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Cookies? *Bleep* Cookies! - Hel

13 1 63,148
by KamikazeKitty updated January 16, 2015

Smite God: Hel

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
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Conquest/Joust Support Build
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Hel Build

Core Items

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Starting Items - Conquest

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion


Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon


Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm

Sample Offensive Build - In Order

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Hel's Skill Order

Decay / Restoration

1 X Y
Decay / Restoration
2 7 11 12 15

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A B
Hinder / Cleanse
4 13 16 18 19

Repulse / Inspire

3 B A
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 8 10

Switch Stances

4 Y X
Switch Stances
5 9 14 17 20
Decay / Restoration
2 7 11 12 15

Decay / Restoration

1 X
DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires an orb of decay that deals damage and passes through minions. The orb will explode in a 12 unit radius if it hits a god or reaches max range.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires an orb of restoration that damages enemy minions and stops on gods. Hitting an enemy god deals damage. Hitting an allied god provides that god and Hel Health and Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Light Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 4 per level
Light Mana Heal: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Light Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
Hinder / Cleanse
4 13 16 18 19

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A
HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies in the targeted area, reducing their Magical Protection and slowing them for 3s.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel cleanses all allied gods in the targeted area, removing all Crowd Control effects instantly and protecting them from future ones for a duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Dark Protections Debuff: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 5% Magical Protection Reduction
Dark Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Light CC Immunity: 1.5s
Range: 55
Radius: 20
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 8 10

Repulse / Inspire

3 B
REPULSE (Dark Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of dark energy around her, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of light energy around her, healing herself instantly and applying a heal over time to nearby allies that ticks every 1s. This heal is half as effective when healing minions. Hel gains Increased Movement Speed, and allies gain a reduced amount (10%) for the duration. Hel and allies also gain 20% Attack Speed while the buff is active.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Light Self Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 6 per level
Light Heal Per Tick: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 + 0.9 per level
Light Movement Speed: 20%
Light Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Switch Stances
5 9 14 17 20

Switch Stances

4 Y
Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains increased Magical Power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains increased Protections.

Passive - Hel gains increased MP5 and half of all benefits gained, including Physical Power, from Switch Stances are shared with allied gods within 55 units.

Ability Type: Buff
Dark Magical Power: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Light Magical and Physical Protections: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25
MP5: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s


It's KamikazeKitty again, with another mage guide on none other than the split-personality daughter of Loki, Hel. I may not have Mastery X with Hel, but I have played her quite a bit and thoroughly enjoy playing her and fulfilling both roles of hers. Hel takes some time to get used to, especially if you are playing against aggressive people. Don't get discouraged if you don't do well the first couple of games, just focus on what went wrong and work on a strategy to not let it happen again. It's a learning process and you have to be willing to learn to make it work.

I apologize in advance for the text walls.


Stance Attunement

When Hel is in a stance, she gradually attunes to the strengths of that stance, gaining up to 20% damage in the Dark Stance and 20% healing in the Light Stance.

This Means???

Decay / Restoration

DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires a projectile that explodes on contact, doing damage to all enemies in a 15 ft radius.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires a projectile that does damage to a single target and heals Hel on a successful hit.

What this do?

Hinder / Cleanse

HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies at her ground target, reducing their magical protection and slowing them for a short time.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel buffs all allies at her ground target, removing all crowd control abilities instantly and protecting them from future ones for a short time.

More Goodies?

Repulse / Inspire

REPULSE (Dark Stance) - A burst of dark matter erupts from Hel's disk, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - A burst of white matter soothes all nearby allies pain, healing them and granting increased movement speed.

Switch Stances

Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains magical power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains MP5. Half of the benefits gained from the stance are also shared with allied gods within 30 units.

No Ultimate?

Pros / Cons


    Insane burst heals
    Great burst damage
    Good Sustain


    Squishy mage
    Has to get close with abilities
    No good escape
    Weak early game


Starting Items

Vampiric Shroud is the starting mage item, gives power, MP5 and sustain.

Shoes for the movement speed so you can get in and out of minion wave faster to limit the amount of poke you take.

Ward You don't need to place these at the start, but it is good to buy them at the beginning so you don't have to go back just to pick one or two up.

Mana Potion You will need these early game since Hel is ability dependent for damage and heals and you won't be getting blue buff in mid lane.


In Joust, forego the Vampiric Shroud and wards and potions and concentrate on maxing your Shoes of Focus first, or the Chronos' Pendant to give you the CDR to keep your teammates alive and for the MP5.
Core Items

Offensive Items


This is a very subjective section determined by your playstyle, but I would like to offer up some food for thought.
Obviously having this will help you to be able to clear a mid camp or minion waves if you need to, but that's not the real utility in it. This is exceptionally useful when you are against a Loki or Ao Kaung that can stealth in on you, or any assassin that can close the gap quickly. If Loki tries to Assassinate you, Fist him as soon as the stun wears off and either run away or burst him down. This is more a means of escape for Hel since she lacks a good escape.

This item is great for escaping and chasing alike. Slowed by an enemy and need to run away, use this. Just need one more hit on that pesky enemy and they are just out of range, use this. As you can see this has offensive and defensive uses on Hel.

These should really only be had if the enemy team has a lot of hard CC (stuns or freezes) If you are up against Poseidon I highly recommend Aegis Pendant over this.

Support Hel

Core Items

Laning Phase

Early game for Hel can be a bit tricky for two reasons.

Hel has to get into minion wave to effectively clear it.
Hel uses a lot of mana early game and can be pushed easily because of this.

The main thing during laning phase is to wait for the enemy to use their wave clear ability and then go in and clear the wave. Try and stay out of your minion wave as much as possible to avoid getting hit by enemy abilities. If you are pushing into their tower and the enemy isn't there, give your minions a quick heal and back off to avoid getting ganked. Don't be greedy but definitely try and keep minions pushed into their tower.

Getting kills

Depending on your level and how many points you have in your 3, you can probably go in for a kill if the enemy is below half health and pushed to the front of their minion wave. Generally going in and hitting them with your Repulse / Inspire with take out the majority of their health, and they will probably even hit you with something, causing your minions to attack them. As they are running away you should be able to hit them with a Decay / Restoration and if that doesn't finish them switch to Light Stance real quick and hit them with it again. If they still aren't dead, I'm sorry but just heal yourself and run back, now probably completely out of mana.

Mid Game

Mid game can be the trickiest part of the game when playing Hel. Enemies will start really doing some damage, and you either just got or are just about to finish Rod of Asclepius. Depending on whether or not this is finished might be the difference from you dying a lot or getting kills.

Timing is Key

Hel does require some fast fingers and precise timing to play correctly. There is a 1 second cooldown from when you activate an ability before you can switch stances, remember that above all else. I can't tell you how many times I have died and been like "WTF?!?!?" thinking I had healed myself when I hit 4 too fast and didn't switch stances. I also recommend having your Repulse / Inspire on instant casting as soon as you get comfortable with the range because that half second between hitting 3 and clicking the mouse can be the difference between dying or living.

During mid game you will hopefully have taken the first tower and will be able to roam if you have. Getting Gold Fury during this time is huge, and your support should have WoG in order to get this. Buffs are still good, but not a necessity; grab them if you have time, but abandon them if a teammate needs help or if you see an enemy pushing a lane. There's nothing worse than your team dying because you were taking out some harpies, and they will probably let you know.

Help the Team

Assuming you aren't the only damage dealing mage on the team (hopefully solo is mage or you are solo) the best thing you can do in a teamfight is approach it in Light Stance. At this point, your job is to protect your team, using Hinder / Cleanse to remove CC from them and Repulse / Inspire to heal them, as well as give them movement speed to either escape or chase down an enemy. Considering how long your cooldowns are I recommend a combo similar to the following, but be warned you will lose mana FAST.


Hinder / Cleanse to remove CC followed by Repulse / Inspire to heal your team back up and give them movement speed buff.
Switch Stance and immediately hit as many enemies as you can with Hinder / Cleanse to slow them and the debuff. Get in close to hit them with Repulse / Inspire and finish it off with a Decay / Restoration to hopefully secure a kill.
Immediately Switch Stance and use Repulse / Inspire to heal your team and the movement speed buff. If the enemy is close and almost dead, Decay / Restoration still does decent damage in Light Stance and it heals you.
***All this is assuming your team had the upper hand in the fight once you healed them the first time.

That's just my general go-to combo for a teamfight and every situation is different. If you team is struggling a bit in the teamfight, stay in Light Stance so you can heal them the instant it's off cooldown. They would much rather you stay in Light Stance and save them than switch to Dark Stance and get a kill, a 1 for 1 trade really isn't worth it, unless you kill someone on a kill streak.

Late Game

This is where you should be doing a ridiculous amount of damage, but so will your enemies. Late game is truly situational depending on the enemy team comp. If they have a Bakasura, chances are he'll kill you if he wants to (ask me how I know). I will generally go in Dark Stance in late game just for the damage presence and the Hinder / Cleanse debuff.
***Remember that it is always more important to heal an ally than kill an enemy. Sure killing that enemy could tip the fight in your favor, but not healing that ally could also result in a deicide, you never know.

You should be roaming as a team in late game, making your job easier and harder at the same time. Your Dark Stance damage will be easier because your team should have some good CC to hit enemies with. Your Light Stance healing will be harder since the enemies will do much more damage and might even focus you (if they're smart). As Hel be exceptionally wary of assassins as they will generally be able to jump in and kill you before your team can help you/you can heal yourself. In a teamfight, stay in the back, but not so far back the jungler can jump in and utterly destroy you without resistance from your team.

Joust Play

I prefer to play Hel in Joust as opposed to conquest for a few reasons:

    It's easier to get focused in Conquest
    You always have teammates around in Joust
    Your healing is more effective in Joust

The focus on Hel in conquest is real. The enemy jungler can generally gank you with ease because you have no real CC and no real escape. They merely have to catch you pushed past half-way in lane and they will almost always kill you, unless you can kill them. In Joust it is harder for them to gank you considering there is a single lane and you should have 2 teammates with you almost all the time. If an enemy is dumb enough to try and hump on you in Joust, they will probably die without getting a kill.

Considering your teammates are almost always going to be with you, your heals will always be hitting them both. If the enemy team rushes in, you can merely sit back and heal your teammates while they pummel the enemies and wipe them out, only to be healed again to take out the tower. The only thing you have to be careful of is your mana, but you have mana regen while in Light Stance, so sit in that when you are low on mana. That regen is also shared with teammates, so if an ally is low on mana and there are no enemies pushing, sit in Light Stance and help your buddies out!

Playing Support

*** Disclaimer***

I have not played Hel as a strictly support god, but I imagine that it can be done effectively. The majority of this section will be speculation (until I try it) and mostly grafted over from my experience in Joust with Hel. Please let me know if anyone has tried support Hel and any tips from them would be appreciated. I'll even give you a chapter here if you want to write something up.

***This section brought to you with thanks by the suggestion of MafiaPledge

Early Game

Starting Items

I would always start Watcher's Gift so you can let your ADC get the last hits and still get the same rewards for yourself. Hand of the Gods is also good so you can clear the buff camp at the beginning and then also to clear waves without using mana. Using Hand of the Gods on the melee minions can also leave them weak for your ADC to get last hits.

Laning Early

This part is all about keeping your ADC alive, preferably without you dying, but you dying once is way better than them dying. Stay in Light Stance to get the MP5 and shared MP5 with your ADC. The only time you should switch to Dark Stance is to either use Repulse / Inspire to damage, not kill, the minion to help with weakening them for last hits, or to try and kill the enemy. If you are going for a kill, start with Hinder / Cleanse to debuff them and slow them. Just be careful not to get into a routine, maybe switch to Dark Stance just for a poke here and there to throw them off guard. If you only go to Dark Stance to attack them for a kill, they are going to learn and you will most likely die. Other than that, heal your ADC when they get below half health and remember that your Hinder / Cleanse has a CC immunity on it! That's why you level that over Decay / Restoration.

Mid Game

Mid Game is all about you roaming and helping push lanes and taking objectives. You should have Shoes of Focus Chronos' Pendant and Rod of Asclepius as well as Wrath of the Gods for the insta-kill on gold fury. Try and go with whoever is either pushing lane the farthest or get pushed back the farthest. The goal with this is to help prevent your teammates dying or losing towers as much as possible. The teammates either pushed up or back farthest are going to be most susceptible to being ganked. Another method could be to run with the Jungler and help them gank with your slow and ability to heal them if they get in trouble. You need to essentially be pushing every lane as needed to help take towers.

Late Game

This is where you are either going to shine, or fade out like dying star. This is where you are 5-man roaming and your job is to keep everyone alive, that means Light Stance all the time! Since your team is going to lack the front line push and CC of a true tank, you will have to be on your game with the healing and CC immunity.

For your active I would recommend Heavenly Agility for the speed to chase/escape, but also for the healing increase in the teamfights that will happen. If you find yourself getting focused by a lot of CC, Purification Beads are going to be a must.


Hel is a super rewarding god to play, but it takes some time to get to a point where you feel comfortable playing with her. Her skills require precise timing for the most effectiveness and the only way to get better is to play her repeatedly. Don't get discouraged if you do fairly terrible to first several times you play Hel, just try and reflect on what went wrong, unless it was a Loki focusing you, that you can't help. I also wouldn't recommend practicing against the AI more than once. The first focusing on learning her skills and combos and the timing is a good idea, but beyond that is a bad idea. You might get the idea in your head that she's really easy to play, when the truth is you'll probably be way more farmed than the enemy and then you'll get wrecked in a normal game because you'll be too aggressive.


V1.0.0 - Initial Guide - 12/16/2014

Boring Updated Version List

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kianmir | January 10, 2016 10:16am
hi! i wanted to say... why not get
book of Thoth
? its a popular item on mages, because they get stacks fast, and they mostly need a ton of mana
hel has a huge mana regen,but her mana pool is small
i never tried it, but it seems good
MilkyMelon | October 29, 2015 3:03pm
almost a year and this guide is still good. In 1v1 joust I do replace rod of Asclepius with warlocks sash
Sir_Xanthos | January 29, 2015 10:37am
Hello there KamikazeKitty :D

The support build is not bad at all :) Being someone who started Smite as a support player I found nothing wrong with that build. There are two things I'd like to bring up. Seeing as to the fact that the Warlocks Sash needs stacks and most ADC's typically start building stacks by their second item, problems may arise. Besides that, the build is something I would most likely come up with on my own. The other thing I'd like to bring up is situationals. Sometimes the build you have won't work well in the support role. There are many situationals that are pretty obvious, but it'd be nice to see things that someone might not think of. Even putting things someone would think of is still a helpful reminder. If you can't really think of any that might be useful beyond obvious situationals, just let me know. I've played support long enough to have a few random facts here and there.
KamikazeKitty (4) | January 16, 2015 6:08am
Did a complete rework of the support section. If anyone tried the support section before I apologize for how terrible it was. The new build maximizing healing potential and health instead of protections. A squishy mage with protections and weaksauce heals was a terrible build.

I'm going to play a few conquest support Hel tonight, maybe I'll see someone on Smite and you will be lucky enough to receive my gracious heals :)
KamikazeKitty (4) | December 17, 2014 8:58am
That was quite the major update XD
If there is anything else that needs a little attention let me know! I have exhausted my BBCoding knowledge and hopefully it isn't too chaotic or hard to read, I tried to break up the text walls a bit better and add little splashes of color here and there to help.

The support section is mostly speculative as I haven't played Hel support yet, but this would be how I attempted it the first time around. Let me know what you think!
KamikazeKitty (4) | December 17, 2014 4:50am
Elroddon wrote:

Question: isn't it techically impossible to put a point in your 3 at level 4 the way you already leveled it? Or do you mean point-skipping over there?

I did upvote it though, because it's just a great guide. Really clear information, even with additional information for Joust, which is far less popular. Nice job!

EDIT: You might want to add why you should put points in the Ultimate and why it makes her less of a mana-hungry character.

I'll be honest, I may have just thrown points in there and mixed something up...
And yes, I will update the skill sequence and the description of her ultimate regarding the huge boost to MP5
KamikazeKitty (4) | December 17, 2014 4:48am
MafiaPledge wrote:

This is a very informative guide! I haven't seen a good Hel guide in awhile! makes me tear up
Also i agree on the joust over conquest... too much deaths from junglers....
You could add some more variety to the starting items.
Also different examples of builds, for example, what would a supporting hel have as her first items?

All you need is some more BBCoding and it would be a amazing guide
other than that its a guide i would recommend to any beginner Hel players
(Haven't done a review in awhile :V dont judge me for my lack of style)

Thank you, I felt that a new one needed written. I'll have to do some looking into a more supportive role (I haven't really done that yet). And this is my third guide but this site is my first experience with BBcoding, I'm learning everyday and trying to find time to update everything along the way :)
And why do reviews need to be stylish? Informative and concise is the best way to go IMO
Elroddon (1) | December 17, 2014 2:24am
Question: isn't it techically impossible to put a point in your 3 at level 4 the way you already leveled it? Or do you mean point-skipping over there?

I did upvote it though, because it's just a great guide. Really clear information, even with additional information for Joust, which is far less popular. Nice job!

EDIT: You might want to add why you should put points in the Ultimate and why it makes her less of a mana-hungry character.
MafiaPledge (2) | December 16, 2014 9:18pm
This is a very informative guide! I haven't seen a good Hel guide in awhile! makes me tear up
Also i agree on the joust over conquest... too much deaths from junglers....
You could add some more variety to the starting items.
Also different examples of builds, for example, what would a supporting hel have as her first items?

All you need is some more BBCoding and it would be a amazing guide
other than that its a guide i would recommend to any beginner Hel players
(Haven't done a review in awhile :V dont judge me for my lack of style)
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