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Conquest Artemis - Updated Season 2

7 0 77,035
by KamikazeKitty updated February 24, 2015

Smite God: Artemis

Build Guide Discussion 18 More Guides
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Artemis Build

Standard Build

Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Malice Malice

Starting Items

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Spiked Gauntlet Spiked Gauntlet
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Optional Items

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Rage Rage

My Preferred Build

Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Optional End Game Build

Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Malice Malice

Artemis's Skill Order

Transgressor's Fate

1 X Y
Transgressor's Fate
2 15 16 18 19

Vengeful Assault

2 A B
Vengeful Assault
4 7 8 10 11

Suppress The Insolent

3 B A
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 6 9 12

Calydonian Boar

4 Y X
Calydonian Boar
5 13 14 17 20
Transgressor's Fate
2 15 16 18 19

Transgressor's Fate

1 X
Artemis places a trap on the ground. Enemy gods coming within 5 units of her traps activate them, Rooting, Crippling, and revealing the enemy god while dealing damage every second for 3s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 48 / 61 / 74 / 87 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Total): 105 / 144 / 183 / 222 / 261 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 2s
Max Traps: 4
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Vengeful Assault
4 7 8 10 11

Vengeful Assault

2 A
Artemis attacks at a furious pace, increasing her attack and movement speed significantly. Additionally, Artemis cleanses herself of slows and becomes immune to Slows for 0.6s when activated.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Movement Speed: 25%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 6 9 12

Suppress The Insolent

3 B
Artemis fires a volley into a ground target, suppressing all of her enemies. Enemies caught within the volley are damaged and are slowed.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 25%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 15
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 9s
Calydonian Boar
5 13 14 17 20

Calydonian Boar

4 Y
Artemis summons the great Calydonian Boar on her enemies, doing damage to the nearest enemy god and Stunning them, and itself. The boar is immune until it hits the first god and then continues to charge other gods for its lifetime. Artemis is also immune to Crowd Control for 1.5s.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 (90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Boar Lifetime: 6s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


This is Kitty here bringing you a guide on Artemis, and I am now officially Diamond Artemis! My IGN is KamikazeKitty, send me a message and I'll try and get in a game with you on stream!

This is my first guide and I hope that this can be helpful in some way. I am not the best player in Smite, nor am I on the most. I try to play all the roles and different gods in each role, but I would say I like Artemis as an ADC the most and have most certainly played her more than any other god. Please keep the criticism constructive as we are all human and make mistakes :).

Update for Season 2: This is a work in progress for S2 because it's still new and I haven't played a ton yet. That being said I still feel pretty confident in my build as I've done pretty well most of my games.

Meow to the guide!

Videos section removed!!!

Apparently YouTube links are blacklisted now, so I had to remove that section to publish my guide. I'm on YouTube @ KamikazeKitty if you would like to see any of the videos.


Still Target

Artemis gains a critical strike chance buff on each successful hit. Stacks 5% up to 3 times for 4 seconds.

What this means:
Basically it's like having your own mini-Rage. For this reason it's a better trade-off to get Malice as opposed to the extra critical chance from Rage.

Transgressors Fate

Artemis places a trap on the ground. Enemy gods coming within 5 units of her traps activate them, rooting and crippling the enemy god, preventing movement abilities and dealing damage every second for 3s.

What this means:
It's a nice ability... if you can land it. I prefer to use it to block off paths to help reduce the chance of a gank or gods escaping with low health. In duo lane you can place two traps in the entrance to the jungle and completely block it unless the enemy has a jump. If they choose to jump your traps, then they have wasted their jump just getting to you. Other than doing that, you can try and place it just in front of enemy gods, but this is quite difficult to land. Other than that, the best use is placing it under an enemy god after getting hit with your Calydonian Boar to keep them rooted even longer.

Vengeful Assault

Artemis attacks at a furious pace, increasing her attack and movement speed significantly.

What this means:
This is great self buff. With this maxed out, you can hit 2.5 attack speed for 5 seconds without building all attack speed items. The movement speed also is nice for chasing enemies or closing the gap to get into attack range with using your Greater Sprint or Greater Blink. I generally use this after hitting the enemy with the Calydonian Boar because they will be stunned and you can close the gap while bursting them down, also if you have lifesteal you probably took some damage when getting in range using the Calydonian Boar and this can help you replenish that life.

Suppress The Insolent

Artemis fires a volley into a ground target, suppressing all of her enemies. Enemies caught within the volley are damaged and are slowed 25% for 2s.

What this means:
This is your poke. Poke, poke, poke the enemy ADC and support. In lane phase, just keep poking them with this ability and getting in basics while keeping your mana above 40% in case you need your other abilities. When you get into lane and are level 2 this will do enough damage that they will feel it. While poking the enemy is good, focus on getting last hits on minions early to keep your farm up and try and push the waves into the enemy's tower.

Calydonian Boar

Artemis summons the great Calydonian Boar on her enemies, doing damage to the nearest enemy god and stunning them and itself. The boar is immune until he hits the first god and then continues to charge other gods for its lifetime. Artemis is also immune to CC for 3s.

What this means:
This is used more for the stun than the damage is does. I have gotten kills with the Boar, but more often from my basics after the stun. Combined with Greater Blink you can jump in on the enemy and stun them without taking too much damage first. This also grants you CC immunity, making it great for when facing gods with hard CC. Combine this with Purification Beads and you have a CC immunity every 45 seconds roughly.

Pros and Cons


    Nuking enemies - Fast and Hard
    Good Root that can block lanes
    Good stun that does damage with ultimate
    Self buff that gives insane attack speed and some move speed


    No true escape ability
    Relies on basics, weak early game
    Squishy squish
    Enemies with hard CC can destroy you


This is now the standard starting item for ADC’s because of the mana regen. Quick tip, the lower your mana the faster the regen, so I try and stay around half so I have enough to blow 2 abilities quickly if needed but also get good regen.
As Artemis you will generally just be using your Suppress The Insolent to clear minions, using it once per wave will keep your mana in a good spot.
Devo Gloves are still the standard starting item for ADC’s that hasn’t changed. You should have no problem staying in lane long enough to be able to finish it on your first back.
Ninja Tabi is the new boots for ADC in my opinon. You could build Warrior Tabi for the extra power, but the early game attack speed is going to be better, especially with the purple buff.
This item seems to be a pretty frequent buy for most other people so I tried it, and honestly if anything you need it to counter them buying it. The passive so huge early game (60 power difference) that you really need it, even as a preventative measure. The 10 flat pen is also a big reason to buy it.
You can sell this after your build is full (assuming the game is still going) and pick up Brawler's Beat Stick or Titan's Bane, whichever you think will help you the most. If the enemy team still has towers up, The Crusher would be a great option as well.
The Executioner has always been a staple ADC buy, and with the nerf to Qin’s Sais it’s even more of a solid buy. Shred protections and get some power and attack speed.
Deathbringer is another staple hunter buy, especially on Artemis with her passive, you can’t not buy this item. If you even only buy one crit item, this would be the one.
Buying this item fourth, as long as your Vengeful Assault is at rank 4 or 5, will greatly increase your DPS. After that The Executioner and Malice are simply preferential, although I would recommend The Executioner 5th because of the passive.
Malice would round out your build as your final item if you are focusing killing people. It does a ton of damage and should be bought over Rage 99% of the time. The DoT will kill people most of the time even if they barely escape and the power will make you hit like a truck at full build.

Optional Items

Asi is a new favorite of mine as third or fourth item, depending on if your enemy built Ichaival or if you are pretty far ahead. I swap this out for The Executioner the majority of the time for the extra lifesteal. In my experiences the lifesteal will save your life more times than the extra pen on The Executioner.
Brawler’s Beat Stick
Brawler's Beat Stick
This has become a favorite item of mine recently for many reasons. Gods with self-heals and team heals have become pretty standard on most teams. Also, the enemy ADC will build lifesteal 99.9% of the time. Factor in Asi giving you more lifesteal and Brawler’s reducing theirs and you should outbox anyone as long as you are landing basics.
Qin’s Sais
Qin's Sais
I would not recommend this item anymore, but I felt it still needed to go here. The passive got nerfed along with the attack speed, and it’s still the same price, but it can be useful. I don’t ever buy it on an ADC, but it’s an option and it could work…
Rage is completely unnecessary on Artemis and you would be better off with Malice in terms of DPS, but you can buy this if you want consta-crit.


Warding wins games!!!

You might have heard this before, but it's 100% true. Not having vision is the worst thing. You waste your time checking on camps and GF to see if the enemy is taking it because they are missing. You don't see the enemy Bakasura coming towards your lane with bloodlust.
I don't care if you are the ADC and you need items, wards are more important!
Lack of warding has been the number 1 reason I have lost games.

Early Game/Laning Phase

Starting the Game

There are also two ways to start the game on each side in my opinion. I will go over the two main ways I start below.

Extra EXP Start

Obviously buy your starting items ( Bluestone Pendant , Spiked Gauntlet and either a potion or a ward) and head out.
1. Take back harpies, then damage camp, then attack speed camp to lane.
This method only works if your mid is on board to use a little extra mana early by using an ability on the back harpies and the damage camp.
Some people might say take attack speed and go straight to lane, but the extra experience is worth it and even if the enemy has taken attack speed and went straight to lane they shouldn't be able to push any minions into your tower.

Normal Start

This is when you do the normal thing by taking damage camp for your mid, then your attack speed and heading to lane from there. This is the standard start and what most people will do, don't get upset if mid doesn't want to take back harpies, it's not a big deal.

*With the way the game is set up now, pushing straight into the enemy tower will likely get you killed. Playing around the middle of lane or even defensively is not a bad thing, it might actually be better. If the enemy is pushing to your tower, they have a lot farther to go to get to the safety of their tower. Your jungler should have an easy time ganking enemies pushed to your tower, giving your team a huge early lead.

Laning Phase

Laning Phase is the most important part of the game for a hunter. This is the part of the game that determines if you will be effective mid-game or not. Winning your lane is important, but more important is not losing your lane and/or falling behind the enemy ADC.
I have found that the best way to play Artemis early game is to semi-turtle. I don’t mean sit under tower and super turtle, but I do mean not pushing lane. Let the enemy take out your minions as fast as they want, and just focus last hits. The method I have found to work best is to use your Suppress The Insolent on the archers and take them out first, then focus the melee minions. By doing this you are guaranteed to get last hits on those three and you should be able to get all the melee minions last hits as well. Last hitting a minion gives you 50% more gold, which means you can finish Devo Gloves faster and get your stacks faster, putting you ahead of them.
Getting an early game kill is nice, but not as important as not dying. When you get a kill the bounty on your head increases, meaning if the enemy comes back into lane and kills you, they will actually get more gold than when you killed them. It’s much better to just make them back, your bounty doesn’t go up and you get to push some waves into their tower. This all might seem controversial considering how aggressive people play, but it actually makes sense. And I’m not saying to let them walk away from you when you can kill them, I’m saying don’t push to get the kill if you are going to take an amount of damage that will make you have to back.

Mid/Late Game

Mid Game

There are two different things that you will be doing during Mid Game depending on which build route you took, but regardless of which build, you still need to help your team.

You still need to stay in your lane, and be prepared to be there by yourself, your support should be roaming and helping other lanes either catch up or take towers. You should also have enough power to take the tower by yourself if the other ADC is solo. Make sure you have wards and/or traps set in the jungle so you can see a gank coming and get back. If you are in lane by yourself or if the enemy support has a lot of CC, save Calydonian Boar for an escape.
A good example is when Ares uses No Escape you know the enemy team is going to be focusing under him to get some kills. What I generally do is start running away like I'm retreating, drop the boar, then turn around throw a trap under Ares and use Vengeful Assault and start shooting the squishy. Sometimes this does backfire, especially if you are alone. You really have to judge each situation as to whether you can get a kill and escape or if you are going to die. I recommend playing it safe, wasting your ult and escaping is better than using it and dying, remember that.

Late Game

Kill Everything!
Essentially that is what Artemis does Late Game. The attack speed and penetration and crits that she puts out are just terrifying. Even supports will come to fear you if you play her right. Sometimes I like to focus the tank just because I'll kill them XD. You probably shouldn't focus the tank even if you can kill them, they will get cleaned up after the rest of the team gets melted.
At level 20 you will be able to solo Gold Fury, if you want to and you should be able to 2-man Fire Giant. Basically roam with your team, focus squishy melee gods from behind your support and use the Boar if all the enemies escapes are down, or if your team needs an escape.


Most players don't like to play support, but it's one of the most important roles on the team, so be nice to them. A good support really can be the difference between winning or losing your lane and possibly the game (unless you get those shoulder straps out and your team hops on).

I could explain the best combos (as I had before) to use on enemies and how to time your abilities together, but really that's my play style, it isn't easy to time these things and generally requires you to have good rapport with your support to time you abilities well.

The best generic advice I can give is poking enemies to keep them low and not being greedy. Try and keep them low on health (around half is perfect because they have just enough health they might get frisky) and watch your support closely. When your support goes in for a stun or knock-up, try and be right there with them to hopefully clean up a kill. Also, don't get mad if your support takes a kill, it happens. It's a different story if they are intentionally trying to get kills when you are right there able to get the kill and they swipe it from you. If this does happen don't yell at them, just say "Hey, it's great that you are able to get kills, but I'm the ADC and I kind of need the farm so I don't fall behind because that will really hurt the team later." Just be respectful and calm about it, they should listen.

Another tip, don't be afraid to drop your ult just to escape or let your support escape. It's nice to get a kill from it, but also denying the enemy a kill on your tank really helps you out. You prevent them from getting the gold and experience from the kill and also allow your support to stay alive so they don't lose the gold and exp from being dead. It might be your support's main job to keep you alive, but you also need to try and return the favor. That being said, don't run in trying to save them when it will probably get you both killed; example, you have half or less than half health and the enemy ADC and support both have full health.

Play Style Suggestions

General Play Guidelines!

I just decided to add this in to help out all players because I know I have been guilty of pulling things I really know I shouldn't.
    Don't be GREEDY! Getting a kill then immediately dying puts more gold and exp in favor of the enemy.
    Focus on your farm! Getting last hits on creeps is a HUGE deal. Missing last hits on even 25% of the creeps can be the difference in gold that causes you to lose lane.
SIDE NOTE* Many people try to get kills and play aggressively, it's the nature of the game. If you can play safe right around the first entrance into jungle and last hit all or 80%+ of the minions stay there and farm. You will have more gold than your enemy very quickly and you can snowball off it.
Be patient. This goes along with don't be greedy, but you don't need a kill to get ahead. Focus on last hits on minions.
Focus last hits on minions, do you get it yet? The extra gold from last hits will help you finish items sooner, allow you to go back sooner, push lane harder, and get kills earlier, easier.


Basically Artemis is an Auto-attack goddess, she does her damage through AA's not abilities, like most hunters. She can be deadly in the right hands and saving her abilities for when they are actually needed is the biggest aspect to playing her well. You can't just rush in throw down the Boar and expect to get a kill. More often then not my kills are actually from hitting them with Suppress The Insolent and AA'ing them to death while the slow keeps them from escaping. Artemis has no true escape and her CC that isn't from her ult is hard to land. Just keep practicing and don't get greedy.
The best advice I have is to play safe until you are comfortable with a god!
I had a rough start with Smite because I played too aggressively, mostly because I played a lot of Call of Duty. Smite can be a fast-paced game, but slow down and play decisively, that is what wins games, not rushing in and getting that one kill. As evidence of this I played a game of Joust where we pushed the other team into their tower, we were ahead by a decent amount, pushing waves into their tower one after another. They never really pushed out of tower except to prevent creeps from getting in, and we managed to take tower and push them to Phoenix. After everyone hit level 20, they still had Phoenix and got a Deicide, and ended up winning the game with a total of 6 kills. We had more gold and more kills, but they played smarter and won. Never underestimate your enemy and never get greedy.


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KamikazeKitty (4) | March 10, 2015 5:02am
Zilby wrote:

After reading through this conversation about Odysseus' Bow, I thought I'd bring up a tactic I've seen with ADCs. Some players have been buying Charged Bow as a starter item to force the other hunter out of lane. Basically, if they don't have a support who can heal them, they're just going to be taking too much damage if they're safe near their minions, forcing them to either stay behind them and lane clear less effectively or be out of position and easier to kill. I haven't tried this tactic myself, but it's been used against me and can give you an early lead.

Just thought I'd put that out there :]

As always Zilby beats me out haha.
The thing about Charged Bow or O-bow is that it is not a viable item beyond starting it for the extra poke/lane push. If you were to build it 3rd item after Devo Gloves and boots, you would really be wasting your damage potential, except in one case. I actually find it decently useful on my double-stacking Neith build sometimes. The Executioner is always going to be better for mid-late game in terms of damage output. Starting Charged Bow would be about the only way I see it viable, but make sure to stock up on pots if you do that.
Zilby (132) | March 7, 2015 9:43am
After reading through this conversation about Odysseus' Bow, I thought I'd bring up a tactic I've seen with ADCs. Some players have been buying Charged Bow as a starter item to force the other hunter out of lane. Basically, if they don't have a support who can heal them, they're just going to be taking too much damage if they're safe near their minions, forcing them to either stay behind them and lane clear less effectively or be out of position and easier to kill. I haven't tried this tactic myself, but it's been used against me and can give you an early lead.

Just thought I'd put that out there :]
KamikazeKitty (4) | March 7, 2015 9:15am

Hey, I have a question. Why isn't Odysseus bow at least an optional item to get? I mean, it doesn't have the penetration, but it allows you to clear minion waves without mana, and has more attack speed. Can you explain, because I'm pretty new to smite, and I love Artemis and want to play better. Thanks :)

Hey sorry if this response is late, I've been focusing heavily on streaming and my YouTube and haven't been on here in about a week. O-bow would actually be a decent third item if you are ahead I believe. I will play a bit and try it out and update the guide accordingly. Thanks for the suggestion and if you ever wanna play together just add me on Smite: KamikazeKitty.
PsychoticDreamz (1) | March 4, 2015 6:08pm
Hey, I have a question. Why isn't Odysseus bow at least an optional item to get? I mean, it doesn't have the penetration, but it allows you to clear minion waves without mana, and has more attack speed. Can you explain, because I'm pretty new to smite, and I love Artemis and want to play better. Thanks :)
KamikazeKitty (4) | February 24, 2015 10:59am
Zilby wrote:

I was curious about your build since you commented on mine, this guide definitely deserves more praise than it's gotten. Your skill and item sections are excellent and your sections on gameplay are definitely more in depth and comprehensive than mine. The only thing I would like to mention is that having an order and chaos side section in season 2 is a bit redundant since they've changed them to basically be exactly the same.

Aside from that, excellent guide! Definitely a +1 from me

Thanks man! I really appreciate that, especially considering the amount of time I poured into this guide. I was working on other stuff when I did it, so I didn't realize they are the same haha.

I don't play Artemis much anymore since I've been working on my jungle, but she's been my favorite ADC since I started playing (which was when she was considered low-tier) and I'll update that section and probably even look over my gameplay section to check if any updating needs done once I get some free time.
Thanks again for the support Zilby, it's nice to see good people are still online on places like this :D.
Zilby (132) | February 23, 2015 10:45am
I was curious about your build since you commented on mine, this guide definitely deserves more praise than it's gotten. Your skill and item sections are excellent and your sections on gameplay are definitely more in depth and comprehensive than mine. The only thing I would like to mention is that having an order and chaos side section in season 2 is a bit redundant since they've changed them to basically be exactly the same.

Aside from that, excellent guide! Definitely a +1 from me
KamikazeKitty (4) | February 10, 2015 6:21am
Diomedes232 wrote:

One thing you should think too include is a brawlers beat stick in some of your builds as against a target who doesn't build physical protection will have only like 70 physical protections you will have about the same effect on them as with a Titans bane. But you get 40 more power from it and you gain the passive which is not just good against healers but is also amazing against anyone with lifesteal (insert any adc here) allowing you to easily outbox them, it's also a great way to outbox hypercarries who need life steal like Mercury or Kali (you will still probably die to kali though... Cause Kali...)

Did you see the 3rd build: Hybrid Build?
This build gives you 50 flat pen and your choice of Qin's Sais or The Executioner (both good choices) and you get insane lifesteal and Deathbringer because Artemis' passive.

I pretty much exclusively build the hybrid build now with Brawler's Beat Stick because it allows me to outbox pretty much anyone. I appreciate the feedback though and yes Brawler's can be inserted into any build in place of Titan's Bane because the passive is very good for Artemis because she lacks an escape.
Diomedes232 (6) | February 6, 2015 11:59am
One thing you should think too include is a brawlers beat stick in some of your builds as against a target who doesn't build physical protection will have only like 70 physical protections you will have about the same effect on them as with a Titans bane. But you get 40 more power from it and you gain the passive which is not just good against healers but is also amazing against anyone with lifesteal (insert any adc here) allowing you to easily outbox them, it's also a great way to outbox hypercarries who need life steal like Mercury or Kali (you will still probably die to kali though... Cause Kali...)
KamikazeKitty (4) | February 4, 2015 11:39am
I think this is the final update before season 2 comes out. Got some good work in the last few days and revised some builds and added some videos because why not?
KamikazeKitty (4) | January 21, 2015 5:50am
Globeband wrote:

i use your build but from my experience ( i have diamond Artemis) its better to buy titans bane before your crit items to take down towers then buy death-bringer followed by malice. also i start with vengeful assault first so when i get mid camp at the beginning i can fight enemies but that's just my taste.

I know I'm quoting you twice, but I played some more Artemis last night for the first time in awhile. I think if you did my odd build of starting Draining Blade and with the new map having the +15% AS buff starting and maxing Vengeful Assault would be much better. Vengeful Assault would last long enough that you should be able to actually do more damage to the minions than with leveling your Suppress the Insolent. It depends on whether you would be playing more for poke early or trying to get earlier kills.
KamikazeKitty (4) | January 20, 2015 5:34am
Globeband wrote:

i use your build but from my experience ( i have diamond Artemis) its better to buy titans bane before your crit items to take down towers then buy death-bringer followed by malice. also i start with vengeful assault first so when i get mid camp at the beginning i can fight enemies but that's just my taste.

I think it definitely depends on how you play as a team. Your strategy would probably work better in League since you are going to be more aggressive and taking towers sooner. I tend to play a lot of casual and get the crit first in order to kill the enemies in lane to take tower. Either method would work, but since Titan's is much cheaper than both the crit items it would be more effective in taking out tankies and towers.

And as far as the beginning I've had such terrible luck trying to fight enemies at mid I just avoid as much as possible. When I'm playing with someone I can talk to it generally goes well (got a double once) but sometimes I'm solo.
Globeband (1) | January 18, 2015 10:27pm
i use your build but from my experience ( i have diamond Artemis) its better to buy titans bane before your crit items to take down towers then buy death-bringer followed by malice. also i start with vengeful assault first so when i get mid camp at the beginning i can fight enemies but that's just my taste.
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