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Conquest Masters Thoth Guide

4 1 31,172
by Perfxction updated April 28, 2020

Smite God: Thoth

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Thoth Build


Notes Mage's Blessing provides you with great mana sustain and good power and clear for the early game. Magic Focus adds decent power and builds into flatpen which synergizes great with Thoth passive.


Mage's Blessing provides you with great mana sustain and good power and clear for the early game. Magic Focus adds decent power and builds into flatpen which synergizes great with Thoth passive.

Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Magic Focus Magic Focus
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Full Build

Notes This Build provides you with a lot of flat and percentage pen as well as Power and cdr.


This Build provides you with a lot of flat and percentage pen as well as Power and cdr.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Replacements for boots

Notes Pythagorem Piece caps you on pen and gives you some sustain as well as power and a decent team aura.
Soul Gem which will give you some sustain as well as increasing your burst potential.
Mantle of Discord is a great item when you get dove a lot and die to early in fights.
Ethereal Staff increases your health and also helps deal damage to high health targets. This will not cap you out on cdr.
Staff of Myrddin is interesting as it caps you on pen. Even though i do not like the passive that much on Thoth the stats are really fitting for your build making this a really good last item.


Pythagorem Piece caps you on pen and gives you some sustain as well as power and a decent team aura.
Soul Gem which will give you some sustain as well as increasing your burst potential.
Mantle of Discord is a great item when you get dove a lot and die to early in fights.
Ethereal Staff increases your health and also helps deal damage to high health targets. This will not cap you out on cdr.
Staff of Myrddin is interesting as it caps you on pen. Even though i do not like the passive that much on Thoth the stats are really fitting for your build making this a really good last item.

Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin

other items worth considering

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff

Thoth's Skill Order

Hieroglyphic Assault

1 X Y
Hieroglyphic Assault
1 4 6 7 9

Evade and Punish

2 A B
Evade and Punish
2 8 11 12 14

Glyph of Pain

3 B A
Glyph of Pain
3 15 16 18 19

Final Judgement

4 Y X
Final Judgement
5 10 13 17 20
Hieroglyphic Assault
1 4 6 7 9

Hieroglyphic Assault

1 X
Thoth conjures three Hieroglyphs around him, ignoring the Basic Attack Movement penalty. His next 3 Basic Attacks pass through Enemies and apply Ability Damage instead. Additionally, these Basic Attacks deal an additional 25% damage to jungle minions. If these attacks pass through the Glyph of Pain, their range is increased by 30. Hitting an enemy with this ability increases the damage they take from each subsequent shot by 10% and reduces the cooldown by 0.5s (this can only occur once per shot).

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage Per Shot: 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Glyphs Spawned: 3
Range: 55/85
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 10s
Evade and Punish
2 8 11 12 14

Evade and Punish

2 A
Thoth dashes in the direction he is currently traveling. After dashing, for 5s Thoth's next basic attack is enhanced.

This projectile roots the first Enemy god hit while slowing all other enemies, and also deals Ability Damage.

If either the Dash or Attack passes through the Glyph of Pain, their respective range is increased by 30.

Ability Type: Dash, Root, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Root and Slow Duration: 1.5s
Slow: 30%
Dash Range: 45
Attack Range: 55/75
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Glyph of Pain
3 15 16 18 19

Glyph of Pain

3 B
From his book, Thoth conjures forth a Hieroglyph in front of him. Thoth's ability projectile passing through the glyph receive increased damage, and a range increase of 30. This damage does not trigger item effects.

Thoth and allies' Basic Attack projectiles also receive a lesser damage bonus, but no range increase.

Ability Type: Area, Buff, Damage
Ability Bonus Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+5% of your Magical Power)
Basic Attack Damage: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 (+5% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Cooldown: 5s
Final Judgement
5 10 13 17 20

Final Judgement

4 Y
Thoth begins summoning pages from his book, up to a maximum of four. When all four have been summoned, he sends them forward damaging all Enemies in their path.

Thoth may activate this ability again to fire the ability early, doing a reduced amount of damage based on the number of glyphs currently summoned. Alternately he may cancel this ability at a cost of 30 Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 420 / 480 / 540 / 600 / 660 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Range: 100/130
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


This is my Thoth Guide that i am planning on updating.
If you have anything to add i will be happy to discuss it with you and add it to the guide.
I am a xbox masters conquest player and my main role is midlane. Thoth is my second most played mage. If you have anymore questions just ask.

Thoth is a long range Mage with decent poke damage and a pretty potent Ultimate Final Judgement. This Guide will give you a guidline for building the god as well as things you should consider when you play him.


Because of his Passive Dead Reckoning he synergizes well with flat pen items. You should not buy more than 35 flat pen because with that amount and a full Passive you will cap out on flat pen. Spear of Desolation and Divine Ruin are really strong items on Thoth.

Chronos' Pendant is a really good early game item after the power buff and cost reduction at the start of S7 in combination with the changes to its t2 item making it a great item to start with at level 1.

Charon's Coin and Obsidian Shard provide you with the max amount of %magical penetration. (When obshard passive is up even a little bit more than that.)

Divine Ruin and Spear of Desolation give you flat pen synergyzing with Dead Reckoning.

Rod of Tahuti is basically the best raw damage item in the game.


Hieroglyphic Assault

- long range poke damage when combined with his Glyph of Pain
- very low cooldown if you hit and buy cdr
- good for applying item effects
- really safe because of the range

If you shoot your Hieroglyphic Assault through your Glyph of Pain the range is really high. Use this ability to poke people preferably through walls to stay safe while doing so. This is also your main waveclear.

Evade and Punish

- good escape
- long range if used through Glyph of Pain
- high damage
- risky to use for damage

If you use Evade and Punish through your Glyph of Pain the range gets increased and you dash pretty far. This ability is your only escape and self peel so be careful how you use it. It does a lot of damage and the root is nice if used offensively but that leaves you as an easy target. Try to only use it offensively if you know there is no punishment or it is worth taking damage or dying for it. Otherwise keep it as your escape.

Glyph of Pain

This ability increases the range of your Hieroglyphic Assault, Evade and Punish and your Final Judgement if they are used through this. It also ads bonus damage on top.
You can also place this infront of Towers, Goldfury and Firegiant so you and your range allies do bonus damage to objectives.

Final Judgement

This Ability has a really long range if fired through Glyph of Pain. It does really high damage. Like all Thoth abilities it is a skill shot and easy to miss so you need to decide if you want to wait for setup or shoot it without setup. A lot of your impact on a teamfight depends on this ability so be careful how you use it lategame.
You can fully charge it for max damage but if you don't need the full damage or you dont have the time to charge it fully you can also fire it early for less damage.


Thoth is a god that is highly based on positioning because you have a dash but not hard cc and if you dash is down you are basically a free kill.
All his damaging abilities are skillshots so you need to have decent aim to do relevant damage with this god.
Your Ultimate Final Judgement is really important for teamfight impact. Hitting a good ultimate can win your team the fight while missing it can do the opposite. So always think if you want to wait for setup or just shoot it. You also need to precharge before for example an athena dash taunt for the full potential. So communicating with your team or predicting what your teammates are going to do is important.
The god depends heavily on decisionmaking and positioning so you will most likely need some practice to start performing well on Thoth.

For the early laning phase just try to clear and farm. Your clear is pretty bad early and your fighting potential relatively low. It would be good to pair Thoth with a high pressure jungler to not lose all neutral camps or get invaded. Try to farm up and mainly fight with your team. After level 5 you have good killpotential with your ult. Be careful of using your dash for clear because it makes it really easy to kill you.

For teamfights try to position safely best case would most likely be behind a wall. Poke the enemy team from a safe distance. Only use your root if you have no fear of punishment or you think that the root or damage is worth it. Try to get your ult set up by your team if you are sure you will hit it or you need to take the shot or can take it without your ult being down being bad for you and your team.

Pros / Cons


- long range
- decent damage
- high impact ultimate
- dash for decent mobility
- long range root


- only cc is bound to his only mobility and it is just a root
- very easy to kill when dash is down
- if you miss your ult that might just lose your team the fight
- only line abilities no giant aoes

Team Work

You should fight with your team because Thoth is not the greatest god for 1v1 scenarios. Always look what your team is doing if Athena charges her dash maybe charge your ult to be ready to follow up. Try to get setup from your team espacilly for your ult as you hitting or missing it can decide the result of the fight.
You will need peel as soon as somebody dives you so try to position behind your team because of your range but not too far away for your teammates to be abled to help you.

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Kriega1 (143) | March 3, 2020 1:53am
You say the build reaches % pen cap in notes but it doesen't unless you sell boots for Myrddin (or pythags).
Perfxction (1) | March 4, 2020 3:40am
thanks that is left from before i changed the build changed now
Kriega1 (143) | January 30, 2020 6:24am
Charon's coin and Obs Shard? I'd probably drop one of them if I wanted to pick up Reaver.

Also while that start you went is fine, it's mainly used for rushing Chronos'.

If you're getting boots first i'd go tier 2 boots, tier 1 lost artifact and 1 multi pot start.

Maybe im wrong though. Also maybe it's fine for rushing Doom Orb too.
Perfxction (1) | February 26, 2020 1:13am
After trying different stuff i came to the conclusion that in the standard build soulreaver is just more valueable than obshard and coin.
The start has 20 power more than t2 boots t1 chronos so i still prefer it even to rush boots.
Rushing doom orb isnt possible as the t2 still costs 1600 btw just as a heads up.
I found Myrddin to be a really strong boots replacement to give a good amount of power and cap cdr and pen even on gods that dont use the passive too well.
Perfxction (1) | January 30, 2020 11:43pm
the reason you start with t2 chronos even if you get boots first is it has really high power with 60 so it gives you pressure you also get 2 potions and a really good amount of mp5 on the t2 item so overall its an insane start.
If you drop one of the 20% pen items for reaver you only end up with 30% pen which seems suboptimal as pen is a really strong stat.
i think doomorb is just outperformed by the combination of chronos pendants buffs and the way way better t2 item.
Kriega1 (143) | August 21, 2019 2:51am
Why Tahuti over E-Staff? not a fan of E-Staff?
Perfxction (1) | August 22, 2019 12:43am
I like e-staff i just dont feel like its better than tahuti on thoth because
1. tahuti synergizes great with shamans which is in most of my builds and also with the scaling damage on the 1 so if you hit the first 2 hits you get 1.44 times the damage of the first on hit 3 increased by 10% and the you get 25% more magicpower towards that that seems great to me.
2. you have long range on thoth you best case should avoid to get hit so no big benefit in gaining health and i feel like even with optimally like 400-500 more health you will die if caught.
By no means is it bad it just doesnt really fit what i want to achieve as thoth which is long range max damage glass cannon.
hope this gives you the answeres you wanted else feel free to ask further.
Kriega1 (143) | August 22, 2019 5:14am
Oh ok fair enough I forgot about the Shaman’s/Tahuti synergy
Kriega1 (143) | August 6, 2019 7:55am
Try a build like this: CDR > Deso > Divine > Obs Shard > Reaver > E-Staff > sell boots late for Myrddin.
Kriega1 (143) | July 18, 2019 7:11pm
I think you get shaman’s a little too early in the build. I think it could be better to go: pen boots, deso, reaver, obs shard, shaman’s, Tahuti and sell boots for pendant. Or, pen boots, chronos’, deso, obs shard, reaver, shaman’s and sell boots for Tahuti.
Perfxction (1) | July 24, 2019 11:46pm
i will be playing around with the order now that the patch is out but i think even if it takes a while to stack the passive early on you stell get 100 power and 10% ms for 2400 gold so it is not really bad even without the passive stacked.
Pendant for boots feels really late because from my understanding to really make the best out of his 1 buff you want a lot off cdr because it synergizes with the flat cd reduction.
Kriega1 (143) | July 25, 2019 4:10am
Thing is if you go boots > deso > Shaman's you're going to run out of mana too quickly. You need a reaver/chronos' third to counteract that (or early book).

Another thing you could do is add a book of thoth example build.

Perfxction wrote:
Pendant for boots feels really late because from my understanding to really make the best out of his 1 buff you want a lot off cdr because it synergizes with the flat cd reduction.

Mage's blessing + deso is 20% CDR. Maybe instead of selling blessing for tahuti you can get chronos' last and sell boots for tahuti.
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Kriega1 (143) | July 10, 2019 11:20am
Add magi’s cloak, e-staff and book of the dead as situational
Perfxction (1) | July 10, 2019 10:49pm
Good additions thanks.
If you have any more things because this is my first in depth guide so also regarding the whole write up i am down for improvement.
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Conquest Masters Thoth Guide
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