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Can swap Divine Ruin for
Spear of the Magus.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Mantle of Discord or alternative.
Can swap Divine Ruin for
Spear of the Magus.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Obsidian Shard.
Can swap Divine Ruin for
Spear of Desolation.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Rod of Tahuti or
Spear of Desolation.
Can also choose to get Chronos' Pendant and sell
Breastplate of Valor late for
Mantle of Discord.
Can swap Spear of Desolation for
Divine Ruin.
Can swap Mantle of Discord for
Spirit Robe or
Genji's Guard.
Can swap Ethereal Staff for
Obsidian Shard or
Rod of Tahuti or
Rod of Asclepius.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Chronos' Pendant.
Can swap Divine Ruin for
Spear of Desolation. (In which case you could consider swapping
Chronos' Pendant and
Soul Reaver /
Ethereal Staff in build order).
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Soul Reaver /
Ethereal Staff.
Can swap Spear of Desolation for
Divine Ruin.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Mantle of Discord or
Rod of Tahuti or
Ethereal Staff or
Rod of Asclepius or Lotus Crown.
Can swap Divine Ruin for
Spear of Desolation.
Buy Elixir of Speed and sell
Shoes of Focus lategame for
Rod of Tahuti or
Book of the Dead.
(Or, lategame you can choose to sell Breastplate of Valor for
Mantle of Discord and sell
Shoes of Focus for
Chronos' Pendant).
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But if you insist on being pedantic I could make a separate section for common situationals and less common situationals.
I asked CaptainTwig on his stream and regarding Urchin on Mids he said Urchin would be fine on like Zeus, Ah Puch, Olorun, Hel (though he thinks there's better options for Hel, like defence items with CDR).
Also Book of Thoth works fine on Scylla as well, cause you can build Poly and Reaver on her.