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Eset ISIS Power Lifestyle Build

15 3 50,219
by Swiss tac0 updated February 15, 2022

Smite God: Eset

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Eset Build


Notes An alternative is to Start with restored artifact instead to get the MP5 of Sands of Time or COnduit Gem and then quickly recall after first battle but I find Vampriic Shroud and the extra 100 health let you take one extra ability early on. this is critical for season 9 meta. I would rather nearly gurantee the kill at the Mid level 2 fight against nearly everyone except a thanatos jungle. You might have to back earliar than planned but if you get the two kills with yur jungle it more than makes up for it. Still ifind the 5MP5 from lost artifact and 2x Mana Potions is more than enough MP5.

If you manage the mana then you can go straight to Spear of Desolation saving the Artifact uppgrade for Tahuti or a situational item later.


An alternative is to Start with restored artifact instead to get the MP5 of Sands of Time or COnduit Gem and then quickly recall after first battle but I find Vampriic Shroud and the extra 100 health let you take one extra ability early on. this is critical for season 9 meta. I would rather nearly gurantee the kill at the Mid level 2 fight against nearly everyone except a thanatos jungle. You might have to back earliar than planned but if you get the two kills with yur jungle it more than makes up for it. Still ifind the 5MP5 from lost artifact and 2x Mana Potions is more than enough MP5.

If you manage the mana then you can go straight to Spear of Desolation saving the Artifact uppgrade for Tahuti or a situational item later.

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Primary Build With Divine Ruin

Notes Divine Ruin could be your 3rd or 4th.

Tahuti can be 4th or last although I prefer last especially in a close match where I want the lifesteal.

Nimble Rod because I like having if ever so slightly some more tower/phoenix damage end game.

Upgrading to Sacrificial shroud is last because the whole point is to boost maximum power.


Divine Ruin could be your 3rd or 4th.

Tahuti can be 4th or last although I prefer last especially in a close match where I want the lifesteal.

Nimble Rod because I like having if ever so slightly some more tower/phoenix damage end game.

Upgrading to Sacrificial shroud is last because the whole point is to boost maximum power.

Build Item Sacrificial Shroud Sacrificial Shroud
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Nimble Rod of Tahuti Nimble Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads

Alternatives to Divine Ruin

Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration

Eset Threats

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Eset Synergies

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First and Second Item Options

Upgradting Lost Artifact is preference with options
1. You need MP5 and upgrade to Restored Artifact and then procceed to the options below
2. Reccomened Tahuti - Go straight to Spear of Desolation then Bancroft's or Divine Ruin with Tahuti Last in Divine Ruin build.
3. Chronos Pendant then Spear of Desolation and no Divine Ruin if going cooldown
4. Spear of desolation first then Charon's Coin if you desire speed and no divine ruin.

Honestly though likely always going to go Divine Ruin so just depending if going against a Change/Thanatos/Bastet/ other hardcore healers determine where to place it. I think many build get divine ruin a bit early. If its not both a jungle and mid healer then i find the sustain of lifesteal can prove a greater priortiy than trying to counter them.

If not Going Divine Ruin

More AOE and Tank Damage - Soul Reaver - Great if they are grouped up and you can hit many gods with your 1,2 or Ult. If in doubt and not needing Divine Ruin its this or Chronos Pendant in my opinion

More 1vs1 Damage - Polynomicon - One of my favorite Items. Opposite of Soul Reaver, I find it best if you find yourself stuck in smaller 1vs1 battles. 95% of time Soul Reaver is better.

Mobility and Early Sustain - Charon's Coin - If you want speed and non Lifesteal Sustain. Help's compensate for not having a true getaway but Chrono's pendant cooldown could be more beneficial if you are good are navigating backwards with her 1. The HP5 is only useful early on with how much health you'll gain if you are spamming abilities end game.

Cooldown Ability Spam - Chronos Pendant - Still A great item. Since no Stater cooldown you can still pair it with Spear of Desolation and be under cap.

Max Power and extra Health - Warlock Staff - Super underated the extra 325 health of it combined with Shroud can be the difference between an instant Jungler kill on you or not end game. You will over cap though with Damage buff and or Fire Giant on top of Bancroft when you get low.
Losing Team maintain the rest of the build if you can't get buffs.
Winning Team - Consider swapping bancroft or Tyhon's for Soul Gem to offset the absurd power of Warlock staff.

Why Sacrificial Shroud

Most of you ar eprobably hating me for seeing this and are probably right. I have found though that having an extra 100 health at the beginining has massively changed the 2vs2 lvl 2 mid fight at the starts of games. Eset is Mana hungry but really. Only 5 MP5 and a couple of potions is enbough to rack up minion, jungle farm and enemy kills early on. You can always up to restored artifact of course if you are needing it. But the 100 health compared to Sands of Time has kept me alive in so many battles I say you should try.

End game the 15% bonus damage of Sacrifical Shroud plus 25% of Tahuti is absurd. The amount of instant kills are hilarious. When getting roughly 40% lifestyle at maximum health you never ever will notice the 5% health penalty of the shroud as long as you land 1 in 3 or 4 abilites on 1 enemy.

This is my first guide. Let me know your thoughts. I love deviating from the norm where possible but still need suggestions.

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Big Damage (37) | February 18, 2022 3:36am
So a lifesteal for build isn't Eset's strongest currently, but regardless if you wanted to build Eset that way some things to make note of...

Even if you get MP5 from Lost Artifact you're better off just getting the T1 of your first item that you're building otherwise you delay your power spike which gives your opponent an advantage. If you're having mana issues early then get Vampiric Shroud and Tiny Trinket with only Mana Potions which should cover all your healing and mana sustain, if you need to recall just get it out the way quickly instead of hovering around out of mana or low on health.

Sacrificial Shroud, Bancroft's Talon, Typhon's Fang, Rod of Tahuti and double flat penetration are great items in themselves, however for Eset in this build because you're not picking up a Soul Reaver and/or Ethereal Staff as core items for tank busting, I think you need more than 20% penetration.

Because Eset has fairly low cooldowns, I would switch up the build slightly to this order (also considering the mana issues from earlier).

Vampiric Shroud ( Sacrificial Shroud) > Pythagorem's Piece > Spear of the Magus > Spear of Desolation / Divine Ruin > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti / Obsidian Shard

I would normally recommend going Spear of the Magus first but going Pythagorem's Piece first allows you to get more healing early so you can get mana pots instead.

Temporal Beads are good, Aegis of Judgement is definitely stronger than the Acceleration listed, I like Corrupted Blink Rune as an option but I wouldn't expect to see it too often.

Because the build order I suggested reaches an optimal amount of penetration and is accounting for not building Soul Reaver, you don't really need the situational items group to be so large. You could still keep Soul Reaver and maybe add Ethereal Staff as they can still work well in the build. But yeah I definitely don't think in this build anyways I would recommend Polynomicon, Charon's Coin, Chronos' Pendant, Warlock's Staff or Soul Gem over any of the listed items.

One last touch you could add is Esets' ability levelling order. I might be wrong as I don't really play Eset but I think it's 1 > 4 > 2 > 3 if I remember correctly.
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