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Da Ji, Feel the Burn Baby! (Build *ONLY*)

1 0 78,134
by RipleyW updated March 6, 2018

Smite God: Da Ji

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Da Ji Build

Arena Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Situational items

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Situational items (Defense)

Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Ancile Ancile

If healer on enemy team you might want this

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick

Core Items

Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher


Hello, Welcome to my 2nd guide ever, this time it's for Da Ji, this is what I personally use in Arena and Conquest with good results, I've been messing with Da ji build and this seems to be the right one.

So, for me Daji is like female and better version of Loki, she can literally 100-0 squishies with this build, with a bit of titan's bane help you can shred even tanks/guardians without problem, I used to main Loki before her release, now I switched from Loki to her :P

Notice that buying order isn't that much important because this guide is specifically for Arena, and you earn plenty of Gold in Arena so it's faster to complete build, if you want to implement any of these builds for Conquest, make sure to start with cheapest ones so you don't get stuck on finish one expensive item first.

(You can see that I'm not native English speaker, please excuse any grammar mistakes I made in my guides, I'm trying to make it as readable as possible)

Back when I was doing this so called "guide" I didn't have any idea about BBcoding and how "guide" is different from just a "build", Now that I know...This will stay untouched and will stay only BUILD, I have no plans to expand this any further, My upcoming Guide, not Build, but Guide will be for Serqet After I am fully done with my other guide, you can check out mymy The Morrigan
guide here -> The Morrigan Full Guide

Pros / Cons


-> Good Clear
-> Very high Burst (we're talking 100-0)
-> Really nice ult
-> Great Late game


-> Not really good escape
-> Really Squishy
-> Not so great early game


Warrior Tabi I personally love this instead of Ninja Tabi because of +20 extra Power, I feel like Daji doesn't need Attack speed nor crit, I usually go full power and pen, and it works like a charm

This Jotunn's Wrath item is really nice and I see it included in most Assassin's builds, it has little bit of everything needed, It has +40 Physical Power, +10 Pen, +150 Mana and 20% CDR

Fairly good item, It gives +35 Physical Power and +15 Physical Protection, now that might not be enough, now when you look at it's passive, it's really nice
It can help you stay in battle little longer, While over 50% HP you gain another +35 Physical Power, that is +70 Power while over 50% if you get in tigh spot and end up below 50% HP you gain +35 Phyysical and Magical protection instead, I see people don't really build this on Daji, like I said it helps you last bit longer, another great item for this slot would be Bloodforge

This is rather lovely item, you basically hit minions 5 times and you gain 5 stacks of Focus, at 5 stacks of focus you deal Bonus damage equal to 100% of Your Physical Power to the first enemy god hit, sweet with it's +10% Pen and you get also +10% Movement Speed, with Warrior tabi we're talking altogether +28% Movement speed

Hydra's Lament Ah, Famous Hydra's lament is must on Daji, It has +40 Phy Power and 10% CDR, with Jotunn's Wrath it's 30% CDR, It's passive is great.
It's passive, you gain additional 40% damage for 8s after using ability, this works really well with this combo, her 3+aa+1+aa and target should be dead, if not u can use her 2 to finish it off. It's sweet item, That item is always on my Daji list.

Titan's Bane is okay item, it has +30 Phy Power,
Passive is pretty simple, mostly build it if there are a lot of tanks or someone who built heavy physical defense.

Your Phy Damage ingores 20% of target's Physical Protection, if the target has over 65 Physical protection, it caps at 40% Physical penetration if target has 175 Physical protection or more, If you're facing team full of mages and assassins and they didn't build phy protection, you won't really need this item then I would build Stone Cutting Swordinstead, this item has +50 Phy power and +10% movement speed, melee attack against target decreases physical protection by 10 and max stack is 3

Other items you might consider

The Crusher is another good item for Da Ji, now that passive has been changed in Season 5, This item has +30 Physical Power, 20% Attack Speed and +15 Physical Penetration...What I love about this item is it's passive, Your abilities deal bonus damage over time equal to 30% + 15% Physical power over 2 second, as Da Ji is god with DoTs I feel like this would work well with her Passive and abilites like Horrible Burns that cause bleeding and applying DoT, I haven't added this item earlier because I know silly, I wasn't aware of it's new Passive, you should definitely add this to your build.

Bloodfore, Well you get nice Physical Power +75 and +15% Lifesteal it can help you sustain, most of the time when you get few kills you'd be down to low HP, and this Item helps you get few more kills by forging Shield from their blood with equal 200 + 10 per player level for 20 seconds, and you also get +10% movement speed WHILE the shield is ACTIVE, so you have chance of catching up to that enemy that just managed to get away with low HP left.

Stone Cutting Sword is another good item if you're building your Daji more AA than ability based, this acts as penetration item, it decreases enemy physical protection by 10 per stack (Max. 3 stacks)

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Da Trip | May 2, 2018 2:33pm
You should try heartseeker 2nd then jotan 3rd. The extra movement will make you much safer,will allow early lethal ult in to tower torture sessions easier. You should with speed buff be able to run down and out run everyone.the extra burst will help you take home early ganks while jotan s cdr is rarely needed that early (most ganks are single cycle). Its slightly cheaper but its progression is much cheaper allowing you to scale better in my opinion. Most importantly it will really piss off early game thantos when you leave him in the dust or put him in the dirt if he missed.
xmysterionz (72) | March 6, 2018 12:53pm
Hey RipleyW,

Thanks for the build. You should try Malice now. This item passive now can make Da Ji even more burst and could be useful in some situations since this item will add 125% of your physical power as additional damage to some skill. If you have luck, you will combo the critical hit with Hydra's Lament passive adding plus 40% damage in your critic. Do I need to say something more? Try this item and let me know your opinion but I'm already saying, this item is expensive so let this as an late game item (the 5th or 6th).
RatatoskrWantsAPepsi (1) | February 25, 2018 11:24pm
Good Guide and all but You should definitely need to add The Crusher on Possible items it's perfect for her +30 Physical Power +20% Attack Speed +15 Physical Penetration PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 30 Physical Damage + 15% of your Physical Power over 2s. Now I know that's not much but With Trickster spirit There it activates crusher's Tick slap Horrible burns on that too the burn damage+bleed+Crusher's Tick again nice bit of HP hit in less then 2 skills
But then again it's you're guide and all But just saying think about the Crusher and all
Gulfwulf (81) | March 2, 2018 11:04pm
This is more of a build, than a guide. To be a guide I think there should be a discussion on what her abilities are, how to combo them, how to position her in a team fight, and what her role is in a match (conquest, arena, etc.). These are good builds for people who are familiar with Da Ji's kit and are looking for alternative builds, but for someone who's not familiar with her and her kit, this won't help much because there's no explanation regarding those. I would either expand on this and make it a full fledged guide, or trim how many words are used so it shows up as a build instead. Right now it's a build showing up as a guide and it doesn't really convey the information a guide should. I think what's already there is well thought out, but there needs to be more information if this is going to remain a guide.
RipleyW (6) | February 28, 2018 7:24am
Thank you for taking time to comment, I will definitely edit this guide a bit more, it was fast...I'll get more into details and add more items once I caught free time :)

Yeah about The Crusher Forgot to add it, I didn't know Passive is changed for that item, It's really good item now and like I mentioned once I have free time I'll update this guide to more detailed version :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RipleyW
Da Ji, Feel the Burn Baby! (Build *ONLY*)
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