Red = Extremely dangerous, do not go near these gods unless you are really far ahead.
Orange = Dangerous, exercise caution around these gods.
Yellow = Evenly matched, most encounters will come down to who is the better player
Blue = If you play these matchups correctly you should be winning them all.
Green = Child's play, enjoy getting fed if these gods are on the enemy team.
Agni: If he can catch you with one of his stuns he has the potential to dish out a lot of damage onto you. A fairly even matchup in the early game if you can get within range but he will most likely be under a tower.
Ah Muzen Cab: Low mobility, squishy and has low damage numbers in the early game. Get your teammates to freeze the lane and gank him as much as possible. Just watch out for his cripple.
Ah Puch: Another god with very low mobility, your pull will hurt him a lot but if you get cocky and he traps you in his ult it's going to hurt.
Amaterasu: She will kill you easily if you try to fight her alone, but she doesn't have many tools for dealing with you in team fights.
Anhur: As long as you avoid the stun you should be able to fight him in the early game, late game you shouldn't stay close to him for too long.
Anubis: Same deal with Anhur, as long as you don't get stunned you should be fine. Just make sure to remember that you can't pull him while he is using Plague of Locusts.
Ao Kuang: If you land your 3 on him he can't go invisible, he's going to be very squishy and probably won't be targeting you with his burst so you should do fine against him.
Aphrodite: The knockback, heals and invulnerability are very tough to deal with. Aphrodite beats you in long engagements so you should be looking to burst her down when she doesn't have her ultimate.
Apollo: If his Serenade is down you should be able to fight him but make sure you always have an escape planned if things turn south.
Arachne: If you get to close to her she can really put the hurt on you but Susano has a lot of tools that help his positioning and Arachne has next to none so you should be fine.
Ares: He's too tanky to be burst down, his cripple destroys you, he can't be pulled if he is using his searing flesh, and in most situations he will actually beat you in a 1v1. Don't get near this guy without allies backing you up.
Artemis: Her CC is very easy to read and she has no escape method, if an Artemis lets you get close to her and you have Purification on standby it's a free kill.
Athena: Her taunt can be annoying but for the most part you should have an easy time against her. You can interrupt her dash with your pull when you hear it charging.
Awilix: If you wait until after she uses Featherstep to hit her with your Storm Katas you might be able to win an encounter or two but you probably shouldn't be looking to fight her specifically. Awilix is also one of the only gods who can outrun Susano if used correctly.
Bacchus: He has a lot of CC and damage reduction but if you get a gank on him when his ultimate and Belch are down you should do just fine.
Bakasura: AoE cripple, insane damage output and CC immunity. It's going to be almost impossible to fight a Bakasura if you wind up in the middle of his ult but if he somehow misses you can poke him down from afar.
Bastet: Lategame your Storm Katas are going to kill off the kitty cats immediately and her jump is extremely easy to read. Not only that but you just do more damage than her at most stages of the game, your damage is easier to confirm as well.
Bellona: Use your Wind Siphon to pull her out of Bludgeon and you should be able to fight her, especially if her bludgeon hit you and caused the minions to become aggressive. However you won't be able to fight her in the late game so be sure to make her life a living hell in the early game.
Cabrakan: He has insane amounts of burst and is actually quite tanky even when he builds full damage. You can only really fight him if you manage to trap him in your Ultimate first.
Chaac: His axes are going to be very easy for you to dodge and Rain Dance does almost nothing to do you this matchup should be no problem.
Chang'e: She's got more poke and sustain than you by a long shot and she has the ability to just walk right on out of your ultimate. If her invulnerability is down you can try to fight her but you still might lose.
Chiron: His dash is easy to read so you should be able to hit your Jet Stream on him without fail. You can dodge most of his damage with ease and burst him down quite quickly.
More coming soon...
To be honest,
Anyways, that's an upvote in advance.