face and combo him, then get out. Anubis is not the character to be aggressive against, as he's made to punish that playstyle. Save CD's for when he starts to move in. And remember - before 5, should he happen to use his AoE to farm, in a trade he only has coccoon and swarm of locusts, which is a very close range ability. You should win a trade past that.
Keep tuned for changes; was busy at Warped Tour, if you know what that is, so have been busy, but I'll be updating it in the next few days, as well as when HiRez tunes everything that comes after a newly released god is played live.
Not a burst mage? With this build completed an accelerate in section 4 to stop time to a few basic attacks to a time rift, it will 100-0 a squishy in 5 seconds flat. He has tons of utility though, and he's overall one of my favourites.
I don't know. No matter if I use my own build for him (Which was similar to your's. I saw the benefit of Polynomicon when he was released and demonic grip.) I am not seeign the damage except early game through leveling Time Rift first. Leveling Stop Time first always gave great farm, but.. this is a really expensive build. This GOD, IMO, needs a buff. His abilities are ridiculously easy to dodge because of their slow cast times. Against an Anubis, I am dead from full health to 0 before the casting of my ulti is done EXCEPT early game. But if you fail against anubis there is no catchign up with this build.
Maybe I am just not good with him but I see a lot of problems. With these slow cast times on Time Rift, it's hard to hit with and the damage it does does not compensate for the cast time. His ulti is AMAZING and I have never had a problem intentionally using it for repositioning or escaping. IE, coming out of jungle with the plan to escape back into it or using it to slide back behind enemies and nuke them from behind. I'm really good at quickly and instinctively knowing if it;'s a good idea to use my ulti or not based on where I was recently.
However, I'm still not seeing the results with this or any build UNLESS I get lots of farm, but I am still not getting a lot of kills. They need to speed up the progression of the orb from his Stop Time, reduce cast time on Time Rift and give him a bit of a damage buff. Not seeing any Chronos' doing very well at all except in lucky games where they play 100% selfishly and ks or are against enemies who are underfed/farmed or make bad decisions constantly.
I agree that Chronos needs a buff. Stop time is an EXTREMELY weaker version of Isis's ball and the damage on Time Rift is horrible...
I feel like it's really his early game that is his weakest, he's basically outfarmed by every other mid god... once I get Demonic Grip/Polynomicon and some points into accelerate (which I usually achieve around mid game) I'm able to do some pretty decent harass damage, but Chronos's kill potential just sucks...
Potentially Chronos could be a top tier mage god with an extremely high skill cap but as of now he just doesn't have the burst damage to ever be effective in competitive play.
I would also like to add.. he's too damn squishy and this build offers no defensive items. You should add some in as situational items. But as stated by many, this build is only for if you are fed and even then, as I went late game with this and was doing well.. hard as hell to stay alive. I feel he's just..underpowered all around. He has CC... but can't hit with it half the time because smart enemies are just goind to dodge it UNLESS you smack them right in front of you with stop time.
Not many were saying you have to be fed...but in any case, yes I'm working on situational builds. The 'Safe Build' provides some defense and an ethereal staff but I'm going to add in a build if you are just getting absolutely demolished
As far as the god himself is concerned, I agree he's lacking in damage, but he's more of a utility mage than a burst mage, as stated in pros/cons. It's hard for him to 100-0 anyone, but the utility he offers is ridiculous. His Stop Time has a very large hitbox and isn't that easy to dodge unless casting from full range, and in jungle fights it's near impossible to dodge; and Time Rift after Stop Time is a guaranteed hit. But I would like to see the buffs you implemented - it'll make him much stronger laning phase.
As far as Anubis is concerned, you outrange him. As soon as he moves in, you can blast a stop time in his face and combo him, then get out. Anubis is not the character to be aggressive against, as he's made to punish that playstyle. Save CD's for when he starts to move in. And remember - before 5, should he happen to use his AoE to farm, in a trade he only has coccoon and swarm of locusts, which is a very close range ability. You should win a trade past that.
Keep tuned for changes; was busy at Warped Tour, if you know what that is, so have been busy, but I'll be updating it in the next few days, as well as when HiRez tunes everything that comes after a newly released god is played live.
Maybe I am just not good with him but I see a lot of problems. With these slow cast times on Time Rift, it's hard to hit with and the damage it does does not compensate for the cast time. His ulti is AMAZING and I have never had a problem intentionally using it for repositioning or escaping. IE, coming out of jungle with the plan to escape back into it or using it to slide back behind enemies and nuke them from behind. I'm really good at quickly and instinctively knowing if it;'s a good idea to use my ulti or not based on where I was recently.
However, I'm still not seeing the results with this or any build UNLESS I get lots of farm, but I am still not getting a lot of kills. They need to speed up the progression of the orb from his Stop Time, reduce cast time on Time Rift and give him a bit of a damage buff. Not seeing any Chronos' doing very well at all except in lucky games where they play 100% selfishly and ks or are against enemies who are underfed/farmed or make bad decisions constantly.