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If Anti-Heal is needed, swap out Chronos' Pendant or Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin.
Typhon's Fang should be core for any Anubis build.
Soul Reaver could be swapped out for an alternative damage item into less tankier/less HP heavy enemy comps.
Swap Book of Thoth for Divine Ruin if anti-heal is needed.
Can swap Rod of Tahuti for Warlock's Staff (get after Book of Thoth).
Replace Horn Shard at level 12 for Aegis Amulet.
Upgrade relics to their upgraded versions once you're full build. Temporal Beads especially is the more important relic upgrade to prioritise.
Divine Ruin - Standard Anti-Heal option, can still be bought for the on-hit passive and for more squishy focused burst if desired.
Perfected Rod of Tahuti - Alternative glyph choice for Rod of Tahuti if you wish to gain a small extra source of cooldown, but not generally as good as Calamitous Rod of Tahuti on Anubis.
Pendulum of Ages - Has a good early starter but the upgrade generally is less useful for Anubis compared to Sacrificial Shroud.
Gem of Focus - Strong early starter, and provides a good upgrade especially paired with Soul Reaver, but again is not as strong generally as Sacrificial Shroud for Anubis.
Obsidian Shard / Charon's Coin - Alternative % pen option to Rod of Tahuti.
Blink Rune (and upgrades) - Alternative aggressive relic to Aegis Amulet.
Hi, this guide is brought to you by Kriega1, I started playing Smite on PS4 in 2016 around Erlang Shen's release in Season 3, and eventually long term migrated to PC Smite around mid Season 7. I have peaked GM/Masters on PS4 and Masters in Ranked Conquest on PC. I also am a Mentor on the Official Smite Discord where I focus on general building for each role. I hope you find this guide as a useful learning resource for playing Anubis in the Mid lane.
Passive - Sorrow
This passive is one of the main reasons you itemise into some lifesteal (especially Typhon's Fang) as Anubis, outside of his high base damage and very high scaling working well with Sacrificial Shroud. At max stacks it grants 21 Protections (of each type) and 60% bonus lifesteal healing. |
Ability 1 - Plague of Locusts
Anubis's main early wave clear, before Grasping Hands is levelled up and in scenarios where he is safe to walk up to clear. Can also be used (if timed correctly) for self peel purposes into enemies trying to use Knockup CCs or trying to displace you with a Knockback (e.g. Tyr). |
Ability 2 - Mummify
A setup / self peel stun ability. Best used to guarantee landing Anubis' first 2 damaging abilities in his full kit rotation or to simply just make it easier to poke with his Grasping Hands to keep targets inside it. |
Ability 3 - Grasping Hands
Anubis' main ranged poke / zoning ability (that normally requires his Mummify stun for setup due to the delayed cast time) but also his least damaging ability, best to use before either Plague of Locusts or Death Gaze, especially to fully stack his passive to maximise dps on the subsequent damaging ability (also unlike his 1 or 4 it is not channelled / doesen't lock you in animation for long). |
Ultimate - Death Gaze
Anubis' highest damaging ability and one that puts his objective shredding potential above many other mages. Can go through walls. |
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I think most of the appeal for Pythag's is in the early sustain it provides while still having decent stats (comparable to Chronos' Pendant), and at a cheap price point.
And while I do definitely like Tahuti, I believe Shard does more against tanks. You'll usually want to time the passive to apply to your ult, which when combined with Tyhons is going to absolutely shred enemies by 60% plus whatever flat pen you may have.