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Hel Conquest Mid (7.11)

41 5 142,965
by Kriega1 updated December 20, 2020

Smite God: Hel

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Hel Build

Start 1 (Early Doom Orb or Chronos' - Recommended)

Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Start 2 (Chronos' Rush)

Build Item Restored Artifact Restored Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Example Build 1 (Chronos Burst)

Notes Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of the Magus.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Mantle of Discord or alternative.


Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of the Magus.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Mantle of Discord or alternative.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Example Build 2 (Against Heavy Burst)

Notes Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of the Magus.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Obsidian Shard.
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Start 3 (Doom Orb Rush)

Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Example Build 3 (Against 3+ Physicals/Heavy Physical Dive)

Notes Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of Desolation.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Rod of Tahuti or Spear of Desolation.

Can also choose to get Chronos' Pendant and sell Breastplate of Valor late for Mantle of Discord.
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Example Build 4 (Into Mixed / Magic Heavy Burst)

Notes Can swap Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin.

Can swap Mantle of Discord for Spirit Robe or Genji's Guard.

Can swap Ethereal Staff for Obsidian Shard or Rod of Tahuti or Rod of Asclepius.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Chronos' Pendant.
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

Example Build 5 (Sustain focused)

Notes Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of Desolation. (In which case you could consider swapping Chronos' Pendant and Soul Reaver / Ethereal Staff in build order).

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Soul Reaver / Ethereal Staff.


Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of Desolation. (In which case you could consider swapping Chronos' Pendant and Soul Reaver / Ethereal Staff in build order).

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Soul Reaver / Ethereal Staff.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Example Build 6 (Burst)

Notes Can swap Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Mantle of Discord or Rod of Tahuti or Ethereal Staff or Rod of Asclepius or Lotus Crown.
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem

Start 4 (Thoth / Breastplate Build)

Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Spellbook Spellbook
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Start 5 (Thoth / Breastplate Build)

Build Item Book of Souls Book of Souls
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Example Build 7 (Thoth / Breastplate Build)

Notes Can swap Divine Ruin for Spear of Desolation.

Buy Elixir of Speed and sell Shoes of Focus lategame for Rod of Tahuti or Book of the Dead.

(Or, lategame you can choose to sell Breastplate of Valor for Mantle of Discord and sell Shoes of Focus for Chronos' Pendant).
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Main Relics

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Alternative Items

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Stone of Fal Stone of Fal
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Book of the Dead Book of the Dead
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

What you need if you wish to sell boots late for another item

Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed

Hel's Skill Order

Decay / Restoration

1 X Y
Decay / Restoration
1 3 6 7 9

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A B
Hinder / Cleanse
4 13 14 15 16

Repulse / Inspire

3 B A
Repulse / Inspire
2 8 10 11 12

Switch Stances

4 Y X
Switch Stances
5 17 18 19 20
Decay / Restoration
1 3 6 7 9

Decay / Restoration

1 X
DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires an orb of decay that deals damage and passes through minions. The orb will explode in a 12 unit radius if it hits a god or reaches max range.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires an orb of restoration that damages enemy minions and stops on gods. Hitting an enemy god deals damage. Hitting an allied god provides that god and Hel Health and Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Light Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 4 per level
Light Mana Heal: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Light Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
Hinder / Cleanse
4 13 14 15 16

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A
HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies in the targeted area, reducing their Magical Protection and slowing them for 3s.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel cleanses all allied gods in the targeted area, removing all Crowd Control effects instantly and protecting them from future ones for a duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Dark Protections Debuff: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 5% Magical Protection Reduction
Dark Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Light CC Immunity: 1.5s
Range: 55
Radius: 20
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Repulse / Inspire
2 8 10 11 12

Repulse / Inspire

3 B
REPULSE (Dark Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of dark energy around her, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of light energy around her, healing herself instantly and applying a heal over time to nearby allies that ticks every 1s. This heal is half as effective when healing minions. Hel gains Increased Movement Speed, and allies gain a reduced amount (10%) for the duration. Hel and allies also gain 20% Attack Speed while the buff is active.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Light Self Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 6 per level
Light Heal Per Tick: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 + 0.9 per level
Light Movement Speed: 20%
Light Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Switch Stances
5 17 18 19 20

Switch Stances

4 Y
Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains increased Magical Power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains increased Protections.

Passive - Hel gains increased MP5 and half of all benefits gained, including Physical Power, from Switch Stances are shared with allied gods within 55 units.

Ability Type: Buff
Dark Magical Power: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Light Magical and Physical Protections: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25
MP5: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s

Chapter Title

Hel Mid Build.

Venenu's Hel Mid Guide / Play by Play:

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boogiebass (46) | June 19, 2020 1:40pm
If you don't like it, you should remove urchin from your guide.
Kriega1 (143) | June 19, 2020 1:44pm
Except I wasn't complaining about Urchin on Hel. And it could still probably be built. The problem comes with pairing it with other defense items I feel.

But if you insist on being pedantic I could make a separate section for common situationals and less common situationals.

I asked CaptainTwig on his stream and regarding Urchin on Mids he said Urchin would be fine on like Zeus, Ah Puch, Olorun, Hel (though he thinks there's better options for Hel, like defence items with CDR).
boogiebass (46) | June 19, 2020 2:29pm
Nah Im not insisting on anything. Just had an OCD moment there. It's your guide, do what you like. I was just making a suggestion.
HILTON2NICE | May 8, 2020 7:55am
I wouldn't build Book of Thoth on anyone but Kukulkan.
Kriega1 (143) | May 8, 2020 7:57am
Yeah Doom Orb is preferred, but the only reason to build Thoth on Hel is to pair it with Breastplate of Valor for the power with Thoth passive, it's cheap CDR and helps with Physicals (and maybe Book of the Dead, though I think that build works better on Hera). And Thoth is cheaper.

Also Book of Thoth works fine on Scylla as well, cause you can build Poly and Reaver on her.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kriega1
Hel Conquest Mid (7.11)
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