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To start the game, you are going to want to pick either sentinel's gift or war flag depending on how you want to play. Generally speaking war flag is going to be your more aggressive starter item
As for the potions, I generally find success with more health potions than mana potions. Mix pots are viable as well. It's all up to you there
As for the relics, Magic shell is a safer option and has a good use before you hit level 5. The benefit of buying blink out of base is that you can blink ult the entire duration from you hitting level 5 until you hit lvl 12.
These are probably the only items that I could truly say I build nearly every game. Thebes gives you a ton of protections and health, Sovereignty gives you a bunch of health and phys prots, and Pridwen gives you extra survivability in the form of a shield as well as 20% CDR
While not all inclusive, these are decent items if you are in need of magical defense
While there are more options for physical protections, I'm not really a huge fan of too many of them as far as dedicated physical protections are concerned.
This is a pretty decent pool of defensive items for the various things they provide in keeping you alive.
These items give you a bit of an edge in a very specific aspect of the game, if you need health, relic cooldowns, attack speed slow, or slow immunity, there's something here that can help you out.
This build is fairly well rounded as far as protections and health go, though it does leave you at a slight disadvantage against magical protections so you could sell your boots for something to compensate for that. Generally, I'd say a Shogun's Kusari to keep the extra 10% CDR as well as giving your team an extra attack speed aura.
This build has a very important item combo in war banner and talisman of energy. Together these provide a massive movement speed buff to your entire team, provided they stand near you. Aside from these items you go for some of your standard defenses and could sell boots for anything here. Probably a relic dagger or maybe even an ethereal staff if you want more damage
Tap each threat level to view Geb’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Geb’s synergies
Once again, It's been entirely too long since I've touched this guide, but I feel with the rollover of the new season, and feeling comfortable with it myself at this point the time as come!
She still needs a bit of polishing, but the information should all be there for the items, which is the most important part I would say. Please let me know if there's anything I missed!
I felt that I should throw in the formula for how protections mitigate damage in this section so that it is easy to find and might make a little more sense.
The formula is 100/X+100 where X is the number of protections that you have. If you have 100 protections, it is 100/100+100 or 100/200, or 1/2. this means you take 1/2 the damage. This means that 200 protections is not double the damage mitigation of 100 protections as one might think. With 200 protections the formula is 100/200+100 or 100/300, which says that you only take one third of the damage. This works in such a way that you cannot become infinitely tanky in one certain damage source. At max protections, 325, the formula is 100/325+100 or 100/425, meaning you take a little less than 1/4 or the damage done. This does not factor in penetration, simply shows the way that protections work in the game. This isn't my work, it comes from The word of Thoth which I got through a link on a reddit post by Flareb00t. Not only does it explain protections, but most, if not all, other mechanics as well.
Very hard to kill end game
Great support potential with Stone Shield
High mobility
Very high defense with his passive
Brings a full team stun to a team fight.
Great tower / phoenix dive
Super fun #1 ability
Great for setting up kills
Really fat and easy to body block with
He's a rock!
Escape takes 3 seconds for crowd control immunity
Weaker early game and some other guardians
Relatively poor at getting his own kills
Really fat and easy to hit
So, ya wanna build Geb? |
That's what we like to hear! |
Usage: Sentinel's gift is the spiritual successor to guardian's blessing from season 7. It provides you with both health and mana sustain, bonus gold, and minimal protections and health. This is generally the safest starter for you and if you are worried about dying early this is what you should go for. Sentinel's boon: ![]() Sentinel's Embrace: ![]() | |
Usage: War flag provides you with power, health, and mp5 as base stats and a passive that provides additional health and mana sustain (Less than Sentinel's gift) to you and nearby allies. On top of that, it also gives movement speed and attack speed to you and your allies all for getting an assist on a minion or jungle monster. War Banner: ![]() ![]() Spartan Flag: ![]() | |
Usage: Benevolence is really weird starter that gives you some additional health, mp5 and gp5. What's nice about benevolence is that it increases the rate at which you passively gain gold and experience, but it also makes you only get 90% of the rewards whenever you would gain gold or xp. Usually these rewards are not entirely lost but are instead given to a nearby allied god. Note: Generally when buying this starter item, you don't actually by this starter item, you instead wait until you are lvl 17 and buy the upgraded version of it. Compassion: ![]() Animosity:Animosity is in general a weird item that I cannot really recommend that you buy on a support. It gives you a lot of health and some hp5 and mp5, but what it is meant for is being a weird inverse ![]() | |
Usage: Applies anti-heal and gives you some power and protections. I have yet to find a situation where I need to buy this. Usually its going to be when you see a strong healing comp in the duo lane specifically. With the nerfs to anti-heal in general this should not be underestimated in a large healing comp. That said, your other Guardian starters are really good for both you and your team, so you should only buy this when you absolutely need to. Note: Anti-heal applies to ability healing, lifesteal, potions, and I think HP5, but I could 100% be wrong about that last one. Tainted Breastplate: ![]() Tainted Amulet: ![]() |
Step 2: Item number 1. | Generally speaking, I like to go for first item Gauntlet of Thebes right now, but hey you've got options. Often times what ends up happening is you can't afford to fully upgrade your Gauntlet of Thebes. In these cases you should probably switch off building your Gauntlet of Thebes and just build your shoes first. |
Usage: Shoes give you some base movement speed at tier 1 and are quite versatile when it comes to their upgrades. Shoes of the Magi: ![]() ![]() ![]() Shoes of Focus: ![]() Reinforced Shoes: ![]() Traveler's Shoes: ![]() | |
Usage: Glowing emerald and its upgrades are going to give you a lot of health and HP5, that's their thing. Right now this has been my preferred first item over the t1 shoes because the bonus HP5 just helps keep you alive. If your solo laner is on top of the totem you will be happy with all of your sustain. Gauntlet of Thebes: ![]() I'm not including the other 3 upgrades of Glowing Emerald here because I don't really see them as viable upgrades in the support role. Not as a first item anyway. |
Step 3: Boots and Defense. | First priorities are shoes and Gauntlet of Thebes. Once you finish those you should move into protections most of the time. There are some cases where you're ahead and can afford to build CDR or a bruiser item, but generally speaking you want some protections, STAT! |
Sovereignty: ![]() Contagion: ![]() | |
Pestilence: ![]() Shogun's Kusari: ![]() Genji's Guard: ![]() Heartward Amulet: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Talisman of energy: ![]() |
Step 3: More defenses and Utility. | Once you've got a dedicated physical protections item, dedicated magical protections item, and Gauntlet of Thebes, you should be sufficiently tanky to do whatever you want with your build. Below I've listed out some items that are generally what you should pull from. Some of your safest options are going to be Pridwen and Relic dagger, but that doesn't mean the others don't have their places in your build. You should be able to finish out with these items. |
Mantle of discord: ![]() Hide of the Urchin: ![]() Stone of Gaia: ![]() Oni Hunter's Garb: ![]() | |
Witchblade: ![]() Midgardian Mail: ![]() Spectral Armor: ![]() ![]() ![]() Winged Blade: ![]() ![]() | |
Pridwen: ![]() Relic Dagger: ![]() | |
Ethereal Staff: ![]() ![]() Void Stone: ![]() |
Usage: You ever just wanted to be 15 feet forward instead of where you are? Blink is your guy. It can teleport you in or out of a fight in the blink of an eye. In general, I'm a huge fan of blink, its highly versatile having uses offensively, defensively, and for general utility. For someone like Geb who has an ultimate with relatively short range, but it hits in an entire circle around him, being able to get into the enemy ranks is largely important. Blink allows you to start a teamfight by stunning the entire enemy team for 2 seconds and taking away 35% of their current health (provided you're lvl 20 and not accounting for CCR or protections). Other good uses for blink are getting right up next to the enemy so your shockwave deals full damage or blinking towards an ally in need in order to provide them with a ![]() Upgrade!: It's generally a good idea to upgrade your blink when you have the 500 gold to spare. Seeing as it reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds the upgrade can be particularly useful, though the 10% mitigations often will not matter as you'll be stunning the enemy. | |
Usage: Seeing as you're Geb, I assume you like giving your team a shield, well here have another one. All nearby allies will receive a shield that scales with your level Magic Shell can be a real life saver. A well timed 340 health shield at level 20 can be a lifesaver for not only yourself, but your entire team. It's certainly no ![]() Upgrade!: You should absolutely upgrade Magic Shell as soon as possible. Once upgraded this grants to block stacks to all gods that it affects. It may not sound like a lot with all the attack speed running rampant in season 8 thus far, but 2 block stacks and a 340 health shield at level 20 is nothing to scoff at by any means. | |
Usage: Heavenly wings is a great utility relic for you to have on a support. It isn't as aggressive as a blink rune and it's not as defensive as a magic shell, but the utility of it is certainly there. This gives you and nearby allies loads of extra movement speed for getting your way in or out of a fight (or just making it easier to juke) and it also gives immunity to slows which is a great counter to things like ![]() ![]() Upgrade!: Heavenly Wings is not the most important relic to have upgraded but the haste effect can be really useful in the right situation. and with the right team composition. | |
Usage: Empower your team with bonus damage and attack speed. Great for swaying a team fight in your favor or taking objectives like Fire giant or Phoenixes. Upgrade!: The Frenzy upgrade is actually pretty helpful. While it does provide your team with an extra 10 penetration, the meat of the upgrade comes from it increasing duration from 5-8 seconds. This should drastically improve the capabilities of this relic. | |
Usage: Horrific Emblem is the counterpart to Heavenly wings in my opinion. Rather than helping a fight by making your team faster, you are making the enemy team slower. Additionally this also decreases attack speed. One thing you should keep in mind is that Heavenly Wings is fairly popular and does grant immunity to slows, thus negating most of the reason you would buy this. Upgrade!: The upgrade to horrific is actually pretty darn helpful. It further reduces the attack speed of afflicted enemies and decreases the damage they deal by 15%. This has quite a wide variety of uses in this state and could be an invaluable tool in peeling for your team. |
This ability is by far what makes Geb, Geb. In this section I am going to break down the ability into as much detail as I possibly can.
What the Shield does: The shield applies an addition amount of health and removes negative crown control effects from either yourself, or your allies. There is a total of 650 health to be added at level 20. The ability gains more health as it levels as well as 20 health per level of Geb. This means that as Geb gains a higher level the shield passively gains health. At level 5 with one point in the shield it has a total of 150 health, but at level 6 with one point in the shield there is a total of 170 health in the shield. 20 per level might seem like a small amount to add, but in total with all 20 levels it adds 400 health to the shield. This is significantly more than the 250 health that the shield has from it being lvl 5. Another quick note is that when you cast the shield, if both you and your ally are in the radius of the shield, it will nearly always target your ally over you to receive the shield.
CC Immunity: On placement of the shield you or your ally is cleansed from all negative cc effects. This means that if they are under a stun or slow, that is removed and they can move freely again. If the shield can be placed, the cc can be removed and, as stated earlier, that means unfortunate things for poor Ao Kuang and Fenrir.
Usage: The goal of the shield is to prevent as much health from being lost as possible. Early game, it is usually the case that to do that, you want to let your ADC take the CC first, then cleanse it. Chances are, the CC wont be the brunt of the damage, but whatever follows it. If there's no CC to follow up on, the aren't gonna be doing so much damage. On exception I have found to this is the on Ares. The damage they can rack up is insane, especially if all 3 land on the ADC. With any luck you can cleanse the first chain and they can dash away before taking a hit from the second one.
You want to think about it differently late game. Mages and hunters will start to blow up other mages and hunters very, very quickly. Considering most of them have roughly 2000 health, a 650 health shield is massive, being more than a quarter of their health and all. It can be the difference between life and death even if a CC is not cleansed in the process
Gameplay in Season 8 is a little bit weird, but not too much different than season 7. I'm still seeing a lot of early rotations to the midlane where you just help your midlaner farm their absolute brains out. If you play your cards right you should be able to get a few kills and own the mid-harpies. If you're feeling frisky you can even go raid the enemy jungle.
Just keep an eye out for gank opportunities to both solo and duo lane and you should be fine. Also keep an eye on the enemy support, you don't wanna let them go unchecked for too long unless you're making more of where you are than them
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I know there's a lot of information here, so if you have any questions or issues about this guide, leave it in the comments. Also if you downvote this build, please say in the comments why you chose to do so, so that I may make adjustments and maybe make you change your mind :)
Any advice you give will be gladly accepted and taken into consideration.
Please don't leave comments about the skillset as that has been set in stone and I will not be taking that.
Also, make sure you don't take Geb for granite, because he definitely won't take any of your schist. He's a pretty gneiss guy once you get down to it. If you do try to basalt him, he'll probably just wacke you into next century.
If you like Khepri, it's got a lot of the same info, but feel free to check him out here!
But at the end of the day, just remember that Geb is love, Geb is life, and "ROCK on!"
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No mention of
Oh and your example tank build has 50% cdr...
It looks like I forgot to update the second tab with a bunch of example builds when I updated it. As far as the 50% CDR unless Breastplate of Valor was purchased in the build (Which it looks like it was) I dont think it is a problem. Considering that I build Shogun's Kusari and Pridwen Every game, I already have 30% CDR. Often times I like to pick up a relic dagger so i can blink more often. Unless I need antiheal, there is a good change that I am also going to grab Mantle of Discord, Winged Blade, or Witchblade (If basics are a problem). Thus putting me at 50% CDR. I think CDR is too available to complain about 50% unless you buy Breastplate of Valor
Are you publishing your guide after changes? Or just saving? You're meant to publish.
Your current core section only has Sov, Shogun's and Mantle listed.
>"Thus putting me at 50% CDR. I think CDR is too available to complain about 50% unless you buy Breastplate of Valor"
Fair enough, Breasplate definitely should not be in a build with high cdr.
I went back into the editor and pressed publish. Hopefully that fixed it.
Update: You can now clearly see those numbers
But its a hard effort work. And ı respect that.
As far as damage, I just find myself in a pure tank role as Geb. Sure he's got 2 abilites that scale at 50%, which makes them pretty nasty if you do build some power. If you really wanted to you could do a
Way back in the day I'd recommend a
Also where is Gauntlet of Thebes? Emperor's Armour?
As far as gauntlet of Thebes, I am 100% not convinced its not good. Sure you get a bunch of protections, but its relatively useless until you get stacks, and the aura is not all that helpful in my opinion. What is 10 protections gonna do? If you convince me that Thebes is good I'll put it in.
Honestly, I don't see emperor's built much, so I follow that train. There's also usually better items in my opinion. It looks decent enough, but I really feel there are better options.
Thanks for the critique, but I disagree
Thanks for the comment, and hopefully I can get that in shape for ya!
Update, I've added heartward and sov. and fixed up the builds so they seem somewhat usable
Also, in your guide, i can agree that overcapping ccr isn't a big deal, but i think it's unoptimal to overcap cdr.
The reason I do't worry about overcapping on CDR is generally because So many items give it. Thinking about it, the best thing to do would probably be to pick up an early Breastplate of Valor and sell it later for two items with 10% CDR Namely Mantle of Discord and Spirit Robe. I'll probably go more in depth in both of those things once I actually get the gameplay section fixed up, and not with season 4 strats.
Edit: To anybody passing through, this philosophy has actually changed quite a bit. No more overcapping CDR and definitely building some auras