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Glass Cannon? More like M1A2 Abrams.(WIP)

2 2 15,014
by Acenima updated May 10, 2014

Smite God: Hades

Build Guide Discussion 7 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Hades Build

Safe Start

Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Safe Start 2

Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Midas Boots start

Build Item Guard Boots (M) Guard Boots (M)
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Ward Ward

Expereinced Start

Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Uncommon Staff Uncommon Staff
Build Item Ward Ward

Core Items

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Ethereal Staff (Deleted) Ethereal Staff (Deleted)
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Final items

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Example Finished

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Ethereal Staff (Deleted) Ethereal Staff (Deleted)
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Hades's Skill Order

Death From Below

1 X Y
Death From Below
2 8 11 12 14

Shroud of Darkness

2 A B
Shroud of Darkness
3 15 16 18 19

Devour Souls

3 B A
Devour Souls
1 4 6 7 10

Pillar of Agony

4 Y X
Pillar of Agony
5 9 13 17 20
Death From Below
2 8 11 12 14

Death From Below

1 X
Hades descends into the ground and erupts from below at his ground location, doing damage to all enemies in the area. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Slowed. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Shroud of Darkness
3 15 16 18 19

Shroud of Darkness

2 A
Hades silences all enemies in a cone in front of him. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Feared. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Cone, Crowd Control
Silence: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9s
Devour Souls
1 4 6 7 10

Devour Souls

3 B
Hades devours the souls of his enemies, dealing damage in an area around him. Blighted enemies hit by this ability are Detonated, dealing damage to enemies and healing your allies around the Detonated targets. Enemy gods only take 50% of the damage from Detonating Blights.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Healing: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Detonation Radius: 20
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
Pillar of Agony
5 9 13 17 20

Pillar of Agony

4 Y
Hades calls to all enemy souls nearby, creating a Vortex which drags targets toward him, dealing damage every .5s for 4s. For each enemy hit Hades reduces his ability cooldowns by 0.4s. If the enemy is Blighted, their Protections are reduced. Hades also gains Protections and 10% damage mitigation for the duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Vortex, Damage
Damage per Tick: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Protections: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160
Protections Debuff: 10% + 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Protections Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Hello everyone, this is my second guide contribution to Smitefire. While I wrote up a more unorthodox guide for Tyr, I am choosing to go the traditional route with this guide on Hades. The reason I am choosing to write this guide was simply do to the fact that there is a very large void on the Hades guide list. While there is 1 other guide at the time of writing this, I have seen people comment on it citing it to not be informative enough. With this unfortunate fact in mind I decided it to take it upon myself to help any fledgling new Hades player thrive and become something more than the guy that dies in all his matches till he finds a good build.

As I said in my previous guide this is going to be written with the new player in mind, while I am not writing this with Ranked in mind this build certainly has power in Ranked games. Please keep in mind this is directed to the new players as you read and down vote please.

My Tyr guide link:

Change Log


May 10th 2014: Guide Creation

Pros / Cons

Great Burst as a Tank
Awesome Kit
Great Mobility
Very tanky

Easy to Tunnel
Always Focused
Slow Move Speed
Point Blank Fighter
Almost Always played as a Mage

Pros/Cons Explained

So the thing about Hades is that people feel like he's an OP tank, but the truth is he is actually one of the most balanced gods within the game. I think when people say he's OP they are really referring to the biggest Pro about him, WOMBO COMBOS! For those of you who don't understand what a Wombo Combo is, essentially you initiate with an insane ability that has great CC tacked onto it. You pull them all in with your ultimate while another Team mate drops their Ulti right on top of you, for instance a Poseidon Dropping his Kraken on top of you for max damage....this can essentially cause a Pentakill without much work involved at all. The part that annoys me about Hades though is the fact that people tend to lock him in without notifying the rest of the group that they do not intend on running him as a tank. They build Glass Cannon style then go in and expect to not die and it just cause more trouble than good. This is one of his biggest Cons about him really.



Hades' normal staff attacks apply a debuff to the enemy, called Blight. This debuff stays on the target and can be refreshed. If an enemy is afflicted by Blight, each of Hades' other powers have an additional effect. Duration 5s


Hades descends into the ground and erupts from below at his ground location, doing damage to all enemies in the area. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also slowed. Applies Blight.


Hades silences all enemies in a cone in front of him. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also feared. Applies Blight.


Hades devours the souls of his enemies, dealing damage in a radius around him. If the enemy is Blighted, the enemy explodes dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing your allies. Consumes Blight.


Hades calls to all enemy souls nearby, pulling them closer to him over time, doing damage every .5s for 4s. If the enemy is Blighted, their protections are reduced. Hades also gains protections for the duration.



Shoes of Focus & Midas' Boots: Shoes of Focus are going to be your go to boots almost every single time. It has great stats on it, not to mention the CDR that we want to pull all of our abilities to a nice 10 second CD. The Midas' Boots however are cheaper and can help with gold income if you really feel the need for them. Lastly we won't be shooting for Reinforced Greaves because they are to expensive for the stats and Shoes of the Magi are wasted on us as a tank since we don't really need the Penetration. TL:DR, Shoes of Focus is what you want so we can be as disruptive as possible as a tank.


warlock's sash Warlock's Sash: This item may seem out of place and almost daunting at first needing 100 stacks for full effectiveness, but the truth is that 100 stacks will come faster than you may really think. This item though is insane, fully stacked you get 110 Magical Power and 600 health. This should be your very first completed item so you can start VSSing like a boss.

Hide of the Urchin: This item is almost a staple in every God I play that I need some protections on. It gives you 45 Protections base value, then another 2 per stack plateauing out at 65 Protections across the board. This should be your second completed item for the sake of getting stacks ASAP, once you have this item stacked this is going to put you over the threshold of not needing to care about Penetration value. The only Gods that will be able to hurt you at this point are gonna be those with Obsidian Shard or Titan's Bane.

Ethereal Staff: This is THE tank item for all magic tanks, it gives a hefty does of health and turns it into Magic Power for you as well. Just this item and Warlock's Sash alone give you 3500 health, this equals out to an extra 70 Magical Power with the passive from your staff.

Choose only 2 of these items, keep in mind not to use both Lifesteal items.

Bancroft's Talon: This item is a very solid choice for Lifesteal if you feel like you need it in your build. The thing that makes it such a viable choice as a tank is how the passive works. At 50% life you'll get 50 Magical Power and the best part is you'll be at the same health levels as any other assassin but with tank protections, whats not to love about that?

Polynomicon: Honestly this item is a **** shot in my eyes, it has great dueling potential, but you're not a mage with a ton of Magical Power as it is. Essentially the passive is wasted on your meager Magical Power pool. This item I recommend for those that feel like they need some help in those 1v1 situations but I would still advise going for Bancroft's Talon.

Chronos' Pendant: I love this item on almost any Magical user I play as, the truth of the matter is though we are only grabbing it on Hades for the 25% CDR. We could opt to use Breastplate of Valor, which by all means feel free to grab instead of this, but I feel that our protections are already in a great place and the Magical Power is just a great bonus.

Rod of Tahuti: This item really needs no explanation, this is your salt in the wound item. Basically grab this if you wanna add that extra punch to all your abilities and be that huge *** Abrams Tank that you truly are.

Grab these items in place of one of your last 2 item spots.

Breastplate of Valor: I list this item as a choice for Physical protection because personally I don't feel that Mystical Mail is an item you really don't need on Hades, although it certainly is an item to consider. This is a great all around item in the fact that it gives you that 25% CDR and the high amount of Protection, the mana is just icing on the cake really.

Obsidian Shard: I only recommend this if your team is just performing better in teamfights over the other team. The passive is great, 33% Magical Penetration, but keep in mind that it will be wasted on enemies with less than 100 magical Protections.

Stone of Gaia: This is an all around great item against mage teams, it gives you a great amount of protections and gives you awesome sustain with the passive. With the passive and your core items alone you're going to be regening roughly 100 health every 5 seconds. Combine this with your devour souls and you'll have no problems staying sustained against a team of mages.

Void Stone: This is my preferred item for squaring off against a team of mages. But I only recommend it to those who are great at juking and jiving. The stat breakdown is great really, it gives you Magical Power and some Magical Protections as well, the passive is awesome since it's not personal Penetration and is a debuff aura.

Gem of Isolation: While I do see some Hades take this item I'm on the fence about it. It's an awesome item for certain but I don't really see any reason to get it since you already have a built in slow and silence/fear. It does nothing for your Ulti really as well, mostly because if someones going to get out of your Ulti the slow isn't going to stop them from Jumping out or using an Active to get out.

Early Game

This comes down to two things really. What I love about Hades is the fact that you can support in the Duo line like a boss or you can take the solo lane and still hold out great damage.


You're job in the Duo lane is simple, support your carry. Make sure to grab your Watcher's Gift in this scenario, but you want to make sure that your carry stays in lane longer than the enemy carry does. You're only gonna be zoning for the most part, the more you zone the carry out the more gold that you make in the long run.


This is probably my favorite role to play in the game with Hades, you get to be a general badass and laugh at any jungler that tries to come at you here. You're not gonna have a lot of killing power prior to level 5 but chances are you're going to have better sustain and zoning power than your opponent. Your goal is to stay in lane till you have enough gold to build your Warlock's Sash or as long as possible at the very least. This should not be a hard goal to achieve as long as your jungler is coming by and giving you blue buff on the regular.

Team Work

This part of the game is the same no matter what role you took in the game. Your job is going to be initiating and getting the focus on you. Always initiate with your Death From Below. When you can, try to use your Ulti whenever it is up instantly afterwards, however make sure that you communicate with your team for those WOMBO COMBO ultimates.

Closing remarks

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide on Hades, I hope it helps any new Hades players out there to get them on the right track. Again I will reiterate that this guide was written with new players in mind and not for ranked play. However this build can be used in Ranked with good results, just don't expect to not get melted when you make mistakes.

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KipperOrigin | May 19, 2014 2:38pm
Raventhor wrote:

Also what on earth do you mean there's 1 guide at the time of writing this. There's like 40?

He probably went to guides and only saw the guides with the standard filter only showing stale or newer. In which case there is only 1.

Greenevers wrote:

You're literally defining almost all guardians.

Maybe for the part you quoted, but he did state how Hades has fairly weak CC for a guardian. The only CC of his I think is good is the fear, which is only achieved when they are blighted. So in order to efficiently crowd control the enemy team, you have to hit them first.

Hakkapell wrote:

He is GREAT against noobs, but he sucks against people who realize that you can use almost anything to get away from his ult.

If you tunnel through a wall while they are expecting you can do damage before they can react. Also you can wait until they use their escapes/initiates. Although, I usually do most of my damage through a 1/3 combo. The ult is usually just to finish them off. And people rarely buy beads against Hades due to the fact his ult is so easy to escape, so if you just plan against their abilities you can generally trap them.

Bancroft's Talon is definitely a great item for Hades, but the passive isn't as useful with the extra health from Ethereal Staff and Warlock's sash
Pythagorem's Piece would probably be a better fit with some extra mana, more lifesteal, and buffs to any magical damage gods in the area.
Greenevers (105) | May 13, 2014 12:03pm
Hakkapell wrote:

"The problem with Hades... not calling tank..." The problem with Hades is that if you build him with hard defence, he won't die (at least not immediately), but he won't do any damage. If you build him bruisery or glass cannonish, then he does a lot of damage, but dies immediately to any burst. Hades isn't good against good opponents because he has to be in your face to deal damage.

You're literally defining almost all guardians.

On the side note, this is an overall decent guide. Pretty good BB Coding, item descriptions, OK ability descriptions. Some cons of this guide are, the organization is OK and you're missing out on team fights/gameplay and it seems pretty short. Yes, you included a teamwork section, but Hades in team fights is probably his most important role, probably being one of the tankier gods on your team, being the initiator and applying CC with your ult.

Don't really feel this guide to deserve an upvote, but not a downvote either. So I will not vote as of now. I guess I'm biased on Hades being my first bought god to be a better one :D
MarteauBambi | May 13, 2014 7:42am
I admire people who take the time to create account just for the satisfaction of dropping a "you're so noob" comment, focusing on an detail in the first sentence. Congrats bro, you nailed it :D

Whatever, I kinda like this guide, quite short yet, but some good material in it.

I'm regularly playing Hades as a pure dps mage, and my build is quite similar to yours, except on one item I always buy, second or third, Spear of the Magus
I think its passive is really nice with your bread and butter combo, Death From Below+ Devour Souls, significantly boosting Devour Souls, not to mention the huge burst it gives to your ult

Of course, it may not be that relevant if you want to supp, but it's deadly if you go solo or mid
Hakkapell | May 13, 2014 7:04am
Your description of Hades implies that you're a noob.

"People think of Hades as an OP tank."- No, he's thought of as a trash tank because he has no control and he's better suited to a bruiser mage build. Regardless, he's not a support.

"The problem with Hades... not calling tank..." The problem with Hades is that if you build him with hard defence, he won't die (at least not immediately), but he won't do any damage. If you build him bruisery or glass cannonish, then he does a lot of damage, but dies immediately to any burst. Hades isn't good against good opponents because he has to be in your face to deal damage. He is GREAT against noobs, but he sucks against people who realize that you can use almost anything to get away from his ult.
Raventhor (158) | May 13, 2014 1:45am
"Glass cannon, more like M1A2 Abrams" basically said instead of a glass cannon, you're a tank, but you have a mage build

That's literally my only insight into this xD

Also what on earth do you mean there's 1 guide at the time of writing this. There's like 40?
uTridentu (2) | May 13, 2014 1:29am
If you wanna break the meta sell boots and get a Winged Blade.
It will make you nearly impossible to avoid, 350 health to your Ethereal Staff and not to mention the broken passive xD

Minscinno (9) | May 10, 2014 8:31pm
I'll not opine on the build or skills because i lack the knowledge to do so, but i can talk about the guide in general.
I like it!
Your bbcoding is ok in some parts(a lot ok in others)
and makes the guide overall good to read. I would change some stuff though, but that is just my opinion!
At pros and cons make a list and use more colors, it is too monochromatic.
Why you alternated red and blue so much? that don't look so good... for the items name i would use only one and bright color, to make it easy to see and call attention, i also would differ the HEADING color from the text under it unlike you did at your item sections.
Again at pros and cons, 2 icons should be enough for a better looking section.
Use only bright colors for headings, they will look better that way and will call attention.
Less blue and red <<<<<
Fix grammar mistakes, i suck very hard at english and i've noticed some.
And i think that would be he changes i would do, you do not need to follow them though, that is just my opinion. again.
Most important
Do not stop working on this, it can turn into some good detailed stuff, so keep working hard.
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Glass Cannon? More like M1A2 Abrams.(WIP)
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