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Hello, Stuke here, with a brand new guide. In this installment in my Warrior Series, I'll be giving you a guide about the brave, the lawful, and heroic, Tyr, the Lawgiver.
Note: you don't have to follow this guide to the smallest detail, these are suggestions on how to play Tyr. I encourage you to look at the comment section below and see other suggestions.
This is such a great passive, especially for a warrior, because crowd control effects (Stuns, Taunts, Fears, Intoxicate, and Mesmerize) would no longer affect Tyr if the effect last longer than 1 second.
Tyr is one of the best warriors in the game. His damage, crowd control, and tankiness makes him a constant threat throughout the game (especially during late). Always remember to judge where you are from the enemy to set up for the Juggle Combo, make the enemy decide if they want to surrender as their final verdict, if not act as the executioner if they resist.
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Just one thing to comment, it's missing a point on
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Solid as always with the build, and of course you know
That said, I always feel like you have more tips you could give in all of your guides, but I tend toward the overly wordy side. Maybe stating situations where you might choose alternate items would be good. Anyway, your guides are nice, simple, and to the point. +1
Another thing is that while the BB-coding style and the information that is presented is fairly equal, the builds still differ, which is another huge factor to this.
Alas, I don't know why you think this guide is more popular than yours. Yours still has more views, and votes shouldn't be something you should hold on to, since the vote system is a bit... well, it's a bit "ehh..." you know what I'm sayin'?
Anyway, if you want to draw more attention to your guide, try some subtle, fitting advertising.
With this I don't mean to go spam your guide everywhere or to create a topic saying "yo here's my guide check plezz". Instead what I'm saying is that say somebody asks for help playing
Another thing is to update your guide. Then it shows up in the "updated" list on the starter page and may get some more attention.
Don't think this guide is "more liked" because of whatever made you think that. Both guides are very good and still hold their own uniqueness to them.
Knowing Stuke, I think this is a case of 1) laziness, and 2) assuming that most people generally understand that for
Personally (Stuke), I'd also like to see just a bit more explanation on why Warrior over Ninja or whatever, just to help out newer players understand why this is the obvious choice...but you know me and how I love words.