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Stone Cutting Sword's penetration stacks with that of
The Executioner.
Instead of Stone Cutting Sword, you can buy
Frostbound Hammer if you want to slow enemies and provide some control for your team.
Optional: If you bought Stone Cutting Sword, you can sell
Warrior Tabi late game for
Hastened Katana (Thanks DV-8)!
If you have enough $, purchase Elixir of Power. If you think the game will be ending soon, make the most of potion of physical might instead.
Amaterasu is meant to be a frontliner who can tank a lot of damage with
Heavenly Reflection while supporting her allies with
Divine Presence. This build is a just for fun, damage build that goes a bit against the way she is supposed to be played. However, you are still functional since you have some defense and CDR (allows more frequent use of your
Divine Presence,
Heavenly Reflection, and
Dazzling Offensive.)
If you purchased Stone Cutting Sword, you could sell
Warrior Tabi late game for
Hastened Katana. This was DV-8's suggestion. This will help you stick to enemies while basic attacking. The bonus attack speed will also boost
Qin's Sais passive.
Use Blink Rune to teleport in and use your ult on multiple enemies.
Boxing combo 1:
- Divine Presence (valor stance)
- Blink Rune to close distance
-Basic Attack
- Heavenly Reflection
-Basic Attacks
- Glorious Charge to chase if enemy leaps/dashes away
-Switch Divine Presence to benevolence if you need some extra movement to finish chasing
-Continue Basic Attacking
-Mix in Dazzling Offensive as needed.
Boxing combo 2:
- Divine Presence (valor stance)
- Glorious Charge to close distance
-Basic Attack
- Heavenly Reflection
-Basic Attacks
-Mix in Dazzling Offensive as needed.
-If enemy leaps away and Blink Rune/
Glorious Charge are on long cooldowns, you can attempt to chase with Benevolence stance (can be risky). This may become a bit easier if you applied the slow from
Frostbound Hammer. Otherwise, just let your assassin kill secure.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I noticed the DV8 guy had put traveler's shoes in a suggested build so I would assume that Amaterasu is a character that suffers from mana management early? If so I was looking at starting with
I also know there is no pen in this build but I was trying to stay as tanky as possible but also feed more damage/heal potential into her abilities.
yeah that is true, so a bit of pen. Build seems to be working alright, but I have started putting the blackthorn at the 2 or 3 and instead of frostbound going crusher at the 6. Doing the Blackthorn early I just run straight to warrior's tabi too. situationally if I do have more physical damage coming I switch ancile for shifter's shield.
Also, warrior tabi is the way to go in arena. Travelers isn't that great.
Try this:
Warrior tabi
Shoguns kusari
Black thorn
Void shield
Im just gonna wait on branmuffin to come and correct me.
See the thing with building is, no build is set in stone. You have to build according to the situation.
What do you think about this build?
Warrior tabi
Breastplate of valor
Spirit robe
Midgardian Mail/Oni hunter's garb
Midgardian Mail/Oni hunter's garb
If you need max cooldown, replace one of the last two items with mantle of discord.
You can consider items like void shield and masamune on hwr for some damage functions.
Best of luck in your future matches.
I'm going to assume Gabi is talking about their own self, because Boogie apparently has over 50% win rate with Ama (though the K/D isn't incredible, the assist portion with her being a tank balances things out to a good KDA).
With that assumption, Gabi, you have to understand some things.
Another option would be to replace
But basically, you have to understand, when you go with a build that focuses a decent amount on basic attacks and partial offensive function, instead of going full tank, you're going to die more easily, and you need to have higher awareness and better timing...and it always, always helps to have friends, where they know how you plan to build.
@Bran, I'll probably make a future update to this guide to include the standard tank/bruiser builds.
I dont like ichaival too much, especially on a warrior. Ichaival's passive is limited to only the enemy I'll be basic attackin, so unless the other 4 enemies are being kept in check, i think ichaival is a weak item outside of 1v1 or 3v3 scenarios.
Now if i got scs should i sell warrior tabi? My initial thought was to get ninja tabi for the attack speed to help qins dps. All of your alternative options offer the high attack speed as well.
I will say the ninja tabi offers 8% more ovement speed than your alternatives, but that may or may not matter to you (I'd stick with the 8% extra movement). I dont like
Hastened katana because i feel its only purpose is to help you stick to enemies. I have a movement speed boost in my first ability, so i feel hastened is a weak choice (i still prefer the 18% movement in shoes over the 10% in hastened)
Witchblade and toxic blade are very interesting alternatives you bring up. I'll give a more detailed reply when i get on a pc.
The 20% Movement Speed in a non-boots build avoids this inefficiency.
However, with the speed increase from
You are correct that
BranMuffin's precious SmiteBuilder is inaccurate. It doesn't factor in movement speed diminishing returns correctly (Thanks a lot BadMuffin. Useless as always).
Also, I agree that high movement speed isn't going to be enough to overcome an enemy escaping, but it DOES help. Also, consider that I won't always be fighting/chasing fleeing enemies. Sometimes, I'll need to retreat myself. Even with diminishing returns, more movement speed can become helpful here.
But anyway, I'm gonna do some testing in JG practice and get back to you.
Keep in mind, when actually fighting, you'll usually want the power buff form of Divine up...the MS form is for chase/retreat. So you'll have to rely less on the MS to stick to enemies when fighting.
That MS is also going to be more than demolished when you're basic attacking, as you'll suffer a 35% MS slow due to the standard penalty.
Also, while basic attacking...she has 0 ways to actually stick to a slow or stun except in her ult. Of course, if you're in a teamfight and other teammates have a slow, that will help. But that also means you can't rely on yourself to help stick.
I would agree with DV-8 on replacing Tabi late. She's got added MS in her kit, so she doesn't really need the 8% higher... Getting another 10% ms item to give you 20% should be just fine.
Masamune should also be considered. Higher power than Warrior, added prots for team fighting.
Your current build is a hybrid, and offers sort of the best of both worlds (whether you choose
First you'll change your build title from "attack speed + CDR" to something more general..."Teamfight Mode Builds" or whatever.
Keep that AS + CDR build as one example. Then offer a second example committing more fully to basic attack damage.
In that one, I would definitely consider
Basic attack committed build example:
I disagree with your hastened. So lets just agree to disagree for now. Ill make better commmentary when i get home.
However, let's take a quick look at
One thing to keep in mind is that, in most respects, Ama is a hybrid god that relies a good amount on her ability use too. So the 30% CDR from the originally proposed build addresses that. Also, when getting Qin's, it benefits you by getting as much attack speed as I feel the Runic substitution isn't as good as Shogun's.
For a high pen type build, I would say then that Void instead of BoV would be fine, but keep Shogun's.