Now as for builds, obviously it depends a little bit on where you play him -- if you play him in solo or in support. Let's start with the support here.
You would typically obviously go
Guardian's Blessing and then you'd either mostly go into
Talaria Boots or
Reinforced Greaves. This depends a little bit on your playstyle and obviously if you have to the super high mobility from his kit already you don't necessarily need
Traveler's Shoes, at the same time it kind of ups your mobility even more and it allows you to close the distance to use your 2 more often, which I very much like.
Reinforced Greaves is nice against DoT teams that do a lot of damage over time, as it also works very well in combination with the passive. You just get a lot of extra defenses when the enemy does damage over time.
After that, you want to build
Gauntlet of Thebes. There's really no reason not to with Horus, especially because you can't build
Stone of Binding on a physical god. You can build your typical defense items after that. You can build a
Sovereignty, or
Oni Hunter's Garb -- that's really up to you.
At this point it becomes more flexible, more typical support choices. A few things I want to highlight are especially
Mantle of Discord because what you can do with it is you can ult out of fights much safer. If you get attacked while you have
Mantle of Discord and you're currently ulting away, then enemies around you will simply be stunned for a second and that means usually you will get away. So this is an excellent item for Horus at later stages of the game in any build really.
It's also worth mentioning that, different from any other supports, he can build
Void Shield. That stacks very nicely with his own protection reduction. It means physical gods will deal a lot of damage to the enemies that way. Something worth keeping in mind for certain situations.
Overall, whichever items you choose towards the later slots, I would recommend getting a little bit of cooldown reduction in there, because I think Horus is a god that simply works very well with cooldown reduction, as he only really has his one combo and a team fight and you want to use the ult as often as possible. So you want to have your cooldowns down as often as possible.
Before we get to some overarching items, let's look at the solo lane side of things as well.
Warrior's Blessing is going to be a start for some extra survivability, even though he already has a lot of that, I would basically almost always go with
Talaria Boots because then you don't have to go into Teleport. And Horus spending a slot on Teleport, I feel it's a bit of wasted potential.
Then you can go into
Gladiator's Shield or
Berserker's Shield. With
Gladiator's Shield, you only have two ways to proc it regularly to the 1 and 2 but at the same time, it's kind of a nice item with the cooldown reduction and a little bit more protection. On the other hand, with
Berserker's Shield, you can proc it on the full wave. It counts as an AoE, but it will proc on every single minion with the 1, so that's a lot of extra sustain as well. The question in that case is do you need extra sustain because you already have a heal? You can also go directly into
Breastplate of Valor if you just wanted to have that extra CDR. A lot of survivability that way too, against a physical matchup.
After that,
Blackthorn Hammer I think is generally a good choice too. It gives you a lot of cooldown reduction and a lot of health. We'll get to another option there in a bit.
I think
Hide of the Urchin is also great for Horus, it just means he's a lot more beefy, a lot more annoying in team fights and it opens up some more options for utility later in the game. If you're against a magical solo, which hardly ever happens at the moment, but when it happens, you are very free to build either
Runic Shield for a little bit more aggression, and
Ancile if you value the CDR more, or you have a lane opponent that's easily silenced, that can be very frustrating for them. And then you also obviously have the choice of
Pestilence if the enemy has a lot of healing as well.
Other items that are worth mentioning in one way or another is
Golden Blade because it gives him insanely fast clear with the 1 (something I'm not sure if it will stay in the game, but for now that's the case), but it's kind of hard to fit into a build. Then there is Shield of Regrowth, which simply gives you incredible amounts of movement speed, both through your passive as well as through your 3.
And then there's
Bumba's Mask. I've talked about this a lot lately, but obviously Horus is one of those gods that can make pretty good use of it through his already high mobility, through benefitting from CDR and through just being more of a general nuisance, and also movement speed increases his speed flying around in the ultimate.
When it comes to relics, the main options here are obvious.
Heavenly Wings,
Magic Shell,
Horrific Emblem, you know them. Anything that helps the team in terms of AoE effects, but another relic that I really want to point out here is
Shield of Thorns, because if you use Thorns it makes it a lot more punishing for the enemy team to try and attack you while you're ulting away, or in other situations it gives you more of a team fight impact when your abilities are down.
Then we have
Blink Rune as a potential engage option which I would not really recommend because I think with Horus, while it's very nice to setup his 2-1 combo, he simply doesn't have much impact in terms of CC, as for example a
Geb would have. So more of a niche case for him. That said, it has been used in the SPL at this point, so some players have a clear preference for it. Also Meditation Cloak obviously is a good item but for Horus it's kind of worse than
Magic Shell because it makes him so easy to counter him with anti-healing. Anti-healing is very prominent at the moment anyways.
Horus is also generally somewhat weak to any form of crippling ability because he has two dashes and relies on that very much. Also, I haven't seen it yet, but I think
Eset' ult should be very scary against his ultimate if you actually land on some enemies with your ult, but
Eset expects you and drops an ult there, then that can turn around a fight very quickly because it can put a lot of damage on your team after you just put them all in one place. So that's worth keeping in mind as well.
I only have 2 small observations to make regarding your write-up:
1. I think you should list/consider
2. On the Support Builds section of your guide, you mentioned
Your write-up is solid, your item choices are covering pretty much all scenarios and the presentation is good. I’m simultaneously happy for having a high-level guide for
I hope that’s the first of many contributions you bring to the site, so we can keep on improving our content and change the mind of the ones that see SmiteFire as a bad/troll place to discuss and post/find builds.
Edit: I almost forgot, but if you want to go more in-depth for the Solo build you could also consider
Relic Dagger: Good call, added!
Blackthorn: I don't really wanna encourage that. In the vast majority of situations, Spirit Robe gives roughly the same EHP, same CDR and various other stats that are more beneficial for sups for a similar price. It has its place for super high aggression supports, but if you're deep enough into that playstyle to know this, you're not in a situation where you'd still care much for guides on that god. For most players and playstyles, Blackthorn is probably not the best bet.
Traveler's: Fixed!
Don't worry, there are plenty of other gods that can definitely still make use of fresh guides from what I've heard! ;D
Yep, so far the idea is to release future guides on Smitefire alongside my YouTube with PsiGuard doing the bulk of the writing work for me - and hopefully improve Smitefire's rep in the process as well as getting a few new faces on here.
Guardian's Blessing: Hmm. I'm gonna think about that one a little more. Yes, it's possible and it has been done, but even one more passive solos, Warrior's Blessing is becoming increasingly more popular. Horus has a really easy way to proc Warrior's as well for extra sustain, so taking that away might be a fairly large downside for him.
I've always felt that it's much easier, once created, to keep a written build/guide like this updated, than to create a whole new video. Even one patch can significantly change how you might build a specific God.
Really hope you're going to continue to participate on SF. Your presence is appreciated, Duke.
If you have the time, I'd like to see a guide on
So in the near future, the guides that will mostly pop up first are those for recently released gods or ones that I just revisited to release them in tandem with the video.
As such, I can't say when there could be a written version for an Arthur combo guide as I already made like.. 3 different guides for him at this point. You can find a video version here ( for now!