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Aegis Amulet to me feels most beneficial for
Hel. Even if
Hel uses
Purification Beads she has one of the lowest, if not lowest health pools in the game so alot of the time if the enemy jungler can get their damage off on her she will die.
If you need antiheal swap Spear of Desolation for
Divine Ruin
Your first 3 items are set. Afterwards Rod of Tahuti, Lotus crown and
Charon's Coin are interchangeable depending on how the game goes. (Needing % pen earlier/behind)
Divine Ruin is really the only counterbuild item if you need antiheal.
Chronos' Pendant is my main go to. Lategame you can afford to get this item if you need. This situation would be. You built
Divine Ruin and no
Breastplate of Valor
Tap each threat level to view Hel’s threats
Hel is a strange god you would assume is a lategame character that needs items to be useful. Wrong.
Hel excels in out pressuring most of the mid laners being able to heal the wave and outpush hard with both her 1st and 3rd skill.
Hel works best in 3v3 meta or 2v2 meta.
Hel alone can have a rough time alone or in 2v1 situations.
Hel has two playstyles.
Aggressive midlane nuker, or secondary support. (while still doing a ton of damage)
Hel works best when she has pressure in her lane. This can be an early game jungler or pressure from her support. If
Hel is forced to sit back it can be quite hard to achieve what
Hel wants to do early to mid game.
What is her goal?
Hel early game wants to snow ball as much as possible. The quicker she gets to the mid game the quicker she can win. From minute 1
Hel has two abilities at level 1. This can be a double first ability or a large aoe damage skill and heal. This gives Hel] a few options level 1. This can be, focus the enemy midlaner and hit both of your first skills on them and poke for a jungler gank, secondly heal your own wave giving you more pressure in mid to choose where to go next. Trying to hit the enemy midlaner with [[Repulse as well as just the minions is recommended.
As Hel you will find yourself being pushed up in lane as her early game pressure is unexpectedly high. Deep wards early in the game helps out so much when trying to pressure the enemy mid.
By the time Hel can clear with her first and third ability she needs to be looking to farm up everything she can and rotate to help other lanes.
Hel functions best when she can be the one engaging on the enemy rather than being engaged on.
Hel in conquest in the mid role is a healing/burst mage.
Hel thrives at 1v1s as she has 3 damaging abilities and 1 self heal.
Hel needs to level her Inspire to level 3 before maxing Restoration so she has a reliable self heal and does not have to rely on hitting her restoration to stay healthy in the early game.
Hel's early game relies on out pressuring your opponent and out poking.
Start with your Repulse at speed buff and make your way to mid. Once in mid your goal is to hit the entire wave with repulse and the enemy. This way you can control where the minions move and you can align them to hit decay on them and the remaining minions. Once the wave is cleared throw Restoration and hope to poke your opponent. At this stage in the game if you have time you can use your whole kit including around 2-3 auto attacks to kill the other mid laner. If you cannot/do not have time make your way to your red. After this try and secure mid camps and go and finish your standard route of farming.
Once Hel has her core items. Book of Thoth, Shoes of Focus and Breastplate of Valor she can start spamming skills. Hel is tanky enough to withstand ganks and you have enough mana and cooldown to spam abilities. Once you get your Thoth stacked you will have around 2000 mana finishing up with around 3000 lategame.
Now Hel has the ability to roam and clear camps without mana issues it is her time to rotate. Try and relieve pressure around the map. Hel has fantastic ganks with her slow allowing her to play aggressive (with correct warding)
Hel lategame is a powerful out of combat healer. Using the VGS commands for NEED HEALING(VHS) and FOLLOW ME (VVVF)Get your team to run to you so you can use restoration on them. Also try and group players up and use Inspire.
Stance and positioning
Hel should roam in light stance in case of an emergency. When poking you show throw decay followed by repulse and switch back to light stance every time ready to disengage.
Hel generally wants to keep a safe distance from the enemy while poking with Decay. Hel can close her distance to an unsafer distance when the enemy uses their abilities and you have vision on the jungler.
Hel does not particularly have good matchups. In general gods she can outclear she will generally do well against and increase her chance in snowball/getting to lategame.
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then for your main build going: