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Just For Fun Amaterasu Arena Build (Off Meta)

14 1 94,771
by boogiebass updated April 16, 2019

Smite God: Amaterasu

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Amaterasu Build


Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet


Notes Stone Cutting Sword's penetration stacks with that of The Executioner.

Instead of Stone Cutting Sword, you can buy Frostbound Hammer if you want to slow enemies and provide some control for your team.

Optional: If you bought Stone Cutting Sword, you can sell Warrior Tabi late game for Hastened Katana (Thanks DV-8)!


Stone Cutting Sword's penetration stacks with that of The Executioner.

Instead of Stone Cutting Sword, you can buy Frostbound Hammer if you want to slow enemies and provide some control for your team.

Optional: If you bought Stone Cutting Sword, you can sell Warrior Tabi late game for Hastened Katana (Thanks DV-8)!

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Late game consumables

Notes If you have enough $, purchase Elixir of Power. If you think the game will be ending soon, make the most of potion of physical might instead.


If you have enough $, purchase Elixir of Power. If you think the game will be ending soon, make the most of potion of physical might instead.

Build Item Elixir of Power Elixir of Power
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power


Amaterasu is meant to be a frontliner who can tank a lot of damage with Heavenly Reflection while supporting her allies with Divine Presence. This build is a just for fun, damage build that goes a bit against the way she is supposed to be played. However, you are still functional since you have some defense and CDR (allows more frequent use of your Divine Presence, Heavenly Reflection, and Dazzling Offensive.)

If you purchased Stone Cutting Sword, you could sell Warrior Tabi late game for Hastened Katana. This was DV-8's suggestion. This will help you stick to enemies while basic attacking. The bonus attack speed will also boost Qin's Sais passive.

Use Blink Rune to teleport in and use your ult on multiple enemies.

Boxing combo 1:
- Divine Presence (valor stance)
- Blink Rune to close distance
-Basic Attack
- Heavenly Reflection
-Basic Attacks
- Glorious Charge to chase if enemy leaps/dashes away
-Switch Divine Presence to benevolence if you need some extra movement to finish chasing
-Continue Basic Attacking
-Mix in Dazzling Offensive as needed.

Boxing combo 2:
- Divine Presence (valor stance)
- Glorious Charge to close distance
-Basic Attack
- Heavenly Reflection
-Basic Attacks
-Mix in Dazzling Offensive as needed.
-If enemy leaps away and Blink Rune/ Glorious Charge are on long cooldowns, you can attempt to chase with Benevolence stance (can be risky). This may become a bit easier if you applied the slow from Frostbound Hammer. Otherwise, just let your assassin kill secure.

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Maerlot | April 12, 2019 2:52pm
I tried this one for the past few weeks in some arena games when I can tell things are going our way, it is actually pretty fun!
boogiebass (46) | April 13, 2019 4:09am
Hey, glad you liked it! Any suggestions you would like to see in the future?
silentshell (5) | April 2, 2019 10:58pm
Hi there, I don't really have any input for this build other than I was looking at it and another one to try out in arena because I am about to use her for the first time. The big thing that I noticed is that all of her abilities get a bonus from a percentage of her Physical Power. I understand the need to be tanky, but it seems like building so many items that do nothing to build her physical power is pretty much flushing a lot of her potential down the drain. there are options for building defence and building power simultaneously and I thought I would ask what people here would think of this build as an option for staying tanky but also building into her damage/healing potential throughout the match.
I noticed the DV8 guy had put traveler's shoes in a suggested build so I would assume that Amaterasu is a character that suffers from mana management early? If so I was looking at starting with

Traveler's Shoes and switching out with Warrior's Tabi by my 5th item or third if I switched the Blackthorn Hammer to my 3 spot.

Ancile Magic Protection, Power and cooldown(I know no health but will be covered)

Void Shield Physical Protection, Power and Health.

Runic Shield Magical Protection, Power and Health.

Blackthorn Hammer More Power, Health, some mana and flexibility on having abilities up faster or mana to use those abilities depending on situation.(was also looking at putting this in at the 3)

Frostbound Hammer More health and power plus the slow(which I have seen discussed as a valid item on her by a couple of posters on one of the builds I was looking at.

I also know there is no pen in this build but I was trying to stay as tanky as possible but also feed more damage/heal potential into her abilities.
Gulfwulf (81) | April 2, 2019 11:06pm
Void shield and stone count for penetration purposes because they lower physical and magical defenses respectively. Basically it's like you have 15 flat pen (or is 10 for stone?)
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 3, 2019 2:46pm
Gulf, SCS at max stacks is 30 flat pen equivalence. It's very powerful, especially early against squishy gods.
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silentshell (5) | April 3, 2019 1:08am
Gulfwulf wrote:
Void shield and stone count for penetration purposes because they lower physical and magical defenses respectively. Basically it's like you have 15 flat pen (or is 10 for stone?)

yeah that is true, so a bit of pen. Build seems to be working alright, but I have started putting the blackthorn at the 2 or 3 and instead of frostbound going crusher at the 6. Doing the Blackthorn early I just run straight to warrior's tabi too. situationally if I do have more physical damage coming I switch ancile for shifter's shield.
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oOGabiOo (1) | March 19, 2019 10:41pm
I'm still waiting for the fun part of this build. An 11% win rate isn't "fun". :v
Kriega1 (143) | March 20, 2019 2:04pm
You're joking right? It's not meant to be a viable build. This build is for using against low skill players because they won't be able to do anything anyway because they're so bad.
boogiebass (46) | March 20, 2019 7:19am
Hi Gabi. I'm sorry to hear this build didn't work for you. If you're trying to win, I suggest playing Ama as a tank with high CDR.
What do you think about this build?

Warrior tabi
Breastplate of valor
Spirit robe
Midgardian Mail/Oni hunter's garb
Midgardian Mail/Oni hunter's garb

If you need max cooldown, replace one of the last two items with mantle of discord.

You can consider items like void shield and masamune on hwr for some damage functions.

Best of luck in your future matches.
Gulfwulf (81) | March 19, 2019 11:08pm
Boogie is pretty bad, isn't he? :D
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 20, 2019 1:12am

I'm going to assume Gabi is talking about their own self, because Boogie apparently has over 50% win rate with Ama (though the K/D isn't incredible, the assist portion with her being a tank balances things out to a good KDA).

With that assumption, Gabi, you have to understand some things.
  1. When you choose Ama, unless you're with a full party (or mostly full party), others are probably going to assume you're going full tank...or they don't care, and either way are all choosing squishy/damage gods, leaving you to do the heavy tanking.

  2. When you go with a build like this, you have to pick and choose your targets more carefully, and you need to have really good timing on your ability use. I'd be curious to see your overall stats and check out some match stats where you've played her. If you're willing to provide a link to some matches, or your IGN, I'll provide further feedback there.

  3. This is still a general build. You might consider some different options that might work better for you. The biggest weakness of boogie's build is the huge lack of health.
You might try some altered builds, depending on your preferences.
This is an interesting build that's pretty darn aggressive, but provides potentially more useful survivability. Here, you're skipping boots and your first 2 items give you your MS, allow you to stick to enemies, and provide some good early pen. Urchin gives you balanced tankiness, health that boogie's build is missing, and a nice shield that refreshes once you disengage from a fight. Exe and Qin's are standard high DPS fare, and Qin's works great with both Erlang and Ama due to their attack progressions. Finish with whatever you want. Biggest negative here is that it's a full AA focus, providing no CDR.

Another option would be to replace Shogun's Kusari with Oni Hunter's Garb in boogie's base build. You'll still have 20% CDR from BoV, giving you some pretty good hybrid function. Oni will give you better tankiness to help you survive a bit more. Depending on preference, you could skip Stone Cutting Sword there and move straight into Exe/Qin's...and maybe finish with Hastened Katana if you wanted sticking power...or go for Frostbound to slow them instead. Or whatever else you might find useful.

But basically, you have to understand, when you go with a build that focuses a decent amount on basic attacks and partial offensive function, instead of going full tank, you're going to die more easily, and you need to have higher awareness and better timing...and it always, always helps to have friends, where they know how you plan to build.
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boogiebass (46) | November 22, 2018 2:22pm
@DV-8/BranMuffin, I've noted your feedback and agree with what you guys are saying. You guys gave great suggestions and helped me further improve my game. Thanks for the feedback guys! Guide has been updated to reflect your respective feedback.

@Bran, I'll probably make a future update to this guide to include the standard tank/bruiser builds.
DV-8 (35) | September 4, 2018 4:50pm
Yeah this build is bad. A better build:

My Actual Feedback
boogiebass (46) | September 5, 2018 12:07pm
Hey dv! Ill start with blessings first. Taco really likes attackers blessing in arena since you get so much out of it for a cheap cost. I just usually rush boots though. You get so much gold in arena, and i just want to complete my build asap. That being said, if i wanted a more aggressive start, I'd just get the blessing.
I dont like ichaival too much, especially on a warrior. Ichaival's passive is limited to only the enemy I'll be basic attackin, so unless the other 4 enemies are being kept in check, i think ichaival is a weak item outside of 1v1 or 3v3 scenarios.

Now if i got scs should i sell warrior tabi? My initial thought was to get ninja tabi for the attack speed to help qins dps. All of your alternative options offer the high attack speed as well.
I will say the ninja tabi offers 8% more ovement speed than your alternatives, but that may or may not matter to you (I'd stick with the 8% extra movement). I dont like
Hastened katana because i feel its only purpose is to help you stick to enemies. I have a movement speed boost in my first ability, so i feel hastened is a weak choice (i still prefer the 18% movement in shoes over the 10% in hastened)

Witchblade and toxic blade are very interesting alternatives you bring up. I'll give a more detailed reply when i get on a pc.
DV-8 (35) | September 5, 2018 3:17pm
I'd like to point out that the +8% Movement speed you're referring to isn't actually 8%, as it suffers from diminishing returns (20% specifically).

The 20% Movement Speed in a non-boots build avoids this inefficiency.

However, with the speed increase from Divine Presence, a boots build puts you at 540 Movement Speed; right on the verge of the increased diminishing return threshold (50% diminishing returns after 540 Movement Speed). Whereas a non-boots build puts you a bit lower; at 525 Movement Speed.

You are correct that Hastened Katana's main function is to help you stick to enemies. More specifically, it allows you to avoid the 35% Movement Speed penalty from basic attacking. High movement speed alone will not always be enough to overcome this, especially when you factor in other possible slows from enemy abilities, items, etc.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | September 5, 2018 12:19pm
Am a isn't know for her early game. I'd say I'd also rush boots over getting Attacker's blessing.

I would agree with DV-8 on replacing Tabi late. She's got added MS in her kit, so she doesn't really need the 8% higher... Getting another 10% ms item to give you 20% should be just fine.

Masamune should also be considered. Higher power than Warrior, added prots for team fighting.
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Reitto827 | September 5, 2018 12:33am
K second item deathbringer on pretty much any character now is a fat NO, and then acorn? Pretty sure you’re on the wrong build homie
Technotoad64 (46) | September 5, 2018 1:56pm
That flew over your head like a Jing Wei.
DV-8 (35) | September 5, 2018 1:28am
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Branmuffin17 (401) | September 5, 2018 1:21am
Kriega1 (143) | September 5, 2018 12:47am
He was trolling (ugh), his actual feedback is expandable if you click on the cross in the box.
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Reitto827 | September 3, 2018 7:02am
Thanks for the build Boogiebass. . Have beeen doing great with Amaterasu in every game mode so far, running a good 75% winrate. She’s unfortunately the only god I’ve been having issues with in arena. I tried this build just now and it really makes her shine. Just the right amount of cdr, tankiness, and damage output thanks to stacking her passive with all that attack speed👍 Never would have thought to run that setup with attackspeed. Had been trying full damage but it just doesn’t cut it for me. Upvoted this, working great so far!
boogiebass (46) | September 3, 2018 12:41pm
Thank you, glad to hear it! Do you prefer Frostbound Hammer or Stone Cutting Sword on her, for this particular build?
Reitto827 | September 4, 2018 3:21am
Personally I like the stone cutting sword just for the extra dps and mobility, but I think each serves their purpose based on team comps. especially in arena
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Thoth33 | September 2, 2018 10:27am
I had some luck in arena with this build, subbing the Breastplate and Shoguns for Void and Runic shields respectively.
boogiebass (46) | September 2, 2018 1:14pm
Hey Thoth33, glad you were able to make good use of the build! Also, I agree with Branmuffin's analysis. I feel Amaterasu would really benefit from the CDR.

However, let's take a quick look at Void Shield for a second. If you decided to get Stone Cutting Sword instead of Frostbound Hammer, then Stone Cutting Sword's passive combines with the passive of The Executioner. Throw in Void Shield into that mix, and you'll be doing close to true damage to most squishy enemies after 3 basic attacks. So yea, I can definitely see the Void Shield substitution also.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 2, 2018 11:15am
I can see the Void Shield substitution, but feel that Runic Shield is on the weak side.

One thing to keep in mind is that, in most respects, Ama is a hybrid god that relies a good amount on her ability use too. So the 30% CDR from the originally proposed build addresses that. Also, when getting Qin's, it benefits you by getting as much attack speed as I feel the Runic substitution isn't as good as Shogun's.

For a high pen type build, I would say then that Void instead of BoV would be fine, but keep Shogun's.
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Just For Fun Amaterasu Arena Build (Off Meta)
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