Conquest - Left and Right Lane with a Partner
Regardless of what your lane buddy's role is, make sure you grab
Combat Boots and level 1 Devourer's Gloves or
Death's Toll as soon as you start.
Start with your partner on your lane's blue buff, you're probably going to need it. Don't be afraid to take some damage upon yourself from the blue camp creeps because you have Devourer's Gloves and should recover somewhat quickly.
Early Game Laning, the First 5 and Poking
Once the game has commenced, you've finished your pre-gaming, gotten your buffs down, and gotten into your lane, it's time to start farming minions to gain experience and causing the enemy gods in your lane as much frustration as possible.
As mentioned earlier in the
skills section, try to stay away from upgrading
Branching Bola for now. If you've got a laning partner, chances are no minions are getting close to your tower to begin with and you should be getting quite a few last hits in if you're attentive to minion health. This is a good time to prod the enemy a bit with
Poison Darts. Don't use
Poison Darts to clear minions.
The goal here is to try to stay ahead of the enemy gods' levels and to nick them with your
Poison Darts enough to drop their health to roughly 50% or lower. You don't want to overuse it too much, try to make sure you're going to get a hit in every time you do. Use
Mana Potions as necessary. Try not to be overly aggressive, you're not a tank. You will die if you go for a kill too soon or at a time where the enemy is prepared. Try to time your pushes when the enemy has used their skills on minions and they have nothing to defend themselves with. The keyphrase here is: off-balance.
If you're feeling particularly audacious and see a good opportunity, like an enemy god is sitting on about 50% health and has overextended with only a couple minions left, then now's the time to use
Poison Darts and
Rising Jaguar. If you are out of reach for
Poison Darts but are confident you can make the kill, then don't hesitate to use
Rising Jaguar first and leap in with that as your starting hit and push, then finish them off with
Poison Darts.
Note on pushing: Try to land
behind the enemy god you're going for with
Rising Jaguar if you can, as typically they won't be able to turn around fast enough to get hits in on you and will backpedal to try to keep up. This also presents a great opportunity to land a basic attack or two for heavy damage to secure the kill, as they'll probably be moving slower by backpedaling or trying to spam attack in response.
Mid-Game, Buying, Securing Kills, and
Darkest of Nights
Now that you've (hopefully) survived to level 5 or higher, and possibly gotten some god kills under your belt to boost your passive,
Dead of Night, return to fountain and buy the rest of Devourer's Gloves and start on
The Executioner or finish up
Warrior Tabi depending on what you feel would benefit you more. If you're doing okay in lane and your teammate is helping take down enemies, go for
The Executioner because the debuff is invaluable, especially against supports and bruisers. If you're having trouble with keeping up, having to run a lot, or your lanemate is simply not doing a whole lot of work, go for
Warrior Tabi because the movement speed and self-buff penetration will benefit you more.
At this point, you may need to watch out for the enemy jungler or ganking, so awareness is key. You will basically continue what you've been doing already, but stay on your toes, especially if you're able to outzone the enemy. Your priority as
Xbalanque, or any god really, is to simply not die.
Watch your minimap and communicate with your teammates to use your
Darkest of Nights as much as possible, and if you see a teammate in a bad spot or a gank incoming on someone, don't be afraid to use it. You can be as much of a savior for your team as a killer for the enemy.
Note on
Darkest of Nights timing: A common mistake I see a lot of
Xbalanque players do is using their ult as a stun alone just for themselves to try to get a solo kill. When you use it, it's safe to assume that it
won't stun anyone, because most experienced players know all they have to do is stop moving momentarily. So, timing is key here. Don't be greedy and waste it. Use it for the self-buff movement speed boost and range increase to hit fleeing enemies, or if you see an enemy in a position where he's in danger of dying but might escape. It is especially good to use in teamfights after your team has initiated, on top of other god's ults.
Essential Teamplay: Float around a little bit when possible, also. You're not jungling, but that doesn't mean you can't help out mid to secure a kill or otherwise. If there's break in the fighting on your lane, there's a good chance that those enemies have either gone to another lane for a gank or are dead. Either way, this means you have an opportunity to move around and do what
Xbalanque does best, killing out-of-reach enemies.
What to do if you've been having a hard time in lane: If things haven't been quite going your way in your lane or if you got hung up on a couple of deaths, it may be best to focus on finding on a quiet lane to farm minions, such as helping out solo lane (if there is one) or sitting on your tower instead of being too aggressive. Especially if you're down a couple levels, it would be a good idea to sit on your tower. Make sure you last hit minions before your tower damages them, however, or you won't get the bonus. There's no shame in playing catch up earlier in the game than waiting until late. It's also a good idea to get your Devourer's Gloves stacks maxed or as high as you can get them at this point.
Let your team know that you are going to be out of play momentarily when doing this.
The End Game, Teamfights, and Tactics
As the ADC, this is your time to truly shine. And
Xbalanque does it especially well. By now, you'll be approximately level 14+ (if the lane phase hasn't dissolved too quickly) and should have built up to Devourer's Gloves,
The Executioner,
Warrior Tabi, Focused Voidblade, and
Malice, (or equivalent lifesteal build items) or have at least begun working on Focused Voidblade. If you're at Focused Voidblade by now, it's probably safe to say you've been doing quite well for yourself, if not then don't worry, the build can be quite expensive, even in the long run, but it's worth the grind.
At this point, you can probably safely leave your lane to the minions or continue pushing to get enemy towers down. If your lane is the last on your team to get towers down, be especially careful because you're the most vulnerable for a gank at this time. Try not to leave lane until at least one enemy tower is down.
Essential Teamplay: If you're doing well, take your time to talk to your teammates and make sure that no one is behind or feel they need assistance. You have the ability to move around the map quite quickly with your 3 and a fairly high base movement speed already. Assuming you've gotten to level 14 or so, you should have
Branching Bola available to you also. This will make it easy to quickly clear lanes of minions or to inflict AOE damage so that your teammate can clear with last hits so they can catch up.
When helping a teammate, do not take all the last hits!
If your team agrees on it, take out the Fire Giant and Gold Fury before the enemy can get their hands on them, as this is will grant your team a short-term boost in the early late game and deny the enemy resources if they score a deicide on your team.
Teamfights: As
Xbalanque, you're not going to be a front-line fighter in any teamfight, you are very squishy and if you get caught in a pull or ult it could easily mean a quick trip back to fountain. Don't be afraid to use your
Rising Jaguar to your advantage to escape AOEs if you are careless and get caught in them. It can even be used to counter
Ares and
Hades ults in particular (use it right at the end of
Ares's ult, because the CC immunity from
Rising Jaguar only lasts approx 1 second).
Your primary tactic is to either float around the rear of your teammates watching the fight and minimap for opportunities to leap in and quickly get out dealing high damage, or to wait on opportunities when you see an enemy god getting low or become vulnerable, such as being trapped in a CC and overextended. When you have your target picked out, then it's your time to initiate the push.
Do's and Don'ts of Pushing: Of course, you're going to be eager for some kills as such a high damage ADC, and you might become impatient with a teamfight or tired of watching the teams play chicken, or whatever is going on.
The Full Team Push
To get your push on effectively (and to secure the kills), you will need to wait and poke (
Poison Darts) the enemy until a teammate can get an ult up, or a jungler comes in for an initiation (
Mercury is one of my favorites with
Special Delivery). In most cases, with the exception that you're the one coming in from jungle, you will
NOT be the sole initiator in a full-on teamfight. Dropping
Darkest of Nights might seem appealing and look good on paper with the stun and blind, but I can assure you that if the enemy team is even halfway aware of what's going on then they'll take the cue, seeing you coming in and your ult, and use
you as the initiate for
them, and you'll inevitably die. You simply don't have the punch for initiation on
Darkest of Nights alone. This is when you let your tank or assassin buddy start the show.
Here's a purely hypothetical example of how things could play out:
Ares initiates the teamfight with No Escape and catches three enemies. As soon as Ares comes down, Xbalanque uses Darkest of Nights and enters the fight with Poison Darts and Rising Jaguar, landing behind the enemy team. Xbalanque either activates Branching Bola and begins attacking the squishiest target caught in the ult or gives chase to enemies that were not caught, assuming neither of them were the enemy tank or an assassin. Xbalanque has guaranteed that the enemies caught in No Escape had no way to react to the ult through retaliatory attacks and has also caused their teammates to lose sight of their allies who were pulled in through the blinding darkness. Great job Xbalanque!
Xbalanque initiates the teamfight from the front of the enemy team with Darkest of Nights. The enemy sees this and falls back into their tower or scatters into the jungle. Ares now can't engage with No Escape because the enemy is out of range or there are fewer in range than would warrant it. Xbalanque has now blown his Darkest of Nights cooldown and the enemy team can regain their footing to make their own push without the threat of Xbalanque's ult. Xbalanque has also used a valuable escape tool for his team in the case of a botched push, creating a higher probability of the enemy team making a determined push back. Bad Xbalanque!
Now, you may be wondering, where is your place in all of this then?
Darkest of Nights is a very tempting ability to start pushes with, but what matters here is:
timing, timing, timing, timing. I really can't say it enough,
timing. You are not a bruiser or tank, but you can do a hell of a lot of damage on shot notice. If you're coming up on a teamfight from the rear and see that your team is being piled on, or vice versa, then you're going to pick someone squishy in the back of the enemy team and that's when you use
Darkest of Nights to throw some chaos into the mix and begin getting basic attacks in (preferably with
Branching Bola on for extra damage, provided you have mana to spare) from a good distance away. Once the stun is on or the self-buff is off, either use
Rising Jaguar to close the remaining ground or use your
Poison Darts,
Rising Jaguar combo. Try not to start off with the combo during your ult if your basic attack is an option instead because usually you don't have to worry too much about what the enemy will do while
Darkest of Nights is counting down, but what they do
after it's hit. You may need
Rising Jaguar to make a quick escape or to run down someone using
Combat Blink or escape abilities, like
Agni or
In summary: You are the insurance for your team to secure at least a few kills, and for the enemy team to be as frustrated as possible.
Avoiding CCs and cripples: You may need to pick up
Purification Beads at this point, especially if the enemy team is CC-heavy. Some gods in particular to watch out for are
Artemis, and
Cupid and
Poseidon both have the ability to disable your
Rising Jaguar through cripples (
Whirlpool and
Fields Of Love), while
Confound ability is simply deadly when she has teammates around or you're on low health.
Artemis and
Neith are other ADCs that have counters to you through CCs, particularly
Spirit Arrow that will root you and either disable your
Rising Jaguar or possibly stop you mid-air and
Calydonian Boar which has a fairly potent stun combined with damage that you'd be better off avoiding.
Conquest - Solo Laning With or Without a Jungler
Conquest - Teammate and Enemy God Pairing
I really think that
But this guide is quite good. I already upvoted it.
Voidblade is taken for the protection, not only penetration. Qin's Sais is there as an optional, the build is very flexible. If you don't need the protection, then build Sais instead. The idea on the core build is simply staying alive, since you always build your protections first. You're going to be a target in mid-game because people will generally do everything in their power to stop you from snowballing, which is why it helps.
And I know, it's a slow. I haven't really seriously updated this guide in months and I made this in like the first month that I started playing.
But this guide is quite good. I already upvoted it.
His strong basic attack damage is usually enough to scare off anyone getting close to try to damage you 1v1, in my experience, because once you eat a Xbalanque bola you're going to be having serious doubts about whether you want to be in range or not to someone that's hitting 700-800 on a regular basis, plus has an ult that allows it to have absurd reach. Someone that's good with basic attacks can kill virtually any ranged god solo without needing the heal and most melees. All up to preference though, and lifesteal is always beneficial if you are finding yourself in lots of 1v1 situations, however.
Also, I should probably edit that lifesteal build now that I'm thinking about it, because it's not as refined as it should be.
And that's exactly why Heartseeker is such a powerful early game item, especially combined with the Executioner. Both items and on the cheaper end and are incredibly powerful when used together, especially if you're duo lane and your teammate can take advantage of the debuff from the Executioner. A fully stacked Heartseeker is +75 physical power. And even if you lose half of the buff on a death, you're sitting on +50 which is respectable for that cheap of an item. It's a win/win.
I appreciate the suggestions and things though. Perhaps I'll cover the alternative build at some point, for a better explanation and maybe a "beginner" section for people who have trouble with his squishiness. He can be built very well as a lifesteal/sustain god, it's just not the purpose I typically go for with him.
Also with him I either start with tier two boots, one mana pot and two health pots, getting blue camp, or death's toll, tier one boots a mana pot and a health pot if I want to play a bit safer. If I'm doing good in lane I rush Heartseeker before I get boots, if you think about it, full heartseeker cost only 1950 coins, if you are winning lane and getting kills enough to feel confident you wont feed, you should be staying in lane long enough to buy the item in full on your first trip back to base!! That's what usually happens to me.
I rarely, if ever use lifesteal because you'd be better off devoting your hits to pure damage instead of trying to stay alive. Xbalanque doesn't exactly last long enough in a straight up fight to make use of lifesteal.
I appreciate the compliments, and I'll be continuing the modify things and fine tune to try to make it even better!
You have it all. Detailed skill and item section, great active's section and lots of BBCode without it being annoying and a nice format. I can't wait until your strategy section is complete.
I don't know what constructive critism I can give you. This guide is gorgeous.
I will +1 and favorite and start playing some